Dear Paragon Studios,




Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I liked that mission. I can't say I didn't throw out an, "Oh COME ON!" or two at the barrage that just wouldn't end, but I felt that the difficulty was balanced almost oddly well for City of Heroes content (played on x3 with a level 30 scrapper). As I always do on non-defense-based characters I was carrying a tray full of medium/large lucks, you know, for those special occasions that never actually occur. I popped my last phenomenal luck with two EBs remaining on that sucker. No deaths but an ample supply of close calls. It was a very refreshing change of pace!

I seem to recall it having a difficulty warning, but of course I scoffed at it even as I wondered if maybe this time they were serious... They were, as it turns out.

The hedge maze certainly does a number on the ol' GTX 260, though. Ultra mode works fine everywhere else but the framerate did add a wrinkle to that fight.
The missions should be balanced against other missions within that level range, though. If that's too easy, then people that are concerned about a challenge will have already adjusted their difficulty settings.



There's a trick to defeating those suckers in one go. I won't spoil it here, and admittedly it took me some time to figure it out, but once I did, they went down like ten pins.

Count me as somebody who likes the Night Ward arc. It gives you a sense of urgency like DA, and has great scenery and villain groups to mess with. Plus, Red TARDIS are everywhere.

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
The missions should be balanced against other missions within that level range, though. If that's too easy, then people that are concerned about a challenge will have already adjusted their difficulty settings.
Which is why the mission carries a warning saying it's more difficult.

If you don't want more difficult, you can always put the difficulty down. It costs nothing now you know. A blindfold penguin could do it on -1/x1.

I really should do something about this signature.



I only got 2 EBs at the end of Ward's arc (which btw, does say it's more difficult, does say to use the Magicians surrounding the house for help (get one of the thousand available Fly temp powers for Pete's sake), and when the EBs come, Ward tells you to draw them to 'him' for his help).

As is usual for these 'too hard' threads: If you're not at minimum difficulty level, that's your fault and no sympathy.

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Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
The missions should be balanced against other missions within that level range, though. If that's too easy, then people that are concerned about a challenge will have already adjusted their difficulty settings.
I've always agreed with this opinion. I see no reason to constantly raise the base difficulty as I've seen happen recently, instead of letting people make their own tasks harder if they should choose to do so. I got quite frustrated with the HUUUGE spawns in a few Dark Astoria missions with my worthless, easily-dying helpers, but at least that was Incarnate content. Why are we seeing Incarnate content in the 30s? That's not even RWZ level.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I've always agreed with this opinion. I see no reason to constantly raise the base difficulty as I've seen happen recently, instead of letting people make their own tasks harder if they should choose to do so. I got quite frustrated with the HUUUGE spawns in a few Dark Astoria missions with my worthless, easily-dying helpers, but at least that was Incarnate content. Why are we seeing Incarnate content in the 30s? That's not even RWZ level.
All of Praetoria has this problem.

They just don't seem to pay attention to the systems already in place in this game when they design new content.
"They players want more challenge? Let's increase the challenge of these enemies rather than asking them what difficulty setting they are at and telling them the obvious 'increase your difficulty'."



For the most part the new Night Ward content is pretty good I think.

The missions where there is AI to help you defeat, the AI needs help, like always.

The one where they're up at the top by the door of the mansion...why can't they come down to help me? Why do I have to bring mobs up to them for Ward to use propel to KB them down again?!

Then the fight with Lamashtu and Serene...ugh...that was horrible in least it's not too bad now. In beta the AI mob help didn't even budge...had to bring Lamashtu to them...and again, if she stepped 5 steps away from their "aggro radius" oops, you're by yourself.

Oh and *spoiler alert* the other helper in that mission was a gray conned LT....yeah...that doesn't help when you're fighting yellow conned EBs (at lowest diff. setting too).

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Just ran Belladonna Vetrano in my Fire/Rads group.
Maybe we shouldn't have gone +4x8 with only three of us. Chimera was absolutely off the hook...

Still, his "final technique" had a lot of "cough cough" in it. So I think I recognized it as "Help! I'm being attacked by a group of Fire/Rads!"

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Speaking of Belladonna, she finally convinced me to end pretty much all my ambitions of fiddling with difficulty in Incarnate content. In the pre-50 game, I liked playing on +0x2, because I like enemies my level in spawns of about 5 and six. Forget "five and six," half the spawns in any average Incarnate mission are set to "large," which at x2 puts them at a size equal to about x5, so there's really no reason for me to play at anything over x1, and even then I'll probably be playing an effective x3.

In addition to this, I recall arguing with Zombra, way back when, over whether every fight should be a boss fight. In that old argument, we were speaking figuratively, since he liked playing on high difficulty settings and fighting a life or death fight every spawn. I disagreed with him so vehemently that we basically never played together - all I wanted was a bunch of easy fights with a tough boss fight AT THE END. Funny that Incarnate content made the argument literal, with over half the spawns I've fought in Incarnate content having bosses in them. As a result of this, I'm considering disabling bosses, as well.

What's funny is I'm already trying to play Incarnate content as -1 to me, be it through having level shifts or by relying on DA not spawning lower than 50 so 50-1 effectively removes level 51 spawns. Putting this all together, it looks like I'll be playing at -1x1 with no bosses and no AVs. And I have a feeling the game will not be "comfortable" even then.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.