When you get a really good concept




Does anyone ever come up with a really good concept/name/costume that you just absolutely love? What do you tend to do with it? For me I find myself in the case of costumes to use them across multiple toons. With names/concepts I use them across multiple servers. Sometimes I wonder if anyone notices, haha.
Or do you just stick to one that toon and play the heck out of them?



I make alts

I do not re-use costumes across multiple characters that exist simultaneously.
But I do sometimes work to find a use for a costume.

I had a jester costume I loved. I created a dual blades character Dual Duel with that costume. I loved the name too. But I did not like dual blades.

When dual pistols came out I remade Dual Duel as a jester with dual pistols. That was fun, but tired of it.

Now I have Calescent Carnival a fire/rad controller with a carnival theme. His main costume is a ringmaster but he can switch into a jester costume.

I may remake Dual Duel as a dual pistols again, but he would not be a jester but a gentleman adventurer



There are a few names I re-use across servers and characters, but rarely power combinations or concepts, even if I'm utterly smitten with them. Even characters that share a name and costume have different powers, origins, stories...

I have noticed that I have phases with costumes, where everything I design is based on a few core ideas that just have minor variations and then things just sort of evolve and a few months later, the costumes I make still all share stylistic elements, but not the same ones as a few months previous... Every time I step too far out of my trend I find that I'm disappointed and go right back. Changes are gradual for me there.

My favorites, though, they tend to be played a lot, given a lot of care...but I see them as individual, even if they carry a duplicated name (I just think of them then as alternate universe bearers of the name, maybe 'what-if' scenarios).

- Ashley
[Rocker Girl (Earth/Earth Dom); Sweet Venom (Plant/Time Ctrl)]



I try not to repeat myself with character concepts and powerset combinations because I like variety. Sometimes, however, I'll create similar characters if I can devise a narrative to explain the connection. For example:

1) An archery/devices blaster and an archery/TA corruptor are brothers who chose different paths;

2) An ice/ice blaster and an ice/energy tanker are both related, but the mutant 'ice gene" manifested itself in different ways for each character;

3) A spines/fire scrapper and a fire/WP brute both draw their fire-related powers from the same magical source, but one is good and the other is evil. (both are dragon-themed)

With regard to costumes, if I find a stye that I like, I tend to repeat it but vary the color scheme so as to avoid outright duplication.

Similarly, I don't like to recycle names on different servers, even if I really like the name. I have enough trouble keeping track of my characters without the complication of giving them the same name.



If it's not a character I'd really be interested in actively playing, I try and make them a character (whether a supporting character or an antagonist) in an AE arc. Perhaps a recurring villain for my SG to fight.




The only character name I carry cross-server is my namesake (and most of those
toons are place-holders except for the original).

I've never been a costume-horse, and most of my toons don't have/use the 5
costume slots they get for free, so that usually doesn't come into play either.

That said, ALL of my characters have a bio and a conceptual reason to exist
in the game. Most of those were the result of concept ideas I had, and while
I do have a few toons with the same powersets across servers, each of them
has their own unique bio and I think of them as unique and unrelated characters.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



I'm not sure if anyone noticed this before when I shared it last time, but I think it's relevant here!

He's level 23 now. I'd gotten the Halloween monster set thingie back when it first came out, specifically because I really wanted that brain-in-a-jar type head. But for the longest time I could not think of what kind of costume to make around it, or what kind of character it ought to be.

Then about two weeks ago now, while I was playing with some other character, I ran into someone else who made use of that head on a mostly robot body. I actually thought it looked pretty dumb, but I could see where a lot of improvement could be made with it. The entire concept suddenly came to me right then, and so I logged out immediately so I could get into the character creator, and thus was born Dr. Madrivet!



If a costume idea pops into my head for a non-existent character, I will go to the tailor on whatever character I am on, make the costume, and then save it for when I come up with a concept suited for it.

If a name pops into my head, I'll check to see if it is a available and, if it is, at least create a place holder until I can think of a character for it. If it gets to be about a week after the fact, and I have had no inspiration, I'll relinquish the name so that someone else can hopefully benefit from it.

However, my "character creation process" usually begins with the concept. When I think one up, I roll an alt, make his costume (unless it is something I can pulled from saved file stock), and make a name, then put him in the game.

I won't always play him right away because I have other characters to which I want to devote my attention. But I like the character enough that I will want to play him eventually. (Case in point: I have a Pistols/Time Corruptor whose concept I really like, but he is on a back burner for now while I am playing other characters.)

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.