City Of Heroes Freedom Friday: 2/17/12 - Soon!




Here's the new update. Sorry it's later than normal. I was... busy... *cough*Skyward Sword *cough*


Sean O'Donnell: Any chance of putting in some taskforces Praetorian side, or trials like the cave trial, abandoned sewers, & Eden red side & praetorian side?

City of Heroes: Unfortunately, I can't go into detail about further Praetorian content at this time. Sorry!


Dan-Sara Stephens: Will there be any updates to the Blasters big power? Even with Superior IOs they just don't do enough damage the end drain is devestating and they are hardly ever used any more. I used to love them when we'd herd a whole map and I could jump into a ocean of puppies or DE and explode, but now it doesn't do enough damage and I just get killed.

City of Heroes: Which particular tier 9 power for Blasters are you referring to? We do look at powers and Power Sets to see if improvements can be made.


Unity Rains: How many costume pieces are in the packs?

City of Heroes: The Super Packs? The Elemental Order has 11 costume pieces. You can view which pieces you have through the Collection menu.


Erik Ottosen: The recent revival of Portal 2 memes has got me thinking - are outer-space zones in the plans for sometime soon? Related, can Skuls breathe in space? Going, Hunting, and Killing Them would probably be a major pain in space...

City of Heroes: Skuls cannot breathe in space.


Isaac Sher: If I purchase a booster pack and get a costume item as one of my five "cards", is it possible that I would get that *same* costume item again in a future booster pack (which would be a horrible waste) or would a costume piece card automatically give me a different piece I don't have yet instead? And would those cards continue to show up once I've gotten the entire costume set? Hopefully not, that would also be a waste.

Tim Lehnerer: I went through 48 booster packs (I have no shame), and none of the costume pieces repeated.

Isaac Sher: That's good to know -- I didn't want to spend any points on these until I got a clarification on that. I'd still like an official confirmation if possible, oh COH devs?

City of Heroes: No, you will never get a repeat costume piece from the Super Packs. Once you receive a costume piece, you have it account-wide, and the card will never appear again for you. One of the fundamental design tenets we had with the Super Packs was that you'll never get something you cannot use--that means no duplicates of one-time, account-wide items.

Jamie White: Where is the menu located that tells you what Elemental Pieces you have received already?

City of Heroes: It is in the Collection menu, under Super Packs. It's on the same bar with your contacts, compass, etc.


Steven J Hunt: When will I stop having dreams about City of Heroes?

City of Heroes: Hopefully never.


Kenny Jones: How come my Widow can have only ONE Widow costume? Makes no since!

City of Heroes: This is a technical limitation. We do apologize.


Kenny Jones: When are we going to get cross server teaming?

City of Heroes: Regarding cross-server teaming, it's still an idea we'd like to explore.


Mike Latheron: Any planned changes to the Assault Rifle set? It seems irritatingly knockback based, and thats a bit of a nuisance for some teams!

City of Heroes: No planned changes at this time.


Unity Rains: And why were We told here that there was no plans for more double xp weekends then it pops up on the loading screen?

City of Heroes: I'm not sure when players were told there were no plans for Double XP Weekends...I certainly can't think of a Freedom Friday when that would have ever been said. There's an upcoming Double XP Weekend from March 16-19, after all!


Joe Cornell: Any plans on the synapse being broken into 2 parts? Will there be more cool travel powers like coyote, hover board etc? Will we ever be able to at least change the color or have no color hasten (hate orange glow hands on my toons?

City of Heroes: You will be seeing more cool travel powers. The FX team is also aware that players have requested Power Pool customization (which includes Hasten).


Unity Rains: As more SSAs are released, will the 7day reward period be reconsidered? Because only being able to get the rewards once a week seems a bit long to wait.

City of Heroes: There are currently no plans to change the reward period. Please keep in mind that you also get rewards the first time you run a new SSA.


Bill Gould: Are there currently plans for the Outcasts to have a larger part to play in the future?

City of Heroes: Outcasts...hmm...nothing I can say at this time.


