Power pool reboot suggestions




So after being in the game for over 5 years now, I was thinking what we could really use is maybe a revamp of sorts to the power pools. When they changed over Fitness, it had people respecing their toons to take advantage of it. Then when they changed the requirements for the travel powers, everyone again reevaluated their builds looking to see how they could improve their current ones. So I think that if the pools were redone, weak powers changed and new powers added and the whole thing uniformed so all the pools had 3 no requirements, 1 one requirement, and 1 two power requirement, that it would add more interest in the game yet again. After thinking about it for a few days, here are my suggestions:

Power Pool Reboot v 1.0

Presence Pool
Idolized: (Auto) You gain 20% more INF from mission completes.
Charismatic: (Auto) Merchant cost and auction house listing fees are 10% cheaper.
Show Off: (Auto) Your end of missions XP gains are 5% higher.
Intimidating: (Toggle) Enemies within 10 feet receive a minor (-3%) ToHit debuff.
Display Power: (Click) Cause mag 3 fear (6 seconds) to all enemies in 10 foot radius

Teleport Pool
Recall Friend (Same)
Teleport Foe (Same)
Short Range Teleport (Same)
Long Range Teleport: (Click) Teleports you to a waypoint selected on your map. If the area is unreachable (Wall for example) you will not teleport anywhere. 1 Pool requirement.
Area Teleport: Change the power so that it can cross zones from hero to villain and vice versa for Vigilantes and rogues. 2 Power pool picks.

Flight Pool
Air Superiority: Add “This power deals out increased damage if the target is flying/ hovering”
Flight (Same)
Hover: (Same)
Aerial Specialist: Auto power that gives +acc (Equal to the penalty of flight gives) and a + defense equal to that of hover while hover or flight is active.
Afterburner: (Same)

Fighting Power pool
Boxing (Same but increase damage)
Kick (Same but better animation and increased damage)
Tough: No requirement.
Weave: Drop to one pool requirement.
Exploit weakness: Your melee attacks cause 3% more damage. 2 power pick requirement

Super Speed
Flurry: Add causes mag 2 stun
Hasten (Same)
Super Speed (Same)
Whirlwind: While active, all your other powers are suppressed . You cannot be harmed for duration and causes knockback. After 60 seconds, power detoggles. 1 Power pick requirement.
Burnout: (Same)

Jump Kick: Add causes knockdown.
Combat Jumping: (Same)
Super Jump (Same)
Acrobatics: Reduce requirement to only one power pool pick.
Spring Attack: (same)

Stimulant: Add a Recovery buff.
Aid Other: (Same)
Aid Self: Make no power pool requirement
Recover Self: Provides 25% end. Has a 1 min recharge and is Interruptible. 1 power poll requirement
Revive (Same)

Assault (Same)
Maneuvers (Same)
Reinforce: Adds 5% to smashing/ lethal resistances
Tactics (Same)
Vengeance (Same)

Stealth (Same)
Invisible Other (Same)
Invisible Self (Same but remove power pool pick)
Improved invisibility: Similar to the Illusion power of the same name except has increased end cost and requires one pool pick.
Phase self: Reduce activation time.

The petition link to Save CoH:



I like these ideas. Especially the reworking of the Presence pool. The idea of Flurry adding stun is simple and works well within the theme of the power. Whirlwind still looks like a skip power, what if instead of KB it would impose a hold with Scirroco's tornado hold animation, the hold would be short duration but could be reapplied the longer you wait out Whirlwind's timer. It would pretty much work to turn a battle's tide, but with a cost, since the character using it would be unable to aid in any other way. Maybe when the small hold wears off, chance for mag 2 stun?

All in all, I like the ideas.

@Sylver Bayne

Pinnacle Server



iirc flurry already has a chance to stun but its only like a 10-20% chance of maybe a mag 2 stun or something really worthless

for the presence pool i dont see how that at all relates to the current presence pool and with it as you suggest you couldnt enhance the first 3 powers at all, plus everyone would end up taking it only for the inf and xp boosts and then respec out of it at lvl 50

in your flight pool suggestion, fly and group fly do not have -acc ot -tohit so it wouldnt be countering anything

i like the fighting pool changes except maybe tweaks needed on the new 5th power

in the leaping pool im pretty sure the jump kick already has a chance for .67 mag knockback which is knockdown, but its only a 10-20% chance

in the concealment i dont think we can have a power which reduces our activation times, powers have to be designed with both activation times so that wouldnt be feasible

pretty much anything that i didnt mention here should be ok but i still dont see myself using most of them, the biggest one i would start using is fighting pool because i would be able to skip boxing or kick



