Shapeshifter (New Archetype)

Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by TheGrouch View Post
I don't give a BELGIAN WAFFLE what any one says I just want a shapeshifter archetype.

Congratulations! Your suggestion has been implemented. There are already two AT's that allow Shapeshifting. Warshades and Peacekeepers. Now you can revel in paroxysms of joy as you shapeshift into a squid or a lobster.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill
Once more, you're not explaining a *thing* about what you actually want, which makes it rather hard to talk about.
Ultimately, whether keeping the suggestion simple and vague was intentional or not, it was the best way to go really. You say the original poster should give more specific powers and numbers but I've seen what threads like that turn into, players whine and moan about the design approaches and numbers not fitting into their views of how such an idea should be done, or disregarding the whole thing because they think doing nothing is an easier option for the developers, or treating the OP as if they have any reference or authority to give out developer figures and designs and berate them for not following suit.

Nothing's stopping you from building ideas for something more specific from what is given, and it's better because they haven't stated something so ridged that you cannot contribute.

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11



Originally Posted by TheGrouch View Post
I don't care what you say. I don't care what you do. I'm not gonna be a mud hippie like you.

I don't give a RASPBERRY CREPE WITH MINT-CITRUS SAUCE what any one says, I just want a Shapeshifter archetype.

"this is just an idea!!!!!!"

All if you forgot this already. It's just an idea so i don't have all the answers!!!!.
I just want the devs to read my idea.
But you haven't suggested a powerset or an archetype. All you've done is repeatedly say you want an abstract concept, and mentioned some costume/skeleton concepts that could be added to the costume creator with a lot of work.

The devs aren't mind readers and if you don't make an effort to explain how you visualize this "idea" working, they won't know what you want or even if the game engine would support it.

The following is an example of power set suggestion.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Power Set Name: Psychic Blade
Primary/Secondary/Pool: Primary
Arch-Type: Scrapper

Author’s Notes: I always wanted this set after getting my 1st scrapper to 30. When I first thought of the set, I was thinking ‘Psylocke’ but after really putting thought and imagination into the set, I was getting a sort of ‘Green Lantern’/ ‘Necrid’ vibe because it would make different weapons with psychic energy. The draw animation would have to be nullified and only last for the instance of the attack.

1. Psyblade- Wraps a blade of psychic energy around your hand for the instance of the attack and slashes at a single opponent. This attack does a combination of psychic damage and lethal damage. Has a chance to slow enemy movement speed and recharge.

2. Mental Blade Strike- Creates a katana of psychic energy and slices twice at the enemy. Same animation as Gambler’s Cut. This attack does a combination of psychic and lethal damage, no additional effects.

3. Telekinetic Spike- Creates a large spike in front of you that hits at a slightly longer range and hits a few in a cone area (maximum of 3). This attack does a combination of psychic and lethal damage. Has a chance to slow enemy movement speed and recharge.

4. Concentrate- Increases accuracy to near perfection and greatly boosts the psychic part of your attacks and increases additional effects.

5. Mind Probe- A taunt.

6. Mental Trap- Your character crouches down and puts both hands to the ground and a bear trap clamps around the target’s feet(maybe all in a small AoE?). This ranged attack does only psychic damage, immobilizes and has a chance to slow enemy movement speed and recharge time.

7. Psionic Guillotine- Creates an axe of psychic energy and swing at neck level to deal a devastating blow. This attack does a combination of psychic and lethal damage and has a chance to slow enemy movement speed and recharge. Animation would be like Beheader(is that even an attack? I’m using the really old version of the game manual for names and what-not) from the Battle Axe Tanker set.

8. Piercing Thoughts- You send your thoughts out in a series of painful spines that pierce all around you. This attack does a combination of psychic and lethal damage and has a chance to slow enemy movement speed and recharge. Animation would be either your character crouching down and sends our huge triangular spikes that extend from the character’s body looking like a spikeball/porcupine OR just use the ugly Spine Burst animation.

9. Telekinetic Sword Slash- You create a broadsword of psychic energy and strikes your enemy upward, dealing lots of damage. This attack does a combination of psychic and lethal damage. Has a chance to slow enemy movement speed and recharge time as well as knock enemy up. Animation would be like Disembowel .
And this is an example of an archtype suggestion.

Originally Posted by Deeweromekoms View Post
Wildcard (Hero/Praetorian)

- Primary: Melee
- Secondary: Buff/DeBuff
- Inherent: Power Play
- Damage: Medium
- Hit Points: Medium

- The Wildcard has the tools to effectively play offence or defense whenever necessary in an up-close and personal manner. With his combination of Melee and Buff/DeBuff powers along with his special Power Play ability to boot, this well-rounded archetype is great for teams or playing solo. Although they have more hit points than most classes, Wildcards tend to be lacking in defense.

Called a "Paladin" in other RPGs, this archetype is basically a melee healer, or a cross between a Defender and a Scrapper. The inherent Power Play system works in a similar fashion to that of popular fighting games; dealing and taking damage slowly builds up a power meter that fills to three stocks. These Power Play cards can be used to significantly buff the damage and/or all effects of whatever power or Inspiration is used next (within reason, some high-level powers and large inspirations may have diminished effects to avoid over-powering or, in other words, some nerfing may apply). Base hit points are the same as a Scrapper, although neither power set provides much in the way of personal defenses. Many Buff/Debuff powers’ range have been shortened and/or work at lower levels than their squishier archetype’s counterparts, however, others have been retooled as PBAoEs for the player's benefit (mez protection and such). This makes teamwork and creative use of the Power Play cards a recommended strategy. Wildcards receive basically the same Ancillary and Patron Power Pools as Scrappers.

