Emp/Astral Auras: Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind




This is something I've been running into for a while now and I thought I'd go ahead and post it before I forget about it again...

I'd really love to be able to see the Empyrean/Astral Merit Unlockable Auras in the Character Creator.
They're just too good to not have in front of us to inspire ideas, costumes and concepts!
Honestly, I wish those unlocks (since they already are GLOBAL) would just show up in the character creator instead of requiring claiming through the email system.

All of the fantastic new-ish auras that are only available via Astral and Empyrean Merits from the mender-venders in Ouroboros basically get lost to me... As they often slip my mind when designing new ideas in the character creator.
Out of sight, out of mind?
Many of those auras are really great options and plenty of them could easily inspire my imagination while messing around in the creator (which is better than me sometimes remembering and running in game to check it out via the tailor on a character that has already claimed them).

Being able to see them and test them out in the character creator would go a long way towards making them more accessible, more used and contribute to the great inspiring qualities that the character/costume creator already has.

Just my opinion and I really hope it is possible to either make them visible or just simply (standard-code-rant) make them automatic global unlocks (like all of the booster auras and the Wisps aura, and so on, have always been).

Seriously... Binary, Boils, Fairy Dust, Feathers, Ghosts, Magnetic, Pixels and Slime!!!! Man, I even forgot about a few of these before I started writing this post! Those are too awesome to keep locked up in this *clunky (and seemingly needless) email system.

*Clunky because you have to unlock the auras on an incarnate, make the new character without the aura, load in, claim the aura through email, visit the tailor and add on the aura.
Pourquoi, Paragon Studios... pourquoi?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Well, it could be worse. Before I discovered that they dropped into the email rather than just, you know, unlocking, I about had a fit after spending in one go enough Astrals and Empys to unlock almost all of them, going to edit that alt's costume and... er... why u no there, new shinies? O_o




I honestly don't understand why those things (except maybe the level-50 exclusive sets) get emailed at all. It's ridiculous. There's no way in which it's better than just unlocking them. I mean, you mailed me an emote? Really?

/signed so hard.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



That [PANCAKE] piece of [PANCAKE] email system...

/Signed. /Signed so damn hard that it'd take Chuck Norris to sign this any harder...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Yes, hehe, I started the post out just with the mindset of wishing those auras were in the costume creator, but then I realized that the entire problem is that email system, in which I am in complete agreement with Doctor Roswell.

I know just about all of us felt that way when these items were introduced. And I'd say, after some time now, I'm only more convinced now.

Instead of /signing maybe we should be /Hulk Smash-ing!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



/Hulk Smash

Thorns - Spines/Willpower Scrapper (1366 Badges)



I suggested this before. Would be cool to see all those new auras, path auras, and even the Empyrean armor and chest emblems at the tailor with a symbol to know we need to unlock them.



/signed hard enough to shatter the desk
I hate the email unlock system, and while I will grudgingly admit it's the best current system for some things, costume parts aren't one of them.

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That...was a Herocon 09 exclusive easter egg. The powerset will not have doves associated with it.

Namely because you guys would want to color tint the damn doves, or make them hawks/ravens/flying sharks/etc and that's just a headache I do...not...want...to deal with.



I agree. I had one character created purely for the awesome flame chest detail I unlocked, and then had to wait till level 2 to use it :/

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Signed in blood.



In the case of the ascended costume pieces, you have to be 50 just to use them.

I imagine that the costume parts were designed that way first so that they could decide which things should require level 50 and which shouldn't.

No idea how easy or hard it would be to backtrack on that.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Mafia View Post
/Hulk Smash

I always forget that I have other auras ... I also hate my messy e-mail

Please give us the options to "delete" e-mails from all 3 of our emails ... I hate messing with vanity pets and the space they take in both the email, and the power list ... and when you do a respec. OH ... the frustration.