please read.




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
And the Supermarkets that sell generic brands are packaging the exact same product as the name brand which they bought from the same manufacturer only packaged under a generic name.

Talk about a scam.

Another big scam on consumers is what hospitals charge for things like aspirin.
The main point that so many seemed to have missed.

It's all a scam.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
The main point that so many seemed to have missed.

It's all a scam.
Cereal prices are hardly a scam. Even the data I provided is ten years out of date. It's even more expensive now to manufacture it and prices go up accordingly.

While there are real pricing scams out there the example you chose has been thoroughly debunked.

Another good example of pricing scams are digital downloads of books, music, movies, etc. Publishers no longer have the excuse of expenses that used to go into the manufacture and distribution of books, records, CD's, DvD's yet they charge the same prices as if you were getting a brand new physical product.

Personally I don't mind paying top dollar for a newly released item but there is no way in hell I'm paying $10-20 bucks for an ebook, album, movie that's several years old. I'll find a damned used physical copy dirt cheap.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
If buisness is your friend then fine. If you thinks it's fair al lthe time then why are you crying over the death of this game. That was a buisness decision. Funny how you can point out every little working of a buisness but cant grasp why they killed this game.
What *ARE* you blathering on about? Yes, it was a business decision, made for business reasons. Firstly, what does "fair" have to do with it? Fairness is completely irrelevant to the discussion. A decision was made by a business and some people don't like it. It's just that simple.

If Joe's Chips change the taste of their potato chips and I don't like it, I buy a different brand. To talk about fairness is nonsensical. To say that we can't complain and/or take action in response to a business decision is also nonsense. It doesn't matter if they made the decision for sound business reasons, or because the CEO was cranky that day.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Cereal prices are hardly a scam. Even the data I provided is ten years out of date. It's even more expensive now to manufacture it and prices go up accordingly.

While there are real pricing scams out there the example you chose has been thoroughly debunked.
Ok then, everything but cereal is a scam. That should work.

But must remember that just about any buisness goal is to make money not be friends with the consumer. As long as there are people willing to buy, then they will be willing to sale. Then again, is it even a scam if people are willing to buy or old fashioned supply and demand. I might be wrong totally and maybe most buisnesses are are not scams but simply selling an item that people are willing to pay x-amount for. Come to think of it, if a person is willing to buy something at a certain price, say, bottled water, can it eve nbe considered a scam anymore than selling a purple at 100 million if people are willing to pay?
And in making money, buisnesses sometimes have to make some tough decisions, which include letting go of some products whether some people like it or not. Buisness is buisness and the buisness of buisness is to make money and to keep making money.
Meh, I guess it's the way of the world to buy low sell high as possible regardless of costs to make.
Guess it's up to the consumer to decide whether or not it's worth it and do research befofe they buy or rent and know what they are putting their money into. That includes researching the company and see if it has a history of killing off products that a person may like or not. If they have a record and the consumer takes it to heart that they killed off their favorite product, then there is no point and rather illogical to get angry at the buisness. They must make money.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post

If Joe's Chips change the taste of their potato chips and I don't like it, I buy a different brand.
So then tell me what is all the fuss about them closing this game down again with that logic you display? Then why not just go buy a different game?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
So then tell me what is all the fuss about them closing this game down again with that logic you display? Then why not just go buy a different game?
Uhm the fact that CoH didn't change it's "recipe" to something we didn't like. Nor was CoH not turning a profit for NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Uhm the fact that CoH didn't change it's "recipe" to something we didn't like. Nor was CoH not turning a profit for NCSoft.
Well that happens to lots of products.

But as he mentioned, if a change was made and he didnt like it, he'd go buy a different brand.

This wasa change by definition, a change to take a product and kill it, so it still stands as, why not go buy a different brand?

If say an MM lover was making a fuss about the company discontinuing say, the blue MMs and people made a fuss, most people would look at them like they lost their mind. Others will do what Ironblade said and go buy another brand.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Well that happens to lots of products.