Melee Power Sets (All the same as Scrapper sets)

Dark Melee
Dual Blades
Electric Melee
Fiery Melee
Ice Melee
Kinetic Melee
Martial Arts
Staff (New) [Slightly longer range than normal melee and most attacks have Knockdown]
- 1 Bash: Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
- 1 Poke: Close, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
- 2 Rapid Jab: Close, High DoT(Smash)
- 6 Focus Chi: Self +DMG, +To-Hit
- 8 Swing: Close(Cone), Moderate DMG, Foe Knockdown
- 12 Confront: Ranged, Foe Taunt, -Range
- 18 Sweep: PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
- 26 Pole Vault: Close, Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
- 32 Dragon Spin: PBAoE, High DMG(Smash/Fire), Minor DoT(Fire), Foe Knockdown

Buff/DeBuff Power Sets

Cold Domination [Ice Shield, Glacial Shield and Frostwork changed to PBAoEs]
- 1 Infrigidate: Ranged, Foe -Recharge, -SPD, -DEF(All), -DMG(Fire)
- 2 Ice Shield: PBAoE, Team +DEF(Smash, Lethal, Melee), +Res(Fire, Cold)
- 4 Snow Storm: Toggle: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Recharge, -SPD, -Fly
- 10 Glacial Shield: PBAoE, Team +DEF(Energy, Negative, Ranged, AoE), +Res(Cold)
- 16 Frostwork: PBAoE, Team +Max Health, +Res(Toxic)
- 20 Arctic Fog: Toggle: PBAoE, Team Stealth, +DEF(All), +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Slow)
- 28 Benumb: Ranged, Foe -DMG, -End, -Regen, -Special
- 35 Sleet: Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Cold), Foe -Recharge, -SPD, -DEF(All), -Res(All)
- 38 Heat Loss: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -End, -SPD, -Res(All), Team +End, +Recovery
Dark Miasma [Largely unchanged, range is shortened on Fearsome Stare and Petrifying Gaze]
- 1 Twilight Grasp: Ranged, Foe -Regen, -DMG, -To-Hit, Team Heal
- 2 Tar Patch: Ranged (Location AoE), Foe -SPD, -Jump, -Fly, -Res(All)
- 4 Darkest Night: Toggle: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -DMG, -To-Hit
- 10 Howling Twilight: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Minor DMG(Negative), Foe Disorient, -Regen, -Recharge, -SPD, Ally Rez
- 16 Shadow Fall: Toggle: PBAoE, Team Stealth, +DEF(All), +Res(Energy, Negative, Psionics, Fear)
- 20 Fearsome Stare: Close (Cone), Foe Fear, -To-Hit
- 28 Petrifying Gaze: Close, Foe Hold
- 35 Black Hole: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Intangible
- 38 Dark Servant: Summon Dark Servant: Ranged, Debuff, Special
Empathy [Absorb Pain changed to the new power Suppress Pain; Clear Mind, Fortitude and Adrenaline Boost changed to PBAoEs with slightly lower base percentages]
- 1 Healing Aura: PBAoE, Team Heal
- 2 Heal Other: Ranged, Ally Heal
- 4 Suppress Pain: PBAoE, Team +Res(All)
- 10 Resurrect: Close, Ally Rez
- 16 Clear Mind: PBAoE, Team +Res(Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Fear, Confusion), +Perception
- 20 Fortitude: PBAoE, Team +DEF(All), +To-Hit
- 28 Recovery Aura: PBAoE, Team +Recovery
- 35 Regeneration Aura: PBAoE, Team +Regen
- 38 Adrenaline Boost: PBAoE, Team +End, +Regen, +Recharge, +Res(Slow)
Force Field [Repulsion Field toggle changed to Repulsion Blast, Force Bubble changed to Force Pulse]
- 1 Personal Force Field: Self +DEF(All), +Res(All)
- 2 Deflection Shield: Ranged, Ally +DEF(Smash, Lethal, Melee), +Res(Toxic)
- 4 Force Bolt: Close, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
- 10 Insulation Shield: Ranged, Ally +DEF(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative, Ranged, AoE), +Res(End Drain)
- 16 Detention Field: Ranged, Foe Capture(Special)
- 20 Dispersion Bubble: Toggle: PBAoE, Team +Res(Hold, Immobilize, Disorient), +DEF(All)
- 28 Repulsion Blast: PBAoE, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
- 35 Repulsion Bomb: Ranged (Targeted Ally AoE), Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient, Knockdown
- 38 Force Pulse: Toggle: PBAoE, Foe Knockdown, -DEF, -Res
Kinetics [Repel changed to Infuse Repel, Increase Density changed to PBAoE]
- 1 Transfusion: Ranged, Foe -End, -Regen, Team Heal
- 2 Siphon Power: Ranged, Foe -DMG, Team +DMG
- 4 Infuse Repel: Toggle: Ranged, Ally PBAoE, Foe Knockback
- 10 Siphon Speed: Ranged, Foe -SPD, Self +Recharge, +SPD
- 16 Increase Density: PBAoE, Team +Res(Smash, Energy, Disorient, Hold, Immobilize, Knockback), -SPD(Special)
- 20 Speed Boost: Ranged, Ally +Recharge, +SPD, +Recovery, +Res(Slow)
- 28 Inertial Reduction: PBAoE, Team +Jump
- 35 Transference: Ranged, Foe -End, Team +End
- 38 Fulcrum Shift: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -DMG, Team +DMG
Poison [Alkaloid and Antidote changed to PBAoEs, Noxious Gas works on teammates]
- 1 Alkaloid: PBAoE, Team Heal
- 2 Envenom: Ranged, Foe -DEF(All), -Res(All), -Regen, -Heal
- 4 Weaken: Ranged, Foe -DMG, -To-Hit, -Special
- 10 Neurotoxic Breath: Ranged (Cone), Foe Hold, -Recharge, -SPD
- 16 Elixir of Life: Close, Ally Rez, +Res(Toxic), +DMG, +To-Hit, +Recharge, +Recovery
- 20 Antidote: PBAoE, Team +Res(Cold, Toxic, Disorient, Fear, Confusion, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, -Recharge, -SPD)
- 28 Paralytic Poison: Ranged, Foe Hold
- 35 Poison Trap: Place Trap: PBAoE, Foe Hold, Sleep, -Endurance
- 38 Noxious Gas: Infect Ally: PBAoE, Foe Hold, -DEF(All), -Res(All), -DMG, -To-Hit
Spirit Summoning (New)
- 1 Spirit of the Knight: PBAoE, Team +Res(Smash, Lethal, Melee)
- 2 Spirit of the Holy: PBAoE, Team Heal +Res(Energy, Negative, Toxic)
- 4 Spirit of the Athlete: PBAoE, Team +SPD +Recharge +Recovery +Res(Psychic, Ranged, AoE)
- 10 Reclaim Spirit: Close, Ally Rez +DEF(All) +Res(All)
- 16 Spirit of the Jester: Ranged, Foe Confuse
- 20 Spirit of the Infallible: PBAoE, Team +Res(Fire, Cold, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Fear, Confusion)
- 28 Spirit of the Master: PBAoE, Team +DEF(All) +Perception
- 35 Spirit of the Warrior: PBAoE, Team +DMG +To-Hit +Res(DEF DeBuff, To-Hit DeBuff)
- 38 Wandering Spirit: Summon Spirit Pet: Melee, Foe -Res, Fear
Storm Summoning [O2 Boost changed to PBAoE; Thunder Clap changed to Thunder Shock since Electric Melee already has that]
- 1 Gale: Ranged (Cone), Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
- 2 O2 Boost: PBAoE, Team Heal, +Res(Disorient, Sleep, End Drain), +Perception
- 4 Snow Storm: Toggle: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Recharge, -SPD, -Fly
- 10 Steamy Mist: Toggle: PBAoE, Team Stealth, +DEF(All), +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Confuse)
- 16 Freezing Rain: Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Cold), Foe -Recharge, -SPD, -DEF(All), -Res(All)
- 20 Hurricane: Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -Range, -To-Hit, Repel, Knockback
- 28 Thunder Shock: PBAoE, Self +End +Recovery, Foe -End -Recovery
- 35 Tornado: Summon Tornado: PBAoE, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Fear, Disorient, Knockback
- 38 Lightning Storm: Summon Storm: Ranged, High DMG(Energy), Foe -End
Thermal Radiation [Fire Shield, Plasma Shield, and Thaw changed to PBAoEs]
- 1 Warmth: PBAoE, Team Heal
- 2 Fire Shield: PBAoE, Team +Res(Smash, Lethal, Fire, Cold)
- 4 Cauterize: Ranged, Ally Heal
- 10 Plasma Shield: PBAoE, Team +Res(Fire, Energy, Negative)
- 16 Power of the Phoenix: Close, Ally Rez, Special(Targeted AoE, Extreme DoT(Fire), Foe Disorient, Knockback)
- 20 Thaw: PBAoE, Team +Res(Cold, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Fear, Confusion, Slow)
- 28 Forge: Ranged, Ally +DMG, +To-Hit
- 35 Heat Exhaustion: Ranged, Foe -DMG, -End, -Recovery, -Regen
- 38 Melt Armor: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -DEF(All), -Res(All)
Traps [Same as Defender/Corruptor set]
- 1 Web Grenade: Ranged, Foe Immobilize, -Recharge, -SPD, -Jump, -Fly
- 2 Caltrops: Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD, -Jump
- 4 Triage Beacon: Place Beacon: PBAoE, Team +Regen
- 10 Acid Mortar: Place Trap: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Minor DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All), -Res(All)
- 16 Force Field Generator: Place Drone: PBAoE, Team +DEF(All), +Res(Disorient, Hold, Immobilize)
- 20 Poison Trap: Place Trap: PBAoE, Foe Hold(Special), -Regen, -Recharge
- 28 Seeker Drones: Summon Seekers: Ranged, Minor DMG(Energy), Foe Disorient, -DMG, -To-Hit, -Perception
- 35 Trip Mine: Place Mine: PBAoE, Superior DMG(Lethal/Fire), Foe Knockback
- 38 Time Bomb: Place Bomb: PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Lethal/Fire), Foe Knockback

Aggressor (Villain/Praetorian)

- Primary: Assault
- Secondary: Reinforcement
- Inherent: Zero In
- Damage: High
- Hit Points: Low

- The Aggressor has one objective: destroy the current target. With a varied assortment of single-target Assault powers, secondary Reinforcement powers to back him up and his Zero In capability, running away won't help anyone in this archetype's cross hairs. Despite being a Jack-of-all-trades that can definitely take care of himself, the Aggressor is still somewhat low on hit points and can easily get himself in over his head if he's not careful.

This archetype uses the Dominator's Assault power set as its primary and pairs it with a somewhat new secondary set, Reinforcement. Just like the Assault power set is an amalgam of the Ranged and similarly themed Melee power sets, this secondary set combines certain powers from the melee classes' Defense sets with similarly themed Blaster Support powers to give shielding and boosts to the player along with some tools to trip up opponents (typically 4 or 5 self +DEF/RES toggles and autos, 2 or 3 self buffs, 1 or 2 mezzes and a nuke). Although Reinforcement provides melee class armors, they tend to function at slightly lower percentages. The Zero In Inherent power works like a Corruptor’s Scourge power, except it raises the Aggressor’s To-Hit chance rather than Critical Hit chance. Base hit points are the same as a Blaster or Stalker (the highest end of what the game considers low hit points). Aggressors receive vaguely the same Ancillary and Patron Power Pools as Dominators to provide more multiple-target powers and mezzes.

