Switching Servers for Incarnate Badges?
With a supergroup you cease having membership the moment you leave the server. You'll have to be reinvited if you transfer out and then transfer back.
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right
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Every server is different, so I would check out each individual server forum for badge runs and channel info.
For example, on my home server Champion, we have weekly MoMagi/RHW attempts on Sundays (hosted by Placta) and MoTF/SF/Trial runs on Saturday evenings (that I host). There is a thread where you can post which badges you are missing. I review it regularly and schedule things accordingly.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
There are a lot of badgers in the channels I'm in on Virtue... Brickhouse Chat and Whisper X in particular.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Liberty isn't the biggest name out there but we do our iTrials.
I lead Magisterium itrial runs on Mon. nights (usually 3 runs a night with the first run being a RHW attempt).
Ukase leads some UGs/MoUGs...beyond that it's a "come as you go" type of thing...sometimes people start up badge runs of itrials randomly.
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Also, because I've never actually done it, what happens when you switch servers, then switch back -- is it like side-switching, RE: supergroup membership and such, or will you need to formally rejoin when you return servers?
Infinity was doing Really Hard Way runs every Sunday night after the Mothership raid. No run on 2XP weekend or last weekend. Not sure if they are going to resume. Seems likely, though. Lots of people (including myself) upgraded existing characters to help on the runs. After getting the badge on my scrapper, I got my fire/thermal corr the tier 4 powers most suited for RHW (and MoMagi in general). I think I've been on 5 successful RHW runs with my corr (maybe 6).
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
There are a lot of badgers in the channels I'm in on Virtue... Brickhouse Chat and Whisper X in particular.
can you just clarify if "Brickhouse Chat" and "Whisper X" are channels or badgers please?
I am a Virtue badger as well and have searched for them as channels with no result. Are they private channels and if so how does one get an invite?
So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!
@Amygdala gave you good advice. Although only a fraction of a server's population are active in the forums, if there aren't posts in that server's section for regularly scheduled events - it doesn't mean there aren't any - but it does mean that you'll have to get plugged in socially to get involved in them.
Liberty is my "home" server, but I've found that I've been able to get more iTrials on a regular basis on Champion than on Liberty for my new preferred playing time. (got a new job)
What I did first when I filled all my slots on Liberty - before I transferred some over to Champion to make room:
I made a toon and leveled it to 50 to see how the journey would be with regards to ease of joining/forming task forces. (not really concerned about a regular teaming thing, I just prefer task forces and iTrials)
Once I realized that I could get about 4 iTrials at roughly the same time every weekday evening, it seemed like a no-brainer to me.
Liberty has some truly excellent leaders - and some truly wonderful people. Champion as well. Both also have their share of people who, when they miss a day of playing, need to be re-educated on how their characters work.
In a nutshell, my best advice is to try Virtue for the sheer magnitude of people, Champion for a higher, more consistent level of play. Liberty will no doubt be more chatty, casual and in all likelihood, fun. Champion is where you go if you're truly serious about Mo iTrial badges. Liberty is only serious when the badge first hits.
Obviously, this is only my opinion.
If you try champion, join the public channels - and if you do your due dilligence, you'll find out what they are easily enough. Same with Liberty. Without the public/private channels, you'll have a lot harder time getting into the trials - and of course, bookmark the server section of the forums and check them daily. (or whenever you wish to see what opportunities you missed because you were too busy/lazy to check them daily. )
As for Liberty - my UGT schedule has been fairly constant for about a year. UGT is so lengthy, that most folks just can't bear to do it - even for the guaranteed rare/very rare - when they could run probably 5 sLams in the same time frame. However, on Friday nights, if I could run two UGTs at the same time without my computer exploding, I could probably fill two leagues - the demand is that high after new powersets are released.
Infinity is also good - but if you aren't in "The Pinks" private channel, you're going to have a rough time getting things done well consistently. (at least I did. Super nice folks, but outside of the pinks channel, most are more concerned about chat than getting things done it seemed to me.)
As for the rest of them, Pinnacle has some marvelous people, but I can't tell you much more than that.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
I'd like to suggest Justice, the main channels on Justice are Justice For All and Justice United
On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3
These days, I tend to transfer my Infinity (primary server) toons to Virtue when it's time to fast-track incarnate powers, at least to the point where I'm t3 lore and destiny, then transfer back. Most of the runs are for pure speed (which is why I transfer there) rather than badges though, if that's the primary consideration.
I play on Justice a lot too and leave those toons where they are for trials. Virtue is my 3rd server and obviously I just leave those characters where they are.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
Thanks everyone for their suggestions, hopefully I can act on some of them very soon.
For me, the largest problem is one of time -- I really only have maybe 3-4 nights a week that I can play, so it's hard to "get in" with a community for limited badger spots available.
Also: I have a job and young kids, so I can almost never get on before 9 PM, PST -- which is late for any east-coast based people.
I just wish there was a way for the Incarnate-level stuff to be cross-server somehow -- I mean, I'm paying the monthly fee specifically solely at this point for Incarnates, but low population means I can hardly ever DO Incarnate-level stuff on my server of choice that I *honestly* don't want to move away from after being here since launch day #2, y'know?
That's why I quit for 8 months the last time. *sadface*
There are a number of the Incarnate Trial badges that I need that I'm starting to think I'll never be able to achieve on my home server due to low population. Is there one higher population server than another that is doing regular badging runs on Incarnate level stuff? Specific channels or people I should talk to?
Also, because I've never actually done it, what happens when you switch servers, then switch back -- is it like side-switching, RE: supergroup membership and such, or will you need to formally rejoin when you return servers?
Thanks for any help!!