Originally Posted by TigerKnight View Post
Power Pool Reboot v 1.0

Presence Pool
Idolized: (Auto) You gain 20% more INF from mission completes.
Charismatic: (Auto) Merchant cost and auction house listing fees are 10% cheaper.
Show Off: (Auto) Your end of missions XP gains are 5% higher.
Intimidating: (Toggle) Enemies within 10 feet receive a minor (-3%) ToHit debuff.
Display Power: (Click) Cause mag 3 fear (6 seconds) to all enemies in 10 foot radius
My Spines/Dark Stalker would hate you. His power make-up is already tight and Presence was one of his concept power pools. He used to have Invoke Panic and Intimidate in his build but ended up respecing into only Intimidate to make room for more teleport powers. As is, Cloak of Fear + Intimidate is well enough to intercept most spawns of minion+Lt or minion+boss but this would basically be taking away his fear stack and forcing him to take 3 powers, 2 of which are useless.

Teleport Pool
Recall Friend (Same)
Teleport Foe (Same)
Short Range Teleport (Same)
Long Range Teleport: (Click) Teleports you to a waypoint selected on your map. If the area is unreachable (Wall for example) you will not teleport anywhere. 1 Pool requirement.
Area Teleport: Change the power so that it can cross zones from hero to villain and vice versa for Vigilantes and rogues. 2 Power pool picks.
My MA/Shield scrapper would disgruntled at taking away his Team Teleport. In the hands of a good player, it has its uses. Your long range teleport idea as been suggested, but I think the issue with it is waypoints do not have a determining z-axis point. That is, pointing to a point on the map doesn't always set it on the ground in every map. The closest you'd probably come is predetermined waypoints like in Steel Canyon: the hospital, the university, the detectives, the wentworths, Positron, Icon, and the zone markers then giving the ability to teleport to any of them when using the power when in that zone.

Flight Pool
Air Superiority: Add “This power deals out increased damage if the target is flying/ hovering”
Flight (Same)
Hover: (Same)
Aerial Specialist: Auto power that gives +acc (Equal to the penalty of flight gives) and a + defense equal to that of hover while hover or flight is active.
Afterburner: (Same)
And many Masterminds would hate you if only because they wouldn't see their robots hover with rocket propulsion. There might be other reasons though.

Fighting Power pool
Boxing (Same but increase damage)
Kick (Same but better animation and increased damage)
Tough: No requirement.
Weave: Drop to one pool requirement.
Exploit weakness: Your melee attacks cause 3% more damage. 2 power pick requirement
Not sure if one can separately boost melee attacks without boosting all attacks...actually, I'm pretty sure you can't unless you go through every melee attack and code it in individually. I'd personally just make this tier 5 power boost Boxing and Kick to an extreme degree so as to make them really nice melee powers. Probably not better than some of the melee sets' powers but they don't really need melee attacks. This would be for the ATs who want to be capable of some melee but have no competing powers (or mods to sustain such powers).

Super Speed
Flurry: Add causes mag 2 stun
Hasten (Same)
Super Speed (Same)
Whirlwind: While active, all your other powers are suppressed . You cannot be harmed for duration and causes knockback. After 60 seconds, power detoggles. 1 Power pick requirement.
Burnout: (Same)
Flurry already has a mag 2 stun (20% chance for 4 seconds)

Jump Kick: Add causes knockdown.
Combat Jumping: (Same)
Super Jump (Same)
Acrobatics: Reduce requirement to only one power pool pick.
Spring Attack: (same)
Jump Kick already causes knockUp (20% chance) which is more effective than knockdown.

Stimulant: Add a Recovery buff.
Aid Other: (Same)
Aid Self: Make no power pool requirement
Recover Self: Provides 25% end. Has a 1 min recharge and is Interruptible. 1 power poll requirement
Revive (Same)
Funny, the crappier power actually has a prerequisite while the decent one is free.

Assault (Same)
Maneuvers (Same)
Reinforce: Adds 5% to smashing/ lethal resistances
Tactics (Same)
Vengeance (Same)
No complaints here. But the leadership powers usually come with some kind of mez resistance built in, like resist to Placate/Taunt in Assault and resistance to confuse/fear in Tactics.

