Bringing the Peace- The last builds I'll ever post.

Dechs Kaison



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
The purpose of the game is to collect purple enhancements?

Haha shut up Stone. The purpose of any game for me is one I've been indoctrinated with since I started playing Sonic the Hedgehog when I was like, 6 years old. You make progress, you spend time playing the game, and you get better at it.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Haha shut up Stone. The purpose of any game for me is one I've been indoctrinated with since I started playing Sonic the Hedgehog when I was like, 6 years old. You make progress, you spend time playing the game, and you get better at it.
Call me old fashioned, but I play to have fun. Doom 3D was awesome with infinite ammo and health.

But seriously, will simply buying these enhancements suddenly make these people as good as you?

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Call me old fashioned, but I play to have fun. Doom 3D was awesome with infinite ammo and health.

But seriously, will simply buying these enhancements suddenly make these people as good as you?

If I keep posting my builds when these things go live and people use them, I wouldn't be too happy. It might not make them as good as me but I have so many easy mode builds, and I've posted so much about my strategies, attack chains, etc. that yeah, I feel like some of my characters could be replicated with a minimal amount of effort by the copy cat in question.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Yeah but I wanted 32.5% s/l in all forms. A small purple from the softcap in Dwarf form is ungodly survivable, and toggles can't be run in Dwarf or Nova. I swap forms so often that running toggles is only viable in AV fights, for which my human form (my AV form) will be ~3% from the softcap without inspirations.
I saw that after I posted for some reason it evaded first time from me. Second question:ıs titanium coating in light form really necessary? From what I see even if you remove it it will be perma (by 10 second or so) and will be hard cap to all resists. With removing it at least you can remove grant invisibility (yup i dont like it :P) by placing shield wall into another defense power or you can put it into health for numina proc or heal for extra mitigation.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
I saw that after I posted for some reason it evaded first time from me. Second question:ıs titanium coating in light form really necessary? From what I see even if you remove it it will be perma (by 10 second or so) and will be hard cap to all resists. With removing it at least you can remove grant invisibility (yup i dont like it :P) by placing shield wall into another defense power or you can put it into health for numina proc or heal for extra mitigation.
Without the TC Light Form isn't perma with incarnates turned off. I guess I could replace it with a standard recharge IO since you're right about the resistance values, but either way I'd lose perma LF even exemped to 49. What other defensive power would you recommend? There's Stealth, but I don't like being transparent looking. Either way, that slot isn't going anywhere. The rest comes down to tiny personal preference things that will have no real impact on performance. I also like Grant Invisibility to annoy AIB.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Haha shut up Stone. The purpose of any game for me is one I've been indoctrinated with since I started playing Sonic the Hedgehog when I was like, 6 years old. You make progress, you spend time playing the game, and you get better at it.
Getting purples isn't the only means of progression in this game, though. Even if it was, the availability of them to purchase directly from the devs doesn't have to affect you in the least. It's like complaining you can buy them from Wentworths and insisting the only way people should get them is via lucky drops. I don't see the problem--it's only another way to buy the enhancements.

Look at it this way. There are three ways to get these things (I'm going to leave out person to person trades):
  1. You get lucky. You cannot control the RNG, so this is fair.
  2. You buy it off of wentworths, effectively cashing in time spent playing in the form of influence.
  3. You buy it from the Paragon Store, effectively cashing in time spent in your real life job in the form of cash.
For both 2 and 3, you have worked hard (in some form) to afford these enhancements. Who are you to say that the person who had to work more than he played didn't deserve it?



Well I was saying if you could spare a slot but it seems my eyes are not working well today and I keep botching on base values alot :P



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
If I keep posting my builds when these things go live and people use them, I wouldn't be too happy. .
How does Joe Schmoe on X server being able to buy purples hurt you in the least? Even if he used your build? He's helping his own play style, not infringing on yours.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
How does Joe Schmoe on X server being able to buy purples hurt you in the least? Even if he used your build? He's helping his own play style, not infringing on yours.

