Going Rogue... all the way!

Agent White



Originally Posted by _Arda_ View Post
OK, I think I will give up even earlier than at the end of Night Ward, I am lvl 24 and close to finish First Ward story arcs... no way I am going to spend 5 lvls killing "Awakened Bosses detained by DUST" and boss level seedlings...
One thing you can try is to log in with the character whenever you play, do a quick broadcast for a team, and if there's no one in the zone, move on to something else.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by Alexander_Drako View Post
The level-for-storyline it's not and should not be a reliable way to set any story. Admiral Sutter is level 20-40, it was specifically marketed as "While the Incarnates fight Cole's army, it's up to the rest of the heroes to fight this other praetorian plot" or some Jazz like that.

The Night Ward came along with the TUNEL system, which main purpouse was to help against Cole and also to evacuate Praetoria, this all happens before level 50(or should X level characters not have access to this because "it hasnt happened yet"?).

This game's timeline and storyline is... wonky, at best. There are many parts of Praetoria that could still be used to keep the story going to fill the 35-50 gap, which could tie with Praetoria and have(or not have) to do with the post-war incidents. Specially when we consider our only encounter with Praemidon was with it's Avatar and our friend Hami is still on the loose.
I blame all the Time Manipulation characters running around. Don't they know that there are consequences to playing around with these things?!

*hides Water/Time Corruptor*

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Just for the sake of thread completeness, my Water/Time Corr finished all the story arcs in First Ward, alternating missions with the ones from the repeteable contacts, killing some seedlings, having accumulated variable amounts of Patrol XP and using Experienced XP few times, mostly soloing... at lvl 27.

Not willing to stay there for 3 whole levels doing street hunting, repeating the very same repeatable mission ("kill the deadly Awakened bosses with tentacles in their heads in a faciclity full of DUST") or kill Seedlings to boredom, I crossed to Primal Earth. So now she is a happy Paragonian, and just completed her first TF (that was new for me, Penelope Yin).

Thanks all for the feedback!


PS: BTW, remeber I said I got the 2 "cross the Rift" missions to cross to Priaml Earth, one from Resistance and the other from Loyalist? As soon as picked heroe doing the first, the second mission dissapeared.

Arc "Save the TV, Save the World!"


Cheerleaders, ninjas, vampires, zombies, ETs, time travellers, Spartans... all is here!

ID - 79690



I have a vast patience for repetitive tasks ... my 'purely Praetorian' character just hit 48 last night. First Ward's arcs got me to level 27 and then the repeatable missions got me to 29 when the Night Ward arcs start. Night Ward arcs only got me to 34

So, on to repeatable missions there ... Sir Lionel & Atherton Cromwell will still give missions trough level 40 ... but they stop at level 41. Trilogy & Fireball will give missions through level 50, but collectively they only got me to level 43. -sigh-

Then I had a thought (a somewhat rare occasion, I'll freely admit) - I have a level 40 on an old secondary account that's now a Premium account. So, I fired up both accounts & teamed the 2 characters up & could still get missions from Cromwell & Atherton on the level 40. I turned xp off on the level 40 and have been running the repeatable missions since then.

Yes ... it's a bit tedious ... but ... I'm determined to get this guy to 50 & I have enough Astral merits saved up on other characters to get the Alpha unlock & shards-by-mail to craft a common Alpha.

I really want to see if I can sucker ... err ... convince some folks to assemble some iTrials in pocket D so I can have a level 50 incarnated Praetorian run them.

Yes ... I am that easily amused (and that hard to bore.)



Since this thread's still on the first page, I'll throw my question here.

I've been working on a Going Rogue (Somewhat) All The Way character of my own: Praetoria Power arc to 20, then First Ward, then Primal Earth to 30, then Night Ward. However, thanks to the oddity that is Mr. G's arc, I finished up Imperial City with three bars left to 15. I'm thinking of doing the Responsibility arc here, then moving back to Power in Neutropolis so I can grab the badge. If I ding 20 before the next arc is over, though, can I still complete it?

I know someone had a guide to the Prae arcs around here somewhere, I can't remember who though.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Since this thread's still on the first page, I'll throw my question here.

I've been working on a Going Rogue (Somewhat) All The Way character of my own: Praetoria Power arc to 20, then First Ward, then Primal Earth to 30, then Night Ward. However, thanks to the oddity that is Mr. G's arc, I finished up Imperial City with three bars left to 15. I'm thinking of doing the Responsibility arc here, then moving back to Power in Neutropolis so I can grab the badge. If I ding 20 before the next arc is over, though, can I still complete it?

I know someone had a guide to the Prae arcs around here somewhere, I can't remember who though.
As long you don't actually level. At level 20 all contacts should stop giving missions, but as long you don't level up at the trainer to 20 you should be able to continue. At least, that's been the case for most of my prae toons. (who usually end up at level 21 before they move on to either primal or first ward)



Originally Posted by _Arda_ View Post
Dear all,

I am running a little experiment. I enjoyed immensely Praetoria when it was released and I have been delighted by the expansion in lore and zones through First Ward, Night Ward and the iTrials. However, since they revamped the first levels experience in Paragon and the Rogue Isles for CoH Freedom (Sept 2011), I have found myself playing exclusively Hero/Villain content.

After one year, and with the new powersets coming out, I decided to go back to Praetoria and try to stay there as much as possible, without setting foot in Primal Earth. My Water Blast/Time Corruptor named Atlantea has been doing well, she finished all the original Praetorian arcs... it was a quite lonely ride I have to say, I think DBF has killed Praetoria just 1 year after the zones were released. Anyway, staying on topic... I changed sides as many times as possible, and ended being a Resitance member. Funny enough, both sides offered me the final mission to go to Primal Earth (Provost Marchand and Steve Sheridan). I got both for fun, tempted to do first one and go, let’s say villain, then the other and go heroe, to see if I break the server.

Anyway, she didn’t complete any of the two “Cross the Rift thingie” missions because that would break my “only Praetoria experiment”. Instead she went through the Praetorian underground to First Ward and I am getting missions there without problems. Blind Makwa wants me to collect something from some graves (creepy!) that are surrounded by purple enemies. So now I have resorted to the “newspaper” missions from Roadflare to get some levels.

I guess I will have to live in First Ward until I am lvl 30, then I can move to Night Ward... problem is, what to do after finishing Night Ward at lvl 35? Wait in the hope they release new Praetorian content that bridges the gap to lvl 50? Someone knows if I can still go to Primal Earth and join teams for missions? Or do some kind of missions in Primal Earth without being Heroe-Villain/stop being Praetorian, maybe Vanguard ones? Probably I will get stuck and finally go Primal...

I am wondering if anyone has done something similar before and what have been their experiences.

Interesting experiment and I have no doubt it's lonely. I am quite sure Praetoria is dead and people rarely start there. CoHF has put the final nail in the coffin. Having another separated starting zone was a horrible idea from the start. They obviously didn't learn their lesson after CoV. Kinda odd when you consider they went to erase the separation between blu and red side with alignment change and then added the Praetorian 1-20 zones. Just odd and a big waste of maps/assets IMO.

Your experiment would be kinda fun but I prefer to team. I also hope they don't use any additional resources for any future Praetorian content ever. Variety is the spice of life so let's change it up a bit more often