How do you rank Control sets for Damage?
I think what ought to shove Mind a little further down the list isn't so much its "one AoE", but the fact that you don't have steady, reliable AoE Containment and/or the ability to take advantage of it. For instance, you can Mass hyp + Terrorize, but then Containment's broken, and you have to pick off the badies one by one. You can do Total Dom + Terrorize, but by the time Terrorize is back up, the Hold has worn off (unless your recharge and hold duration are insanely good).
Now this is leveraged if you're playing, say, a Kin. Give me a group of 10 guys and they'll all melt in one hit, but I'm sure that's true of any other set. Also, for the sake of this debate, we should be leaving out Secondaries and APPs.
I remember you did some testing some time back, and it revealed that while Mind has roughly the highest ST damage pre-32... but after all the other sets get their pets, Mind drops to the lowest spot on the chart. And of course, that says nothing of AoE potential. I mean, what do we count as "better", a set that can do 50 damage to one guy in one hit, or a set that can do 10 damage to 5 guys in one hit? That's still 50 HP... and of course, make that 10 guys and that's 100 damage being done... but no one's too close to being dead. What do we consider better?

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
A minor note, but Dark is noteworthy for having extra damage in Living Shadows, more even than Fire Cages, presumably to make up for it being a cone rather than a targeted AoE.
In order to form a better picture of how all sets compare against one another I think we need to examine four areas: single target damage, AoE damage, pet single target damage, and pet AoE damage. I'm thinking I may test with a series of dummy enemies in the AE (built with no attacks) but I would appreciate feedback on how to craft such tests. For instance, I am considering taunting or immobilizing the enemy with a damageless immobilize (Web grenades) if they can be acquired in order to allow pets to damage the mob with less pursuit due to broken moral. Would that skew the test against pets with immobilizes/taunts or better reflect a real play scenario in which the player would likely immobilize the target? Or does the the previously mentioned notion of dummy enemies skew the role survivability plays in how much actual damage pets deal?
I am with Steele on this one regarding containment. At lower levels your rankings are very accurate, but once you factor in Ancillaries and Containment possibilities at level 50, some of the lower performers start to be more effective (elemental sets). Having played both Mind and Illusion into the higher levels, I would trade my left for a reliable AoE containment power every fight.
I have to admit, I'm not sure if I agree where Plant is. Yes, Seeds of Confusion adds plenty of damage for the AoE Scene, as does Roots (and Carrion Creepers is hard to gauge for that), but both it's Single Target Hold and Immo are fairly lack luster, Carrion Creepers and Seeds are also pretty useless in the GM scene, and well, yeah. Amazing AoE, struggles with ST.
With this in mind, I feel Gravity is "too low". While Illuison has Phantom Army, Phantom, and Spectral Wounds? Gravity's Lift and Propel are worth/almost worth a Aux Pool Blast. Meaning setting up your Immo and going nuts means you're basically firing off 3 Aux Pool Blasts while everyone else gets 1 (sans Illusion) and then has to use their terrible Immo/Hold for damage.
That reason is why I feel it might actually be the better of the ST Focused Primaries. Fire is definitely good, but Fire's Immo and Hold aren't nearly as good as Propel and Lift. While the three Fire Imps definitely beat Singy in damage, Singy is also infinitely less likely to be slaughtered in any type of engagement (Singy is known for tanking spawns, afterall).
Hot Feet is very solid, but it also provokes you entering Melee, which causes some issues of "Ranged AT forced into Melee HRM". Needed to say, I think Gravity is not getting a fair shake here.
Fire Imps may be the superior damage pet, and Fire Cages + Hot Feet beats it's AoE Immo, but Propel and Lift are roughly equal to Aux Pool Blasts, and combined with, say, Fire Blast and Fire Ball? Gravity has 4 of the best attacks a Controller can have.
To that end, Illusion's Damage does suffer, as noted, with it's lack of AoE Immo AND a Single Target Immo. Setting up containment for it is very hard. And while it is an amazing AV/GM Killer (with the proper secondary), it begs to wonder just how Gravity really compares now adays.
The rest of the analysis seems fine, but I do strongly feel Illusion is too high. It is entirely ST focused and has no ability to properly AoE, and it's ST focus can be diminished GREATLY in bigger enemy spread fights. I point this out because you rated Plant so high purely for it's AoE, and Illu purely for it's ST. Gravity has strong ST now (and arguably some of the strongest of the primaries), while also at least having an AoE Immo to help with Fireball.
It, at the very least, beats Illusion is AoE, and it's really hard to say where it's ST Lies.
Would throwing down the Immo for AVs, followed by the Hold to set up Impact for 10 seconds, and then working in Lift, Hurl, and an Aux Blast put it ahead of most other sets? Again, that is practically 3 Aux Blasts to everyone elses 1.
But, numbers. I'd definitely say Gravity really jumped up a bit with it's adjustments.
I think what ought to shove Mind a little further down the list isn't so much its "one AoE", but the fact that you don't have steady, reliable AoE Containment and/or the ability to take advantage of it. For instance, you can Mass hyp + Terrorize, but then Containment's broken, and you have to pick off the badies one by one. You can do Total Dom + Terrorize, but by the time Terrorize is back up, the Hold has worn off (unless your recharge and hold duration are insanely good).
