City of Heroes vs City of villians? confused..




Yeah, basically, the origin choice is just flavor (and they weaved that flavor into the game in a few places... but very few). Nothing for a new player to worry about at all. Just choose the origin you think fits OR choose the little ranged origin power you think the character should have (they're listed in the origin description).
Here's the super duper handy paragonwiki in action!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Ryzzhan View Post
another question.. does your origin really make a diffirence in the powers you'll have access too ? doesnt really feel like it at the moment ?
In the original design of the game origins determined how many powers you could have. The plan was to have a more free-form power selection.

The design and plans had to be changed because they found that people were either making tank-mages or were severely gimping their characters.

When they made those changes they implemented the AT system instead with specific primary power sets and secondary power sets to choose from and then pool powers that any AT could choose from.

Origins were kept in the game but had little affect other than your starting contacts in the game, the titles you could choose at level 15 or 25 and what DO and SO enhancements you could slot.

Later they added an origin-based temporary power that you would lose once you reached Level 10. This was later changed to be a power that you kept at all levels.

They made some additional changes to the game later that had a minor emphasis on origins (which Origins got a better boost from the vet powers like Nemesis Staff or Blackwand), the text in the Origins of Power arc and what you take from Trapdoor in Ramiel's arc.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by PunkRolex View Post
... Or some form of Defender or Corrupter. On some servers it becomes very easy to find a team with a support-type people just aren't on all that often. The real advantage here is that team-friendly types get a much better idea of the overall mechanics of the game whereas Brutes and Scrappers really don't have to have any awareness of what else their teammates might or might not be doing.
But brutes and scrappers can punch things in the face! And isn't that what really matters?
How would a new player know whether content is new or old?
As a rule of thumb, villains get sensible, well-written stories that play out within a single zone that matches their level range.
You're right I should be more clear on the levelling path. Rule of thumb is that if the contact pops up in a window when you level up, its a newer contact that you should certainly do. Alternatively, at level 15 or so start Faultline, at level 20 do Field Agent Keith Nance and the sequel arc and also Roy Cooling. Also do the Penny Yin TF. Further, buy First Ward and do those arcs as they are excellent. At level 25 do the Admiral Sutter TF. At level 30 do the Night Ward arcs, and at level 35 start the Rikti War Zone arcs. You'll also want to do the Mercedes Sheldon arc in the Midnight club and the Imperious TF in Cimerora.

If you buy the Side Switching system you'll start getting Tip missions from enemies which are fun little one offs that let you be as heroic or evil as you want. Its well worth the price.

Originally Posted by Roderick
The "tutorial" missions from Twinshot/Graves are useless as far as tutorials go - heck, one of the things they try to teach you is how to train, regardless of the fact that you can't even talk to the contacts until you've trained at least four times. On top of that, they're HORRIBLE. Those two arcs are the ONLY content in the game I refuse to ever do again.
The Hollows, on the other hand, is some of the BEST low level content in the game. Why would you direct people away from it?
Because the Tutorial missions were fun and the Hollows is where fun goes to die. The Hollows is full of long tedious missions halfway across the map surrounded by 8 purple ruin mages.

Originally Posted by Ryzzhan
i can literally sit for more than an hour trying to get the perfect look for my hero/villian.
Yeah that happens alot. We here at CoH are all about making more alts that we have time to play. I've got about 30 characters but only 4 of them have ever gotten to level 50.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
Because the Tutorial missions were fun and the Hollows is where fun goes to die. The Hollows is full of long tedious missions halfway across the map surrounded by 8 purple ruin mages.
When was the last time you played the Hollows? It's still not a great zone, IMO, but the revamp they did a while back cut down on the doors halfway across the map surrounded by purples a LOT.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Firstly, Welcome to CoH/V/P, and to the Forums! You may not yet have realized just how deep of a rabbit hole you've stumbled across, but it won't take long to dawn on you just how fantastic a place this can be.

Vargr has a tendency to ramble, but I'll try to keep the walls of text to a minimum so as not to scare you off.

My advice to a new player:
1) Take your time.
- With VERY few exceptions (timed missions), there is no stopwatch on you. You have no deadlines to make a particular level, or to reach a particular zone. And this world is full of wonder. It's very easy to race past it, and miss things that make these realms special. With that being said...
2) Keep your eyes open, and don't be afraid to click things.
- There are plaques and monuments in the oddest of places. Most will offer information or history. Clicking random pedestrians may surprise you with the result. Check out the banners, store signs, and billboards; there are puns, 'in jokes', and flavor all around you. There are little architectural or other "neato" elements scattered about. Many long-term players may bypass these or take them for granted, but you will have the unique opportunity to see it all for the first time with "new eyes" - take advantage of it.
3) No matter what others might say about "best" anything, always remember there is No. Right. Way. To. Play. Or, to rephrase that; if you are having fun, then you are playing it "Right", regardless of what anyone else thinks!
- This game probably has one of the deepest and widest selection of "play" options you can find. And the primary philosophy behind most of the development would seem to have been "If it be fun, our job is well done." Unlike some realms where you really need to work at getting the strongest, hardiest, most focused, best equipped, etc. char, this realm acknowledges that as ONE of many play styles, but not the ONLY one. Want to try to craft the ultimate in power-damaging characters? You can min/max to your hearts content, and you'll find forum folk willing to help you 'tune' that. Have a particular concept gleaned from years of comics, TV, or just pure imagination? There's likely a way to make it work here. Want to "live" your character, speak in character, react in character? Yup, that's available. Want to just get through the char creator as fast as you can, hitting 'random' until you come up with something that makes your eyes bleed the least (or most) and just leap in to knocking heads? Yup, you can do that too. Want to take a turn on the wheel and do all of it, support characters, solo characters, hero, villain, ambiguous.... You can play this for years and not exhaust all the possibilities.

So, check it out for yourself. Check it ALL out! Don't let anyone talk you into skipping things or avoiding this or "only" doing that. Will you run into stuff you don't want to do again? Yup! Will you find archetypes and play styles you like less than others? That's a given! Will someone say "told you so" when it happens? Probably. But, will you find things you absolutely love, that someone else told you to avoid? Yep, that's gonna happen too.

Enjoy your time here! And if some blue bunny happens to hop up to you, boost your stats and heal your wounds, and hop away with a cheery, "Good hunting, Hero", well, you may be getting just a LITTLE inkling on how deep this rabbit hole goes. Have fun exploring all the myriad twists and turns it has to offer!

We are not old, so long as we continue to chase our dreams.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
When was the last time you played the Hollows? It's still not a great zone, IMO, but the revamp they did a while back cut down on the doors halfway across the map surrounded by purples a LOT.
last time I put a lowbie through the Hollows was back in 08. Incidentally, that was my first character and the last time I ever tried to go through the Hollows without a travel power of some sort. It helps that you outlevel the Hollows so quick now.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
last time I put a lowbie through the Hollows was back in 08. Incidentally, that was my first character and the last time I ever tried to go through the Hollows without a travel power of some sort. It helps that you outlevel the Hollows so quick now.
Well, like I said, the revamp improved it vastly. It's still not a zone I really like, but it's less like oral surgery than it used to be.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Also before Freedom on the blue side (never noticed it on the red), your origin contact sort of steered you toward certain enemy groups while in Atlas. Now with the tutorial revamp and new introductory arcs, you don't really notice those missions anymore.

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