If you had to only pick a few zones, which would they be?

Agent White



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
That's sad, but I have the feeling that my home server of Exalted will be joining you. We've been running weekly Hamidon raids almost since the server opened, but all but three of the experienced raid crew have already canceled their City of Heroes subscriptions for a galaxy far, far away. We tried to get our regularly scheduled Hamidon raid going last night, but only about 15 people showed up, and most of those were inexperienced meleers...

The actual raid itself is pretty easy, the only problem is getting enough people together quick enough to warrant such a small reward. Yes the enhancement/badge/merits used to be enough, but for such a large scale raid there should be more.

I'ld even go as far as saying that defeating the raid would grant everybody the league a new hamidon salvage that could be downgraded to 4 emps [or something along those lines].

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... wait, you guys are seriously rallying to have more content -removed-?


Im all for a zone revamp like what was done for Faultline. Heck, I think -every- CoH zone needs to be revisited and given clear story arcs like how redside works. But removing things is bad.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
... wait, you guys are seriously rallying to have more content -removed-?


Im all for a zone revamp like what was done for Faultline. Heck, I think -every- CoH zone needs to be revisited and given clear story arcs like how redside works. But removing things is bad.
I didn't say anything about removing content. The idea is to remove old zones with little to no content, and move that content to a different older zone alongside revamping it in some cases.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
... wait, you guys are seriously rallying to have more content -removed-?


Im all for a zone revamp like what was done for Faultline. Heck, I think -every- CoH zone needs to be revisited and given clear story arcs like how redside works. But removing things is bad.
I'm not as it was filed under 'if', to which I don't think it'll ever happen.

I was really just listin' off my favorite zones.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Yeah i'd rather not see anything explicitly removed but I would like seeing things revamped to have more modern design and more content. Hazard zones are ghost towns, this could really be changed.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
... wait, you guys are seriously rallying to have more content -removed-?


Im all for a zone revamp like what was done for Faultline. Heck, I think -every- CoH zone needs to be revisited and given clear story arcs like how redside works. But removing things is bad.

In the 5th Year address, Positron came to Defiant server (I know, amazing) said that creating zones was as easy as revamping existing zones. What we didn't realise at the time was that GR was already into production - but that may have coloured his perspective, though I believe it's been stated on other occasions by other Devs.

This leads then to a question of quantity over quality - a lot of zones with little substance compared to fewer zones with great stories. If you look at the outstanding job they did with Fautline and War Zone revamps, that kind of gives the lie to their position - but the Hollows, maybe supports them a bit, but maybe that's simply because the Hollows was well past its sell-by date before the revamp and is having the last rites read to it even as I speak given that two or three runs on DFB means you're past its level range without breaking a sweat.

A lot of zones need a make-over - and the Rogue Isles especially. I've always believed the failing of the Isles was a place to congregate, as players, and to hang out and hold cossie comps etc - there's no Atlas equivalent in the Isles. Actually there is, but it's too high for lowbies. Make Cap au D the starting zone, open up the plaza and make Mercy the "hazard area" where villains can find slightly tougher missions. You don't need to do much to ensure that lowbies don't faceplant from the moment they start there.

Striga and Croatoa have great content but there's so much in that level range it's easy to miss them - which is a shame because the Hess TF is excellent - but needs the arc to unlock it.

Cimerora is all about the ITF. Nobody goes there to run any content - so make it possible to access it from Croatoa too... that saves on the death by boredom of rescuing Percy Winkley for the 746th time!!!!! Similarly, Terra Volta - devoid of anything except respec trials.

Talos, IP, Terra Volta and Striga could be reworked - maybe introduce Lusca, Sally and Kraken into the mix and have them stomp over the zones to require a large scale redevelopment and merge them into one zone that's slightly smaller than the sum of its parts.

Nerva and St Martial are too big for their content - they could easily combine and be made more accessible.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Personally, I'd hate to remove any more zones from the game other than a few I'd merge on reflex such as making Terra Volta a part of Independence Port, making Tunnels of the Trolls a part of the Hollows, and maybe figuring out a clever way to merge the Sewer Network and the Abandoned Sewer Network that won't massacre lowbies. I think it's far less of an issue of having too many zones and rather not actually doing anything with them. While the blueside zones do have some overlap, there are some things like Perez or Eden that are sorely in need of dedicated contacts/story arcs. It could help with character theme if there was a track for each origin.



I want all the zones, I don't want to get rid of any, especially not of the Shadow Shard. Just rewamp them!

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
Step 1. Destroy Praetoria - no one uses it now anyway.

Step 2. Destroy the Rogue Isles - no one uses it now anyway.

Step 3. Destroy the Shadow Shard - no one uses it anyway.

Step 4. Turn Independence Port into a level 20 - 25 zone.

Step 5. Turn Talos Island into a level 25 - 30 zone.

Get rid of the Hollows, Perez Park, Boomtown, Skyway City, Striga Isle, Terra Volta, Brickstown, and Crey's Folly.

Basically, that would leave Atlas Park, Kings' Row, Steel Canyon, Faultline, Independence Port, Talos Island, Croatoa, Founders' Falls, Eden, Peregrine Island, Cimerora, Ouroboros, the Rikti War Zone, the Hive, and Dark Astoria. I think this would be much more manageable.
I'd rather just wipe away Paragon City since I haven't used it since CoV launched.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Thats funny didnt even know cov was still around lol. Long live blue side

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Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Cimerora is all about the ITF. Nobody goes there to run any content - so make it possible to access it from Croatoa too... that saves on the death by boredom of rescuing Percy Winkley for the 746th time!!!!! Similarly, Terra Volta - devoid of anything except respec trials.
People go there to run the arcs, it's just that 95% of the mission content occurs outside of Cimerora so you can't really tell anyone is running them. Only the repeatable timed missions and the Senator's super easy arc occur majorly within the zone.