Tim Lehnerer: Will we get a pet dinosaur at any point? Specifically I could go for a Deinonychus (bipedal) or a Dimetrodon (four-legged).

City of Heroes: We do have the four-legged rig now, so in theory we COULD create dinosaurs. There's nothing on that front to report at this time, however.


Dave Ingram: The Paragon Reward system need more tiers and how about making the incarnate system unlock part of that idea.

City of Heroes: With the Paragon Rewards Tree, we wanted to avoid having a never-ending upside-down pyramid of tiers, where it just kept rising and branching. It'd be unrewarding to players if they could never reach the top tier, because there would be so many. So instead of going up, we decided to stop at Tier 9 and Tier 9 VIP, which can expand outward. This allows us to consistently rotate in new rewards, while giving players a fixed tier to strive for.


Lee West: Is it possible that we get new travel powers that while they don let you attack they don't turn off the 9 toggles we may have activated... That is annoying and has kept me from buying every travel power you have released... Also we will ever see new travel pools?

City of Heroes: We have heard player requests for new travel powers, and new travel powers that do not drop toggles/allow you to use them during combat.


Mason Ulves: why do you guys only do it till 3? becuse when I do not have the day off on friday its almost imposible to ask my question here

City of Heroes: Due to schedules, we can only go until the middle of the day. We do try to accommodate players by providing two 2-hour-long sessions; unfortunately, we can't extend this due to other tasks we have.


Kenny Jones: We ever gonna get the ability to chance SG names?

City of Heroes: Nothing to report on about that at this time.


Joe Cornell: Oh also will ever be able to use beast run/ninja run and super speed and/or super jump at the same time?

City of Heroes: There are no plans for that. I am not personally sure if it's technically feasible; I can ask around about it.


David Eckstein: How about stretching as a melee power set for tanks, scrappers, brutes and stalkers?

City of Heroes: Stretching powers would require deformation of the model and costume pieces. It's not something we're looking into at this time.


Lee West: Can we get an exact replica of the back to the future hover board for one of those new non toggle turn off travel powers... You can call it Forward to the Past

City of Heroes: Sorry, no.


Joe Curreri: Any chance we'll ever be able to color-customize the Epic AT powersets? I love these sets to death but it drives me nuts that I can't re-color the powers themselves.

City of Heroes: This is also something that our FX artists have heard from players.


Damien Shave: Will there be a time in the near future inwhich you'll be releasing the Halloween costume codes on the Paragon Market again? (I.e. Freakshow Stunner, Pirate Ghost, etc).

City of Heroes: Yes, you'll likely see those NPC costume codes reappear in the Paragon Market™ at some point.


Heidi Safford: when will the beast mastery and staff mastery be availble to buy?

City of Heroes: Within the timeframe of Issue 22: Death Incarnate.


Pete Dutcher: Can we get computers that are decoritive for bases? Like the control ones look? Very little coding needed!

City of Heroes: Once we have something more concrete to say about bases, we'll be sure to let all the basebuilders know asap.

Editor's Note: Actually, Zwill gave us some info about why base updates are few and far between in my prior thread:

When it comes to bases we tread very lightly. It's a legacy system which takes a significant amount of time to reverse engineer any time we want to do *anything* to it. Because player bases are tied to it, and subsequenty a significant investment of your time, anything we do is going to be done in a methodical and cautious manner.


Pete Dutcher: Btw, how long does it take to get my points when I become Vip? Been a week now.

City of Heroes: You should be receiving your Paragon Points around the time of your billing cycle. If you just became a VIP, you should get them soon.


Jose Reynoso: Will there be lvl bump in beta?

City of Heroes: If there is someone in-game providing level bumps, you may request them then. We are not currently granting level bumps based off the Level Bump Request thread in the VIP Beta forum during this period.


Mason Ulves: Dear COH i want to say tank you for y a awesome game! Getting my first toon to 40 any minuet now (lvl 39) I wish I would of played before the f2p because off what the power rewards you got when you got a lvl 50. Is there any way to get those 4 (PB, WS, AW, AS) without vip or directly buying them ? or how about any of the other power sets?