Now this is leveraged if you're playing, say, a Kin. Give me a group of 10 guys and they'll all melt in one hit, but I'm sure that's true of any other set. Also, for the sake of this debate, we should be leaving out Secondaries and APPs. I remember you did some testing some time back, and it revealed that while Mind has roughly the highest ST damage pre-32... but after all the other sets get their pets, Mind drops to the lowest spot on the chart. And of course, that says nothing of AoE potential. I mean, what do we count as "better", a set that can do 50 damage to one guy in one hit, or a set that can do 10 damage to 5 guys in one hit? That's still 50 HP... and of course, make that 10 guys and that's 100 damage being done... but no one's too close to being dead. What do we consider better? |
"Testing," while easier to measure results, ends up with distorted results. MagicJ did some testing a while ago (Issue 14), but I had some significant issues with his testing methods. The Devs get their information from datamining, which certainly provides better information than what we, as players, have.
As for Mind: It has one AoE damage power pre APP levels. You can set Containment for that one power with Mass Hypnosis unless you have a not-so-helpful team that uses a lot of AoEs. For the single target attack chain, you have two powers that set Containment for Lift. If Dominate misses, then Mez can set Containment. But overall, I agree that the damage on Mind doesn't get that nice bump-up at level 32 the way other controllers with pets do. So maybe it should drop below Dark.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
I am with Steele on this one regarding containment. At lower levels your rankings are very accurate, but once you factor in Ancillaries and Containment possibilities at level 50, some of the lower performers start to be more effective (elemental sets). Having played both Mind and Illusion into the higher levels, I would trade my left for a reliable AoE containment power every fight.
Once Illusion gets that fast attack chain of Blind-SW-APP Blast-SW, it really wipes out low level foes one-by-one remarkably fast thanks to Spectral Damage. Then you and the pets can focus on the tougher guys.
I know that I have tried to use Flash to set AoE Containment as often as possible before using Fireball, and found that it wasn't worth the time to run in, Flash, then hit Fireball. I felt it was better just to stay at range with my single target attack chain and throw in a Fireball whever there was a group and Fireball was up.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
I have to admit, I'm not sure if I agree where Plant is. Yes, Seeds of Confusion adds plenty of damage for the AoE Scene, as does Roots (and Carrion Creepers is hard to gauge for that), but both it's Single Target Hold and Immo are fairly lack luster, Carrion Creepers and Seeds are also pretty useless in the GM scene, and well, yeah. Amazing AoE, struggles with ST.
With this in mind, I feel Gravity is "too low". While Illuison has Phantom Army, Phantom, and Spectral Wounds? Gravity's Lift and Propel are worth/almost worth a Aux Pool Blast. Meaning setting up your Immo and going nuts means you're basically firing off 3 Aux Pool Blasts while everyone else gets 1 (sans Illusion) and then has to use their terrible Immo/Hold for damage. That reason is why I feel it might actually be the better of the ST Focused Primaries. Fire is definitely good, but Fire's Immo and Hold aren't nearly as good as Propel and Lift. While the three Fire Imps definitely beat Singy in damage, Singy is also infinitely less likely to be slaughtered in any type of engagement (Singy is known for tanking spawns, afterall). Hot Feet is very solid, but it also provokes you entering Melee, which causes some issues of "Ranged AT forced into Melee HRM". Needed to say, I think Gravity is not getting a fair shake here. Fire Imps may be the superior damage pet, and Fire Cages + Hot Feet beats it's AoE Immo, but Propel and Lift are roughly equal to Aux Pool Blasts, and combined with, say, Fire Blast and Fire Ball? Gravity has 4 of the best attacks a Controller can have. To that end, Illusion's Damage does suffer, as noted, with it's lack of AoE Immo AND a Single Target Immo. Setting up containment for it is very hard. And while it is an amazing AV/GM Killer (with the proper secondary), it begs to wonder just how Gravity really compares now adays. The rest of the analysis seems fine, but I do strongly feel Illusion is too high. It is entirely ST focused and has no ability to properly AoE, and it's ST focus can be diminished GREATLY in bigger enemy spread fights. I point this out because you rated Plant so high purely for it's AoE, and Illu purely for it's ST. Gravity has strong ST now (and arguably some of the strongest of the primaries), while also at least having an AoE Immo to help with Fireball. It, at the very least, beats Illusion is AoE, and it's really hard to say where it's ST Lies. Would throwing down the Immo for AVs, followed by the Hold to set up Impact for 10 seconds, and then working in Lift, Hurl, and an Aux Blast put it ahead of most other sets? Again, that is practically 3 Aux Blasts to everyone elses 1. But, numbers. I'd definitely say Gravity really jumped up a bit with it's adjustments. |
While Illusion does not have an AoE containment setter other than Flash, it has a total of 5 pets, 4 of which cannot be killed. (Don't forget that Phanty has his own Decoy.) These pets more than make up for the lack of AoE Containment.
Another weakness Gravity has compared to Illusion is the time it takes for its single target attack chain. Illusion's Blind-SW-Blast-SW is very fast, while even with the changes, Gravity's GD-Lift-Propel-Blast or throw in Crush whereever you want attack chain is much slower. Also, GD-Lift-Propel tends to waste some damage on low level foes.
That's my opinion, at least, based only on observation and no testing.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
A minor note, but Dark is noteworthy for having extra damage in Living Shadows, more even than Fire Cages, presumably to make up for it being a cone rather than a targeted AoE.
In order to form a better picture of how all sets compare against one another I think we need to examine four areas: single target damage, AoE damage, pet single target damage, and pet AoE damage. I'm thinking I may test with a series of dummy enemies in the AE (built with no attacks) but I would appreciate feedback on how to craft such tests. For instance, I am considering taunting or immobilizing the enemy with a damageless immobilize (Web grenades) if they can be acquired in order to allow pets to damage the mob with less pursuit due to broken moral. Would that skew the test against pets with immobilizes/taunts or better reflect a real play scenario in which the player would likely immobilize the target? Or does the the previously mentioned notion of dummy enemies skew the role survivability plays in how much actual damage pets deal? |
Testing certainly can be useful, but the danger lies in making conclusions based upon testing that fails to take all scenarios into account. The testing the MagicJ did HERE is a perfect example. When I pointed out a problem with his testing method which, I felt, skewed the results, MagicJ trivialized my criticisms when others felt they had some validity.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
GD would only need to be used once every 10 seconds, to reapply the Impact effect. Now, there's one other important thing to note if your analysis: Illusion's personal damage drops significantly on AVs due to the inability to apply self-containment with Purple Triangles going. If you have another source of immo... well, no. We'll ignore the Team Setting for obvious reasons.
I do not think I can agree with the logic that the 4(5) pets makes up for the lack of AoE damage. You cannot control where that damage is going, and it's worse when it comes to a situation involving the need to focus a target down, and your pets are doing whatever they feel like at the moment. Such wild-card uncontrollable damage should not be praised, but penalized.
The damage is significant, but it is prone to randomness.
Moreover, I'm curious about this 'Speed' thing you're talking about...
Gravity: GD (1.98) > Lift (1.188) > Propel (2.224) > Fire Blast (1.452) |Cut Off Here To Add Up Time| > Lift (1.188) > Propel (2.224) > Fire Blast (1.452) > Repeat From Beginning
Total Time with GD: 6.774
Total Time on Second Rotation with out GD: 4.794
Combined in Two Rotations: 11.538
Unfortunately with 200% Global Recharge and 100% Slotted in Lift, there is a very brief (1.452 Animation from Fire Blast to 1.5 Recharge on Lift, not Propel DERP) gap that prevents L > P > L > FB > L > P > L > FB, etc etc. A bit more global recharge would fix this, but the above of GD > L > P > FB > L > P > FB > Repeat is fine.
Illusion: Blind (1.848) > SW (1.32) > (Fire) Blast (1.42) > SW (1.32)
Total Time: 5.908
Combined in Two Rotations: 11.816
Your proposed chain is less than second faster with GD involved, is more than a second slower when GD does not need to be used on the second rotation, as it is only needed once every 10 seconds.
When considering two full rotations, Gravity is faster by less than half a second. Gravity is the faster attack chain.
Moreover, unless Mids is wrong ( Since Servers are down and I'm too lazy to hit up Beta ), SW is strictly inferior to Propel and Lift, especially the latter.
PS: When you said Lift and Propel waste damage on Minions, Illusion vastly wastes damage on AVs and other bulky enemies due to Spectral Damage. This goes both ways. If Illusion is having all four (five) pets focusing on AV, it's likely going to beat out Gravity in ST damage... but... hrm. This may be worth testing. And let's keep in mind this is only applicable to Perma PA, which is not the easiest thing in the world to obtain! But if we MUST look at absolute high end, I would NEVER say the 4(5) pets of Illusion is enough to offset it's inability to provide AoE Containment and AoE Damage from that Containment and Fireball, as it is FAR too random.
GD would only need to be used once every 10 seconds, to reapply the Impact effect. Now, there's one other important thing to note if your analysis: Illusion's personal damage drops significantly on AVs due to the inability to apply self-containment with Purple Triangles going. If you have another source of immo... well, no. We'll ignore the Team Setting for obvious reasons.
