Oh for the love of Scotland.....




Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post

So either it is a typo or the prize has lost its worth.
I don't know, after living for hundreds if not thousands of years, the ability to finally *die* might seem pretty good.

Yes, before it was "I know everything, I *am* everything" (or something along those lines,) but he did also get to grow old.



The prize for not dying in battle? You get to die slowly! ...Hooray?

You're not super until you put on The Cape!



Originally Posted by Attercap View Post
The prize for not dying in battle? You get to die slowly! ...Hooray?
You get to age and have kids which would be pretty sweet if you were immortal and stuck at 10 years old



Originally Posted by Attercap View Post
The prize for not dying in battle? You get to die slowly! ...Hooray?
Also, omnipotence.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Somehow I suspect the growing old and having children part was a conscious choice on Connor's part, as that's what he wanted the most of all. Other Immortals might use their Prize of Omnipotence in other ways.



For those of you that think mortality is a terrible prize I recommend you watch a movie called "The Man from Earth". It's also about an immortal without the fight to the death thing and the fact that he's been alive for about 14,000 years. In order to avoid raising suspicions you need to move every 10 years or so otherwise people will start to notice that you don't age. Even if you didn't have that problem how many times would you have to live through seeing everyone you care about dying while you remain exactly the same before you wanted to live a normal life or felt your humanity slipping away?

Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".



Originally Posted by Revanchist View Post
For those of you that think mortality is a terrible prize I recommend you watch a movie called "The Man from Earth". It's also about an immortal without the fight to the death thing and the fact that he's been alive for about 14,000 years. In order to avoid raising suspicions you need to move every 10 years or so otherwise people will start to notice that you don't age. Even if you didn't have that problem how many times would you have to live through seeing everyone you care about dying while you remain exactly the same before you wanted to live a normal life or felt your humanity slipping away?
Not sure whether it's the same film or not but there's a french film (wish I could remember its name) where a guy finds a potion of immortality a long time ago and this isn't just 'you don't age' it's the whole 'you simply will not and cannot remain dead through any means' level of immortality, he first tested it on some mice, snapped their necks and lo and behold 30 minutes later they come back to life, perfectly fine.

During one of the conversations with the female lead he mentions how he has a horrible reccuring dream where humanity has long since died out, the sun has grown scorching the earth and the only thing left is "myself and those damned mice."

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A real showstopper!



No the one I'm talking about is a 2007 American indie film. You can find a decent review/synopsis of it here (warning, MAJOR spoilers).

Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".



Gah it's really annoying me now...saw the film I mentioned above years ago (like 8-10 years ago) at some ungodly hour of the morning on Channel 4...wish I could remember its name.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Well...ugh...really? Well *whew* I have to get back to you lol.



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Not sure whether it's the same film or not but there's a french film (wish I could remember its name) where a guy finds a potion of immortality a long time ago and this isn't just 'you don't age' it's the whole 'you simply will not and cannot remain dead through any means' level of immortality, he first tested it on some mice, snapped their necks and lo and behold 30 minutes later they come back to life, perfectly fine.

During one of the conversations with the female lead he mentions how he has a horrible reccuring dream where humanity has long since died out, the sun has grown scorching the earth and the only thing left is "myself and those damned mice."
Sounds rather like the plot (or premise) to Anne Rice's The Mummy.



How can you ruin a franchise when there is no franchise? It's just the one cool movie.

Granted, I find making a bunch of reboots/remakes annoying, but you can't ruin something that never existed to be ruined.

Great Wall of Prophecy, reveal to us God's will that we may blindly obey.
Free us from thought and responsibility
We shall read things off of you.
Then do them
Your words guide us.
We're dumb



Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
How can you ruin a franchise when there is no franchise? It's just the one cool movie.

Granted, I find making a bunch of reboots/remakes annoying, but you can't ruin something that never existed to be ruined.



I think that he was joking..or he could of been ignorant to the fact that Highlander nerds exist. I know of 5 people in my friends group who were fans of the movies and the show...but I guess most would only know of the show if they were 28+.

I remember how people were freaking out when we learned Christopher Lambert played as Raiden in Mortal Kombat.



The TV shows actually weren't that bad, cartoon included.

And yes, I'm 30, so I remember them well.



I liked the TV show most of all, but I was broken when they decided to kill Richie(Although I guess it didn't just aggravate me that he died, since the show was cancelled when Richie was no longer in it.)

I watched it mostly when I was a child, but I more recently re-watched all the episodes. And I'm not even in my 20s yet.

"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger



Originally Posted by GoldenDestroyer View Post
I liked the TV show most of all, but I was broken when they decided to kill Richie(Although I guess it didn't just aggravate me that he died, since the show was cancelled when Richie was no longer in it.)

I watched it mostly when I was a child, but I more recently re-watched all the episodes. And I'm not even in my 20s yet.
You are a rare and special snowflake my friend lol.

Also I lost my cool when Richie died.



Originally Posted by <span style="color: GoldenRod; font-weight: bold;">Tater Todd</span> View Post
You are a rare and special snowflake my friend lol.

Also I lost my cool when Richie died.
Richie was the second coolest dude there (Methos tops my list), but he was great comedic relief and tended to have the better episodes, so he was my favorite character.

After he died I almost entirely lost interest in the show, save for Fitz, until they killed him too.

"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger



Great Wall of Prophecy, reveal to us God's will that we may blindly obey.
Free us from thought and responsibility
We shall read things off of you.
Then do them
Your words guide us.
We're dumb



Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
Like I said. THERE IS NO FRANCHISE. Just one movie.
Agreed. I'm not sure why Scythus posted a bunch of links that don't actually go anywhere. Perhaps that is a subtle comment that there should have been a franchise.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Agreed. I'm not sure why Scythus posted a bunch of links that don't actually go anywhere. Perhaps that is a subtle comment that there should have been a franchise.
There was one...until it started to stab itself repeatedly....it was still barely alive but after the show was canceled...