what boosts to your character's power do you use?




Keeping in mind that I've only been playing since last October...

1. crafted powers - envenomed dagger is big vs AV's, stun grenades give everyone an AoE mezz, lots of other powers as well

Only really tried it out a couple times on my first character, and only ended up using them when exemplared during, say, a Posi TF. Also crafted one to add some damage on my controller for a while, but stopped using it fairly quickly since it was a bit of an endurance hog.

2. Safeguard temporary powers just for doing them - sure there is flight, but there is also END increase and Health increase

3. Safeguard temporary powers for side missions

Only run safeguards a couple times. Only power I can remember getting from them was a jetpack--on a character that already had flight.

4. Day Job buffs - recharge buff, regen buff, etc

I tend to prefer the +XP/+Inf/+drops day jobs, but most of my day job choices are more out of convenience (just finding the nearest Day Job before I log off).

5. Temp power from patrolling PvP zones - stealth or phasing

Found this very useful on my first character for a couple missions, but haven't really done it for any of my other character.

6. Temp powers from regular missions - wedding ring, holy shotgun

Made great use of the Bow & Arrow on my first character; can't think of any others I've really used it on.

7. DfB and DiB temporary buffs - through level 20 or 30


8. Kal SF has a buff up to 50, +Max HP, +Regen, +Dmg

Have it on both my villains.

9. Buying better inspirations and emailing to self

Haven't done that.

10. Special buffs SG's can get from their base

Haven't tried those at all.

11. Accolades with buffs/powers

I do enjoy getting the +HP/+End buffs, but of course I've only gotten those on a couple characters so far. Haven't seen much reason to bother picking up the click powers.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I'm really confused by people's answer to his inspiration question.

He didn't ask if we use inspirations. He asked if we buy better ones.
He also mentions being surprised that "many people never bother with inspirations"

That's the part people are replying to, not his question of whether or not they buy themselves larger ones.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
1. crafted powers - envenomed dagger is big vs AV's, stun grenades give everyone an AoE mezz, lots of other powers as well

2. Safeguard temporary powers just for doing them - sure there is flight, but there is also END increase and Health increase

3. Safeguard temporary powers for side missions

4. Day Job buffs - recharge buff, regen buff, etc

5. Temp power from patrolling PvP zones - stealth or phasing

6. Temp powers from regular missions - wedding ring, holy shotgun

7. DfB and DiB temporary buffs - through level 20 or 30

8. Kal SF has a buff up to 50, +Max HP, +Regen, +Dmg

9. Buying better inspirations and emailing to self

10. Special buffs SG's can get from their base

11. Accolades with buffs/powers
1. Nope. Too cheap to waste salvage for them. Considering how poorly they sell, temp power recipes are the first thing I delete if I run out of space mid mission.

2. Nope. Don't really care for them, so I generally skip em. Sure I *could* do them once per 5 levels, but meh.

3. Nope. IF I do them, it's just stop the bank robbery, maybe get the badge, then click exit. Those side missions may as well not exist.

4. Nope. Largely tedious to get for minimal benefit.

5. Nope. Avoid PvP and thus PvP zones at all costs.

6. Mostly I do the "Save em for when I need them" then forget about them when they would have helped.

7. Yes. But just because I don't really like playing pre-SOs these days, so the temps are just a side effect of getting my characters past the teens as fast as possible without being able to PL myself. This of course means I get fairly minimal actual benefit from DfB's temps, since they go away once I get to the level I'd like to actually start playing the character at.

8. Nope. Don't play redside.

9. Nope. Cheap.

10. Nope. Cheap and not in a SG on many characters (Comes from transplanting your characters to new servers multiple times, first to Virtue for larger population, then to Exalted when they added it).

11. Same as 6.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I never use crafted powers and only ever use mission powers just to get rid of them from my tray. My stone tanker often uses Elusive Mind (For the psi res) and Geas of the Kind ones (to help with recharge rate, then I can run Haste then GotKO, then haste again). I pop Insps like their going out of fashion and use team/mixed insps when I win them from super packs.

