Thoughts on Nemesis invasions




Hmm... These must be done using the 'Invasion 2.0' setup we saw last year. It's a typical invasion, but...


There's a month of this.

The invasions are HARD because if you defeat too many lieutenants at once, they cap out on Vengeance. This is frustrating for players since they simply can't hit anything and everything the enemies launch lands.

There's only one badge for the event, for fighting the GM, *BUT*...

Getting the GM to spawn is HARD. You seem to need at least 12 folks over 35 or so. If you DO have the folks to spawn him, chances are you're also stacking that same Vengeance on him with every spawn wave.

(Convincing an entire league of 50+ folks to only use single target attacks is difficult enough on TPN against 5 telepathists at a time. Convincing everyone who shows up to fight Nemi that way? Sheesh!)

It's entirely possible to go the entire event without seeing the GM, even with a full team.

It's also entirely possible to spawn the GM and then be unable to defeat him in the time alotted because he gets defense-capped so quickly and simply out-lasts.

The problem here is that there's no sense of urgency at all. People are interested in getting the badge, but at the same time, it's very apparent that if you then bring TOO MANY arms to bear, it makes the event just as pointless as if you'd brought too little.

If you do try to make every event, you're just asking for frustration. At the same time, if you try to cherry-pick the 'good' events when you know people with gather (Talos, for example) you run the risk of 'too much'.

I think we need to reevaluate this event.



[Union Chat]Sebaddon: If you want to, we will, if you think it's weird, no, that's damz, not us.

[Union Chat]Damz: hey cyber, i am your naked pope for the evening, please confess to me my child



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
IIRC, Nemesis Vengence only provides Melee and Ranged defense... so they actually have an AoE hole!
You are correct. (And my DB/Fire scrapper was enjoying that...)

Worst part of it to me is that it's fairly pointless for a lowbie to do anything but run and hide. Attacks? I ran through a full attack chain (with breaks to eat greens) about 3x - ok, as full an attack chain as I could, but I also have vet attacks. Result? Maybe 10% health down. On one mob. With about six others porting in or otherwise chasing me.

That's not fun.

Neither are the gas clouds that do two ticks of damage at once... that overwhelm a lowbie's health bar.

About the only things missing would be a massive -END/-Recov/-rech attack that everything spams.



based on the baddy hp, they are level 50 baddies set to use the scaling code so they are even con regardless of level/level shifts

in the invasions ive participated in ive never had problems with the nemesis vengeance stacking too much, most of the time things are dying almost as soon as they are attackable thus the veng get mostly wasted on baddies who are still untargetable

the event is ok but its still a little disapointing that the invasion is basically just a recoded zombie invasion, the only thing i like about it is the GM



The targeting bug is the part that bothers me most about the invasions so far. It's a real pain for someone without a PBAOE or location-targeted AOE to hit things when you need to spend most of your time cycling away from empty patches of ground to targets which are actually there. Maybe that's just a bug with target_enemy_near, but since that's my primary targeting tool (bound to 't') it makes everything clumsier.

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Originally Posted by CapnBarcode View Post
The targeting bug is the part that bothers me most about the invasions so far. It's a real pain for someone without a PBAOE or location-targeted AOE to hit things when you need to spend most of your time cycling away from empty patches of ground to targets which are actually there.
definitely agree with that too



Yeah, it's essentially the very worst parts of the old Rikti invasions combined with easily the worst parts of fighting the Nemesis army AND by far the worst part of sidekicking too high up for lowbie characters.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Yeah, I echo these sentiments. It's just an unfortunate side effect of heaping a ton of Nemesis spawns on top of one another. Old game mechanics clash with new.

Mr. True Shot.

PS: On the other hand, this is EXACTLY how HE planned it!!!

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Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
IIRC, Nemesis Vengence only provides Melee and Ranged defense... so they actually have an AoE hole!
Well thank goodness the AoE-heavy folks are okay! I was worried! Poor things. Always so disadvantaged. Finally... their moment to shine!

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Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
IIRC, Nemesis Vengence only provides Melee and Ranged defense... so they actually have an AoE hole!
No you're an AoE Hole!

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