Stealth (Same)
Invisible Other (Same)
Invisible Self (Same but remove power pool pick)
Improved invisibility: Similar to the Illusion power of the same name except has increased end cost and requires one pool pick.
Phase self: Reduce activation time.
Probably not the best improvement...I mean, Stealth still has -speed which could be done away with...Grant Invisibility still costs too much as does Invisibility...reduce activation of Phase Shift? I suppose...but what about the NoPhase debuff? Or the high cost? It's like you ran out of ideas here



Absolutely, positively *not* to the presence pool. I suggest you look up "tankerminds."

I also suggest you look up what happened when the devs just decided in a beta to replace - not add, just replace - the "least popular" power in the Patron power pools. I don't think there was a single person who actually approved (especially as IOs would become completely useless.) You'll notice we have five powers to take there now...

Perhaps you should rethink those.



In Flurry and Jump Kick's cases, I would do away with the percentile chance then as I didn't even remember that they had those abilities. Thing is all melee attacks in the power pools really don't get used at all. Just think they can be improved.

In regards to concealment, I totally forgot about it. lol. I remembered it as I was typing this out and going "Hmmm.. I'm missing one" So wasn't so much running out of ideas but never really having the chance to try for it. But improvements on it could be made as well.

I could see switching display and intimidating and altering them to fit better. However presence is just the neglected pool that never sees the light of day for like 90% of the builds out there at least. So some changes would need to be made.

Flight could easily work for MM pets only. Least I think so as I don't see how that makes MMs that much better. I had flight on my MM for awhile but it was only for show.

As for coding, not a computer code genius here but attacks are already labeled for positional defenses wise so I didn't think that would be a problem. However, I could see changing it to just a +3 dam buff. Fighting is fighting.... the idea was along the lines of just knowing where to hit someone to make it hurt.

The problem I have with phasing is when you hit it, it takes forever to go off. Making it a possible escape button but one you have to wait til it actually took hold which is why I stayed away from it. If I could hit it and have it take effect immediately, then I would think it was a good power. Maybe change it to a toggle type power then?

Hover mentions penalties associated when using fly. I remembered reading somewhere that fly gave -acc but can't remember where. If it wasn't that though, what is hover referring to? Or is it text that needs removing?

Whirlwind is...well.... Kinda worthless overall. lol. There really isn't any way to make it a real good power other than a Escape power. Maybe a PBAoE attack that damages enemies around you for a burst damage followed by a DoT effect similar to Fire Armor's Blaze?

The petition link to Save CoH:



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Absolutely, positively *not* to the presence pool. I suggest you look up "tankerminds."

I also suggest you look up what happened when the devs just decided in a beta to replace - not add, just replace - the "least popular" power in the Patron power pools. I don't think there was a single person who actually approved (especially as IOs would become completely useless.) You'll notice we have five powers to take there now...

Perhaps you should rethink those.
Then why not just keep the AoE taunt and AoE fear then? Cause the single target taunt and single target fear really have no use imo. I remember the whole ordeal with the patron power pools but they had some use if even limited. In most cases I am talking improving powers except in certain cases where I think it needed more.

But of course I am just one person.... I don't think of everything. That's why we have forums lol

The petition link to Save CoH:



Originally Posted by TigerKnight View Post
Then why not just keep the AoE taunt and AoE fear then?
Because people use the single target ones? You may see them as worthless. Other people do not.



The problem is the Cottage Rule. Devs don't like changing a powers function entirely, as that can and likely will break peoples builds and enhancement slotting.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by TigerKnight View Post
So after being in the game for over 5 years now, I was thinking what we could really use is maybe a revamp of sorts to the power pools. When they changed over Fitness, it had people respecing their toons to take advantage of it. Then when they changed the requirements for the travel powers, everyone again reevaluated their builds looking to see how they could improve their current ones. So I think that if the pools were redone, weak powers changed and new powers added and the whole thing uniformed so all the pools had 3 no requirements, 1 one requirement, and 1 two power requirement, that it would add more interest in the game yet again.
The requirement for the number of powers for the Tier 3 power pool selections still applies, because the only thing that was implemented was dropping the one power requirement for movement PPs only to get the travel power, and I think that only applied to Veterans of a certain vintage.