I use Mystic Fortune and Secondary mutation a lot. I like the random roulette of powers it gives you (I wish there was a 'random power' powerset).

Also the 'summoning' temps are great. Amy, shivans, warwolves, snow beasts and coral warders are wonderful little helpers when the going gets tough, or you want to give a boss a nice over powered kicking.

Rockshock (Druid Tanker), Medicat (Combat Medic), Dwarf From the North (Ice Mage), Rocket Gal (Energy Blaster), Graveborn (Undead Mastermind), Streeker (Punching Speedster), Op. Sidewinder (Recluse's pet Spider)



I regularly use IOs, inspirations, accolades, and the buffs from DFB and DIB.

I occasionally use temp powers from missions, shivans, and warburg nukes.

I've almost never used any of the others.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
1. crafted powers - envenomed dagger is big vs AV's, stun grenades give everyone an AoE mezz, lots of other powers as well
Nope, please have them stop dropping into my recipes. I vendor trash them.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
2. Safeguard temporary powers just for doing them - sure there is flight, but there is also END increase and Health increase
Nope. Seldom do them.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
3. Safeguard temporary powers for side missions
Also nope.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
4. Day Job buffs - recharge buff, regen buff, etc
If I get the passives I don't have a choice. I don't use the click ones.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
5. Temp power from patrolling PvP zones - stealth or phasing

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
6. Temp powers from regular missions - wedding ring, holy shotgun

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
7. DfB and DiB temporary buffs - through level 20 or 30
If I run it and get them sure. They're passives.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
8. Kal SF has a buff up to 50, +Max HP, +Regen, +Dmg
Again, if I ever run it, sure. It's passive.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
9. Buying better inspirations and emailing to self

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
10. Special buffs SG's can get from their base

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
11. Accolades with buffs/powers
I get the passives for characters I plan to take to Tier 4, otherwise nope.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



I use all tools provided to me. I use the crafted temp powers some, depending on which ones drop. I do buy the dagger and stun grenade when they run out. Having an AoE stun can prove pretty useful. I use to do the safeguard missions early for the travel powers, now we don't need to.

I go for the res and end sg powers when I am the right level. As for day job accolades and powers, I go for the res first, then the frag grenades, I like those.

I always seem to miss the Striga arcs with my new characters, but a few have those powers. I use inspirations a lot, from the regular ones to the dual and team dual ones. I keep two bins full in my sg bases of the good ones to grab on tf's if needed. I go for the accolades as well, especially the Croatoa one and the shield.

�The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."

@Mr. Magnifico



I like Vanguard mechs for Mothership raids, and all of my characters tend to keep a few shivans around for tougher-than-expected fights... A few also carry envenomed daggers and recovery serums for the same purpose.

A couple have used the day job rez on league-mates during iTrials and ship raids...

Many have the Wedding Ring and Wolf Whistle temps, but I rarely remember they're there...

A few have Eye of the Magus and Geas of the Kind Ones, and I *do* get a fair bit of use out of those...

Kestrel and Chanter both have the Signature Summon temp power (Scirocco for her, Ghost Widow for him), but that's as much a character/RP thing as a game-play thing. I've only used them once or twice, and even then it was mosly just for the fun of it...

I've never made much use of things like the trick-or-treat rocks, winter snowballs, Chance's chain-gun or Vernon's bees...

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Crafted powers: Only for flavor. (I have some characters who brandish a service revolver, or a bat.) Some of them might start carrying a Resuscitator, though, now that I've been made aware of them.

Safeguard powers: Definitely handy, though not the game-changer that getting (temporary) travel powers at such a low level once was, due to there being other, more permanent options now.
I do the side missions to do them (for badges/accolades), when I remember to bother, not for the powers.

Day Job powers: Also somewhat handy, but I tend to pick day jobs based on character concept rather than raw utility.

lolPvP. I rarely even bother with Shivans or Warburg nukes at this point: at the level they're "needed", we have Incarnate powers now.

