So no response from NC Soft?




Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Well, not unless we get a Delorian, hit 88mph and put spy camera's in all the necessary rooms that is.
On it! *hits up Craigslist*

Hmmm. Closest I can find is a rusted out Gremlin that can't top 30, and a bunch of knockoff iPhones.

That'll have to do. Pass me the duct tape!

Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
I just hope that this game has a larger following than games that NC have canceled in the past......
I feel comfortable in saying that while I don't know if we're technically a larger playerbase, we're definitely a more motivated and dedicated one. Most of the players I've heard talking say they came/stayed here to avoid things like mandatory pvp, generic appearance, loot competition and endless grinding. We really, really don't want to have to go to one of the myriad other games that are based around those things. If this were one of those clones, it would suck to have to leave, but we'd find one of the others and be just as happy there... because in the end games like that are pretty much swappable. It's because CoH isn't like those that we stayed so long, and that's also why so many of us are staying now to fight so hard.



*edit* removed the unreplied to/borked quote

I'm not sure what you're saying here. Folks who have long-term subscriptions paid past the sunset date should have had a response before now. That's the kind of info NCSoft should have had on-hand the day they closed the studio.
And that is assuming that there would have been no negotiating on the reimbursement package either between Paragon Studios and NCsoft.

If there had been a discussion between the 2 parties, then it would not have necessarily been a shock announcement on the 30th August.

However, from the developer responses, it *has* been a shock result.

BTW, how do you think the 6+1 months/12+2 (and those who bought multiples there of) should be refunded? How about the monthly stipend. In my mind, they are part of the subscription, and something should be said for that... AFAIK, their system has no way of tracking which set of points you have used to buy stuff from the Paragon Market... so you could have dropped $60 in points at the start of freedom, and just lived on your stipends. Which points did you spend? are you entitled to a refund on the $60 that you spent 10months ago?

THOSE questions to me, require some discussion between the management and the developers to resolve. If had all been in play at the start, then i feel that Zwill and Freitag were liars to the playerbase saying that the game was healthy.

I don't think that you would like that, but that is what they would be.

They have not given us *any* indication that this happened though... so I am very very heavily inclined to believe that the discussions running at the moment, are *not* just to reimburse the subscription fee's but also any unused points.

Personally, i would rather have a single email detailing us everything that is happening, and how it would be happening, instead of getting several emails and wondering if i was missing email 3 of 8....



As someone who did buy a 12+2 that activated 5 weeks before the announcement, yes I would like a rebate/credit please so I can take that money and use it for some other form on entertainment.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
As someone who did buy a 12+2 that activated 5 weeks before the announcement, yes I would like a rebate/credit please so I can take that money and use it for some other form on entertainment.
The reason why i asked, is with which option do you get refunded?

1) All months past the cut off date at a pro rata rate (minus your two bonus months, as they are "free")
2) All months past the cut off date pro-rata (including your two bonus months)
3) The percentage of your unused sub fee (not including your bonus 2 months)
4) The percentage of your unused sub fee (including your bonus 2 months)

I seem to remember reading on the forums earlier on this year about someone who said that they were subbed to somepoint in 2014, due to accidentally buying 2 lots of 12+2 subscriptions on their account.

Now *that* one will be interesting to resolve (well, at least for the 1st 12+2, as the 2nd part is just a complete transaction to refund.).

*shrugs* These things need to be resolved, and i would rather they resolve it *properly* and take their time over it (and with Paragon Studio's trying to get the best for us) instead of just .

Hell, for all we know, it could well be $15/month to be refunded, even if you took advantage of multimonth deals... its a possiblity (and possibly the easiest method to do it)



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
That's a good thing.

It means they are clearly aware of the community's response but are taking their time to make a careful, measured response.

It seems likely the decision to sunset CoH was a knee-jerk reaction. A second similar reaction to the fans could really blow up in their face.

Add to that that if they are also in talks with anyone about the game's future, then they won't want to speak publicly.

In other words, no news is good news.
While I'd agree that "No news is good news," it does NOT imply that they are "taking their time to make a careful, measured response." They could simply be ignoring us.

However, at this point there is no reason to give up hope that CoH can be saved.

But I feel pretty strongly that NCSoft won't be doing the rescuing.

"If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end, as to be worthy of remembrance."
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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
IF Paragon Studios is interested in re-forming under its own banner, time is of the essence. It's only a matter of time before we start losing Matt Millers, Melissa Biancos, or other key members of the team that would be difficult (and frankly, a bit demoralizing to the community) to replace.
I suspect that's why we didn't start getting Lore answers immediately. I have this mental image of the team at lunch last Tuesday asking the question, "How long do we wait to see if somebody wants to buy the IP and the studio before we start taking new jobs?" And a reasonable answer to that, to people who have families to feed and mortgages to pay, is about a week.

If we get the lore answers Weds., I expect to see announcements about job acceptances start Thursday. And God bless 'em, because our dev team (and QA/community/everybody else) deserves every success in the world, even if it's not in the City we all love.

That doesn't mean we stop fighting for the City to live on, though. It's just part of the reality of the landscape we occupy IRL.

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Originally Posted by The Electric Brick View Post

If some western publisher doesn't see the value (monetary & otherwise) in CoH, then this is an industry that truly deserves to go belly-up.