I do not think I can agree with the logic that the 4(5) pets makes up for the lack of AoE damage. You cannot control where that damage is going, and it's worse when it comes to a situation involving the need to focus a target down, and your pets are doing whatever they feel like at the moment. Such wild-card uncontrollable damage should not be praised, but penalized. The damage is significant, but it is prone to randomness. Moreover, I'm curious about this 'Speed' thing you're talking about... Gravity: GD (1.98) > Lift (1.188) > Propel (2.224) > Fire Blast (1.452) |Cut Off Here To Add Up Time| > Lift (1.188) > Propel (2.224) > Fire Blast (1.452) > Repeat From Beginning Total Time with GD: 6.774 Total Time on Second Rotation with out GD: 4.794 Combined in Two Rotations: 11.538 Unfortunately with 200% Global Recharge and 100% Slotted in Lift, there is a very brief (1.452 Animation from Fire Blast to 1.5 Recharge on Lift, not Propel DERP) gap that prevents L > P > L > FB > L > P > L > FB, etc etc. A bit more global recharge would fix this, but the above of GD > L > P > FB > L > P > FB > Repeat is fine. Illusion: Blind (1.848) > SW (1.32) > (Fire) Blast (1.42) > SW (1.32) Total Time: 5.908 Combined in Two Rotations: 11.816 Your proposed chain is less than second faster with GD involved, is more than a second slower when GD does not need to be used on the second rotation, as it is only needed once every 10 seconds. When considering two full rotations, Gravity is faster by less than half a second. Gravity is the faster attack chain. Moreover, unless Mids is wrong ( Since Servers are down and I'm too lazy to hit up Beta ), SW is strictly inferior to Propel and Lift, especially the latter. PS: When you said Lift and Propel waste damage on Minions, Illusion vastly wastes damage on AVs and other bulky enemies due to Spectral Damage. This goes both ways. If Illusion is having all four (five) pets focusing on AV, it's likely going to beat out Gravity in ST damage... but... hrm. This may be worth testing. And let's keep in mind this is only applicable to Perma PA, which is not the easiest thing in the world to obtain! But if we MUST look at absolute high end, I would NEVER say the 4(5) pets of Illusion is enough to offset it's inability to provide AoE Containment and AoE Damage from that Containment and Fireball, as it is FAR too random. |
(1) I have long recommended for Illusion controllers to take out minions and lieutenants first, which will both allow them to take advantage of Spectral Damage and help concentrate the attention of the pets. So, if we are talking about a minion, an Illusion controller can take one out usually with Blind-SW-Blast, or maybe Blind-SW-Blast-SW. At that point, the full attack chain is up for the next foe, where Containment must be set first. Gravity can also take a minion out with an attack chain of GD-Lift-Propel (which is usually excessive since the minion doesn't have much health left after GD and Lift, but Propel still takes a while to animate). Gravity takes longer to take out that minion than Illusion does, because GD, Lift and Propel all have longer animations.
Lieutenants may take 1.5 attack chains, but it is still pretty fast. That faster secondary chain you showed for Gravity only works for big, tough foes and ONLY if you got Containment in one shot. Foes who live beyond one attack chain will usually be Boss level or higher, who will probably need more than one shot of GD to set containment. Of course Crush will do it, but you have to add in that animation time.
(2) By taking out low level foes, you get 4-5 pets focusing on only the toughest foes. I have found that you can overcome the random nature of pets by giving them no choice.
(3) An important part of completing missions is being able to focus on damage and not protecting yourself. Singy can only handle attacking one at a time, but it can tank several, assuming they are all in a group or fairly near each other. However, the only pet(s) better than Singy to tank is clearly Phantom Army, and they can spread out (if needed) to distract multiple foes who may be spread out.
(4) Take the numbers in Mid's with a grain of salt. I don't think Mid's incorporates Spectral Damage. Additionally, you get Spectral damage from PA and Phanty's Decoy. I agree that Lift+Propel will do more damage, but that extra damage may be wasted on low level foes. It is also Smashing Damage, which is more highly resisted than Psi (except for robots).
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
I take damage resistance with a grain of salt, except Psionic Damage and Lethal Damage. Smashing is surprisingly not that heavily resisted, and amusingly enough it has plenty of things weak to it (Robots!). While most things aren't resisting Psionic, the sheer amount of Psionic resistance on a given enemy that is resistant to it, hurts a lot.
As for Mids and Spectral Damage, it's something I'll calculate in-game when I'm feeling up to it (IE: Not right this moment), but!
GD (1.98) > Lift (1.188) > Propel (2.224)
= 5.392
Alternatively, Crush into L + D is a kill also, and animates a bit faster at 1.584, thusly...
= 4.996 using Crush over GD.
vs, to be safe because GD or Crush > Lift > Propel IS a kill on a Minion, for certain...
Illusion: Blind (1.848) > SW (1.32) > (Fire) Blast (1.42) > SW (1.32)
= 5.94
Slower than both chains.
If B > SW > Blast is enough to drop a minion, then it's 4.62. Faster, but not terribly in the case of Crush over GD.
If I were going to consider using Crush for Containment - (Which, on Bosses and such you also need to consider as well. If you are only strictly considering Illusion at Perma PA levels of destruction, this is likely an unfair assessment. Gravity's best chain is a very, very recharge light investment. If we're going strictly at the Super High End and Perma PA is always considered, Illusion is generally hard to beat for every other Primay. Again, I feel Perma PA is an unfair assessment: It is extremely expensive for most secondaries to accomplish.) - I would probably consider, on Bosses, leading with Crush, and simply not using GD until the second rotation round. It does hurt Lift and Propel slightly, but doing Crush into GD is a bit "Meh" to me. Depends, and I'd have to test if I liked it.
