Clockwork are attempting to take over Kings Row!




A friend mentioned this morning the strange absence of spawns in Kings Row. I remember reading about this bug on the beta forums, so I kind of knew what the problem was, and switched to my Radiation/Sonic Defender to destroy any Paladins that had spawned and return order to the zone.

I got to the zone and noticed the streets were indeed absent of anything that usually appears in Kings Row. Apparently, this happens when the zone enemy spawn cap has been reached due to 3 Paladins endlessly spawning Sprockets in the "Clockwork Graveyard" (The area in High Park that the Paladins wander to after been built).

When I arrived at "Clockwork Graveyard" my frame rate immediately took a dive as my system attempted to render as many clockwork as it could at once. It took me and a few others who showed up 35-40 minutes to destroy the 3 Paladins and all the Sprockets that had spawned because the frame rate/latency was so bad.

My final count via herostats was 494 Clockwork defeated, but there were a lot more as 2 or 3 other players showed up to help clear them out as I announced in a global channel what was occurring.

(click image for larger view)

I'm really surprised this bug went live with issue 22, as this one is a major show stopper because it renders the zone nearly useless unless someone is willing (and knows how) to fix the problem...

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I usually just grab my tank, and taunt the paladin up to the police drones at the north gate to Skyway.


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Well, if you look at it from the perspective of a brand new player, it's a big issue. Let's say they are doing Twinshot's arc, and get sent to Kings Row to talk to Blue Steel who will tell you to defeat 10 Skulls. If all the Clockwork are there, no Skulls will spawn, therefore a new player will be stuck.
Not a good first impression for the game.

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



Yup, I created a post here last night about this same issue and later added my own screenshots. I even sent in a bug report and a petition about it and had a GM actually show up at the "Clockwork Graveyard". (I love that and I'm gonna use that from now on )

I explained to the GM that the ridiculous amount of Clockwork being summoned was locking out regular zone mobs from being spawned, thus making it "impossible" for certain zone hunt missions to be completed.

The GM basically told me that the Paladins were a normal event in Kings Row and that I should get some other players together to take them out.

Well, there were 3-4 other people with me, but the lag was just so bad we couldn't make any headway until myself and one other switched to Incarnated 50's (we were both on lowbies) and took them out.

The thing that gets me angry now though, (not last night, which was probably a good thing) was trying to explain to the GM that other zone spawns weren't being able to be created due to the Paladins constantly summoning more minions. Even telling the GM to go look around the zone for other enemy mobs only got the same "This is normal" form letter answer.

I've been in the game for nearly 8 years and play pretty much exclusively on hero side, so I've seen my share of Clockwork Paladins and their groupies hanging out in the Clockwork Graveyard. I've never seen that many before. And definitely not so many that they are keeping regular zone mobs from spawning. Also I've never seen them continually spawn the minions when not actively aggro'd on a player.

I didn't bother going on the Beta for i22 so I didn't know that this was a problem that was addressed there already. But seeing that it made it live is troubling.

I pity anyone who runs a Numina and doesn't know about this problem, they'll not be able to finish the TF unless a knowledgeable player steps up and helps them out. Because I doubt that contacting Customer Service will net them any help at all.

And heaven forbid it's a team of free/premium players only, since they can't get any kind of live support.

Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.



I happened to be in KR, and noticed that I saw absolutely no enemies for some stretch. I ran around, and saw nothing.

I decided to give the "gathering point" a quick look. As soon as the Paladins and their spawn came into view, my client froze for a moment, sputtered and moved at a glacial pace.

Seeing in search that there were a few lowbies in zone, I figured that this would be instant death for any that had a mission nearby, so I went to work on my fire/cold. After killing the first Paladin (at an incredibly slow rate, given the nosedive in performance), I ran around a bit and saw some Vahz and Skulls returned.

I ran back to the gathering point, and got to work on the second and third. After a half hour or so, I managed to down them all.

A few minutes later, "Unusual Clockwork activity in Kings Row", followed by "Clockwork Paladin spotted in Kings Row" a few moments after that.

Thank you, Champion.



Ya I hope it gets fixed cause it's a pain on the butt but this looks really fun for like and incarnate to just go in and wipe house. I plan to try this later tonight hehe.



ive been in kr twice tonite and do a mission and everytime i got near the paladins and their minions, my client freezes and crashes to desktop.
i just found out bout this and was wondering why there were no mobs around.

@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
Save Paragon one more time!,4877.0.html

Petition to end shutting down CoH:



That looks pretty damn epic, to be honest.



So the new bug is that the Paladins are standing casting their summons for no reason? We used to get multiple Paladins stomping around in that little park before, and they didn't used to do this.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
Well, if you look at it from the perspective of a brand new player, it's a big issue. Let's say they are doing Twinshot's arc, and get sent to Kings Row to talk to Blue Steel who will tell you to defeat 10 Skulls. If all the Clockwork are there, no Skulls will spawn, therefore a new player will be stuck.
Not a good first impression for the game.
Agreed. I for example had no clue what was going on, until I just happened to read this thread...

I'm not an entirely new player, but have mainly played Villains.



Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
A friend mentioned this morning the strange absence of spawns in Kings Row. I remember reading about this bug on the beta forums, so I kind of knew what the problem was, and switched to my Radiation/Sonic Defender to destroy any Paladins that had spawned and return order to the zone.

I got to the zone and noticed the streets were indeed absent of anything that usually appears in Kings Row. Apparently, this happens when the zone enemy spawn cap has been reached due to 3 Paladins endlessly spawning Sprockets in the "Clockwork Graveyard" (The area in High Park that the Paladins wander to after been built).

When I arrived at "Clockwork Graveyard" my frame rate immediately took a dive as my system attempted to render as many clockwork as it could at once. It took me and a few others who showed up 35-40 minutes to destroy the 3 Paladins and all the Sprockets that had spawned because the frame rate/latency was so bad.

My final count via herostats was 494 Clockwork defeated, but there were a lot more as 2 or 3 other players showed up to help clear them out as I announced in a global channel what was occurring.

(click image for larger view)

I'm really surprised this bug went live with issue 22, as this one is a major show stopper because it renders the zone nearly useless unless someone is willing (and knows how) to fix the problem...
For the love of Bob!
It looks like a family portrait for a polygamist!

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It's fixed on beta. Thankfully. Looks like a simple patch (almost all bugfixes) and should see Live next week hopefully.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



It got really bad on Infinity. There were three Paladins(although that is nothing new, multiples spawned for years), but they just kept create more and more and more Sprockets until the zone couldn't spawn any new enemies. No Skulls, no Vahzilok, no Lost, just an endless field of sprockets.

We rounded up about 5 incarnates to thresh away with Judgement, but it was nowhere near enough. Eventually the zone crashed, and we all mapserved. When we logged back in, King's Row had reset, and was spawning new mobs of Skulls; no Paladins in sight.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
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