Temp powers from missions: I tend to collect these, and may not ever use most of them. They often get put on a tray of their own.

DfB, DiB, Mortimer Kal: Most of my characters who've done these are actually far above the levels where these buffs expire. (I haven't made any new lowbies for a while.)

As for inspirations, I tend to put some (Awaken/Bounce Back, Break Free/Emerge, and Keen Insights for combining) into email for later use, especially since my tray is usually near full of greens, blues, and awaken+break free pairs. (The other colors are spent as they drop, or given away if a teammate can make better use than my current AT.)

Per item #1, I rarely remember/bother to craft enhancement station buffs either. Or do you mean stuff like Items of Power, etc? Never bothered.

Accolades - I generally pick up the Atlas Medallion, Phalanx Reserve and/or Portal Jockey at the appropriate levels. The redside equivalents are still a pain, and I've only really gone after them on one villain.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Rockshock View Post
Also the 'summoning' temps are great. Amy, shivans, warwolves, snow beasts and coral warders are wonderful little helpers when the going gets tough, or you want to give a boss a nice over powered kicking.
Oh, forgot about those. Those are always nice to get you out of a tight spot; I tend to save them as long as possible since I don't go looking for them when I choose missions. It was really nice to find an Amy's Ward in my powers list during the STF Lord Recluse fight the second time I ran it.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Everyone presumably trains powers and adds enhancements
surprisingly many people never bother with inspirations
what else do you use?

1. crafted powers - envenomed dagger is big vs AV's, stun grenades give everyone an AoE mezz, lots of other powers as well

2. Safeguard temporary powers just for doing them - sure there is flight, but there is also END increase and Health increase

3. Safeguard temporary powers for side missions

4. Day Job buffs - recharge buff, regen buff, etc

5. Temp power from patrolling PvP zones - stealth or phasing

6. Temp powers from regular missions - wedding ring, holy shotgun

7. DfB and DiB temporary buffs - through level 20 or 30

8. Kal SF has a buff up to 50, +Max HP, +Regen, +Dmg

9. Buying better inspirations and emailing to self

10. Special buffs SG's can get from their base

11. Accolades with buffs/powers

I pretty much don't use any of the list. When I get one I always think I should remember to get more, then I don't.
1. On some characters that really suffer from endurance in the low levels (this was mostly before fitness became inherent) I would often use the crafted power that would boost endurance. It worked wonders. I mostly used it for tough fights or fights that would take awhile (fighting Protean on a low damage character for example.)

2. I usually grab the temporary powers when I can, but I don't run them specifically to get them. Most of the time they just happen to be a convenient way to get XP while leveling, and the bonus is just nice. Especially the health one.

3. I don't really do side missions. I prefer to just move on.

4. I don't have many day job badges. Too much for me to keep track of.

5. Not really. I pick up Shivans every now and then for when I need them, but that's about it. The only other reason I go into PVP zones is for exploration badges. Or once I spent five hours in RV on a /time character to get the Time Traveler badge.

6. I get wedding ring on most of my characters because it can be very useful in the later fights. During Sister Solaris's arc, for example.

7. When I'm leveling a hero, most definitely. I like to get all of the buffs. DiB doesn't seem to be run as commonly on my server though, so I don't really get those buffs. They aren't as important/noticeable for me anyway, since the 20's is when I slot SO's.

8. I do it on characters that are Vigilantes, but that's not many. I've gotten it on maybe three characters, possibly only two.

9. I buy big inspirations if I know they'll make a difference, like high end break frees for certain iTrials. And I will mail big ones to other characters if I think they need them.

10. Nah.

11. For my 'main' characters I try to get the main 4 accolades for the buffs they provide. They're essential in some of my builds, especially if I'm going for +HP on a WP brute.



The main boost I use when playing is bourbon. Buffs my tolerance for bad players and bad content. Many's the Synapse TF that I only made it through because of my "leveling pact" with Jim Beam.