I have the option to lead with Crush on a Boss and going from there (Or an AV). Illusion does not, and needs to do two rotations to begin to use containment on Bosses, and is never going to Containment an AV aside from Triangles Down issues (Again, ignoring team-based control, which is unfair for this debate).
Moreover, we can't entirely count out Singy here. Singy DOES use Crush and GD, allowing me to NOT need to use one or the other on a Boss to Containment right away. Honestly, with the changes to Singy and Gravity? Singy is not a bad damage pet anymore. At all. For straight up damage, Singy beats Phanty (although Phanty has an AoE), including considering the Decoy.
When it's all said and done, I think we can probably assume Gravity is going to win in an AoE Skill Speed, at least in a sense the AoE damage of Gravity is reliable enough to know where it's going, while Illusion is prone to the Army and the Phantasm doing whatever the heck they want.
I did bother to just log in and check Spectral Wounds. Lift does beat it (both in factoring and not factoring Spectral Damage mechanics), but it is better than Propel by about 14 DPA. Enough to acknowledge, definitely, but still better than Blind and such.
I think I can agree to the following:
Gravity Control is more Reliable in ST and AoE, and is not nearly as expensive to bring to it's peak of power. Illusion Control is less reliable due to a bit of AI controlled damage being in it's main kit, but performs exceptionally when enough of an investment is given to it. Illusion more than likely wins in raw STDPS at Perma PA levels, while AoE is a bit harder to determine due to it relying almost entirely on how PA and Phantasm decide to play.
In prime enviroments, Illusion is likely the superior performer, although the lack of AoE Containment is most definitely a 'thing'. All in All, it's just a factor of reliability and expense.
Illusion is most definitely a powerful set, no doubt. But I strongly think Gravity is pushing higher and higher now.
Also re: Imps - Those things explode so quickly, but are very much little damage dealing monsters.
Illusion only has Flash to set AoE containment, but it doesn't have a AoE damage power in the control set. All you need is Blind for setting Containment since your damage depends on pets and your single target attack chain. That AoE containment would be nice when you hit the APP levels, but I suspect that the overall damage from Phantasm and the Phantom Army offset the lack of Containment for the APP blast.
Once Illusion gets that fast attack chain of Blind-SW-APP Blast-SW, it really wipes out low level foes one-by-one remarkably fast thanks to Spectral Damage. Then you and the pets can focus on the tougher guys. I know that I have tried to use Flash to set AoE Containment as often as possible before using Fireball, and found that it wasn't worth the time to run in, Flash, then hit Fireball. I felt it was better just to stay at range with my single target attack chain and throw in a Fireball whever there was a group and Fireball was up. |
Back to your original rankings though, Illusion seems like it could be bumped up the list. Once you put some effort into maximizing the recharge on PA, along with their damage, they are a tremendous amount of damage. This is something that every player would do IMO.
I could, however, be mixing up my feelings about the strength of Illusion because of how PA also taunts, adding personal safety to the controller and cannot be killed, adding reliability as a pet. Illusionists don't have to work as hard to defeat a spawn as say, your average Mind, Earth, Plant, Fire or Ice controller would.
Your results match mine exactly. In the early days, using flash to set contain before Fireball seemed like a good idea, but in practice, I have more fun and more success just staying behind my Phants and throwing Fireballs. An AoE immob would be icing on the cake.
Back to your original rankings though, Illusion seems like it could be bumped up the list. Once you put some effort into maximizing the recharge on PA, along with their damage, they are a tremendous amount of damage. This is something that every player would do IMO. I could, however, be mixing up my feelings about the strength of Illusion because of how PA also taunts, adding personal safety to the controller and cannot be killed, adding reliability as a pet. Illusionists don't have to work as hard to defeat a spawn as say, your average Mind, Earth, Plant, Fire or Ice controller would. |
Seeds of Confusion and that's all you NEED to do for Plant, but you can also do those deliciously high damage roots, Carrion Creepers, and Fireballs?
Flashfire into AoE Containment into Trolling with Hotfeet for Fire?
I'd argue that those three sets have so much control and their added AoE Containment that, well... yeah. They're probably going to defeat a spawn far easier and far, FAR faster. Well, maybe not Earth, it depends on RNG there. But Fire and Plant? DEFINITELY.
My gaming time has been sharply curtailed while my wife and I focus on getting the next version of our website done and online, so I haven't been able to do any specific testing.
Based on my experience playing multiple Mind/, Grav/ (and I have played Grav/ a fair bit since the re-vamp), Fire/ and Dark/ controllers I'd totally put Dark/ above both Mind/ and Grav/ if damage is the criteria.
Dark/ has no problem setting containment which *immediately* puts it above Mind/ for anything over single target and esp for PTOD targets.
The Shades from Haunt are actually excellent damage AND control (not as nearly as good a control tool as PA, but you CAN aim them at a mob/spawn much more effectively from range) and the (relatively) fast recharge makes them an excellent fire and forget dmg power.