Assault Power Sets

Assault Rifle & Combat (New) [A jumble of Assault Rifle, Arachnos Soldier and Martial Arts]
- 1 Single Shot: Ranged, Minor Damage (Lethal), Foe: -DEF
- 1 Storm Kick: Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash)
- 2 Burst: Ranged, Moderate DoT(Lethal), Foe -DEF
- 6 Pummel: Melee, Moderate Damage (Smashing), Foe: Disorient
- 8 Build Up: Self +DMG, +To-Hit
- 12 Sniper Rifle: Sniper, Extreme DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
- 18 Bayonet: Melee, High DoT (Lethal/Smashing)
- 26 Crane Kick: Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
- 32 Full Auto: Ranged (Cone), Superior DoT(Lethal), +Special
Dark Assault (New) [Dark Blast + Dark Melee]
- 1 Dark Blast: Ranged, Minor DMG(Negative), Foe -To-Hit
- 1 Smite: Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash/Negative), Foe -To-Hit
- 2 Shadow Maul: Melee (Cone), High DoT(Smash/Negative), Foe -To-Hit
- 6 Gloom: Ranged, High DoT(Negative), Foe -To-Hit
- 8 Touch of Fear: Melee, Foe Fear, -To-Hit
- 12 Moonbeam: Sniper, Extreme DMG(Negative), Foe -To-Hit
- 18 Night Fall: Ranged (Cone), Moderate DoT(Negative), Foe -To-Hit
- 26 Dark Consumption: PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Negative), Self +End
- 32 Siphon Life: Melee, Superior DMG(Negative), Foe -To-Hit, Self Heal
Earth Assault [Same as Dominator’s set except for a Build Up instead of Power Boost, since the Critical Effect ability makes it redundant]
- 1 Stone Spears: Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
- 1 Stone Mallet: Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
- 2 Tremor: PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
- 6 Hurl Boulder: Ranged, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback, -Fly
- 8 Build Up: Self +DMG, +To-Hit
- 12 Heavy Mallet: Melee, Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
- 18 Seismic Smash: Melee, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Hold
- 26 Mud Pots: Toggle, PBAoE, Minor DoT(Fire), Foe Immobilize, -SPD
- 32 Fissure: Close (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Smash/Lethal), Foe Disorient, Knockback
Electricity Assault [Same as Dominator’s set]
- 1 Charged Bolts: Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -End, -Recovery
- 1 Charged Brawl: Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient, -End, -Recovery
- 2 Lightning Bolt: Ranged, High DMG(Energy), Foe -End, -Recovery
- 6 Havoc Punch: Melee, High DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe Sleep, -End, -Recovery
- 8 Build Up: Self +DMG, +To-Hit
- 12 Zapp: Sniper, Extreme DMG(Energy), Foe -End, -Recovery
- 18 Static Discharge: Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -End, -Recovery
- 26 Thunder Strike: Melee (Targeted AoE), High DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient, -Recovery, Knockback
- 32 Voltaic Sentinel: Summon Sentinel: Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -End, -Recovery
Energy Assault [Same as Dominator’s set except for a Build Up instead of Power Boost, since the Critical Effect ability makes it redundant]
- 1 Power Bolt: Ranged, Minor DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
- 1 Bone Smasher: Melee, High DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
- 2 Power Push: Ranged, Minor DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe High Knockback
- 6 Power Blast: Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
- 8 Build Up: Self +DMG, +To-Hit
- 12 Whirling Hands: PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
- 18 Total Focus: Melee, Extreme DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
- 26 Sniper Blast: Sniper, Superior DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
- 32 Power Burst: Close, High DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
Fiery Assault [Same as Dominator’s set except for a Build Up instead of Fiery Embrace, since that move is included in the Fire Reinforcement set]
- 1 Flares: Ranged, Minor DMG(Fire)
- 1 Incinerate: Melee, High DoT(Fire)
- 2 Fire Breath: Close (Cone), Moderate DoT(Fire)
- 6 Fire Blast: Ranged, Moderate DMG(Fire)
- 8 Build Up: Self +DMG, +To-Hit
- 12 Combustion: PBAoE, Moderate DoT(Fire)
- 18 Consume: PBAoE, Minor DMG(Fire), Self +End
- 26 Blazing Bolt: Sniper, Extreme DMG(Fire)
- 32 Blaze: Close, High DMG(Fire)
Icy Assault [Same as Dominator’s set except for a Build Up instead of Power Boost, since the Critical Effect ability makes it redundant]
- 1 Ice Bolt: Ranged, Minor DMG(Cold/Smash), Foe -Recharge, -SPD
- 1 Ice Sword: Melee, Moderate DMG(Cold/Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -SPD
- 2 Ice Sword Circle: PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Cold/Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -SPD
- 6 Ice Blast: Ranged, Moderate DMG(Cold/Smash), Foe -Recharge, -SPD
- 8 Build Up: Self +DMG, +To-Hit
- 12 Frost Breath: Close (Cone), Moderate DoT(Cold), Foe -Recharge, -SPD
- 18 Chilling Embrace: Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -Recharge, -SPD
- 26 Ice Slash: Melee, High DMG(Cold/Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -SPD
- 32 Bitter Ice Blast: Ranged, Superior DMG(Cold/Smash), Foe -Recharge, -SPD, -To-Hit
Psionic Assault [Same as Dominator’s set]
- 1 Psionic Dart: Ranged, Minor DMG(Psionic), Foe –Recharge
- 1 Mind Probe: Melee, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe –Recharge
- 2 Telekinetic Thrust: Melee, Minor DMG(Psionic/Smash), Foe High Knockback
- 6 Mental Blast: Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe –Recharge
- 8 Psychic Scream: Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe –Recharge
- 12 Drain Psyche: PBAoE, Foe -Regen, -Recovery, Self +Regen, +Recovery
- 18 Subdue: Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe Immobilize
- 26 Psionic Lance: Sniper, Superior DMG(Psionic), Foe –Recharge
- 32 Psychic Shockwave: PBAoE, High DMG(Psionic), Foe Disorient, -Recharge

