CoHTitan Infected by Virus?




Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Now it all makes sense. I keep thinking of malware as just being a form of griefing... causing misery just to cause it. These folks are certainly upping the ante.
I think that only a small percentage of viruses exist solely for griefing purposes.

There's keyloggers to steal logins, passwords and credit card numbers from email, banking, ebay, etc sites. Mailers and worms that automatically send out viruses from YOUR computer, so that if they get tracked back to anyone, it's not the originator. Programs that make your computer act as an extension of another computer so it can run complex and/or illegal programs (like programs to brute force passwords and such for sensitive sites). And dozens of others.

Most malware is all about the profit.

And collecting the credit cards? That's not for the $20 they get from you for "buying the software". It's for the million dollars or more that they get for selling a batch of stolen credit card numbers to various fraudulent companies, including (but not limited to) RMT gold sellers in MMOs who use stolen credit cards to pay their subscription fees, so that subbing their farmers and powerlevelers doesn't bite into their profits.




Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Also, if you're using Chrome, I would suggest turning off cookies and whitelisting only the ones you need. If you're running Firefox, Adblock Pus is a godsend.
I find Adblock Plus for Chrome to be pretty useful, personally.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I like the phone calls presumably from some guy in India who claims to be a Microsoft Certified tech who's tired of looking at reports about how many errors your computer has. He wants you to run Event Viewer and be scared by any events logged therein and go to some website that will probably either give him access to your computer or else prompt you to download and run a program that'll do something malicious.
Had that happen to me once...

I replied "I am running Linux, so i know you are lieing".

Rather unsurprisingly they hung up rapidly.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Had that happen to me once...

I replied "I am running Linux, so i know you are lieing".

Rather unsurprisingly they hung up rapidly.
reminds me of the Google Optimizer calls.

I'm tempted to get them to read "yes" considering I have no authority to authorize expenditures, and they (from what I recall) never explicitly say they are going to charge you, and never ask if you have the authority to authorize charges.

but then corporate might get angry at me.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I like the phone calls presumably from some guy in India who claims to be a Microsoft Certified tech
So, you got that call too ?

Thanks, I wasn't 100% sure if I had done the right thing reading the riot act to that guy when he called me the other night...

To the OP: As stated above, the only good, safe and up to date Paragon Wiki can be found at the addresses listed in TonyV's message. Accept no substitute (especially if it has "wikia" in the URL...) !

Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I like the phone calls presumably from some guy in India who claims to be a Microsoft Certified tech who's tired of looking at reports about how many errors your computer has. He wants you to run Event Viewer and be scared by any events logged therein and go to some website that will probably either give him access to your computer or else prompt you to download and run a program that'll do something malicious.
Those guys are fun. The last time I got one of those calls, I opened up a virtual machine running Windows 95. Tied him up for half an hour as he tried to figure out why his instructions weren't working. (I never told him what version of Windows I was running. He just assumed Vista, and was quite puzzled when I kept saying "I don't see anything like that" or "I got an error message".) The one before that demonstrated a fluent command of vulgar English, when I slipped up and started giggling after giving a bizarre-but-possible response to a question.



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Now it all makes sense. I keep thinking of malware as just being a form of griefing... causing misery just to cause it. These folks are certainly upping the ante.
Nah, it's called "Scareware" and tries to get your credit card info out of you, or in my case actually coerces you into buying a product to remove the virus it created, making it very 'grey' legally (the product removes the virus- prove we put it there). That's what happened to me recently. Fortunately, I had the wherewithall to immediately shut down my computer and take it into the shop without clicking anything (I have a warranty deal so I don't pay for any of that). Still had to completely re-install the basic system though.

I don't even go anywhere 'dangerous' or 'weird', so I have no idea where I got it, but them's the breaks (pretty much here and a few other areas- Fine I'm boring, and don't have time for cruzing the intrawebs- I'm either here, in game playing or working on a AE arc, and then a couple other places I go all the time). They're getting smarter and more savvy about how they try and scam, and how they go about it.

Escalation! It's the name of the game.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.