Living Shadows not only does better dmg than most AOE immobs (Roots is best IIRC followed by Fire cages?), but the huge cone makes it easier to get most of a spawn that often has a couple outliers. With 4 dmg procs slotted it does EXCELLENT dmg and has the -kb to leverage things like Tornado etc.
To me Dark/ plays like a hybrid of several other primaries with many of the advantages of other sets. It does quite good ST dmg when you factor in Haunt (way better DPA than the ST attack powers like the ST immob or lev/lift from other sets), and does excellent AOE dmg as well once you get Living Shadows slotted up with procs.
Long story short: I'd put Dark/ right up there with Plant/ and Fire. Illusion is up there as well for single target, but the lack of an AOE immob/dmg power really hurts Illusion/ when you start looking at AOE dmg.
That's my two shiny coins...
Slightly tangential (and I know we are talking primary only) but I was wondering how much the addition of dark servant and it's aoe immob changes the damage output of Illusion. [<---rhetorical]
In other words, how much does this particular choice of secondary "improve" the primary when looking at damage output and would you think its one of the more significant pairings that boost production for a primary. And are their other pairings that significantly change the way a primary performs.
Sorry for the tangent.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Haunt has a major issue in that the pets are prone to dying fairly easily, and only have a single attack. While Imps are much like this, Imp Brawl is by far superior to Shadow Punch. But, Haunt is definitely not bad (For Controllers).
However, Dark has one big shortcoming in comparison to this: Their ST Immo and ST Hold are two of the worst for DPA in the game. By far. Slow animation and low base damage = ugh.
Haunt helps offset this, but it can't be ignored Dark's personal damage is fairly lackluster. It strongly relies on it's pets to deal the bulk of it's damage, but on the flipside it also has the major lack of personal damage.
Illusion gets both.
Also, the Cone vs. the T.AoEs of the other AoE Immos? AoE Immos are Radius 30. This is MORE than large enough to hit an entire spawn. The only way you wouldn't is if the spawn was somehow spread extremely far away. In being a cone, it is more likely to miss things due to the cone dipping downward due to bad targeting metrics, etc.
Dark is a good set, but you're ignoring the weaknesses (Personal Damage, Pet Squishiness).
Slightly tangential (and I know we are talking primary only) but I was wondering how much the addition of dark servant and it's aoe immob changes the damage output of Illusion.
In other words, how much does this particular choice of secondary "improve" the primary when looking at damage output and would you think its one of the more significant pairings that boost production for a primary. And are their other pairings that significantly change the way a primary performs. Sorry for the tangent. |
Haunt has a major issue in that the pets are prone to dying fairly easily, and only have a single attack. While Imps are much like this, Imp Brawl is by far superior to Shadow Punch. But, Haunt is definitely not bad (For Controllers).
However, Dark has one big shortcoming in comparison to this: Their ST Immo and ST Hold are two of the worst for DPA in the game. By far. Slow animation and low base damage = ugh. Haunt helps offset this, but it can't be ignored Dark's personal damage is fairly lackluster. It strongly relies on it's pets to deal the bulk of it's damage, but on the flipside it also has the major lack of personal damage. Illusion gets both. Also, the Cone vs. the T.AoEs of the other AoE Immos? AoE Immos are Radius 30. This is MORE than large enough to hit an entire spawn. The only way you wouldn't is if the spawn was somehow spread extremely far away. In being a cone, it is more likely to miss things due to the cone dipping downward due to bad targeting metrics, etc. Dark is a good set, but you're ignoring the weaknesses (Personal Damage, Pet Squishiness). |

The shades are NOT that squishy if you support them with the -ToHit that Dark/ brings to the table in spades. If you expect them to tank a spawn by themselves, then yes they are going to bite it BIG time, but as a dmg power when used with the rest of the set? Not bad at all esp since they are so fast to recast.
Re the cone: I've had very little problem getting all of a spawn in LS both on my Dark/Dark and on my Dark/Storm. In fact with the Dark/Storm it's even more useful because spawns often get spread into a long line by Hurricane and just lining that up with the cone is quite easy, while putting it into a clump for a targeted AOE can take a bit more time.
Obviously YMMV widely, but I've found that I can take on larger spawns a lot sooner with my Dark/ than I can with anything except Plant/.
Now PART of the difference in opinion may lie in the what difficulty settings different players use. I tend to go with +8/+0-2 depending on how mature the build is and with no bosses. If someone does smaller spawns with a substantially higher level delta I can totally see why the Shades would be quite squishy etc.
I think part of the difficulty in comparing "damage" between sets is because a lot depends on the playstyle, situation, difficulty settings chosen etc.

You can't really disagree with the fact it's ST Immo and ST Hold are two of the worst of the entire AT. That all said, YMMV otherwise but of the "Top ST Sets", it can't contend with them for personal damage. Which means Haunt is only really offsetting it's lack of a personal damage ability (IE: Spectral Wounds, Hot Feet, Lift, Propel, etc etc), and the fact the ST Immo and ST Hold are terrible.
Umbral Beast is just a standard single pet. Decent damage not much else.
So, I must strongly disagree that Haunt lifts it near or above any other set. No personal attacks, and two of the worst ST's in the AT.