Reinforcement Sets (all new, sort of)

Dark Reinforcement [Dark Miasma + Dark Armor]
- 1 Dark Embrace: Toggle: Self +Res(Smash, Lethal, Negative, Toxic)
- 2 Death Shroud: Toggle: PBAoE, Minor DoT(Negative)
- 4 Murky Cloud: Toggle: Self +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative, End Drain)
- 10 Tenebrous Tentacles: Ranged, Minor DoT(Negative), Foe Immobilize, -To-Hit
- 16 Cloak of Darkness: Toggle: Self Stealth, +DEF(All), +Res(Immobilize), +Perception
- 20 Obsidian Shield: Toggle: Self +Res(Psionic, Sleep, Hold, Disorient, Fear)
- 28 Shadow Dweller: Auto: Self +DEF(All) +Res(To-Hit DeBuff, DEF DeBuff)
- 35 Dark Regeneration: PBAoE, Minor DMG(Negative), Self Heal
- 38 Soul Transfer: PBAoE, High DMG(Negative), Foe Disorient, Self Rez
Device Reinforcement [Devices + Shield Defense (the character won’t hold a physical shield; they will have a personal shield generator much like Praetorian PPD)]
- 1 Web Grenade: Ranged, Foe Immobilize, -Recharge, -Fly
- 2 Deflection: Toggle: Self +DEF(Melee), +Res(Smash, Lethal)
- 4 Battle Agility: Toggle: Self +DEF(Ranged, AoE), +Res(DEF Debuff)
- 10 Caltrops: Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD
- 16 True Grit: Auto: Self +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative, Toxic), +Max Health
- 20 Active Defense: Self +Res(Disorient, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep, Fear, Confuse, Repel, Knockback, DEF Debuff)
- 28 Targeting Drone: Toggle: Self +To-Hit, +Perception, +Res(DeBuff To-Hit)
- 35 Phalanx Fighting: Auto: Self +DEF(Melee, Ranged, AoE)
- 38 Time Bomb: Place Bomb: PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Lethal/Fire)
Earth Reinforcement [Earth Control + Stone Armor]
- 1 Rock Armor: Toggle: Self +DEF(Smash, Lethal), +Res(DEF Debuff)
- 2 Stone Prison: Ranged, Minor DoT(Smash), Foe Immobilize, -DEF(All), -Fly
- 4 Earth’s Embrace: Self Heal, +Max Health, +Res(Toxic)
- 10 Rooted: Toggle: Self +Res(Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Repel, Knockback, End Drain, DEF Debuff), +Regen, -SPD, -Jump, -Fly
- 16 Quicksand: Ranged (Location AoE), Foe -DEF(All), -Fly, -Jump, -SPD
- 20 Brimstone Armor: Toggle: Self +Res(Fire, Cold)
- 28 Crystal Armor: Toggle: Self +DEF(Energy, Negative), +Res(DEF Debuff)
- 35 Minerals: Toggle: Self +DEF(Psionic), +Res(Confuse), +Perception
- 38 Granite Armor: Toggle: Self +DEF(All DMG but Psionics), +Res(All DMG but Psionics, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Repel, Knockback, DEF Debuff), -Recharge, -SPD, -DMG
Electric Reinforcement [Electric Manipulation + Electric Armor]
- 1 Charged Armor: Toggle: Self +Res(Smash, Lethal, Energy)
- 2 Electric Fence: Ranged, Moderate DoT(Energy), Foe Immobilize, -End, -Recovery
- 4 Conductive Shield: Toggle: Self +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative)
- 10 Static Shield: Toggle: Self +Res(Psionics, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Teleport, End Drain, -Recovery)
- 16 Grounded: Auto: Self +Res(Energy, Negative, Immobilize, Knockback, End Drain)
- 20 Lightning Reflexes: Self +Res(-Recharge, -SPD), +Recharge, +SPD
- 28 Energize: Self Endurance Discount, Heal, +Regen
- 35 Power Sink: PBAoE, Foe -End, -Recovery, Self +End
- 38 Power Surge: Self +Res(All DMG but Psionics, Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Repel, Knockback, End Drain, -Recovery, Teleport), +Recovery, +Special(EMP Pulse)
Energy Reinforcement [Energy Manipulation + Energy Aura]
- 1 Kinetic Shield: Toggle, Self +DEF(Smash, Lethal, Energy), +Res(DEF DeBuff)
- 2 Power Shield: Toggle, Self +DEF(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative), +Res(DEF DeBuff)
- 4 Stun: Melee, Minor DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
- 10 Dampening Field: Auto, Self +Res(Smash, Lethal)
- 16 Energy Protection: Auto, Self +Res(Energy, Negative, Toxic)
- 20 Conserve Power: Self End Discount
- 28 Entropy Shield: Toggle, Self +Res(Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Repel, Knockback, Teleport, DEF DeBuff)
- 35 Boost Range: Self Range Increase
- 38 Overload: Self +DEF(All DMG but Psionics), +Res(DEF DeBuff) +Recovery, +Max Health, +Special
Fire Reinforcement [Fire Manipulation + Fiery Aura]
- 1 Fire Shield: Toggle, Self +Res(Smash, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Disorient)
- 2 Ring of Fire: Ranged, Moderate DoT(Fire), Foe Immobilize
- 4 Plasma Shield: Toggle, Self +Res(Fire, Energy, Negative, Hold, Sleep)
- 10 Fiery Embrace: Self +DMG(Fire), +DMG
- 16 Blazing Aura: Toggle, PBAoE, Minor DoT(Fire)
- 20 Temperature Protection: Auto: Self +Res(Fire, Cold)
- 28 Burn: Location (PBAoE), Moderate DoT(Fire), Self +Res(Immobilize)
- 35 Healing Flames: Self Heal, +Res(Toxic)
- 38 Rise of the Phoenix: PBAoE, Extreme DoT(Fire), Foe Disorient, Knockback, Self Rez
Ice Reinforcement [Ice Manipulation + Ice Armor]
- 1 Frozen Armor: Toggle: Self +DEF(Smash/Lethal), +Res(Fire, Cold, DEF Debuff)
- 2 Chilblain: Ranged, Moderate DoT(Cold), Foe Immobilize, -Recharge, -SPD
- 4 Wet Ice: Toggle: Self +DEF(All but Psionics), +Res(Cold, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Knockback, -Recharge, -SPD, -Jump, DEF Debuff)
- 10 Ice Patch: Location (PBAoE), Foe Knockdown
- 16 Permafrost: Auto: Self +Res(Fire, Cold, -Recharge, -SPD, -Jump)
- 20 Glacial Armor: Toggle: Self +DEF(Energy, Negative), +Res(Cold, DEF Debuff), +Perception
- 28 Hoarfrost: Self Heal, +Max Health, +Res(Toxic)
- 35 Energy Absorption: PBAoE, Foe -End, Self +DEF(All DMG but Psionics), +Res(-Recharge, -SPD, -Jump), +End
- 38 Hibernate: Toggle: Self Invulnerable, +Regen, +Recovery
Mental Reinforcement [Mental Manipulation + Willpower]
- 1 High Pain Tolerance: Auto: Self +Res(All), +Max Health
- 2 Scare: Ranged, Foe Fear
- 4 Heightened Senses: Toggle: Self +DEF(All DMG but Psionics), +Res(DEF Debuff), +Perception
- 10 Fast Healing: Auto: Self +Regen
- 16 Indomitable Will: Toggle: Self +DEF(Psionic), +Res(Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Fear, Confusion, Knockback)
- 20 Confuse: Ranged: Foe Confuse
- 28 Quick Recovery: Auto: Self +Recovery
- 35 Resurgence: Self Rez, +Recovery, +DMG, +To-Hit, +Recharge
- 38 Mass Confusion: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Confuse