But as he mentioned, if a change was made and he didnt like it, he'd go buy a different brand.

This wasa change by definition, a change to take a product and kill it, so it still stands as, why not go buy a different brand?
If you're going to define cancellation as changing the product then I hate to break the news to you but everyone will be going to "buy" a different product starting Nov 30th.

Just because your favorite product will no longer be available after a certain date doesn't mean you have to rush home and immediately replace it with something else.

Most people with common sense will use the time remaining to enjoy their favorite product while they still can, maybe even try to save it, while looking for a replacement.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
If you're going to define cancellation as changing the product then I hate to break the news to you but everyone will be going to "buy" a different product starting Nov 30th.

Just because your favorite product will no longer be available after a certain date doesn't mean you have to rush home and immediately replace it with something else.

Most people with common sense will use the time remaining to enjoy their favorite product while they still can, maybe even try to save it, while looking for a replacement.
Already knew this. Just was using the logic that was given to me.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
So then tell me what is all the fuss about them closing this game down again with that logic you display? Then why not just go buy a different game?
Because City is a very particular flavor and there are no other games out there whose flavors come close.

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Because City is a very particular flavor and there are no other games out there whose flavors come close.
hmmm. Makes sense.

So it's like the first and last of it's kind? A well liked first and last of it's kind?

Like a favorite ice cream that Breyers killed off that no one else makes? One that you used to be able to find all the time on the shelf then all of a sudden, nothing?

Ok we understand it was a buisness decision. We understand buisness is there to make money. And with that, they tend to listen to investors.

I wonder if the players actually bought stock in NCSoft, would we have hada bigger say, since then we'd be part of that investors group that they listen to.

Have anyone actually put any money into that company besides the product that they paid for? Meaning did anyone actually invest? And since profits margins are slim usually when people buy a product as a couple people have pointed out, buying the product aka, a subscription in this game wouldnt count.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



What a fascinating thread. The concept that a business selling a product for more than it was produced means that it is a scam has to be one of the funniest things I have read in a long time. We can all assume that a particular person who thinks this would also be a person that while selling one of their own possessions tells their buyer that they refuse to take one penny more than the cost of production....and if that person offers them more they just say no. Newsflash, the reason a box of cereal costs $5 is because people are willing to pay $5 for that box of cereal...that is the only reason.

This reminds me of all the dumb people who think it is logical to say "athletes are overpaid. they get paid $x to play a game. what a scam!"....



Originally Posted by BLYKMYK View Post
"athletes are overpaid. they get paid $x to play a game. what a scam!"....
Athletes are overpaid.

Now, if only we could tell the millions of people who like to watch them that it isn't worth their time the Owners wouldn't have enough money to pay them such exorbitant salaries... oh wait.



Athletes are not overpaid...they participate in a multi billion dollar industry and posses a set of skills that very people own and that millions are willing to spend billions of dollars to watch. It makes literally no sense for someone to say that athletes make too much money because it implies that the owners for some reason don't like money and give it away to their employees instead of putting it in their pockets.



PS...your other point about "telling people it isn't worth their time" somehow takes the prize in this thread for dumbest comment...quite a competition. Congrats!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
hmmm. Makes sense.

So it's like the first and last of it's kind? A well liked first and last of it's kind?

Like a favorite ice cream that Breyers killed off that no one else makes? One that you used to be able to find all the time on the shelf then all of a sudden, nothing?

Ok we understand it was a buisness decision. We understand buisness is there to make money. And with that, they tend to listen to investors.

I wonder if the players actually bought stock in NCSoft, would we have hada bigger say, since then we'd be part of that investors group that they listen to.

Have anyone actually put any money into that company besides the product that they paid for? Meaning did anyone actually invest? And since profits margins are slim usually when people buy a product as a couple people have pointed out, buying the product aka, a subscription in this game wouldnt count.
If investors looked at the books of NCSoft, they'd see that City of Heroes was making a steady profit. Investors don't generally want the companies they put money into to cut out pieces of the pie that are bringing in money. They usually target the dead weight that's sucking money out.

This might have been a business decision, but that doesn't make the decision a good one, or even a financial one.

It would be nice if people kept their conspiracy theories centered around the facts we know, rather than pulling something out of their posteriors, but we all know that's not going to happen.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
If investors looked at the books of NCSoft, they'd see that City of Heroes was making a steady profit. Investors don't generally want the companies they put money into to cut out pieces of the pie that are bringing in money. They usually target the dead weight that's sucking money out.

This might have been a business decision, but that doesn't make the decision a good one, or even a financial one.

It would be nice if people kept their conspiracy theories centered around the facts we know, rather than pulling something out of their posteriors, but we all know that's not going to happen.
and those facts are...?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
and those facts are...?
Right in the first three sentences of his post. Please pay attention.



Originally Posted by BLYKMYK View Post
Newsflash, the reason a box of cereal costs $5 is because people are willing to pay $5 for that box of cereal...that is the only reason.
Translation: Businesses do research to determine how much they can charge for a product based on how stupid the average consumer is, and once they know how stupid the average consumer is they know that half of the consumers are even dumber than average. Cuz that's how averages work. In order to figure out what the average is half of it has to be below average.

So the reason a box of cereal costs $5 bucks is because of all the stupid people buying it.



Originally Posted by BLYKMYK View Post
Athletes are not overpaid...they participate in a multi billion dollar industry and posses a set of skills that very people own and that millions are willing to spend billions of dollars to watch. It makes literally no sense for someone to say that athletes make too much money because it implies that the owners for some reason don't like money and give it away to their employees instead of putting it in their pockets.
Originally Posted by BLYKMYK View Post
PS...your other point about "telling people it isn't worth their time" somehow takes the prize in this thread for dumbest comment...quite a competition. Congrats!

You somehow completely missed the heavy irony, snark and tongue-in-cheekness oozing out of my post.

Good show! :/



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
If investors looked at the books of NCSoft, they'd see that City of Heroes was making a steady profit.
Um, no.

Investors don't generally want the companies they put money into to cut out pieces of the pie that are bringing in money.
Actually, investors in companies like this are primarily focused on growth, not the last quarter's profits.

This might have been a business decision, but that doesn't make the decision a good one, or even a financial one.
Nor is there any evidence that it was a bad decision, either.

It would be nice if people kept their conspiracy theories centered around the facts we know, rather than pulling something out of their posteriors, but we all know that's not going to happen.
I know, that would be nice. Although you kind of spoiled it by making up facts yourself.

Here are the facts, as far as I'm aware:

CoH was making about $10M/year in gross revenue.

Paragon employed roughly 80 people.
Servers were run in Austin, not part of Paragon.
Support was run by NCSoft, not part of Paragon.
Web development in Seattle, not part of Paragon.

There are no facts available about the profitability of CoH.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
WTFE. You get over it. Even if it was $1 to make a box of ceral that sells for $5, still a scam and lot of money brought in per unit. And you still missed the entire point over a little niggle. If you missed the point, then that's on you. No sense in starting something over it. It's a little niggle that you are tryign to make a big deal over it. If you think it's a big deal, then YOU think it's a big deal. Dont try to make it my problem. I suggest that you leave it alone. I have nothing else to say on that matter as I can see that all you want to do is start an arguement over something that is not even worth argueing about. Argue by yourself as I'm not falling for it. Good day to you.
You just did fall for it by answering to the post, you are Funny!




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Right in the first three sentences of his post. Please pay attention.
I'm talking about the reason of killing off COX that is based on facts. Isee the reasons why companies and investors wouldnt kill off a porduct, but not the fact of why COX killed off COX. Those facts. I am paying attention. Make sure yoou know what I'm talking about before telling me to pay attention.
Plus profits is nt anything to investors. They rather see growth.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Make sure yoou know what I'm talking about before telling me to pay attention.




Originally Posted by Brillig View Post

There are no facts available about the profitability of CoH.
That does seems to be the case. Havent seen a straight answer on the subject.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!