I think part of the difficulty in comparing "damage" between sets is because a lot depends on the playstyle, situation, difficulty settings chosen etc.
![]() Arg |
My typical team for instance has a tank/brute/meleer bunching spawns up making lining up cones (and keeping pets relatively control-able and more efficient) much easier and predictable. I in no way think it's the way all teams should be. I love non-holy trinity teams. We just happen to have one or two people in our SG that are tank lovers so we almost always have one on our teams. So spawn size and how they are "bunched" together go a long way in what your controller can or can't do.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
You can't really disagree with the fact it's ST Immo and ST Hold are two of the worst of the entire AT. That all said, YMMV otherwise but of the "Top ST Sets", it can't contend with them for personal damage. Which means Haunt is only really offsetting it's lack of a personal damage ability (IE: Spectral Wounds, Hot Feet, Lift, Propel, etc etc), and the fact the ST Immo and ST Hold are terrible.
Umbral Beast is just a standard single pet. Decent damage not much else. So, I must strongly disagree that Haunt lifts it near or above any other set. No personal attacks, and two of the worst ST's in the AT. |

But all that's besides the point. My understanding is that we were talking about dmg as an overall issue NOT focused specifically on personal ST dmg.
Yes Illusion gets the extra dmg from pets too, but Illusion totally lacks any real ability to set containment, and also lacks any meaningful damaging AOE attack (well aside from the fact that IIRC Phanty gets torrent?).
IF you are looking at total damage done, AOE *always* makes ST dmg pale by comparison, it's simple math. Even if you are doing somewhat mediocre dmg via your AOE attacks, mediocre * 16 is better than excellent * 1. In AOE you also have to note that Umbra beast HAS a decent AOE attack (like Phanty) that it uses, and that Dark/ has the immob to make more effective.
I think to be a meaningful discussion we would HAVE to setup some sort of categories so that we are comparing things that are somewhat similar.
Just as an example you also have to decide what to do with confusion dmg. Dmg caused by confused mobs is a VERY real contributor to overal dmg potential of a set. It's a BIG part of what puts Plant/ on the top of the dmg list for me, pair every spawn AOE confusion with the ability to doe enough AOE dmg to get the lion's share of the XP and all the drops and you have an AOE monster.
And Yet Plant is NOT on the top for single target dmg, I'd probably put either Illusion or Fire on the top for single target, depending on what TYPE of single target and therefore how much healback happens with the spectral dmg.
It's like comparing individual powers to each other... It's a meaningless comparison, you can't compare powers you have to compare SETS because they are balanced as sets NOT individually.
In the same way I don't think you can just compare "Damage". You have to set some parameters for the comparison, and probably rank them for different categories.
Sure does make for some fun conversation though!

I've TOTALLY got to get back to doing some actual work though... Wife aggro. :: sigh ::

1. Fire Control (probably not much debate here). Hot Feet adds up to a lot of damage, and the secondary effect is more damage. Plus three crazy imps who do a lot of melee damage.
2. Plant Control (This one is pretty set, too). AoE Confuse + AoE damage from Roots and Creepers, plus a pet with decent damage. |
If playing against even level mobs Fire will/should outdamage Plant but against +4 mobs Fire will be less efficient due to the level difference and damage being direct. Plant will still be effective due to the confused mobs being the same con to each other. Obviously you would get diminishing returns on XP but that isn't the discussion topic.
L50s: Tanks: Cryofission - Ice/EM - Dr Celsius - Fire/Ice - Saint George - SD/SS | Controllers: Psichosis - Ill/Kin - Major Chaos - Ill/Stm | Scrappers - Neutron Crusader - DM/SR
Currently Levelling: Angelic Blade - BS/WP Scrapper | Seeds of Destruction - Plant/Kin Controller
As the level of the mob goes up Plant may well outdamage Fire due to how confusion works.
If playing against even level mobs Fire will/should outdamage Plant but against +4 mobs Fire will be less efficient due to the level difference and damage being direct. Plant will still be effective due to the confused mobs being the same con to each other. Obviously you would get diminishing returns on XP but that isn't the discussion topic. |

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
Your questions are one of the reasons I thought this could be a fun debate. Also why it is hard to measure. To me, the best "measure" of overall damage is a set's ability to complete missions quickly and fairly safely. That takes all of the scenarios into account. However, it will also vary widely depending upon playstyle and secondary. Also, the value of damage done by a controller on a team is quite a bit different than solo. Single target damage becomes more imporant on teams that already have a lot of AoE.
While testing has some value, it also has a significant trap of failing to take into account some of the actual situations in game. Anytime you create a controlled situation to focus or concentrate on one aspect, you will probably be distorting the results.
Testing certainly can be useful, but the danger lies in making conclusions based upon testing that fails to take all scenarios into account. The testing the MagicJ did HERE is a perfect example. When I pointed out a problem with his testing method which, I felt, skewed the results, MagicJ trivialized my criticisms when others felt they had some validity. |
As to the second issue, I welcome suggestions and feedback regarding how these tests should be conducted. I consider you my peers and acknowledge that many of you are as well, or better, versed in the particularities of controllers.
