Well played [adult swim], well played indeed...

Agent White



oh man, I forgot all about that site lol



Nice. Wish I saw it. I haven't been watching much anime these last few years. The last thing I watched on AS was Moribito. I can't get into insanely long series like Naruto, Bleach, or Full Metal anymore.



Well, apparently they are listening to the outcry for bringing back Toonami. A couple of bumps tonight were stating as much. They posted a few tweets that had the hash #BringBackToonami with a, iirc, [we are listening] at the end.

So, it seems entirely possible that we'll get more Tom.



A down side from last week is they ended up skipping over an episode. At least that what it appeared to have happen with both FMA:B and Durarara!

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Seems like some cartoon shows might be making a comeback of sorts. Heard that Shaolin Showdown might get the reboot treatment, and there's the possibility of a new season of Megas XLR happening.

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Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius