what is the most efficient way...




What is the most efficient way to get influence? I am farming until my eyes bleed and I don't see how I will get to a billion influence with any amount of speed. Am I missing something or do some people just have 6 hours a day to dedicate to this stuff?

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Learn to playy the market. Buy low, sell high and all that. Find enhancements that go cheap as recipes and considerably higher once crafted. Buy, craft, sell, rinse and repeat. More money you have, the more expensive sets you can get.



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
What is the most efficient way to get influence? I am farming until my eyes bleed and I don't see how I will get to a billion influence with any amount of speed. Am I missing something or do some people just have 6 hours a day to dedicate to this stuff?
1. Farm Alignment Merits. For every 2 you get, you get a guaranteed 100 million INF profit by buying and crafting a Luck of the Gambler+Recharge or Numina's +Rech/Rec or Miracle+Rec (each at their lowest level) and selling them on the Market. Some prefer to use 1 A-Merit for a Gold Roll for recipes... but I prefer the guaranteed sale.

So, do the new Signature Story Arc as they come out and then each week, do the first SSA twice: Once for the A-Merit, the second for the regular Merits (20 Merits in 8 minutes is worth it).

Run the alignment Tips every day and then the Alignment Mission every other day for an Alignment Merit every other day.

Farm for Regular Merits to convert to A-Merits once a day. Best source is the two Incarnate TFs which together can be done in an hour and give 80 Merits since mostly everyone will be +3 Incarnates and can crush what used to be difficult TFs. Also do the WST for the free bonus Merits.

2. Farm Empyrean Merits. Do a handful of Incarnate Trials daily for a handful of Empyrean Merits. Don't waste your time running Speed BAFs or Lambdas more than once per day... they're one a daily Emp cool down. MoMs and Keyes are now unlikely to fail, and each give 2 Emps and are relatively quick, so, always shoot for them. In a few weeks you'll have enough to buy one of the PvP Recipes to sell for 2 billion INF.

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I don't even bother playing the market and I have more influence than I can realistically use. Step one: make a new character. Step two, do arcs starting from level 1, reinforce your alignment at level 20, do arcs, do SSAs, maybe do a TF. Step three: at level 30, either put the character on hold or turn exp off and continue to do the above activities. Roll your hero or villain merits for level 30-34 recipes. Step four: use what you need, sell what you don't, end up with a massive profit. This almost guarantees that any new character you make will put you into the black, rather than being an influence sink for your highbies.

If I wanted to make even more inf than that I would run through my 50s once a week doing the SSA for a hero merit, or two SSAs for a hero merit and reward merit. Also, I would go through all of my old 50s and run all of the SSAs once plus two bonus ones. That's an untapped several billion influence right there.



Going to ditto everything everyone said here. Alignment merits can get you where you want to go, just do not be expecting it to happen overnight unless you play dozens of characters reliably.

Also (and I just started making sure to do this again) make sure to check the uncommon set recipes you get and see if the crafted value is worth making and selling rather than just deleting for space. Even at only 3-5 million (Crushing Impact, Doctored Wounds and their ilk) a pop, it adds up. Worst case, you actually use the enhancement yourself. The missus is much better about it than I am and she has more inf for it.

11 months of all-nighters, messy feeding sessions, bath fighting and realizing just how good my son's lungs work, and I am still convinced he is the crowning accomplishment in my life. What in the blue HFIL is wrong with me?



So, if I go hero to villain to hero for patron pool powers can I get a merits still or do I need to do all the a merits I need first and then go get the patron pools?

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Changing alignment will destroy any hero/villain merits you already possess, so spend them first! You will not be able to earn hero/villain merits while a vigilante/rogue, you can only earn them while a full hero or villain.



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
What is the most efficient way to get influence? I am farming until my eyes bleed and I don't see how I will get to a billion influence with any amount of speed. Am I missing something or do some people just have 6 hours a day to dedicate to this stuff?

In my opinion, AE is still the best way to make a billion from nothing in a couple hours of work. Assuming you have a good build (I run SS/Fire) you should be able to cap your tickets per run in just over a minute on 54x8. Farm to 750 tickets and then click the glowie. I use the Fire! arc, it's the same mission over and over and running through it once puts me around ~7,500 tickets.

As for spending the tickets, I know TopDoc (or someone?) ran numbers on what the most profitable rolls to use are. I personally like to change it up based on whims between a few, some of the ones I've had great luck with are:

20-24 Bronze
25-29 Bronze
30-34 Silver
35-39 Silver

Craft the good stuff and delete the rest. If you aren't familiar with what is worth selling and what isn't, it will take you a bit longer to check the worth of your rolls. I suggest always checking the crafted prices and always selling crafted since enhancements tend to move faster and move for more cash than recipes do.

After you rake up a decent amount of cash, say a couple billion, leaving low bids on high demand purple enhancements is a good way to make fast cash. Generally within a couple of days you can make 100 million profit or more per enhancement.

The option of stealthing/speeding through tips is there also if you know the maps well enough. Personally I find the running around to be too much of a hassle most of the time, but the 5 random recipes from the 35-39 roll are usually pretty profitable, or if you're not into gambling, get Kinetic Combat tri's or LOTG 7.5%'s for 2 merits.

Additionally, you could do tips and SSA's on a character for a few weeks and pick up a Gladiator's Armor 3% with your merits. That would work by saving up your Empyrean Merits doing Incarnate Trials too- If you are able to succeed on one of each trial a day it will take you less than two weeks to get a Gladiator's 3% from Empyrean Michael (though I personally see them dropping in value soon with PVP farming and the Enhancement Converters coming into play.)



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
1. Farm Alignment Merits. For every 2 you get, you get a guaranteed 100 million INF profit by buying and crafting a Luck of the Gambler+Recharge or Numina's +Rech/Rec or Miracle+Rec (each at their lowest level) and selling them on the Market. Some prefer to use 1 A-Merit for a Gold Roll for recipes... but I prefer the guaranteed sale.
One note: LotG needs 2 Merits. You can at best get 1.5 merits a day. So a LotG will cost you 30 mil on average (tips won't cover it every time, sometimes you will have to buy two A-Merits at 20 mil a pop, sometimes only one). If you sell it at the going rate, which is 100 mil. That will net you 100 mil - the 30 mil you had to spent = 70 mil profit over 1.5 days.

I propose it is better to find a recipe that only takes one merit, but can be sold for 60-80 mil. That will be 20 mil every other day and a free one on the off day (tips). So since every other A-Merit is free, we can average it out to 10 mil a day for a merit. 70 mil - 10 mil is a 60 mil profit over 1 day.

So, over 3 days the LotG route will give you 140 mil. For the other route, you would see a 180 mil profit.

Also: why is this post in the AT and Powers forum?

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



I've been averaging about 100 million net (after taking out market tax and build costs) per hero merit using random rolls on my level 50 (link in .sig). Those are nearly all just tip and SSA merits, only a few bought. Buying the hero merits with reward merits would reduce the return a bit, but not so much. It's still the better value, IMO.

Also, it is a bit more work. If you don't like the crafting system, it's not the way for you.

Global @StarGeek
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My Hero Merit rolls
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I make money on the market. Went off and played another game for a bit, came back a couple billion inf richer.



It depends on what you mean by "efficient".

There are a LOT of ways to make money in the game - all of them consist of
some mix of: knowledge, effort, time.

Folks have listed several good examples in this thread. In regards to the OP's
question though,

If you consider efficient as : "least amount of time to X inf", you'll get a very
different answer than you'd get if you consider efficient as : "least amount of
personal effort to get X inf", or "least amount of skill/knowledge needed to get X inf".

All of those approaches are "efficient" for one of the key variables.

In terms of pure time: Hands down answer is use of the market - folks have
gone from 0 to a billion in a few days - short of exploits, you can't get enough
A-merits to even get close to that with SSAs, and the amount of farming effort
needed, even on optimised builds, would be pretty high.

Otoh, if you want to get a billion inf with minimal market knowledge, A-Merits
from tips and SSA are probably easiest for anybody to do.

AE runs are much closer to standard farming except that it cuts down on travel,
and tickets are much easier to work with and convert than normal farm drops
(My CEBR farmer - when that still worked well - made ~50-75M / hr while *actively*
farming. Others have done better, but 1M+ / minute isn't too shabby).

In terms of knowledge - it was pretty efficient, but in terms of effort, it risked
bouts of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Personally, I wouldn't worry about efficiency, I'd worry about fit.

By that, I mean, "what sorts of ways to make inf fit in with what I'm doing with
my character(s) and playstyle".

I'll add that whatever your playstyle, there are plenty of ways to make inf that
you could probably do effectively, and maybe even "efficiently".


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



I returned to the game after a 6 year hiatus this past October with under 50 million influence total spread between my characters. I suppose it is somewhat luck of the draw, but getting yourself sidekicked to level 50 and keeping your recipe inventory clear for drops by selling them seems to have worked for me.

Somewhere around Thanksgiving I got my first purple recipe drop, which on my server sold for 400 million influence. The hard part was coming up with the posting fee of 5%.

Last week I had 3 more purple recipes drop. 2 of them go for 50 million each and the last, Apocalypse: Acc/Dam/Rech goes for 700-900 million on my server. Should I sell it, I will be at just over a billion influence.

Of course relying on rare recipe drops may not be the best way to go about things. I have sold uncommon (orange) drop recipes for a couple million over the course of a weekend, and I am very lazy when it comes to playing the market. With more dedication I know I could have made more.

Another thing, keep an eye out for the difference in asking price between crafted enhancements and recipes. I have noticed that there can be a bigger gap in the price between the two than the cost of the crafting materials and influence involved.

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Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I don't even bother playing the market and I have more influence than I can realistically use. Step one: make a new character. Step two, do arcs starting from level 1, reinforce your alignment at level 20, do arcs, do SSAs, maybe do a TF. Step three: at level 30, either put the character on hold or turn exp off and continue to do the above activities. Roll your hero or villain merits for level 30-34 recipes.
Why stop your experience. When you turn in your A merits you can move the slide bar on the top of the Merit store window and slide it down from 50 to 30. When you do that roll. anything that can be level 50 you will get at level 50. If you get say a recipe that max out at level 40 then when you do the level 30 roll you will still get it at 40 even though you did a level 30 roll.

Thorns - Spines/Willpower Scrapper (1366 Badges)



People pay more for crafted Enhancements. Don't know why, but do yourself a favor and exploit that. NEVER post a purple recipe; always craft it first.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
People pay more for crafted Enhancements. Don't know why, but do yourself a favor and exploit that. NEVER post a purple recipe; always craft it first.
Yeah, the difference between recipe and crafted fro the Apocalypse was 300 million at one point with the cost for the materials was 6 million. I am pretty sure I am willing to spend 6 million to make 300 million.

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Originally Posted by Mafia View Post
Why stop your experience. When you turn in your A merits you can move the slide bar on the top of the Merit store window and slide it down from 50 to 30. When you do that roll. anything that can be level 50 you will get at level 50. If you get say a recipe that max out at level 40 then when you do the level 30 roll you will still get it at 40 even though you did a level 30 roll.
There is a decent demand for IO recipes at level 30. The set bonuses are the same as higher level versions, but allow you to exempt down to 30 without loosing them. At the same time, the enhancement values for the set pieces are not noticeably lower. As a result, recipes at level 30 tend to go for about the same amount as the level 50 varieties (or in some cases, more) and the turn-over rate is often even greater than 50 versions.

If you are above 30, you can use the slider, but as you mentioned, if the set exists at a higher level and you're higher than the level you set the slider, you get that recipe at whatever level you actually are, instead of level 30.

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As just one example, it's very easy to sell a level 30 Numina global for more than twice what they fetch at level 50. The other upside is that I always want my best set bonuses to last down to 30, and if I generate loads of level 30 recipes myself I don't have to worry so much about trying to get everything from the market. Though please, everyone run out and start doing this, it would take a small army of 30-sitters to put a dent in the unmet demand at that level.