Art Related
Wish I could draw that well :\
Ah, let's drop an entry into the hat, shall we? I'm quite familiar with "request to lose" style art: an SG friend sometimes does art lotteries with this sort of theme involved.
Here's Gumption, a private detective who works out of Steel Canyon. He sports a cowboy's attitude and a strange mutation that causes his skin to become a sticky gum when exposed to water or other liquids.
I nominate Flea.
But, nah, I'd rather someone else :P
EDIT: Alternatively I could make it Duggy -_- losing her stepchild and all...douchen*zzle. But no, you are getting enough love-fest-art from me :P

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Ah, let's drop an entry into the hat, shall we? I'm quite familiar with "request to lose" style art: an SG friend sometimes does art lotteries with this sort of theme involved.
Here's Gumption, a private detective who works out of Steel Canyon. He sports a cowboy's attitude and a strange mutation that causes his skin to become a sticky gum when exposed to water or other liquids. |

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Would you prefer simple costumes (not a lot of details) or will you go with anything?

Would you prefer simple costumes (not a lot of details) or will you go with anything?

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EDIT: Alternatively I could make it Duggy -_- losing her stepchild and all...douchen*zzle. But no, you are getting enough love-fest-art from me :P
Inertial could be a good option though. Just sayin yall...
Lmao I was gonna suggest that...then thought exactly the same as you haha!
Inertial could be a good option though. Just sayin yall... |

But I'd rather someone who still plays

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Well I'm not normally big on asking for drawings or having attention on my characters, but if if you'd want to you can toss my rogue Blaze Charge under that heel. He's a bit of a selfish jack *ss, frequently flirts with women, never takes anything seriously, and is always finding himself in trouble.
I like this, as its for people who aren't afraid to show their characters on the other end of things...which is probably why its gotten so few responses. Egos can run high on Virtue.
Anywho, I think one of my boys Wave would fit in this. He's been known to, at times, get on the wrong side of femme fatales. Essentially a pirate who is trying to redeem himself, he was a Rogue for the longest time, caring only for money and personal gain. He's a mutant and is often at conflict with the desires of the instincts his mutation granted him, but really enjoys the abilities he gained from his mutation, so its an even trade off.
Also; he can be a bit of a storyteller, lately claiming to have been swallowed by the Leviathan, only to have escaped.
He speaks with a very unique accent, and acts as a friend described "Like a cross between Jack Sparrow and Bender Bending Rodriguez".
But yeah, on topic, it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility of him falling on the bad side of a girly, at least for a little bit. And, really, this pic could lead to RP opportunities in game. Every enemy he's ever made has wound up being a buddy later on.
That's a pic of him on an Island, flipping some loot he 'found'.
So if you like the idea, and like his look, let me know! I'd be happy to send a better and/or brighter pic to help out.
Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession.
I have a favorite so far but since I got other things to be finalizing today, this gives others chances to throw their toons in. I imagine I can finish this over this weekend...maybe by Monday? Ask Xan if I'm allowed to take a break from other projects, he's my manager. HAHAHAHA :P

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I wonder, would it be too crazy an idea to suggest my own Nine-Ball in there?
While it seems an unlikely turn of events to see him in such a position, I'd submit the idea because A) he is the kind of villainous jerk who might deserve it, and B) there'd be very little extra work needed to fit him into the picture. Just color the guy yellow and add the #9 chest emblem and you're pretty much there.
Let me take a small step back and share some of my observations:
1) The majority of people who have messaged me on this via PM, DA, or here, are all throwing in their villains.
2) Ideally, would've been best fit with a hero.
3) Makes me really laugh, as per Terra's post, about the individuals/egos that run high in that they wouldn't want their toons in a bad light in general, but that those playing red side seem more open to it.
4) Reinforces a lot of crap we were talking about last night IC XD
I'm going to work on another piece today, will get it done and on DA.
Oh and Terra/Wave, it was fun RPing with you, Bane, and Fey last night in the D Honestly, because there are things in Karnal's story moving along, it was a little surreal for me to just be chilling with her hahaha. Kinda sucks cause I can't properly commit to anything RP-wise until these things are complete.

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I was wondering about the villain interest in this as well and don't think it is entirely a case of ego, but villains are almost expected to lose so it is probably a bit easier to nominate them to be on the receiving end of a beat down. When it happens to a hero, there is almost always a strong connection to the villain or a reason behind the defeat (thinking along the lines of knightfall) or the hero is a bit of a gimmick (great lakes avengers volatile and fast changing line-up).
It would take a certain sort of hero to be up for it. Villains on the other hand, we are used to taking a beating. It comes with the territory.
Anyway, I'm excited to see the finished piece and like I've said, the work you've been showing lately is great!
While I don't disagree with you - I still wish there was the plethora is signature heroes like back in the day that I could put here. I dunno how I feel about Karnal kicking the butt of a fellow villain. It's easier for her to get pissed off at some hero. Bleh I shall figure it out

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I'd beg for Thanners, but we've never actually teamed or RP'd much.
I hate asking this, but how many original/founding DoPers are left? If it's not Xan under her foot...who else could it be?
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I really don't play that many characters to begin with, and only have a couple of heroes, one of which I rarely play as is. And the pose has a lot of a seductive, femme fatale dominance to it, which would just seem awkward to see my main, a robot, be under. If that bit of insight helps, at all.
Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing Robot get his butt kicked, so it's not like an ego thing.
I got your hero right here, hot sauce.
Dividing Light
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
I have a favorite so far
![]() |

That said; be available tomorrow night. <6
I know well enough by now to not tell you what to do.
![]() That said; be available tomorrow night. <6 |

Although I will be deserving of some tongue-lashings, as I totally slacked off this weekend (read: busy and hungover). My friend was in town, so don't hate. <6

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It's always at the last minute people start tossing in characters.
But yeah. Was fun RP. It's been a while since I just hung out in the D, heh.
Wave is trying to walk the straight and narrow again...and all the Rogues he used to hang out with, and the new ones he meets, are all making him reconsider.
Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession.
I have this sketch that I really want to make into an actual piece. However, I thought it'd be fun to put someone in there besides some boring ol' NPC. Any takers? I know it's a weird request since...well...basically your toon would be getting pwned, but...figured I'd throw it out there. LOL Anyway, this is CLEARLY a "WIP", I do very loose sketching when laying out :P

Obviously, I'd want the toon to be male, just's the whole femme fatale thing.
As for who I choose - that's totally based on my own personal "Do I like the toon/would it make sense for Karnal to be kicking their butts? Do I like the outfit of the toon? And is the player not a d*ck IRL?" The last one is critical. No free art for douchen*zzles. hahaha my friend used that word the other day and I am in love with it. It's such a random insult. /end rant
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