However, Dark has one big shortcoming in comparison to this: Their ST Immo and ST Hold are two of the worst for DPA in the game. By far. Slow animation and low base damage = ugh.
Haunt helps offset this, but it can't be ignored Dark's personal damage is fairly lackluster. It strongly relies on it's pets to deal the bulk of it's damage, but on the flipside it also has the major lack of personal damage. |
From fastest to slowest single target immobilizes:
Ring of Fire*/Chilblain (1.17 sec) > Entangle*/Shadowy Binds (1.2 sec) > Crush (1.33 sec) > Electric Fens (1.67 sec) > Stone Prison (1.93)
*Ring of Fire and Entangle both have higher base damage than Chilblain and Shadowy Binds, respectively.
From fastest to slowest single target holds:
Char ( 1.07 sec) > Dominate (1.1 sec) > Blind/Dark Grasp (1.67 sec) > Gravity Distortion (1.83 sec) > Block of Ice (1.87 sec) > Strangler*/Fossilize (2.07) >Tesla Cage (2.17 sec)
*Strangler has higher base damage than Fossilize
Unless Mid's and City of Data are in need of correction, Dark ranks fairly well in its activation times for both its single target hold and immobilize.
From fastest to slowest single target immobilizes: Ring of Fire*/Chilblain (1.17 sec) > Entangle*/Shadowy Binds (1.2 sec) > Crush (1.33 sec) > Electric Fens (1.67 sec) > Stone Prison (1.93) *Ring of Fire and Entangle both have higher base damage than Chilblain and Shadowy Binds, respectively. From fastest to slowest single target holds: Char ( 1.07 sec) > Dominate (1.1 sec) > Blind/Dark Grasp (1.67 sec) > Gravity Distortion (1.83 sec) > Block of Ice (1.87 sec) > Strangler*/Fossilize (2.07) >Tesla Cage (2.17 sec) *Strangler has higher base damage than Fossilize |
Either way, their DPAs (Arcanatime in mind) are not very impressive regardless, and Dark has no other secondary blast. As I said in the past on Haunt, it's simply "making up" for Dark's lack of a Personal Blast that a few other Control Primaries have. Which is why I strongly say it is NOT as deceptively high ST as people may think due to having MOAR PETS.
In the end, I also disagree that the cone-based AoE makes it any better AoE than any other primary. The cone itself does do fairly better damage than many of the AoE Immos, but it's still prone to Cone Targeting Shenanigans. A bit better built-in AoE, but definitely no where near Plant or Fire.
There was a discussion started in my Electric control Guide about whether Electric Control was the second lowest damage control set. I suggested that we move that discussion here.
My ranking on general damage is probably consistant with most folks, but I think there may be some differences of opinion. Some folks will want to measure sets by effective AoE damage, while others may want to measure sets by how fast a controller can take down an AV, GM or a pylon. My view is based upon my own subjective opinion of how quickly I can go through missions when killing everything.
1. Fire Control (probably not much debate here). Hot Feet adds up to a lot of damage, and the secondary effect is more damage. Plus three crazy imps who do a lot of melee damage.
2. Plant Control (This one is pretty set, too). AoE Confuse + AoE damage from Roots and Creepers, plus a pet with decent damage.
3. Here's where the debates begin. I would probably rank Illusion here because of 4 pets plus a fast single target attack chain. Deceive can also help.
4. Gravity? It has good single target damage even if the chain is a bit slow. The recent changes have made it better. AoE damage is very weak. Singularity is amazingly durable but does only moderate damage.
5. Mind? It has decent single target attack chain and a single AoE damage power, but it lacks a pet. It tries to make up for the pet with two confuse powers.
6. Dark Control. The Haunts add some decent damage, and the pet is OK. Other than that, it really doesn't have any significant damage powers. One aspect of the "debate" is whether you consider the availability to proc up powers in the set. Dark has quite a few places that will take procs, and Living Shadows can do some decent damage with a bunch of procs in it. That might move it up the list.
7. Earth Control. Earth, Ice and Electric are on pretty even levels with only small differences. Stalagmites and Volcanic Gasses (and Salt Crystals, but nobody takes it) have very small amounts of damage. My opinion is that Earth's pet, Animate Stone, really makes a difference ever since he got Seismic Smash. His durability also makes a huge difference.
8. Electric Control. You get a little bit of extra AoE damage from Jolting Chain. In the other thread, Ketch suggested that spamming Electric Fences + Jolting Chain adds up to decent AoE damage. The two Gremlins also have a version of Jolting Chain. I think the damage on the Gremlins is too low for pets that are so fragile.
9. Ice Control. I guess that Flashfreeze, the sleep, has some AoE damage, but it is only taken rarely. You might get a little bit of damage from the confuse in Arctic Air. Jack Frost is not very durable, and doesn't do great damage, either, but he's the best you have.
The rankings would certainly change if you add in other factors, like the ability to proc out powers, how the set compares on teams vs. solo, etc. This was also not taking into account how Incarnate slots will affect the damage done by a set.
So, let the debates begin!
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control