City of Heroes: As a Premium player, you will need to purchase the licenses for the Epic Archetypes. EATs are included with a VIP subscription, and you would not need to purchase the licenses as a VIP.


Duncan Wardlaw: Are there any plans to get SSA part 6 out soon?

City of Heroes: SSA 6 will be out sooner than Soon™; its release is imminent™.


Rutager Jones: Can we please have a way to view our character out of the game OR at least be able to export or print out what badges we have ?

City of Heroes: It's not something we have plans for at this time. Addendum to that, regarding the badge part, you can check City Info Tracker:


Colin Crebs: Will I22 be out for double xp weekend?! I understand if the answer is No.

City of Heroes: Sorry, can't give the release date for Issue 22 at this time.


Angelo Pampalone: Will be ever possible to browse the paragon market outside the game. Not to purchase but to see and organize our purchases?

City of Heroes: It's definitely something we would love to do, but there are a lot of moving parts involved.


Shaun Bear Kallendorf: When are we going to get more backpacks?!? It's only been about 5 years.

City of Heroes: Actually, backpacks are a relatively new slot in the character creator; we have released several backpacks fairly recently in terms of when that costume option point became available. The Elemental Order set that you can acquire through the Super Packs (released this past Tuesday) has a backpack option.


David Rodriguez Jr.: when is the city vualt coming out? or when can we try the beta ?

City of Heroes: The City Vault is no longer being pursued, as it would have caused performance issues that would have impacted our players' experience.


Brian Getzmeyer: Are we ever gonna get access to older backpacks in the game like Sky raiders and gold brickers jet packs?

City of Heroes: There is always the possibility for NPC-converted parts.


Luke Johnson: Will there be a CoH presence at Emerald City Comic Con?

City of Heroes: We do not have plans to attend Emerald City Comic Con this year. Sorry!


William Corey Daniell: Hey yea I was wondering Why are Base raids gone....I ave never goten to experiance a raid and I would like to....But everyone says noone does them I mean building a decorative and defencive base would be epic one that confuses foes who enter with traps secret rooms that they cant find ETC. but noone does raids or PvP

City of Heroes: Base raiding has been disabled for the time being.


James Yoon: Any plans of updating or reorganizing the character creator?

City of Heroes: With Freedom, the character creator underwent a massive overhaul.


Mason Ulves: If I get City of Heroes Going Rogue Complete Collection will it still give me the Dual Pistols, Electric Control and Kinetic Melee power sets, as well as the ability to play the 1-20 Praetorian content AND a bunch of costume options and new emotes... AND a month of VIP game time. Or it wont work any more?

City of Heroes: Yes, it should give you access to all GR content.


Alex Hamilton: Will we see any clues about the coming storm in issue 22? If not around what issue might the coming storm show itself?

City of Heroes: Well, you may or may not know that the Coming Storm is The Battalion, another alien race that fought the Rikti. As for what issue that's happening in, and further clues about it, you'll have to play and see.


Tyron Samaroo: How much astral will it cost to buy a enhancement converter when it comes out?

City of Heroes: At the moment I believe it's 3 Astral Merits for 2 Enhancement Converter Tokens.


Jeremy Thompson: Time I dashed to work, but yeah... my question for the week is if we can have Instance Swapping. Bothersome having to exit Pocket D 2, go to a base or such to try and get into PD 1.

Daniel Smith: I'd like to echo Jeremy Thompson. Instance swapping. any solutions that dont include run out and run back in? maybe have access to the second instances via any door out of the one your in? Like, you're in pocket d 2. You click the manhole cove, it can take you to faultline or PD1.

City of Heroes: It's something I can ask about the feasibility of.


Shane Holland: 3 questions.

1.) Is there any plan to make more powersets with shapeshifting powers? I was originally excited for beast mastery, thinking it might be a shapeshifting powerset, similar to Kheldian powers, and even Stone Armor.

2.) Will we ever have animated/cape hair for our characters like Ghost Widow's? That'd be awesome!

