I want to do it all!
What type of farming u talking about? I do great on my FA/Fire tank on reg content farming, as well as my WP/SS tank.
As a Tank. I want a combination that makes me tough as all hell and able to dish out some pretty good damage and maybe even be able to farm. I realize I wouldn't be as fast or hard-hitting as a Brute, but hey... what can you do? Let's pretend I have infinite funds, what combo should I use?
My first thought was Fiery Aura for the primary. I've heard very good things about the durability of a softcapped FA, and Burn, Blazing Aura and Fiery Embrace is a DPS orgasm with almost any secondary. My real question is... what should I use for a secondary? I like the idea of Titan Weapons for its AoE smashiness. The taunt animation is cool, too. But endurance... eww.. I do NOT want to use Super Strength. I have a SS/FA Brute already. Suggestions, Tanker-people? |
With proper investment, it can do what you are after. It takes a bit of doing, but omg, once you get there....

Fire/SS would be the best, but if that's not an option, fire/fire is also great. /fire is definitely more proven than TW.
My current favourite, by a mile, is my fire/fire/pyre. Sure enough, buff those defenses up and the thing pummels. Combustion/fire sword circle/fireball is too much fun in mobs
I have heard good things about fire/ss but haven't had any experience with the combo yet, I believe I have a lvl 10ish waiting for more play time
Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker
I like Fire/Fire/Pyre too; one of my most-played characters sports those sets. But there's no way I would call that combo "tough as all hell." "Tough enough, with sets, to get by in most content" is more like it. Healing Flames can fix a lot of boo-boos.
More to the point, for some kinds of fights, you can't make Fire tough enough, no matter how much you spend, because it doesn't have the DDR.
Personally, if you already have an SS/FA Brute, I'd consider the farming angle amply covered. Regardless of powersets, your Tanker can farm by opening his e-mail and selecting whatever the Brute sent him.
It's still possible to make a tough Tanker with semi-respectable damage, of course. What (else) interests you about Tankers?
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
So Fire/ but not /SS.
My suggestions would be this:
/Fire or /Elec
Fire/Fire will probably put out more, and if you're worried about speed numbers more than anything else, go with that. But I have an Elec/Fire brute, and it's just fun all around.
Fire/Elec/Pyre could be quite nice. Pick up the Spectral Interface for added Negative damage, and you'll have quite a hefty mixture of exotic damage.
Fiery Embrace + Burn + Lightning Rod + Fire Ball + Thunder Strike + Spectral damage....
*Homer Simpson drool*
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
The reason SS is inferior to FM on a tanker for farming is because tankers get extra AoE from FM in Combustion, and the low damage cap of a tanker can be reached without Rage in farms(assuming you know how to manage your red inspirations).
If you build a FA/FM/Pyre for lots of recharge(which you should on a farmer), you'll have a non-stop FireBall->FSC->Burn->Combustion chain going.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
I thrid (fourth?) the fire/fire/pyre reccomendation. Mine is a beast and can farm certain maps +4 with no problem. Gets even easier with that lvl shift and incarnate goodies.
"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb
My Characters
/SS is bad for farming for the knockback. Definitely drop Titan for that reason too. Fire melee works great though. Or elec. Fire aura is probably the best for farming (seeing as most farms are fire farms anyways), but it's average in the regular content.
/SS is bad for farming for the knockback. Definitely drop Titan for that reason too. Fire melee works great though. Or elec. Fire aura is probably the best for farming (seeing as most farms are fire farms anyways), but it's average in the regular content.
Either you're sitting your mobs to -1, therefore turning your KD into KB, or you're one of the few to use Thunder Clap as a farming tool.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
As others have said, FA/FM isn't bad and is a nice conceptual fit. Brutes don't like FM because they are gimped and don't get combustion, but tankers do not have this problem.
"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator
For farming what you want is lots of AOE damage and enough durability to survive the spawns you're fighting long enough to kill them. For that you'd be hard pressed to find much better than the aforementioned Fire/Fire combo.
HOWEVER, while with enough investment and a very good build a Fire tanker can certainly be tough enough for most content it isn't going to reach the durability level of a well built Invuln to say nothing of a Stone. If I were looking for high durability with good (for tankers) damage I'd probably consider Inv/Fire.
What you're looking for is somewhat contradictory with the way tanker powersets work. What I would do if I were you is roll the tank for durability and tanking ability and keep the brute for farming... unquestionably the brute will be faster at it. While you can use a tank for farming you can also use a wrench to drive a nail... but a hammer will do it faster. I'd go with the strengths of the AT's and use the right tool for the job.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
Okay, but what about going the 'other way' on this? **/Fire has a lot of AoE and damage goodness, all by itself. So, why not get your Tank on with Invulnerability, instead?
Invulnerability/Fire will be nicely tough, particularly with a little Defense layered on top. And there are plenty of S/L farms - it's not all Fire. Furthermore, Invulnerability is well suited for the non-AE, non-Farming content, as well. At the same time, the Fire will pump out excellent damage.
Be Well!
As a Tank. I want a combination that makes me tough as all hell and able to dish out some pretty good damage and maybe even be able to farm. I realize I wouldn't be as fast or hard-hitting as a Brute, but hey... what can you do? Let's pretend I have infinite funds, what combo should I use?
My first thought was Fiery Aura for the primary. I've heard very good things about the durability of a softcapped FA, and Burn, Blazing Aura and Fiery Embrace is a DPS orgasm with almost any secondary.
My real question is... what should I use for a secondary? I like the idea of Titan Weapons for its AoE smashiness. The taunt animation is cool, too. But endurance... eww.. I do NOT want to use Super Strength. I have a SS/FA Brute already.
Suggestions, Tanker-people?