Harbinger (Hero/Praetorian)

- Primary: Command
- Secondary: Support
- Inherent: Loyalty
- Damage: Medium
- Hit Points: Low

- Using concentrated mastery of his powers, the Harbinger uses a helper of his own creation to aid him in battle and deliver justice to his foes. While selflessly protecting his master and obeying his commands, his pet’s abilities can be further augmented throughout this hero’s career. Although the Harbinger wields a variety of attacks and defenses of his own, he is somewhat lacking in hit points and relies heavily on his pet and teammates for protection.

This archetype is can be summed up as a cross between a Mastermind and a Blaster. Unlike Masterminds, Harbingers rely on a single pet (many from the Control sets) and tend to be a bit more active in battle. The pet can be controlled like a Henchman, though due to its toughness and the Harbinger getting down and dirty in battle, it can easily be left to its own devices. Their Primary Command set is arranged much like the Mastermind’s with their pet as a level 1 power and similarly-themed ranged attacks in appropriate slots, with the latter two summons being replaced by appropriate melee attacks taken from the Blaster's Secondary Support set, which themselves are replaced by Buff/DeBuff powers. The Loyalty inherent power grants your pet a damage and to-hit boost if your health falls below 25%, plus you have a damage and to-hit boost yourself any time your pet is within a 60' radius of you and maintains line-of-sight. Harbingers have the same hit points as Corruptors, their personal base damage output is about Defender level and they receive the same Ancillary and Patron Power Pools as Blasters.

Command Power Sets

Clone Command (with Dual Pistols)
Dark Command
Earth Command
Electricity Command
Energy Command
Fire Command
Ice Command
Technology Command
Psychic Command

Support Power Sets

Dark Manipulation (New)
Earth Manipulation (New)
Electricity Manipulation
Energy Manipulation
Fire Manipulation
Ice Manipulation
Mental Manipulation

Saboteur (Villain/Praetorian)

- Primary: Buff/Debuff
- Secondary: Ranged Support
- Inherent: Critical Effect
- Damage: Medium
- Hit Points: Low

- The Saboteur’s biggest delight is to be as annoying to his enemies as possible. Although his wide assortment of tricks, traps, and ranged attacks can make him a valuable asset to any team, his team will in turn need to protect him from the resulting ire of their enemies.

With its combination of buff/debuff powers and the newish Ranged Support secondary set (an amalgamation of Ranged and Control attacks, making it a Dominator’s “Greatest Hits” set), this archetype mirrors the team-friendliness of the Hero’s Controller and Defender and is more or less a combination of the two, also echoing their hit points and high-level Power Pools. The inherent Critical Effect ability works much like a Scrapper's, except instead of double damage, the result is a decent buff to whatever secondary effect the attack may cause, such as a longer Hold or Disorient, further Knockback, or higher percentage debuffs.



And, with what you've given them, do what with it? YOUR idea of "shapeshifter" may not be what THEY think of with "shapeshifter." You've said "I want... stuff!" Well, ok then. What stuff? "I don't care, I just want stuff!" is not really an answer anyone can do anything with.

There are some things that CAN be summed up in a sentence or two - such as "Base rent should be payable at trainers." It doesn't need a lot of explanation. Everyone knows what base rent is, everyone knows what a trainer is. Make one available at the other. Bam, done. It's not a complex idea.

Or, one I put out not too long ago, folding Quick recovery into Instant Healing for stalkers. It required a little more explanation and background - not quite as much as I gave it, but an explanation as to "why" and why I felt it would be a useful change. If I'd left it at one sentence, sure it would be there, but there'd be some required details (such as "why this would be a good idea") missing that would have to be asked.

For something as complex as an archetype, "I want!" and a list does jack-all. And that's the sum total of what you've given. Hell, the first time I read it, I thought your list was the actual powerset, where the first power would be stretching, then the tier2 power would be "dinosaurs" and so forth - which told me nothing.

Nobody's asking for in-depth detail down to the precise DPS/DPA/END cost/etc. If you don't want to put numbers out there, hey, great - but something that gives more of a *concept* of what you're talking about (as opposed to "Dinosaurs. Yeah, dinosaurs," for instance) helps. Do you mean you grow dinosaur arms? You've shape-shifted, after all. Do you turn into a different sort of dinosaur for each power tier? Is it a mix? Do you develop dinosaur parts? Are they toggles? Do you throw small dinosaurs at the enemy? Basically WTF are you talking about?

Once you put something like that out, yes, people are going to respond - some of it is going to be just like stretching, "The devs have basically said it can't happen with the current engine." Others are going to be criticisms - both good and bad. They're there to help you revise the idea.

TL;DR version: If you don't give enough of a damn about your idea to explain it, why should you expect anyone else to give a damn about it - including the devs?



Originally Posted by Oneirohero View Post
Ultimately, whether keeping the suggestion simple and vague was intentional or not, it was the best way to go really.
No, it wasn't. As I said, some ideas are fine stated simply, such as "We should be able to pay base rent at trainers." There's no reason for detail there. Other ideas, like this, are utterly *useless* when they're left that vague.

You say the original poster should give more specific powers and numbers
Just powers. A list of one of his powersets with *his* idea of what, say, "Dinosaurs" or "Animals" or "Robots" means as far as his shapeshifting.

but I've seen what threads like that turn into, players whine and moan about the design approaches and numbers not fitting into their views of how such an idea should be done, or disregarding the whole thing because they think doing nothing is an easier option for the developers, or treating the OP as if they have any reference or authority to give out developer figures and designs and berate them for not following suit.
Saying something such as "The devs have told us stretching cannot be done with the current engine" is not whining or berating. And the reference is given in the reply.

The rest is called "criticism," which, despite what some people think, is not a bad thing. People have blind spots with their own ideas - it's true with these, it's true with writing, it's true with writing code. Other pairs of eyes can pick things out and point out possible problems (either approach or reception wise.)

Nothing's stopping you from building ideas for something more specific from what is given,
Except I have no idea what the OP is talking about, and no particular interest in a vague list. He could be basically saying "I want a salad," so if I start describing how to assemble an engine because it's what *I* have come to mind, it doesn't help.

The burden is on the OP to provide relevant information.
and it's better because they haven't stated something so ridged that you cannot contribute.
There's "rigid" ("X power costs X END at Y damage taking these enhancements for a max of X.XX DPE at level X") and there's "Explaining what the hell you're talking about" (IE, what does "Dinosaurs" mean? What does he have in mind with "shapeshifting?" I can think of a few different things that could do and he could mean none of them.)

If he doesn't care enough about his idea to explain it, it's not my job to care for it for him.



Originally Posted by TheGrouch View Post
I don't give a **** what any one says, I just want a Shapeshifter archetype.
Well, in that case, you're a mean doo-doo head. Glad you don't care about what I say.

However, you have to realise that when suggesting a new AT, there are certain things that you need to cover in order for your idea to have any sort of worth to the development team. You need to define the basic abilities of your AT - is this a shapeshifter that only turns into one other thing? Does that only happen some of the time, is it for a limited period? Does that shapeshifter turn into multiple forms? Why would a person want to actually use the forms?

"A Shapeshifter archetype" already exists, and it's called a Kheldian. Both Peacebringers and Warshades can shapeshift into two forms besides their human form. If you're suggesting an AT that's like an existing AT, you need to specify how it's different and why you feel it needs to be its own AT. You're already given a pretty solid base in Kheldians, so you really ought to go play one, figure out how they work and come back to explain where you want to differ from them.

Years ago, I made an AT suggestion to Castle directly, and one of the first questions he asked me was "OK, but what role would this AT have on a team?" The long and short of it is a powers designer will not simply go ahead and expend inordinate amounts of time designing a whole new AT with what amounts to entirely new powersets, then saddle the art team with making graphics for them, unless there's some specific purpose such an AT can fill - unless there's a reason to make it, essentially. And stuffing your fingers in your ears, going "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU! I JUST WANT MY STUFF!" is not reason enough to go through all that work.

Ideas are cheap. If you think the developers would never have thought of making a shapeshifter AT until you told them so, then you're wrong, especially since others have suggested this before you and done a much better job. So you don't care about comments from your peers. I can see that. But you seem to forget that even if you don't care to convince us specifically, you still need to make a convincing argument for the development team. Last I checked, they weren't taking requests, so if you want your suggestion implemented, you need to convince them that they really are better off implementing it. Childishly insisting with no argument will do you no good.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Alright cat-guy, you want something more specific, here is Exactly what I was thinking.


Primary: Transformation/ Defense
Secondary: Offense


Shapeshifters can turn into different forms with they're primary power set, and with each form they can Eg: become harder to hit, have more defense agianst certain attacks. Or send off an aura that can buff they're allies or debuff they're enemies.

They're secondary power set is they're attacks, Eg: a cone attack, AoE, DoT, single target or multiple. The animations would be different for every form, and some of the Shapeshifter's forms wouldn't be able to use all of the attacks(to keep the player from staying in one form.)

So let me know what you guys think.

And I am sorry for the way I acted, but I am a Grouch. (;



Slightly better. Still not 100% sure where you're going with it.

Have you played Kheldians? Are you going THAT way with it, but with the forms drawing from the same pool of attacks in the secondary, with mods from the specific form?



Yes I have played the Kheldians, but the Shapeshifter would be different, kinda the same idea though.

The powers wouldn't be like a whole new set of powers that you inherit like the Kheldians, your attacking and other offensive powers would be your secondary power set.

