Mind controll pet

Blue Rabbit



Would it be possible for the mind controll set to have a pet similiar to penelopy yins?(even if its a weaker version)
I don't know about anyone else but that is the main reason why i don't play that set due to lack of pet.
In fact (speaking for myself) that would be a set that i WOULD actualy pay for!!!




Mind Control doesn't need pets.



On my Mind every other group of enemies I turn the whole spawn into my pets.



Ok it would seem you both prefere mind controll as it is?
but wouldn't it be even better with a pet ,like Yins, aswell?

Take the plant controll set for an example, that set has both a mass confuse power (still mass even if its a cone depends on where you possition yourself before firing it off ) and a pet, now that is a great power set imo.




I dont know, granted my Mind/Fire dom is the only control 50 I have, but I dont really like the idea of pets. I guess my Mind control kinda put in that mind frame that I'm plenty powerful without them. I mean, I do have a Grav thats sitting at 32 and I didnt really care for Singularity. Granted conceptually I like the idea behind it more than the other pets (MOAR Control and all) but I can never tell if he's actually doing anything. Where other pets I would prolly see them bashing heads. or drawing aggro i didnt want them to.

Heres a question, what power are you proposing to take away from Mind for this pet? Say the fear and I might back you. lol. Cause I have this weird fascination with Telekinesis.

Heres something, is it Yins pet or herself that causes the -protection to status effects? Cause thats what I want. Other AT's can buff their damage or defense or buffs/debuffs but we cant buff our mag. Not talking about inherents either cause mag 6 and sometimes mag 4 mezzes are just about worthless vs hard targets. I hated that before I used IO's that AV's scaled down to EB and had the purple triangles effectively negated half of my powers and all I had to go off of was assault powers when I'm squishy. I'm waiting for the day we get some form of -protection or preferrably, +Mag from an incarnate slot. Kinda like one slot would for example have trees for various status effects and the one for holds would have one side buffed the mag for your holds while the other side provided a hold for the melees. Such as mag something single target hold at tier 1, greater mag single target hold at tier 2, mag something AOE hold at tier 3, and greater mag AOE hold at tier 4. Dunno what the mag increase on the other side would be as thats something for the number crunchers at paragon to figure out. But back to my point, if its her pet that causes the -protection, and we get the same pet with that ability than yes I want it.



Is the -protection that Yin does somehow different, or is it just the same as all mezzes that displays as negative protection on the debuff tooltip? -protection seems like it would be equivalent to extra magnitude, anyway.



I want to say its different but now that you bring it up im not 100% sure. I fought her earlier tonight and she was able to mezz me (forget which) so while I was standing there helpless I brought up info on one of her attacks on me and it said -whatever protection.

It did catch me off guard as that character has been perma dom for a long time now and mezzes arent something I usually have to deal with.



Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
Heres a question, what power are you proposing to take away from Mind for this pet? Say the fear and I might back you. lol. Cause I have this weird fascination with Telekinesis.
If i had the choice (obvious i don't lol ) i would get rid of the single confuse power, i don't see whats the point of having a mass confuse and a single target confuse power. Plus there is the fear power (i agree with you on this one) again whats the point in having the fear power? that set has enough controll to cope with out it imo.

As for telekinesis id say that power is deff a keeper , because its unique, there is no-other power like it in the game( not to mention it realy is fun to use).




Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
But back to my point, if its her pet that causes the -protection, and we get the same pet with that ability than yes I want it.
Thats exactly what i want too, with them great sound fx too




Someone who doesnt hate TK, nice.

As for single target confuse, its useful for AV's. It's on a much smaller recharge than mass confusion. Making an AV smack other AV's or their groupies is fun.



I know some people like Mind Control specifically because it is the only control set without a pet. Removing any of the powers for a pet would also be a severe break with the cottage rule, especially for a set that's doing quite well as-is.

A new mind or psi set like Yin's would be cool, though.



Ok seeing you put it that way, the single confuse does sound like it could be usefull

so then i supose the best power to loose would be fear.




True hopeling, I was actually wondering how far of a stretch would it be for them to just include the pet with the inevitable psionic melee. I mean melees can get pets with patron pool and that doesnt seem to cause the world to end. Plus it would make psionic melee unique and different.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
I know some people like Mind Control specifically because it is the only control set without a pet. Removing any of the powers for a pet would also be a severe break with the cottage rule, especially for a set that's doing quite well as-is.

A new mind or psi set like Yin's would be cool, though.
Even this.. if its not broke don't fix it.. another alt (like i said earlier) similiar to mind controll but with a pet like yins id deff buy




Confuse has a pet..s

Its name itd Mass Confuse and it looks like...the enemy



Take away my terrify and you'll be pulling back a nub.

(figuratively of course)

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by FREAKZILLA View Post
If i had the choice (obvious i don't lol ) i would get rid of the single confuse power, i don't see whats the point of having a mass confuse and a single target confuse power.
Originally Posted by FREAKZILLA View Post
so then i supose the best power to loose would be fear.
The single target confuse is very useful for confusing targets like Sky Raider engineers, Rikti Guardians, and so on. In their confused state they treat you like allies: the Sky Raider force field generators of confused engineers protect you. The Guardians put bubbles on you and their Accelerate Metabolism affects you. Since this power recharges so quickly, it's very useful in any fight, whereas mass confusion takes forever to recharge.

Terrify is an excellent power. Besides being a good opening move that functions much like a short hold, it puts out a decent amount of AoE damage, especially if the targets are already mezzed (for example, you sleep them, then Terrify them, then hit them with another couple of AoEs from your Epic power pool).



Terrify is where a good portion of Mind's AOE potential resides. Solo you can usually stack it with Mass Hypnosis to activate the containment effect which causes it do deal double damage. For reference, it already does more damage than both Mesmerize and Levitate, at least, according to mids. Combine this with a rather fast recharge and a powerful fear effect it is your "available every fight" AOE control for dealing with the majority of situations effortlessly. I would not be willing to get rid of it.

The single target confuse is likewise still very useful, assuming you use it intelligently. Often times enemy factions will have an enemy that tends to make your life hell. Turning him against his allies will wreck similar results upon them. To give a few examples:

The Tsoo Sorcerers like to teleport all over the place, swooping in to heal an ally and make life difficult for anyone caught in his Hurricane which has the effect of knocking people back (assuming they don't have knock back resistance) and greatly lowering their to-hit while in the effect (making them difficult for melees to take down). By confusing him you gain a "pet" who will periodically heal you and make it difficult for enemies to hurt you.

The Sky Raiders have an Engineer in their ranks who likes to summon a pet drone which offers high amounts of defense to everyone within 30 feet of it. By confusing this drone you just gave your entire team a massive defense bonus while removing a major obstacle for your group.

The Malta have the ever famous "Sappers". Although a minion level, these guys can quickly wreck havoc on most adversaries by completely draining their endurance in a matter of seconds. This causes toggles to drop leaving your Tanker suddenly very prone, your defenders unable to help him, and you unable to do anything about either of them. Now, it's probably well enough to just hit this guy with your pre-emptive anti-alplha controlling goodness, but confusing him instead will help turn the OTHER dangerous entities within the malta ranks into a whimpering mess.

And those are just a few. Generally speaking ANY time you come up against an opponent and think "man these guys are such a pain" just remember in the back of your head how useful they could be if you had confused them.

I honestly don't think Mind Control needs a pet. It's been a very long established set and has done extremely well without one for *awhile* now. They have enough control and damage options not to really need one and there's nary a power within the set I'd give up in order to obtain one.



Originally Posted by FREAKZILLA View Post
Would it be possible for the mind controll set to have a pet similiar to penelopy yins?(even if its a weaker version)
I don't know about anyone else but that is the main reason why i don't play that set due to lack of pet.
In fact (speaking for myself) that would be a set that i WOULD actualy pay for!!!
Mind Control needs no pets for Mind Control creates pets from whatever it is being fought. That's what Confuse and Mass Confusion are for.

So no. No to any pets being given to an awesome set which has no need for them.

Also, regarding your assessment of Terrify: you must be joking.
Please do not make ANY suggestions about a set you obviously have no idea about how it works. My main which has been being played close to 7 years now is a Mind/Empathy Controller. He does not need ANY changes to his Primary set. It's awesome as it is, thank you very much.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



If I need a Pet, I use Confuse.

If I need lots of Pets, I use Mass Comedy.

End of Line

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Mind Control needs no pets for Mind Control creates pets from whatever it is being fought. That's what Confuse and Mass Confusion are for.

So no. No to any pets being given to an awesome set which has no need for them.

Also, regarding your assessment of Terrify: you must be joking.
Please do not make ANY suggestions about a set you obviously have no idea about how it works. My main which has been being played close to 7 years now is a Mind/Empathy Controller. He does not need ANY changes to his Primary set. It's awesome as it is, thank you very much.
ok so we are taking the nasty path? Right first off..i know more of an idea how this set works than i'm letting on and secondly clearly you can't read
I DID CHANGE MY MIND (as quoted earlier....scroll up) , I CHANGED IT TO ANOTHER TYPE OF MIND CONTROLL WITH A PET.<--- was that clear enough for you???? i would appreicate it if this thread was kept on a possitive note, so try and keep your cyber bulling to yourself.




Originally Posted by FREAKZILLA View Post
Even this.. if its not broke don't fix it.. another alt (like i said earlier) similiar to mind controll but with a pet like yins id deff buy
For those that missed it.




Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
If I need a Pet, I use Confuse.

If I need lots of Pets, I use Mass Comedy.

End of Line
ok i understand some people regard a confused entity as a pet, im trying to get my head around this... In my definition a confused entity is ... well a confused entity (an entity made to belive his allies are his enemy and visa-versa) and a pet is a pet (an entity casted by the owner to help the user).
Also you get full xp for a pet defeating an entity but you get either reduced or no xp from a confused entity defeating an entity, so can someone please help me here, am i wrong?

(btw if you dont have anything nice, informative or helpful to say regarding please dont bother posting...Thankyou in advance)




At the end of the day, the Dev's aren't going to change the Mind Control set. It is too late for the scale of change you're asking for, and they cannot remove a power without incurring the wrath of the paying customers. So, you need to start thinking up a new primary set if you want a psychic set with a pet.



A pet is an NPC that fights for you. A confused enemy is obviously not literally a pet, but acts in a lot of ways very much like a temporary pet.