Overall, I do think that some of the existing powers could be tweaked, but removing and replacing powers is essentially verboten. Perhaps a better way to look at the power pools is to come up with some small changes to make to the existing powers, and then suggest a new Tier 3, similar to the travel PP 5th powers.
After thinking about it for a few days, here are my suggestions:

Power Pool Reboot v 1.0

Presence Pool
Idolized: (Auto) You gain 20% more INF from mission completes.
Charismatic: (Auto) Merchant cost and auction house listing fees are 10% cheaper.
Show Off: (Auto) Your end of missions XP gains are 5% higher.
Intimidating: (Toggle) Enemies within 10 feet receive a minor (-3%) ToHit debuff.
Display Power: (Click) Cause mag 3 fear (6 seconds) to all enemies in 10 foot radius
OK, no. Never mind that you're swapping out existing, theme-pertinent powers for ones that have no bearing on the purpose of the power pool, but you're offering to give people free INF/XP and listing discounts, which are all meta concepts and not actual superpowers.

Dread Resolve - click - Self +Res(Immob, Sleep, Disorient, Hold, Fear, Confuse); a long recharge, Break Free power that can be activated while mezzed, the resistances to everything but Fear and Confusion drop off almost immediately, while those two stay around longer.
Teleport Pool
Recall Friend (Same)
Teleport Foe (Same)
Short Range Teleport (Same)
Long Range Teleport: (Click) Teleports you to a waypoint selected on your map. If the area is unreachable (Wall for example) you will not teleport anywhere. 1 Pool requirement.
Area Teleport: Change the power so that it can cross zones from hero to villain and vice versa for Vigilantes and rogues. 2 Power pool picks.
Already has 5 and you tried to swap a power.
Flight Pool
Air Superiority: Add “This power deals out increased damage if the target is flying/ hovering”
Flight (Same)
Hover: (Same)
Aerial Specialist: Auto power that gives +acc (Equal to the penalty of flight gives) and a + defense equal to that of hover while hover or flight is active.
Afterburner: (Same)
Again, already has 5 and you tried to swap a power. I do like your tweak on AS, though.
Fighting Power pool
Boxing (Same but increase damage)
Kick (Same but better animation and increased damage)
Tough: No requirement.
Weave: Drop to one pool requirement.
Exploit weakness: Your melee attacks cause 3% more damage. 2 power pick requirement
Your new power won't work with the way the powers are currently coded, if I'm reading them correctly - all of the melee attacks themselves would all have to be updated to include code looking for your new power. Plus, it screws over those characters that aren't a melee-centric AT.

Sidestep - click - Self +DEF(all), +Res(all dmg, DEF & Res DB); similar to Build Up or Aim, but for Defense and Damage Resistance, enables a character to withstand an alpha every few mobs - the buffs may not be enhanceable, depending on balancing.
Super Speed
Flurry: Add causes mag 2 stun
Hasten (Same)
Super Speed (Same)
Whirlwind: While active, all your other powers are suppressed . You cannot be harmed for duration and causes knockback. After 60 seconds, power detoggles. 1 Power pick requirement.
Burnout: (Same)
As was pointed out already, it sounds like Flurry has the stun you're looking for, you just want it to proc more often. I do not agree on the Whirlwind changes, as it makes it significantly different than what it currently is. Already has its fifth.
Jump Kick: Add causes knockdown.
Combat Jumping: (Same)
Super Jump (Same)
Acrobatics: Reduce requirement to only one power pool pick.
Spring Attack: (same)
Again, you want the proc chance higher, but I don't agree on the accessibility for the Tier 3. Already has its fifth.
Stimulant: Add a Recovery buff.
Aid Other: (Same)
Aid Self: Make no power pool requirement
Recover Self: Provides 25% end. Has a 1 min recharge and is Interruptible. 1 power poll requirement
Revive (Same)
OK, your suggested power is quite OP - 25% END every minute (or around 50% END every 30 seconds, after slotting) is playing with free money. I don't know of any other powerset power that would give you that kind of return, never mind a power pool power.

Expert Medic - auto - Self +Heal, Special; this power improves the healing capability of any power used by the caster, eliminates the interrupt time of any Medicine pool power, and provides a +DEF buff for a short time after any Medicine pool power is used.
Assault (Same)
Maneuvers (Same)
Reinforce: Adds 5% to smashing/ lethal resistances
Tactics (Same)
Vengeance (Same)
I don't agree with where you've put your extra power, especially with your intent to make the first three powers immediately accessible. I don't necessarily disagree with a resistance boosting toggle, but comparative to Maneuvers, it may actually be underpowered (by only having two damage types resisted), but I also don't know how the Devs would feel about having more.

Rally - click - PBAoE Team +MaxHealth, +MaxEND, Heal, Recover; this power, when activated, gives the team increased maximum Health and Endurance (for a decent duration) and a bit of Healing and Recovery to match the increase.
Stealth (Same)
Invisible Other (Same)
Invisible Self (Same but remove power pool pick)
Improved invisibility: Similar to the Illusion power of the same name except has increased end cost and requires one pool pick.
Phase self: Reduce activation time.
I would probably have to say "no" to a Superior Invisibility clone. That's a very particular decision by the Devs to keep the really super hidden powers to just the Stalkers and the Illusion controllers, and I certainly wouldn't want to see it available after just one pool power pick.

Sucker Punch - melee - High dmg (smash), -Perception, +Special; this melee attack offers a (partial) Critical if launched while the character is actively stealthed (with any Stealth power, any Hide power, or Superior Invisibility), and can be launched if using Invisibility, but it detoggles Invisibility as it activates.

The suggestions I've made would definitely need to be tweaked in order to be balanced as Tier 3 pool powers. If you have any questions or comments about them, please let me know.

@NC Thunderbird, @Last Kid Picked
HELP! I can't stop making Alts! Up to 175 now, including: Lutadora, Tess LaCoille, Not Of This World, Lies Behind Stars, Redshift Monk.
Campaigning for title of official "Thread Killer" of the Suggestions & Ideas forum.



Thank you Bradley for not just saying "No" or "No, you can't do that" and actually adding to the suggestion pool. lol

Ok, So if you do not like my suggestions, then let me ask what would you do to revive the power pools so it's not the same powers picked by everyone every time? Or is life perfect for you with a few powers only getting selected by certain types of toons? What would you add to the pools to increase them all to five powers?

The petition link to Save CoH:



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Absolutely, positively *not* to the presence pool. I suggest you look up "tankerminds."
THIS times 10



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Not sure if one can separately boost melee attacks without boosting all attacks...actually, I'm pretty sure you can't unless you go through every melee attack and code it in individually.
You can't. I asked Castle about this some time ago and he was pretty firm that this wasn't possible to do in a way that doesn't put a lot of extra strain on the servers by making every melee power in the game constantly check for an additional effect. Remember "lag hill" from the ITF? That's caused by the complex powers the Cimeroran Traitors used that fed off each other and fed off special conditions.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'll have to agree with what Leo and Bradley said for the most part, a lot of the powers we have are in a good place, and the presence pool is really out of place the way you're presenting it, as there's no reason for anyone NOT to take those powers, and the existing presence pool has some good uses.

I would like an-zone teleport though, that uses some kind of waypoints. Each sub-area in z zone has a marker on the map, between those and a few major points of interest like trainers, hospital and university, you'd be able to get anywhere int he zone pretty quick if it were implemented well.

I do like the idea of a resistance toggle of Leadership too, but it would have to work against more than two damage types to compare to Weave. Probably at least Energy.

As Bradley said, Exploit Weakness wouldn't work as is, but it could work as a build-up style click, like his more defensive suggestion. A good pick for the builds that don't get a build-up like power.

As an aside, i'd love to see more power pools all over the place. Maybe ones that only unlock after doing certain arcs, on either side so we can avoid the problem of having to go Villain for Scorpion Shield. heck, incorporate some of the Day Job temp powers into them. Do an arc involving helping out the Paragon police? gain access to a power pool containing a baton attack, tear gas, that sort of thing. Redside, you could get the same pool by raiding a PPD station as part of an arc. As opposed to just a temp power with X uses, you could choose to make it part of your character. Sure there are places where we already don't have enough power picks, but it could be interesting.



Dropping all the prerequisites for power pool powers would be a huge improvement. Is there any T4 or T5 power pool power that is so useful that players should be required to pay the cost of picking one or two earlier powers?

* Players investing in the Fighting pool could get back a power choice.
* Squishies could get decent status protection from Acrobatics without limiting their travel power choices.
* The fear powers from the Presence pools might get some use.

Without changing a single power, dropping the prerequisites could open up a lot of room for players to improve their characters.

Lady Deacon, 50 ill/ff
Cinder Imp, 50 fa/wm
and many more!