In Memory of Chowder
We will miss him, great player and a great person, r ip...
thoughts and prayers to his family
babe pink 50 scrapper
I would only want to show my respect to the familly.
I think of you guys. Lots of hugs during this hard period.
If you need to talk about it i'm around
Thought & prayers to family & friends.
aka Die Trying
I will remember fondly all the times I spent with Chowder. I did not know him well enough.
My Thoughts and well wishes to his family and friends during this hard time.
Rest in Peace buddy. My condolences to his family and friends.
Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara
I apologize in advance for the long message:
Chowder is the 2nd of my COH friends who has died in the past 4 months. Between those who are ill, service members who are deployed, or those who are in firmed, I can see how COH is more than just a game. It is a way to make friends and provide a mental escape from a hard reality. A place to connect with others in situations where they may be physically unable.
I never knew that Chowder's name was Matt. I don't think it would have mattered. All I knew is that I liked him. He was a fun, clever, selfless player who everyone enjoyed seeing and having on their team...or sharing a barb on the Pink Channel.
And though we will miss "Chowder," my heart goes out to those who knew Matt Sowder. Because if he was even a fraction of the person that "Chowder" was, he was truly a special person and their loss is profound.
RIP Chowder. You will be missed!
I am sorry that wont' be able to make the wake as I will be on an airplane at that time, but I do plan on taking a personal moment with you guys.
In An Insane Society, The Sane Man Must Appear Insane - Stokely
I've only spoken with Chowder a few times via our server global channel. My condolences to his family and friends. You're all in our thoughts on Liberty.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Another fallen hero. Thoughts and prayers to the family and friends.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Although I din't know @Chowder as well as some, and knew him better then others. I will say that it was a sad day when the news came out of his passing. I know how well he was liked, and how it affected so many in this virtual escape we call COH. I can not even begain to say how sorry I am for the people who knew him personally.
RIP brother you will be missed, and we all know you will be watching us.
I haven't known @Chowder for a long time but I wish to send my condolences.
Rest in Peace, you sexy devil.
from Calico Pheline
Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead - David Glasgow Farragut
Bob - lvl 50 fire/dev blaster
a lot of other bobs
The League of Extrodianarily Indebted Heroes
Those images are tear worthy.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
They are indeed tear worthy. I am sorry to have missed it.
A dear friend took this image, and put on it what he saw and felt this night from those in his CoH family. It was so touching I had to share! Love and prayers to all the family and friends who are feeling this loss.
I cannot believe a great hero has past. I had a lot of moments teaming with him. I'll miss him.
I wish for the best for his family, and his friends. Will keep him and his family in my prayers.

This is a way cool Memorial you set up for @chowder.
I don't recall ever meeting him. I do recognize the names of several characters on these
Atlas dedication images. I think he would appreciate(s) this effort done for him.
I am impressed looking at this.
Hope he is on the next level of 'CoH in the sky' having good times.
In memory of the recent loss of a great person and friend Matt Sowder (known as @Chowder), we will be having a memorial and moment of silence in his honor on Sunday, July 29th @ 8:30 CST (6:30 PST, 9:30 EST), in Atlas Park under the statue on Infinity.
It was ChowderÂ’s wish in lieu of flowers to make donations to his local Houston SPCA organization. Here are the instructions for those who wish to donate.
Click on the following link:
This is in Memory of Matthew Q. Sowder
For the notification section, please use the following information:
Jane Zacha (His wife)
15355 Meadowvillage Drive
Houston, Tx 77095
This information was given to us by the family so anyone who wished to do something in his honor would be able to following his wishes.
Thank-you so much for taking the time to read this, and please feel free to use this thread to leave any thoughts or wishes for his family, who also are members of our CoH family (@Blue and Wish, @Blue and Wish 2).
Much Love and Prayers from The Pinks and your CoH Family!