Martial Arts and Street Justice




The suggestion needs to be said again, since it's been so long since it's been said!

Make their animations work for each other! Let us mix and match! This would create some really good variety in the fighting styles for those who use the sets!

Crushing Uppercut animation versus Eagle's Claw
Storm Kick animation versus Initial Blow

Make this happen please!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Just being curious: If the animations could be swapped at will, what reasons would people have to choose one powerset over the other? And, more importantly, what reasons would they have to choose the OTHER powerset at all?




Originally Posted by Tenjoy View Post
Just being curious: If the animations could be swapped at will, what reasons would people have to choose one powerset over the other? And, more importantly, what reasons would they have to choose the OTHER powerset at all?




Originally Posted by Tenjoy View Post
Just being curious: If the animations could be swapped at will, what reasons would people have to choose one powerset over the other? And, more importantly, what reasons would they have to choose the OTHER powerset at all?

Some people still don't care for StJ's combo system. Some people haven't bought StJ for various reasons.

From a ST DPS pov, StJ is only better on Stalkers. For the other melee types, the ST DPS comes out pretty even last I recall.

Not to mention Tankers get +Defense from Storm Kick.

Though, if they'd finally let MA slot CaK with Defense Debuff sets, I think MA would pull a head (if only slightly) in the ST DPS.

StJ would have a bit more AOE, MA would have the ST (for the most part).

Though should be said, not everyone takes Sweeping Cross. So while StJ's Targetted AOE is higher damage (at just 2 seconds longer recharge than MA's PBAOE) the sets are close enough to not matter all that much (again, only on Stalkers does StJ really come out ahead).

And while you could mix and match the power animations, some just might make the choice of powerset on name alone even with interchangable animations.

Martial Arts just gives off a different Vibe than Street Justice.

I know I'd love to use Storm Kick, Eagle's Claw, Rib Cracker, Spinning Strike (and alternate animation it with Dragon's Tail) and Heavy Blow, all on one character, for a nice mix of fist and kick attacks.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I would love more animation proliferation in general. Not new animations, mind you, just old animations swapped around to other sets. Super Strength, Martial Arts, and now Street Justice attacks would look good in, say, Electric or Energy Melee. (Yes, I'd love to make a character with electric kicks!)

So, yes, consider me /signed and then some.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
I would love more animation proliferation in general. Not new animations, mind you, just old animations swapped around to other sets. Super Strength, Martial Arts, and now Street Justice attacks would look good in, say, Electric or Energy Melee. (Yes, I'd love to make a character with electric kicks!)

So, yes, consider me /signed and then some.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I completely agree... and can go even farther and mix it with SS animations...

Having more customization options would only make the game richer.

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I doubt it will happen for multpile reasons but I would totally be on board with this. I use all these on my various tanks I approve of this.


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I want this too...especially for Energy Melee, due to animation issues...

*click Total Focus*
*make dinner*
*click Energy Transfer*
*eat dinner*



Originally Posted by Warsuit X-5 View Post
I want this too...especially for Energy Melee, due to animation issues...

*click Total Focus*
*make dinner*
*click Energy Transfer*
*eat dinner*
Unfortunately changing animations doesn't mean the cast times will be changed. If you look at any set that has alternate animations the cast time is the same. Take Knock Out Blow from Super Strength. The "Popeye" style wind up and the double handed alternate take the same time to animate.

For what it's worth, my first 50 tank was a Invul/NRG and oh how I miss the days of the 1sec Energy Transfer. Build Up -> ET -> Total Focus -> ET... *droooool*

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Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
I doubt it will happen for multpile reasons but I would totally be on board with this. I use all these on my various tanks I approve of this.

My tanks... brutes... scrappers.... the beauty of mix and match sets would be staggering to behold.


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I think its a great idea, and a very efficient use of developer time in terms of the added customisation it would provide.



Originally Posted by Warsuit X-5 View Post
I want this too...especially for Energy Melee, due to animation issues...

*click Total Focus*
*make dinner*
*click Energy Transfer*
*eat dinner*
Oh, my idea was never to change animation times. It would speed up or slow down some of the animations that are close to the original animation.

Making alternate animations that are faster than the original is a terrible idea, as it would just have people picking the fastest animation.

However, there are animations that are the same animation time, or close enough that I think it warrants adjusting the animation time for this.

Mixing it into all non weapon based sets is also a good idea. In fact it might renew interrest in some of the other sets.

They could also likely charge 100-200 points for the alternate animations per set and have people buying them up.

If I could have Barrage's animation instead of Sweeping Crosses (Barrage would need to be lengthened in animation time), I'd actually pick SC on my StJ.

I'd also not only buy these, it give me incentive to use sets I avoid because their animations just seem so drab to me (like Electric Melee! How I love the set mechanically, but hate a lot of it's animations).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I'd like this, and also some of Kinetic Melee in the mix. Some of the strikes would look good mixed in with some of the kicks from MA.