They're different forms would also act like defensive powers, or self buff powers. Eg: one form allows you to move faster, another give you more attack damage, one can make you harder to hit, something like that.

But I'm not too sure that this would be the right build for the Shapeshifter.
Primary: Transformation/ Self Buff
Secondary: Offence

It kinda looks like an EAT, just reversed. I want to make it different, but fun to play as. If you guys could give me some ideas, it would be very helpful.

Wazzup cat-guy.



The biggest problem, the way I see it, is costume lock-out. You would be continually forced to change into something else to take advantage of your powers. If done right, this could be cool... but some will hate that fact no matter what. I mean folks don't like Granite Armor and Khelds for that reason, and Ice gets a lot of ire as well for obscuring costume details.

Also, they're means "they are," their means "belonging to them" and there refers to a particular place. Just aminor annoyance while trying to read your posts.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
The biggest problem, the way I see it, is costume lock-out. You would be continually forced to change into something else to take advantage of your powers. If done right, this could be cool... but some will hate that fact no matter what. I mean folks don't like Granite Armor and Khelds for that reason, and Ice gets a lot of ire as well for obscuring costume details.

Also, they're means "they are," their means "belonging to them" and there refers to a particular place. Just aminor annoyance while trying to read your posts.
There's two ways this could go. One is like Kheldians which is unsatisfactory because we end up with too many powers and a shortage of slots. It also limits what powers can be used in the new form because a new skeleton has to be created and custom powers that can only be used by that skeleton.

The second is the one you describe, while it will have people complaining about the changes to their costumes, offers far more flexibility as it uses existing skeletons and can be combined with vastly more existing powersets. And let's be honest, the complaints about costume changes can be ignored because the devs can include "Minimal FX" as a power customization option which nullifys any costume changes. (which is exactly what they did with the new Bio Armor)



Originally Posted by TheGrouch View Post
The powers wouldn't be like a whole new set of powers that you inherit like the Kheldians, your attacking and other offensive powers would be your secondary power set.
Depending on what kind of transformations you want, putting the attacks and the transformations in different powersets might be problematic. See, if you want to change into a wolf, or a Titan-style robot or into a lower-body-less ghost, then you're changing into a completely different character model rig which doesn't really have animations for the attacks you're referring to. The only real way to solve this is to tie transformations and attacks into the same powerset. This way, you ensure that a transformation only ever has to worry about using a very specific, very small set of animations, which is workable.

By splitting attacks and transformations between two sets, you run into two problems. Firstly, each transformation has to have animations for ALL the attacks of the entire AT, which is a very sizable task. Secondly, you put a cascading cost on adding new transformations and new attack sets. Every time an attack set is created, a version of it has to exist for all transformations of the entire AT, and every time a new transformation is added, it has to account for all attacks the AT has access to. After you give the set a good five or six primaries and about as many secondaries, the opportunity cost of creating new ones becomes untenable.

You NEED to somehow wrap attacks in with the transformations themselves. You can do this in several ways:

Firstly, you can just make a primary that has, say, three transformations and six attacks for a total of ten powers. Each attack would have the same basic structure (single-target, medium damage, etc.) in all of the forms, but would also include stat modifiers to itself that would activate and swap around in the various forms. That's relatively easy to do since it's what Titan Weapons does, but it leaves little room for a decent attack chain.

Secondly, you can do it like Kheldians do it and have special attacks that only work for a specific form and never work outside of it, but that can't be slotted individually. Instead, they inherit whatever slots you've given the unifying form. For instance, if you turn into a Wolf, you activate four new attacks - a bite, a linge, a howl and a self speed burst. To enhance these attacks, you enhance your wolf form, but can't mess with the powers directly. Done and done.

Lastly, you could actually "cheat" and have each attack animate as a momentary transformation, but otherwise act like a regular attack. For instance, an "animal shifter" might have a "wolf bite" where be flash-transforms into a wolf, bites, then flash-transforms back into his humanoid self. He might have a "lion's roar" where he flash-transforms into a lion, roars, then flash-transforms back. It's doable, and the funny thing is... You don't actually need a new AT for this. In fact, you could make this into a "weapon" set with a draw animation that handles the transformation, and which then persists until the character leaves the power activation sequence. It's possible, but might be unwieldy.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



There are three posible way of doing this so far.

1. Just like Samuel said, have the attacks and the transformation become one pwer, in which you transform and do the attack then transform back. This would be the easiest way to go, but it wouldn't really be a whole new AT, it would be like a power set for Scrappers and Brutes or something like that. My whole idea is to make a new AT that it's specialty is shapeshifting.

2. My way would be the hardest, and I'm pretty sure it would be the worsest way to go with this.

3. It could go the same way as the Kheldians, it would work the best and it would be it's own AT, but I want it to be different than the Kheldians. I want it to be unique, it's own style of AT.

I will keep thinking of ideas of how to go with this, and if you guys could come up with some ideas too, I would be very thankful, and this idea could become a solid idea for the CoH devs, so it could be put into the game for every one.



Shapeshifting wouldn't necessarily have to be a whole new AT.. while I would prefer it was due to how silly my idea wil lsound but what if there was a powerset that worked similarly to staff fighting and dual pistols?

At level 8 you get a power that shifts you into a different form causing all of your other abilities to have new effects based on your form?

I don't think this idea does Shapeshifting justice at all but it is very possible and may be done to how much easier it would be than making a whole new Archetype. =(

Rake (Cone)
Shapeshift - Lion, Bear, Wolf (+Recharge, +Damage, +cool points)
Roar (build up)
Thrash (AoE)
Outrage (Lightningrod clone)
OM NOM NOM (Energy Transfer but with a heal instead!)

Just a stupid set I immediately thought up and notice how easy it would be to do something so simple...

New Archetype pl0x

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea: