Trials, level shifts and time, oh my!




Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Wednesday night was supposed to be for newbies, was it not? One sure-fire way to discourage newbies is to get all up in their faces on what's supposed to be newbie night. (You were a prince about it. Others were not)

Or have I misunderstood? Could've sworn Wednesday nights were for unshifted 50's to run the first three trials. Am I wrong on that?

You are 100% correct. I will normally run these for the unshifted or low shifted toons on a Wednesday night. However this presents a few problems.

1. As you know for some reason the only event that gets put in the MOTD is the MSR's that Noy runs on BOTH LB and LFA. I'm not a Mod on LB so my events don't get posted there. they are only in LFA. We have members of LB that Feel LFA is "Gay, Lame" Etc. and don't see the LFA posted events and Members of LFA that refuse to join LB because they have been insulted etc on there and fail to see the LB events that are posted.

2. People don't read the MOTD's at all. I don't know how many times I've seen. "What is the WST?" when the WST is posted on both LFA and LB. This sort of leads us back to everyone not wanting to read directions in a trial"

3. Someone that has bad blood with another thinking.. "Hey so and so is going to lead trials I'm gonna screw that up for him/her" and forming things up a bit before this persons scheduled time is. (Yes it happens) childish I know but we can't make someone grow up can we?

If we can't get over these simple things it will forever be an issue.. When I started these scheduled trials I started them at 6est and realized I was missing a good bit of our server population and moved them to 8est in hopes that our friends on the west coast etc could join us.

I've decided one way to avoid most of the problems above is to just host them randomly. That way I won't be counting on anyone reading the MOTD, thinking of the screw you scenario from the childish ones, and since I'm a member of LFA and LB I'll advertise in both channels.

It's sad that two stinking chat channels on the same server have members looking at it as a battle of who is best. It's a chat channel folks not a competition can we please behave like adults and make both channels a viable form of communication for our server members to obtain vital information?

About last night
I did make the Keyes runs last night as well as the UGT IXP run. The name calling or let me say the generalized name calling "I'm getting out of here too much stupid for me to deal with" fall under the previous mentioned childish acts. If you don't like the way things are going quietly quit the league and mind your own or suck it up. Maybe /tell the leader and make a comment. Maybe send a tell to someone you see messing up to educate them on what they are doing incorrectly. Calling them stupid doesn't fix a thing does it?

If you don't like someone else method of a phase of a trial just say.. I still like this way better. thanks though.. not "your way sucks, it's stupid"

In other words.. If you WANT respect.. EARN IT!



This was mostly my fault, Raven. I'd seen you were +1, but didn't think to ask if you were +3, which your character was.

As for the assumption on my part that most knew what to expect, that's on me, too. At least some of it. But, as it was stated, the three reactors went okay, considering we were light on buffs. It was simply the green oblit beam that cost us -- and the defeats from it.

As for the league being solely for beginners - that much has never been stated - although 5 toons without a level shift being on the league is an indication of inexperience, my feeble brain only keeps track of so many people and their alts.

It is just how most of us have gotten our level shifts - baf and lambda ad nauseum. The AVs are easier, so that's what we stuck with. Now, there are more choices, but team composition has to be more selective because of the difficulties in facing 54+2 AVs in UGT and MoM (and TPN to a degree)

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Cinder Frost View Post
About last night
I did make the Keyes runs last night as well as the UGT IXP run. The name calling or let me say the generalized name calling "I'm getting out of here too much stupid for me to deal with" fall under the previous mentioned childish acts. If you don't like the way things are going quietly quit the league and mind your own or suck it up. Maybe /tell the leader and make a comment. Maybe send a tell to someone you see messing up to educate them on what they are doing incorrectly. Calling them stupid doesn't fix a thing does it?

If you don't like someone else method of a phase of a trial just say.. I still like this way better. thanks though.. not "your way sucks, it's stupid"

Mind me pointing out that I never called your method stupid? In fact it was you who insulted me, rather than me insulting you. I argued that you were slower and had evidence to support that statement, and your response was to treat me like I was personally attacking you.

I was not. I was calmly pointing out that your method did not work as well as you assured us it would. When I objected - calmly and without insult - in a manner that I intended as constructive criticism, you're penultimate response was to ask if I needed a tissue.

In short, you were disrespectful to me, not the other way around.

Originally Posted by Cinder Frost View Post
In other words.. If you WANT respect.. EARN IT!
Words to live by, Cinder. Perhaps you should practice what you preach. I already have the respect of many others, foremost amongst them: the leader of the trials in question himself. Respect from you would be nice, but it's not necessary. I'll take you off of /ignore to give you a second chance, even, which is something I rarely do.


Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."




During the trial you just kept going on and on and on how it was slower.. When we exited you jumped into LOCAL chat not league chat saying it was stupid others have seen it. Including the one running the trial.. So yes I do practice what I preach. You just seem to forget what kind of mood you were in last night. I do recall. "I'm tired of F(**&*G with you, your method sucked it was stupid. Welcome to my ignore".. So yea.. if I'm on it.. I have no issue with that at all and don't expect you to remove me from it. It's not like you are doing me a favor if you do.

I simply said in the trial it's not 3 times slower as you say And I have documented proof to that effect as well. Perhaps you mistaken someone elses post for mine. When we exited the trial you kept going on and on after I figured it was over.

I to have the respect of many on the server that I have earned thank you very much.

So lets not make this about YOU and ME as you see in my post I did NOT call you out.. I believe you called me out by name again. You should really check yourself



I appreciate the trials that happen and the leaders that run them.
My problem is that over time, I have accumulated about 26 fifties to play incarnate stuff with. I make it a point to get the Alpha level shift before doing trials. Yes, it isn't as efficient, usually, but that is my concession to 'not being the anchor' on the itrials. I think I have less then 10 +3s to play.

I haven't done the MOM or TPN yet. Vacation and general busy with other stuff IRL and in game. I know that I will have a steep learning curve but after seven years, I think I can make the climb fairly well.

Having express time for lowshifted 50 is very good and I will make sure that I support that bringing some +3 to the party from time to time. I hope that will buy some tolerance when I bring my +1 on UGTs and beyond.

Anyhow, I also want to plug the idea of kindness and consideration. Blasting a person in League for a mistake is no help. Coaching is good and appreciated.

Liberty Server
Having fun everyday.



Frank are you opening the Alpha using Astrils from your other 50's? I've found that pretty easy since most of the time I run the lower shifted and unshifted trials with a +3 tank and have accumulated a good bit of them I haven't ran the arc in quite some time. If you are already aware you can do this great if not. Let one of us know we can tell you who to see and how to do it.



Originally Posted by Cinder Frost View Post

During the trial you just kept going on and on and on how it was slower.. When we exited you jumped into LOCAL chat not league chat saying it was stupid others have seen it. Including the one running the trial.. So yes I do practice what I preach. You just seem to forget what kind of mood you were in last night. I do recall. "I'm tired of F(**&*G with you, your method sucked it was stupid. Welcome to my ignore".. So yea.. if I'm on it.. I have no issue with that at all and don't expect you to remove me from it. It's not like you are doing me a favor if you do.

I simply said in the trial it's not 3 times slower as you say And I have documented proof to that effect as well. Perhaps you mistaken someone elses post for mine. When we exited the trial you kept going on and on after I figured it was over.

I to have the respect of many on the server that I have earned thank you very much.

So lets not make this about YOU and ME as you see in my post I did NOT call you out.. I believe you called me out by name again. You should really check yourself
You should check yourself as well. You're repeated disapporval of my attempt to constructively criticize you did get me aggravated, but the statement you quote didn't come unti AFTER you asked "if I needed a tissue."

Did I get pissed off? Yes. I'm not accustomed to sitting on my keister in a trial waiting for someone to solo a phase. I'm also not one to be insulted for saying it didn't work without reprisal. So am I to blame? In part, yes, the other party to blame, you'll find in a mirror.

As for me being in local that was due to me getting a coh.exe during the truckyard phase, as I pointed out last night. So I couldn't say anything in league chat when I came back because I wasn't IN league.

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



And here we go Raven you want to continue as you did last night. I was not "Soloing" a phase. When I did come out with the temps I had to assist with clearing as well. Had the terminals been cleared It wouldn't have been an issue..

Someone else in the trial didn't like it either.. all the said was seemed a bit slower I like the other way better and was done commenting.. This however wasn't you..

Had time to get a text file
was 2-3 times slower

and on and on..

Tell me what the purpose was of keeping it going in local chat as we exited.. I do recall you starting that up not me..

Sure I said "Do you need a tissue" cause you just kept ******** about it in local which was not needed.

Now be done with it.. Leave me on ignore if you want. I'm not forcing any style of game play on you. I'm not saying you not wanting to do it is slower, Stupid, sucked or anything. I'm not saying either is better as a "FACT" what is fact is that you yourself did not even know of the Stalker door, So you are one of those that "Learned" from me. Did anyone learn anything from your ranting?



Originally Posted by Cinder Frost View Post
And here we go Raven you want to continue as you did last night. I was not "Soloing" a phase. When I did come out with the temps I had to assist with clearing as well. Had the terminals been cleared It wouldn't have been an issue..

Someone else in the trial didn't like it either.. all the said was seemed a bit slower I like the other way better and was done commenting.. This however wasn't you..

Had time to get a text file
was 2-3 times slower

and on and on..

Tell me what the purpose was of keeping it going in local chat as we exited.. I do recall you starting that up not me..

Sure I said "Do you need a tissue" cause you just kept ******** about it in local which was not needed.

Now be done with it.. Leave me on ignore if you want. I'm not forcing any style of game play on you. I'm not saying you not wanting to do it is slower, Stupid, sucked or anything. I'm not saying either is better as a "FACT" what is fact is that you yourself did not even know of the Stalker door, So you are one of those that "Learned" from me. Did anyone learn anything from your ranting?
I had enough of this type of vitriol from you the first time I tried to say something you were doing wasn't as effective as I thought it could be. The BAF where I tried to point out that I'd never seen choke points get a perfect score, after which I continued with you and saw it go perfect for the first time ever, and I retracted my comment. Problem solved.

Now here we are again, I had some constructive criticism and you're getting bent out of shape... again. So you want me to leave it be? Fine, since you're obviously not going to listen anyways, I will. Tired of butting heads with you over simple feedback.

I know I have some anger issues but I'm honest about it, and admit to it, but it seems to me you have the same problems. If you're not going to take criticism from me as anything less than a personal attack then I'll be happy to leave you on ignore.

Issue dropped, ok? You happy now? In reality it was ALREADY dropped until you came in here and re-opened it, but hey, I already apologized about it higher up on this very same page, not that you seemed to notice or care.

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



Guys... Raven, Cinder... You two are among the better players I know in this game. I'm fond of both of you and I like having you around in the trials. You're part of what makes them the often-insane, typically-crazy incredible fun that they are, even if you don't always see eye to eye.

Don't make me send you both to the Harmony Hut.

Because if that's what it takes to get us all back to happily bashing the crap out of those pixel Praetorians who so richly deserve it, I will.

The Sound of Music, guys.
Think about the horror of that.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



HAHA Harmony Hut!!! Best place evar!!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
Guys... Raven, Cinder... You two are among the better players I know in this game. I'm fond of both of you and I like having you around in the trials. You're part of what makes them the often-insane, typically-crazy incredible fun that they are, even if you don't always see eye to eye.

Don't make me send you both to the Harmony Hut.

Because if that's what it takes to get us all back to happily bashing the crap out of those pixel Praetorians who so richly deserve it, I will.

The Sound of Music, guys.
Think about the horror of that.
Think abut the horror? Pass. I'm crazy enough as is, tyvm. <laughs>

I didn't even have to click that link to know what you meant... <shudders> I'm pretty sure I'd react to the Harmony Hut as well as Wednesday did, only with a more Michael Bay-esque film following my stay there

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



Originally Posted by Bright View Post

Don't make me send you both to the Harmony Hut.
I'm takin you with me! :P

Ok, I'm off to save lives.. You all have a good night.



Originally Posted by Cinder Frost View Post
I'm takin you with me! :P

Ok, I'm off to save lives.. You all have a good night.
Anything but The Sound of Music!

The Kid Brother and I still call each other Wednesday and Pugsley, so you can probably imagine how well I'd do in there.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
Anything but The Sound of Music!

The Kid Brother and I still call each other Wednesday and Pugsley, so you can probably imagine how well I'd do in there.
Do like I would. If you get sent to 'the Hut', take dynamite with you...

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



Originally Posted by Cinder Frost View Post
1. As you know for some reason the only event that gets put in the MOTD is the MSR's that Noy runs on BOTH LB and LFA. I'm not a Mod on LB so my events don't get posted there. they are only in LFA. We have members of LB that Feel LFA is "Gay, Lame" Etc. and don't see the LFA posted events and Members of LFA that refuse to join LB because they have been insulted etc on there and fail to see the LB events that are posted.
Send me or another LB mod a tell in-game asking for your event to be posted in the MOTD and quite likely it will be posted there. (I also troll this forum looking for events to post, but not guaranteed that I'll see every single one.)

I'm generally happy to post any event that someone plans in advance (provided they don't have a reputation for announcing events that don't end up happening). My personal rules are: there must be a fixed time (good = "9pm ET Wed", bad = "sometime next week") and there should be a contact person (global name) for the event.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Personally, I don't list anything that is "daily". Forget that. LOL

I do wish the Devs would allow for more characters in the MoTD, it's starting to get full with the events we have now. I might have to put my site up again for funs and list all the events.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Originally Posted by Tax_E View Post
Personally, I don't list anything that is "daily". Forget that. LOL

I do wish the Devs would allow for more characters in the MoTD, it's starting to get full with the events we have now. I might have to put my site up again for funs and list all the events.

Do it!!

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



I trust you and support your decision. It seems well-reasoned, sound, and fair.

Ukase for President of Liberty 2012!

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
Send me or another LB mod a tell in-game asking for your event to be posted in the MOTD and quite likely it will be posted there. (I also troll this forum looking for events to post, but not guaranteed that I'll see every single one.)

I'm generally happy to post any event that someone plans in advance (provided they don't have a reputation for announcing events that don't end up happening). My personal rules are: there must be a fixed time (good = "9pm ET Wed", bad = "sometime next week") and there should be a contact person (global name) for the event.
If I decide to form up something scheduled again I will do that. That will fix one of the issues now if we can just get rid of the "I'm gonna screw you and do it first thing" we'll be good. lol

Thanks PW.

I honestly wish there was a way to just combine chat channels and just be done with it. I'm sure you all have heard of the Chat Channel wars that already exist on Exalted.. I mean really..



I ended up unsubbing from all of the Exalted channels because of that silliness. If Liberty ever goes that way, I'm going to threaten people with more than The Sound of Music. <_<

We're talking the Brady Bunch and the Care Bear movie, people.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Cinder Frost View Post
I honestly wish there was a way to just combine chat channels and just be done with it. I'm sure you all have heard of the Chat Channel wars that already exist on Exalted.

Get Worked!



Hey, I know! We'll make a 3rd channel and we'll...

Oh, wait, that's how the second channel started.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Hey, I know! We'll make a 3rd channel and we'll...

Oh, wait, that's how the second channel started.
Funny how it all goes down isn't it?



Originally Posted by Tax_E View Post
I do wish the Devs would allow for more characters in the MoTD, it's starting to get full with the events we have now. I might have to put my site up again for funs and list all the events.
Not sure if you've tried this, but if you right click on your chat window and go to Channel Search > My Channels and select the desired channel, there is a Set MOTD button. If you enter your MotD in there you can fit a lot more characters than if you just click on the channel and to go Set MotD.

As for the issue at hand, although I may play on another server I often run into similar issues as described by Ukaserex. For trials like BAF, Lambda and Keyes, it matters a lot less if you have a lot of straight 50s. Sure, some phases may be more difficult, but more often than not the trial will be successful overall. In contrast, UGT and MoM are very unforgiving towards leagues with several 50s, so much so that the risk of complete failure goes up dramatically. This is largely due to the level shifts that the AVs have in addition to their innate difficulty level.

It is for this reason that I have asked for people to bring characters with at least 1 level shift to UGT and MoM. Instead of being selective in other ways, like asking for X amount of buffs/debuffs, I find bumping the overall level range of the league allows me to invite virtually any AT and have a good chance at success. I think asking for +1s and up is more than reasonable for the higher level trials.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial