So I just watched: Iron Sky.
Hm, sounds disappointing. I guess the ultimate question is, did you feel like it was worth the ticket price to see it in the theater?
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Considering that here, for example, it was only available for 1 day (today) in about 3 theatres around the UK this wasn't a paid for film, I actually got to watch it free since it officially comes out on Monday and I work in DVD rental place.
So yeah if I'd have paid for it, I'd been even more disappointed.
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
This was always a concept that would be absolutely amazing in a trailer or two, but completely fall through in a full length movie. I was surprised when it finally got enough funding to be made.
Those trailers were glorious, though. While I had no desire to see the film as a result of them, I happily showed them to all my friends.
Since most trailers show enough of the movie to have your mind fill in the blanks (*cough*Prometheus*cough*) it's not surprising that 'fake trailers' have been growing in popularity. If you can cobble together 3 minutes of awesomeness you'll get a lot of views - and I'm sure there are worse things to put on your resume than that as an editor.
Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."
I thought Iron Sky was great, although, yes, it was very different from what I'd expected.
Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
I was hoping for awesomely cheesy pulp action a la Rocketman.
Unfortunately, the movie hasn't been available for me to watch yet.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I trade you one Iron Sky for the Australian masterpiece that is The 25th Reich:

Moon Nazis, Zeppelin Spaceships and...not very well done satire oh my.
Eh...even as a non-American I found the over the top satire on America that features in the film to be a suppose I was expecting something more along the lines of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (alright the film isn't good but you know what I mean) and less Team America World Police with Nazis.
The film is fun just probably one of those things where it wasn't what I was expecting at all and because of that it went from "yay!" to "meh!" fairly sharpish around the 30 minute mark.
Satire on America being an overbearing warmongering nation has been done before, almost to the point where it is now cliched, I just wanted a straight up campy actionfest, the film does have these moments but they're too few and far between. It honestly felt like one of those poorly done parody movies like Meet the Spartans only with more class.
The other problem is...well I saw Avengers on Tuesday and...kind of still reeling from that film, especially since it was my first 3D experience (and it didn't give me a massive headache and eyeballs feeling like they're about to explode like the old red and blue 3D does).
So yeah, if you want another movie that does that angle of satire, go ahead and watch it.
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper
A real showstopper!