I spend time on my characters to get them to be able to do the things they can do. I'm not going to enable someone to carbon copy my results without an equal investment of in game time on their character.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
It might not make them as good as me but I have so many easy mode builds, and I've posted so much about my strategies, attack chains, etc. that yeah, I feel like some of my characters could be replicated with a minimal amount of effort by the copy cat in question.
So... do you resent me for posting guides on how to play? Effectively making this strategical progression for people a bit shorter?

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
So... do you resent me for posting guides on how to play? Effectively making this strategical progression for people a bit shorter?

No, not at all, because folks will still have to invest time into their characters builds in order to play them with the results they'd expect. If they wanted to get the same results that you and I get from our Warshades in particular, it would require quite a bit of time to be invested into their character, just like the time you and I invested into our characters. I'm not against helping people work on their projects, I've spent a lot of time giving advice on the forums for exactly that purpose. What I am against is the idea of things I've worked hard on being replicated without any in game effort whatsoever.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
No, not at all, because folks will still have to invest time into their characters builds in order to play them with the results they'd expect. If they wanted to get the same results that you and I get from our Warshades in particular, it would require quite a bit of time to be invested into their character, just like the time you and I invested into our characters. I'm not against helping people work on their projects, I've spent a lot of time giving advice on the forums for exactly that purpose. What I am against is the idea of things I've worked hard on being replicated without any in game effort whatsoever.
So it's ok to shorten one type of progression and not the other?

You know what... I need to apologize and stop posting here. This is something that should be taken to PMs. I'm sorry for derailing your thread so far.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
So it's ok to shorten one type of progression and not the other?

You know what... I need to apologize and stop posting here. This is something that should be taken to PMs. I'm sorry for derailing your thread so far.

It's all good, I know you're not trolling me or anything. My friends are allowed to derail my threads, hah. We can continue this discussion if you want, but I'd be just as interested to see if you can spot anything you'd change in my Peacebringer build.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I spend time on my characters to get them to be able to do the things they can do. I'm not going to enable someone to carbon copy my results without an equal investment of in game time on their character.
A good build does not make a good player, and the reverse is true as well. You should know this by now. And, as I said in a previous post, either way you obtain the purple, you're spending time and money to obtain the enhancement.

Also, I should probably mention that I'm playing the devils advocate here, and I mean nothing personal by the questions and statements I'm making. This is probably obvious, but I should mention it all the same for the people that don't know me.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
A good build does not make a good player, and the reverse is true as well. You should know this by now. And, as I said in a previous post, either way you obtain the purple, you're spending time and money to obtain the enhancement.
I know that, but still. I've gone out of my way to help people on the Kheldian board especially get the most out of their characters, both through build and playstyle suggestions. I've also had people send me tells in game who I've never interacted with after I've mentioned that I did a respec saying "I'm running your old build right now, can I get the new one?" In the past, I've sent it to them, because why not? They obviously purpled out their character, spent a good amount of time on it just like me, and I might as well help them out. Now, with people able to just buy the freaking build for irl money, I see no reason to enable them. I'm not saying this is how everyone should feel, it's just how I personally feel and I think I'm entitled to that opinion.

Also, I should probably mention that I'm playing the devils advocate here, and I mean nothing personal by the questions and statements I'm making. This is probably obvious, but I should mention it all the same for the people that don't know me.
I'm sure most people know what a good fellow you are by now, if they don't it's their fault and you should feel no need to apologize.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I design nuclear power plants forty five hours a week.
Mr. Kaison ... we need to talk about the work you've been doing on Terra Volta ...

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Mr. Kaison ... we need to talk about the work you've been doing on Terra Volta ...

Hahaha. Don't discount the possibility that Dechs is Anti-Matter either.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
In the past, I've sent it to them, because why not? They obviously purpled out their character, spent a good amount of time on it just like me, and I might as well help them out. Now, with people able to just buy the freaking build for irl money, I see no reason to enable them. I'm not saying this is how everyone should feel, it's just how I personally feel and I think I'm entitled to that opinion.
And you don't HAVE to provide them with builds if you don't want to, that's up to you. But that doesn't mean that people who work more than they have time to play (that don't need builds from you, necessarily) hasn't spent a lot of time with their character, and are wrong for trading their time/money for this enhancement. Not everyone takes advantage of the market, after all, and many find it a chore. Perhaps the Dev's are responding to that demographic.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
So, since the Devs have decided to start selling purple IO's in the paragon market soon, I have decided that I will no longer be sharing builds with the general public. I'm starting this thread to bring attention to that fact (that means no more "Can I see your build?" PM's, lurkers) and to share one last pair of builds for old time's sake, before these abominations go live.
Secret builds are lol.
Keeping builds secret just because slightly more people will have access to the same purple IOs you have is even more silly.

I used to be pretty hush hush with the builds I made as I:
A) liked my toons to be unique
B) didn't like people taking my hardwork
C) didn't like giving them a pass to success before they learned how to play their toon
D-Z) Various other points of silly reasoning

This was mostly when the invention system was still relatively young.

Now a days though, looking at the bigger picture, helping to improve the community as a whole is much better than keeping ideas to yourself (Silas being one of the main people that helped me see this way after more than a few conversations ). If there are more people out there running around with good builds, supposing of course that they know how to play their toons, will make for a stronger game community, which is a good thing. Super awesome amazing build or not, it's not going to teach them how to play their toon, the 2 things aren't related. You can help people learn about and how to play a power set, and you can help them learn how to play the game better, and you can help people with their builds, each is different. Helping them with one isn't going to automatically make them awesome with the other 2, but getting them on their way with what they need help with is great to be able to do when you can.



THB, while I respect your decision I do hope you'll reconsider. I disagree with your feelings about SBE but on the note of you sharing your builds, I'm sure I'm not alone as a newer player who has some understanding of the game that uses the various 'luminaries' builds with some diversification to base my own builds off of. While I don't directly copy, for example, yours, Dechs', or Stone's builds, I utilize similar slotting and bonuses for results that fit my playstyle more. By providing your builds, you help all of the community to gain a better understanding of the way things work in synergy. While I'm not likely to use SBEs because the price point is too high for my personal budget, I am very sympathetic to people who have limited time to play and find the inf gaining game a bore. If I had the funds, I'd likely take full advantage of the SBEs in my builds simply because I really do not find marketeering enjoyable or the RNG particularly kind to me and would much rather spend my time playing the game with IOed characters than SOed characters who can play the game but are not as successful as an IOed toon, and in many situations cannot accomplish what an IOed toon can.

On topic, at work, no mids



Soooooo they're putting purples in the market and you're not going to post builds? Ok, whoever you are, enjoy that. Wow...



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Soooooo they're putting purples in the market and you're not going to post builds? Ok, whoever you are, enjoy that. Wow...
If you don't know who I am or care, why are you bothering to post here? :|



THB, I can understand where you're coming from. The one line I have never seen a F2P game cross was the selling of gear in their online store. It's always vanity items, xp boosters, premium content, classes, and the like. The fact Paragon is selling IO's (some of which have been demonstrably proven to be better than their in-game-obtainable counterparts) bothers me a great deal.

That being said, with this stance I feel you're only going to hurt the Kheld community. When I first started playing my Warshade I found the builds others had posted to be invaluable in learning the AT and designing a build that both worked for me and keyed on the AT's strengths. For the sake of helping newer Khelds to learn the ins and outs, I do hope you'll reconsider.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
If I keep posting my builds when these things go live and people use them, I wouldn't be too happy. It might not make them as good as me but I have so many easy mode builds, and I've posted so much about my strategies, attack chains, etc. that yeah, I feel like some of my characters could be replicated with a minimal amount of effort by the copy cat in question.
Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I spend time on my characters to get them to be able to do the things they can do. I'm not going to enable someone to carbon copy my results without an equal investment of in game time on their character.
So then don't post your builds.

Problem solved.

I wish they were all this easy.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
So then don't post your builds.

Problem solved.

I wish they were all this easy.

Um, yeah. I think I covered that already.