Plenet Krypton "Found."
That's a cool tie-in to get kids interested in science. Marvel used to do that with English back in the day, by throwing in one big word per issue that helped me stretch my vocabulary.
Although the one small problem I have with "finding" Krypton is that it exploded. Shouldn't they be finding a debris field?
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I suppose they would. As they say, we'll have to read it to find out.

Not to mention that said debris should be 100% pure kryptonite, so Superman shouldn't be feeling any urges to explore the area.
As if the red sun wasn't already a crimper?

It's the Kryptonite that would be the real problem, I doubt there is enough lead on Earth to block out that much radiation.
Kind of like Batman/Superman Public Enemies, the giant kryptonite asteroid is approaching and Superman suggests to Batman that he could use a lead suit and go up and smash it. Batman states "there is not enough lead to block that much radiation, and it wouldn't handle all that smashing"
Also I always chuckle at the Justice League DOOM movie when Superman suggests moving Earth out of the way of the solar flare. Batman responds "If I had a WEEK I couldn't begin to list all the things wrong with that!"
If Superman wasn't in suspended animation during the trip, but rather using some sort of FTL method of travel, then depending on how old he is in the New 52 he might be able to watch Krypton explode and be unable to do anything about it.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I'm kind of "meh". It's as if DC went to NDT and said "Find us a red star and we'll call it Krypton".
That and my combined dissatisfaction with biannual reboots, as I said, makes it pretty damn hard to care.
I'm kind of "meh". It's as if DC went to NDT and said "Find us a red star and we'll call it Krypton".
"Tyson performed the celestial sleuthing at the request of DC Comics, which wanted to run a story about Supermans search for his home planet."
Uh yeah, I don't think anyone was claiming otherwise.

Point is Krypton was destroyed and that planet is whole. If they wanted a real "Krypton" they should have found one whose core is a compressed star :those planets have a tremendous force of gravity ( a native of one of those planet could jump at the top of a skyscraper easily on earth) but are very unstable, they are supposed to explode soon or later...oooopppss
I'm pretty sure it's only in the movies that the star blew up with the planet, dude.

Point is Krypton was destroyed and that planet is whole. If they wanted a real "Krypton" they should have found one whose core is a compressed star :those planets have a tremendous force of gravity ( a native of one of those planet could jump at the top of a skyscraper easily on earth) but are very unstable, they are supposed to explode soon or later...oooopppss
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
If Superman wasn't in suspended animation during the trip, but rather using some sort of FTL method of travel, then depending on how old he is in the New 52 he might be able to watch Krypton explode and be unable to do anything about it.
Putting aside a great many things... As I recall, it's a bit over 27 light years away, so if Superman got here via FTL travel in the new 52 and he's less than 27 years old I believe the planet would still appear to be whole from our perspective.
It'd be kind of cool for Superman to be able to see his home planet, even though it is gone. I think it could be a rather interesting story for him to watch (from our vantage point on Earth) the tiny dot disappear on the day the light stops reaching us.
A great dynamic of both that oddness of seeing the past and of being helpless to do anything about it, other than to possibly stand vigil.
I've always wanted to travel away from Earth quickly enough, along with an extraordinarily super-duper amazing telescope, so that I could watch the dinosaurs on Earth, hehe...
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
You're going to have to read this to believe it.
It's pretty cool.
Edit: Don't mind my typo over the word "planet."