NCSoft has a history of retaining their canceled IPs. Whether or not there is anyone interested in buying CoH/V may be irrelevant. Plus, it was only just over a week ago that the announcement came from Paragon that the plug was pulled. That we have heard nothing from NCSoft about the status of the game or paid accounts would seem to indicate that communication of anything else - say some other company wanting to buy the game, would also be muted.

Don't try to read personal feelings into what is going on - whether you like the game or not. It will just make you blind.

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Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
The reason why i asked, is with which option do you get refunded?

1) All months past the cut off date at a pro rata rate (minus your two bonus months, as they are "free")
2) All months past the cut off date pro-rata (including your two bonus months)
3) The percentage of your unused sub fee (not including your bonus 2 months)
4) The percentage of your unused sub fee (including your bonus 2 months)

I seem to remember reading on the forums earlier on this year about someone who said that they were subbed to somepoint in 2014, due to accidentally buying 2 lots of 12+2 subscriptions on their account.

Now *that* one will be interesting to resolve (well, at least for the 1st 12+2, as the 2nd part is just a complete transaction to refund.).

*shrugs* These things need to be resolved, and i would rather they resolve it *properly* and take their time over it (and with Paragon Studio's trying to get the best for us) instead of just .

Hell, for all we know, it could well be $15/month to be refunded, even if you took advantage of multimonth deals... its a possiblity (and possibly the easiest method to do it)
Well depends on what they do leading up to the shutdown. If they make everyone VIP or if those who were VIP at the announcement remain VIP after their subscription expired, then I would want the full pro-rated amount from announcement till when I would have had to resubscribe so roughly about 12.75 of 14 months worth. Otherwise if they decide to kick players off of VIP who can't re-up while I'm still VIP, then use the shutdown date to calculate percentage.

As long as the market remains open for business left over purchased paragon points will still be good. If the market closes early then the cash value of those purchased points should be reimbursed.

I might be interested in some type of GW2 compensation as long as it's an actual box edition rather than just a license and a digital download. But I would still prefer cash.

Mac users of course can't qualify for compensation with another NCSoft game so just cash for them.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
This is exactly right, and why I have been very careful to make sure in all of my communications to avoid saying things like NCsoft "made a mistake" or implying by saying they should reverse course.

They made a decision, one that I feel like we're going to have to respect: that City of Heroes is not in their long term goals as a company. As far as I'm concerned, we're not asking them to change their mind about that; if I decide that skydiving isn't in my personal long term goals, I don't want people protesting and trying to make me feel like I've made the wrong decision.

My communications have focused on a way out of this in which we all win, which is NCsoft allowing the game to be sold to another company. That way, we get to celebrate winning the battle to save City of Heroes, and NCsoft gets to tell its customers and investors that even when a game isn't in the long term goals of its company, it still cares so deeply about the community that it is willing to do something that is very rare in the industry: let its property go to someone to whom City of Heroes is in their long term goals; that it works very hard to build incredible communities like ours, and even when it gets to the point where it can no longer support that community, it takes necessary steps to ensure that the community continues. That's a PR and marketing win, and in no way does it reflect badly on their decision to divest City of Heroes from NCsoft's portfolio of games.

Please remember our message, because it is very important: Our goal is not to sink NCsoft. It is to save City of Heroes. I know that some of you disagree with this and I understand completely, but to me personally, if NCsoft works to ensure that City of Heroes continues in the hands of someone who is interested, that really makes them a damn cool company in my eyes. No, I'm not happy about it deciding to shed itself of Paragon Studios and City of Heroes, but at least in the end, they will have done the right thing.

As for Paragon Studios, when you see me referring to the really short time window of opportunity in which we're working on our immediate goals, this is the time window I'm talking about. In my mind, IF Paragon Studios is interested in re-forming under its own banner, that would be the optimal solution. However, I'm keenly aware of three facts killing us on the clock: 1) These people have a proven track record of developing a profitable game, 2) they have a lot of friends and contacts within the industry who can get them in the door, and 3) they need to put food on their table. I am under no illusion whatsoever that 80+ people are pounding the pavement right now looking for jobs. I'm guessing that the total number waiting around to see how this all plays out before looking for other work is exactly zero.

IF Paragon Studios is interested in re-forming under its own banner, time is of the essence. It's only a matter of time before we start losing Matt Millers, Melissa Biancos, or other key members of the team that would be difficult (and frankly, a bit demoralizing to the community) to replace. That's why I've been so insistent on us keeping longer-term goals with larger time windows out beyond our laser-focused efforts so far in communicating with the press and NCsoft what our optimal goal is.

I haven't heard back yet from NCsoft, but I hope to. If not directly, then through the media or even through a third party. And yes, I also subscribe to the notion that at least for now, no news is good news. I'm optimistic that it means that they are putting their heads together within the halls of the company and asking, "How are we going to get out of this?" and that's a good thing. I want them thinking that.
Ah...yeah, I'm agreeing with this. It seems pretty clear that NCsoft won't be having anything to do with CoH anymore, nor do they plan to. So the way Titan and associates have been going about it is exact and feasible. Focusing on the value of time? Yes. Focusing on getting it sold since NCsoft is off with it? Yes. I'd go through this piece by piece but guys just read what Tony said.

My friend feels this way too. He's known about the game and NCsoft much longer than I have, so I'd agree that it's unlikely that they'll revert. That doesn't mean the game is gonna die though, 'cause again: sell it, private studio, etc.

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