Paragon Market - best way to buy costume pieces or what?




They've released pay for costumes in the past, but you had to buy them at a regular store and you had to buy all of it, and you could not preview it.

But with the Paragon Market you see the pieces in the costume creator, use them for design - and can then buy them when you see a need for them. And you can buy in bulk or just the pieces you need. And you can do it in game.

This is 98.5% better than before (would be 100% better except for ED).

The only complaint I have about the market is that in the market it shows me stuff I have already purchased, but the costume creator has stuff unlocked so I just go by that.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
They've released pay for costumes in the past, but you had to buy them at a regular store and you had to buy all of it, and you could not preview it.

But with the Paragon Market you see the pieces in the costume creator, use them for design - and can then buy them when you see a need for them. And you can buy in bulk or just the pieces you need. And you can do it in game.

This is 98.5% better than before (would be 100% better except for ED).

The only complaint I have about the market is that in the market it shows me stuff I have already purchased, but the costume creator has stuff unlocked so I just go by that.
Explain to me both how ED effects costumes and how it effects the equation when there are equal amounts of ED on both sides.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Explain to me both how ED effects costumes and how it effects the equation when there are equal amounts of ED on both sides.
It's a joke regarding the fact that you can't reach 100% enhancement of a particular thing with just regular enhancements?



Is there an actual question or discussion topic here or is this just "Yay, I like the way the market lets me test drive costume pieces"?



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Is there an actual question or discussion topic here or is this just "Yay, I like the way the market lets me test drive costume pieces"?
Simple format:
1. state question
2. post my answer to said question

Would it be clearer if I repeated the question after my answer?



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
It's a joke regarding the fact that you can't reach 100% enhancement of a particular thing with just regular enhancements?
Thank you.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
...Would it be clearer if I repeated the question after my answer?
No, that'd make these post twice as weird




If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Simple format:
1. state question
2. post my answer to said question

Would it be clearer if I repeated the question after my answer?
You're implying that "or what?" is a question that needs answering?

The only way I can parse your subject line is like this: "Paragon Market is the best way to buy costume pieces! Who's with me?"

That doesn't strike me as a subject for either discussion or for enlightenment. *shrug*

The fact that you then answer your own "question" pretty much removes any need for a response as far as I can tell...

Maybe I'm missing the point of this thread or the reason for it to be posited as a question in the first place.

To be more precise, I'm not criticising your choice of format so much as your choice of topic. Unless we're supposed to discuss your feelings and their validity, I can't see much reason to make the post in the first place.

"I like previewing costume bits before I buy them!"

Well, um, more power to you?



If that is how you parse it, have fun.

"Paragon Market - best way to buy costume pieces or what?"
is simply a shortened version of
'Is' Paragon Market 'the' best way to buy costume pieces or what 'is'?

I then post my answer to the question.

If you are of the opinion that my answer is by definition the correct one, then I can see that there would be no need for further responses. Since you seem to be of that opinion, I thank you for your faith in my opinion.



I realize that you're treating this as pedantic, and you're welcome to view it that way.

The fact is, you never stated a question at all. Your subject is just your opinion phrased as a question, like a game of Jeopardy.

You don't actually need to give your answer to the "question" because it's implicit in the alleged question.

Now I grant you that there are conceivably some people who hate previewing costume bits before they buy them, but overall I can't see that there's a whole lot to actually say about the topic.

Are you asking people for ideas on how to do it better than it's already being done?



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
...Your subject is just your opinion phrased as a question, like a game of Jeopardy.
Oh! Oh!
What is... dugfromearth's costume-buying preference! ...??

Oooh, ooh... Maybe we should do a Family Feud style sort of themed response system to these threads...
From our 100-people-survey, what ways of buying costume pieces are the BEST?

Dugfromearth says... From the Paragon Market!! Is it up there???
Many of the forum members chime in with, "Good answer! Good answer!".
Survey SAYS... DING!!
That's the number one answer!!
Okay... What other answers did our 100-people-survey offer for Best Ways to buy Costume Pieces?

Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
You don't actually need to give your answer to the "question" because it's implicit in the alleged question.

Now I grant you that there are conceivably some people who hate previewing costume bits before they buy them, but overall I can't see that there's a whole lot to actually say about the topic.

Are you asking people for ideas on how to do it better than it's already being done?
Hehe, while I do understand the disliking of this format and all, really it's just a positive post in similar form as many negative posts may be.
I can't say it is inherently worthless. There is not much discussion on this particular subject, for sure... but hey... we can still play Family Feud!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
They've released pay for costumes in the past, but you had to buy them at a regular store and you had to buy all of it, and you could not preview it.

But with the Paragon Market you see the pieces in the costume creator, use them for design - and can then buy them when you see a need for them. And you can buy in bulk or just the pieces you need. And you can do it in game.

This is 98.5% better than before (would be 100% better except for ED).

The only complaint I have about the market is that in the market it shows me stuff I have already purchased, but the costume creator has stuff unlocked so I just go by that.
You joined the boards in '05--is that when you joined the game?

Because that would mean you've been with ED for more than six years, and without it for less than six months. Perspective.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Re: ED side comment.

I've noticed in the past that when dugfromtheearth makes a joke, it's subtle enough to fly over the head of most people.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Re: ED side comment.

I've noticed in the past that when dugfromtheearth makes a joke, it's subtle enough to fly over the head of most people.
I don't think anyone has even clued into his name. Is it a lisp or what?



Originally Posted by SeedyXX View Post
I don't think anyone has even clued into his name. Is it a lisp or what?
if it were lisp it would be (dug(from(the(arth))))

and the second e is missing because some website would not allow an additional character way back when the internet was young and the tubes would get clogged if you had too many characters.