Mind controll pet

Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
A pet is an NPC that fights for you. A confused enemy is obviously not literally a pet, but acts in a lot of ways very much like a temporary pet.
Thanks, when its put this way it helps to understand that bit more




Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
At the end of the day, the Dev's aren't going to change the Mind Control set. It is too late for the scale of change you're asking for, and they cannot remove a power without incurring the wrath of the paying customers. So, you need to start thinking up a new primary set if you want a psychic set with a pet.
Well basically , if boiled down to the nitty-gritty, i wouldn't mind Yins powers, to me, i think they are the powers i could only dream of having, unless the devs wanna be nice and make that dream a reality




History Time:

In the olden days players liked to use the rationale that Mind Control didn't have a pet because of all it's confusion options. Basically, instead of a dedicated pet we got... whoever we decided to enthrall. Now, this didn't make total sense considering Illusion practically bleeds pets and still gets decieve (a confusion clone) but it worked well enough for our logical making processes. Then Plant Control came along and threw everything on its' head, and then Dark Control only further diffuses such rationale. So when you see people say "We don't needs pets; we have confuse" just understand that it's a very old logic that we still keep around.

Really, the reasons mind control doesn't need a pet is because it has a lot of solid control options out of the gate and has a lot of potential damage with 3 single target attacks that each have powerful mez on them as well as an AOE which is also has powerful mez on it. Mind Control can quickly become a dominating, containment making champion WHO JUST SO HAPPENS to be able to turn the most hostile enemy into their personal minion. More if you slot up confuse right and *all of them* if you take Mass Confusion. Mind Control is powerful enough *without* a dedicated pet.

Beyond that, the only way to add a pet would be to remove another power. The structure of how powers are set up, how many we can have, and at what level is "set in stone" more or less. It's not something any developer is going to change because it opens all sorts of potential flood gates like "why does mind get 10 powers and illusion only gets 8!? My scrapper only has 10 powers! wah wah wah".

So the only other way to get a pet on Mind Control would be to a remove a power in order to do so, and Mind Control is such a dominating powerset that anything you remove to insert a pet would only likely weaken it as a whole. Not to mention that you break another major dev guideline known as the "cottage rule" (which you can google if you want to know why it is called this), which states that a power should not be completely replaced by another power.



Mind control specializes in aggro free control. Pets have a bad tendency to aggro mobs at inopportune times.

Originally Posted by FREAKZILLA View Post
ok i understand some people regard a confused entity as a pet, im trying to get my head around this... In my definition a confused entity is ... well a confused entity (an entity made to belive his allies are his enemy and visa-versa) and a pet is a pet (an entity casted by the owner to help the user).
Also you get full xp for a pet defeating an entity but you get either reduced or no xp from a confused entity defeating an entity, so can someone please help me here, am i wrong?
An enemy can deal up to 50% of the damage on a target and the player will still receive 80% of the XP; anything less than 30% of the damage won't even reduce XP by 10%. The only time the player receives no XP is when they deal no damage. Generally, the amount of XP lost is miniscule and the benefit leads to more XP/time. Consider that while the confused enemy expedites defeats by adding damage, it's also adding safety and, if Confuse is used smartly, buffs and debuffs for the player.

If I were to suggest any buffs to Mind Control, it would be in Telekinesis. It has the highest endurance cost of any toggle power, a poor target cap, and a long recharge. I'd change it be something like a ranged Choking Cloud. Bring the endurance cost down from 3.12 end/sec to .83 end/sec, raise the target cap from 5 to 10, change it to mag 2 7.42 second hold that can self-stack with a chance to Overpower for controllers and mag 4 for Dominators, reduce the recharge to 20 seconds.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Beyond that, the only way to add a pet would be to remove another power. The structure of how powers are set up, how many we can have, and at what level is "set in stone" more or less.
While this is more or less so, it would be completely possible for the devs to make it so that at level 32 both a "pet" power and Mass Confusion would become available. They could code so that you could choose one or the other, or get both of them.

There are many sets that give a number of different options for getting powers at a certain level. Epic ATs in particular have several options at particular levels, and when you take a power pool you get a choice of two different powers. Dual Pistols has one power that, when taken, actually gives you three different toggle powers.

This last brings up the possibility of the following: the level 32 power bestows two powers that would be on the same recharge timer or have some other mechanic that prevents having the two powers from being excessive. This way you could retain Mass Confusion while making another pet or similar power available.

My personal favorite would be to pair Mass Confusion and Enthrall. Mass Confusion works as the current power, while Enthrall would be a sort of a "super Confuse" that would affect bosses in one application: a single-target high-mag long-duration confuse that turns the target into a pet that follows you around like a regular pet, using all its powers to benefit you. As long as you keep the pet alive and regularly reapply Enthrall, it would be your pet.

The real question is whether Mind Control greatly suffers in comparison to other powers because of its lack of true pets. I've played Mind Control controllers and dominators, and well as nearly all other controller and dominator primaries, and I do not find Mind Control severely lacking due to a lack of pets. Controller/dominator pets are actually pretty stupid and ineffectual. Some of them do provide additional damage and can attract aggro to keep the character safer. Mass Confusion does this too, but with some caveats with regard to experience.

The real question is whether the level 32 Mass Confusion power is devalued by the fast-recharging Seeds of Confusion in Plant/. Mass Confusion can affect 32 targets but has a 240 second recharge, while Seeds of Confusion has a 60-second recharge and affects 16 targets. (The Cone vs. Targeted AoE difference is moot in practice, duration is similar.) Seeds of Confusion comes at level 8.

That's my only real complaint: Mind Control is getting stiffed by comparison to Seeds of Confusion.