3.) Can we expect to ever have a motorcycle travel power, as we do the rocket board and magic carpet? I figured that it'd be possible(and awesome!) seeing as the Thugs powerset for masterminds already has a guy ride in on a motorcycle. For jumping features, the animations could be similar to motorcross stunts. Whaddya think?

City of Heroes: 1.) We'll be sure to let you all know in a much bigger announcement than a Freedom Friday if we decide to.

2.) At the current time there are no plans for animated hair. Sorry!

3.) At present, there are no plans for a motorcycle travel power. Does that mean there will never be a motorcycle travel power? Not necessarily.


Tyron Samaroo: Will Enhancement Converters Come out before I22? ( The one that can be used on PvP IOs)

Ben Kent: Enhancement Converters! When might we expect them on live?

City of Heroes: Enhancement Converters will be coming with Issue 22.


Greg Clem: Is the Mac's launcher webpage going to be updated? The Mac one still shows the Winter Event.

City of Heroes: Do you mean the news that is posted within the launcher itself?


Kaitlyn Montenegro: Ok... No lunar installations... Should we move our attention to Mars or Venus?

City of Heroes: I'd focus more on what's happening on the ground, not in orbit, for the time being.


Mason Ulves: In the free giveaway section when will you guys change the face palm emote and give out somthing new?

City of Heroes: Stay tuned.

Mason Ulves: "Stay tuned" Can I get we get a hint please like i dont care about what it is i just want to know the date and That would be awesome if we got a power!

City of Heroes: It will not be a power.


Daniel Smith: Any chances of auras having two modes? IE, fiery eyes always. and fiery body plus eyes in combat?

City of Heroes: I don't believe it's possible for there to be two variables like that with the way our character creator is set up. I can certainly ask about it, though.


Liz Ivette Pina: is there a chance that dark power set for trollers be published b4 issue 22?

City of Heroes: Darkness Control and Darkness Affinity will be released with Issue 22: Death Incarnate. Darkness Control and Darkness Affinity are free for VIP players. Premium players can purchase these Power Sets in the Paragon Market once I22 is live.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Greg Clem: Is the Mac's launcher webpage going to be updated? The Mac one still shows the Winter Event.

City of Heroes: Do you mean the news that is posted within the launcher itself?
I play using the Mac Client and the NC Soft Launcher for Mac is still advertising the Winter Event as well as the December Subscription Offer (for getting extra subscribed time) as well as several other things that haven't been updated since ... well ... December. Things like the "new" Gunslinger Costume Pack.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
I play using the Mac Client and the NC Soft Launcher for Mac is still advertising the Winter Event as well as the December Subscription Offer (for getting extra subscribed time) as well as several other things that haven't been updated since ... well ... December. Things like the "new" Gunslinger Costume Pack.
There was a disconnect between the Mac launcher and our regular updates. I have been told a fix is in the works and this should be corrected in the next few weeks.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
There was a disconnect between the Mac launcher and our regular updates. I have been told a fix is in the works and this should be corrected in the next few weeks.
Here on a Saturday? The mans got some serious love for this game.

PS tell Mod19 to take that stick out of his behind for me will ya Zwillinger Thanks



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Here on a Saturday? The mans got some serious love for this game.

PS tell Mod19 to take that stick out of his behind for me will ya Zwillinger Thanks
I'm reading forums on the laptop while watching Fineas and Ferb with my son (the other one is still sleeping ).

If there's concerns about moderation, you're always welcome to send me a PM and I'll look into it.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
There was a disconnect between the Mac launcher and our regular updates. I have been told a fix is in the works and this should be corrected in the next few weeks.
Yaaaaay!! I kinda figured something was up with the Mac client still on winter :P

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



I love you to death, devs, but I'm going to ask about custom nemeses until every single cow has come home.



Thank you Team CoH, for making the greatest MMO free to play! Every time i canceled my subscription over the last 5 years or so I always left a comment about if you make it Free i will play untill you bring the servers down.


I love the value you get out of the micro-transaction packs. Great stuff! And reasonably priced!

Keep it coming, I know you wont disappoint