For those of you who were at the Plummit... and those of you who weren't...

Agent White



I'll definitely be at Herocon, just as soon as they host it in the UK.

If I told the missus to look after the kids while I nip over to the States for the weekend I think she'd have a fit.

*Is still gutted I didn't get to the Omega Sektor meet.



Originally Posted by Back_Blast View Post

And really, did they *need* 40 folks to show up for this Pummit? I doubt it. I wasn't there obviously but that seems rather overkill to have or even need 40 folks actively involved in this.

From what I gathered talking to some of the ones in attendance that weren't directly involved with the panels, they didn't HAVE to be there. They WANTED to be there to be able to talk to the players, get feedback on things related to what they do, listen to (and, if possible, answer) questions players had that weren't related to the various panels. Some had specific players they wanted to speak to about some posts that those players had made on the forums or that persons general contributions in game or on the forums. The one thing that was evident from every one of them was that they all wanted to be there.

Would I like to see events held elsewhere in the country? Certainly.

Would I specifically like to see something held in the central US region? Of course since that would make it closer to me.

Going to this event puts a considerable strain on my finances, but the time I get to spend visiting with the other players makes it worth it. I've met several really nice folks at these things (Devs, OCR team and players), and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I was at the table where Zwillinger sat for dinner and as far as he told us(and this I definitely remember being said):

  • This Freedom Player Summit was a proof of concept thing;
  • because of the proximity to their studio (within 2 miles), they were able to get 30 devs to attend;
  • they want to do a minimum of 1 FPS per year, preferably 2 per year.
I turned in the 3 page survey when I was there, but I had neglected to turn in the paper slip surveys on each individual panel I attended. Wonder if they will still take them?

I'd love it if they could hold 2 Freedom Player Summits per year. That way, if people cannot make one, they can still try for the other that year.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
We were given two types of surveys. The first (a really short one) dealt with an individual panel (whichever you attended), asking your opinion on how it was presented, the information given, if we'd attend a related panel (for example, if we went to the "Design a Costume" panel, whether we'd be interested in one on, say, how costumes are actually built in COH, or "Concept Art" or whatnot) etc.

The other was a 3-page survey ranging from the Plummit itself to the kinds of things we wanted to see (and what we DIDN'T), specific/follow-up information for certain topics (for example, when Ross Borden the marketing guy told me that if I had suggestions for him, we should talk during the cocktail hour - we kept missing each other - so I put a list of suggestions on the survey directed to him and Black Pebble), rating the features we'd seen presented on a scale (what we were most excited to least excited about), etc. It was fairly extensive.

I know quite a few folks commented on the latter survey that lack of advance notice was a major deterrent to being able to do this sort of thing. I talked to Zwill, Brian, and a couple other folks over the weekend, and it's HOPED (allow me to stress that word) that for the next one, they make sure it's announced at least 3 months in advance, and NOT that close to a holiday (or if it is, something like Memorial Day which helps some folks with an additional day off to use for a vacation).

Now to see what they make of the info...

My hubby (Joyrock) forgot to fill his out, so I do have a blank one I can scan in and upload for people to see....if that's ok with the Devs.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
How about they give ALL of us a survey? That'd be swell.

Don't be so bloody stupid!!!!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
From what I gathered talking to some of the ones in attendance that weren't directly involved with the panels, they didn't HAVE to be there. They WANTED to be there to be able to talk to the players, get feedback on things related to what they do, listen to (and, if possible, answer) questions players had that weren't related to the various panels. Some had specific players they wanted to speak to about some posts that those players had made on the forums or that persons general contributions in game or on the forums. The one thing that was evident from every one of them was that they all wanted to be there.

Would I like to see events held elsewhere in the country? Certainly.

Would I specifically like to see something held in the central US region? Of course since that would make it closer to me.

Going to this event puts a considerable strain on my finances, but the time I get to spend visiting with the other players makes it worth it. I've met several really nice folks at these things (Devs, OCR team and players), and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
I would absolutely love to go to something like this. But I can't. The finances just won't support it. This being a big reason I'd like to see some love from them for the heartland. And honestly, I think that doing a few smaller cons around the country would be of a definite help to them. The more they're out there promoting, the more folk who become aware of the game and how good it is. Send the big Z or Black Pebble or some other notable redname on a cross-country tour of comic conventions. I'd be willing to bet that they could get volunteers from the community here to come out and help run the booth at each stop. For a swag bag and the opportunity to spend the day talking up the game with a redname, I'm sure they'd have all the volunteers they need to make it a success. Put me down as volunteer #1 for any con they want to come to in my area. So load up one of those mysterious Paragon Transit buses we've never seen, hang a 'cross country or bust' sign on it, and get rollin'!

It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.



UK to USA ... thts alot to save for..



Originally Posted by Red_Gren
I also found out from Zwill that 3 months notice was the longest notice he thought he'd be able to give.
Originally Posted by Suzumebachi View Post
I'll definitely be at Herocon, just as soon as they host it in the UK.

If I told the missus to look after the kids while I nip over to the States for the weekend I think she'd have a fit.

*Is still gutted I didn't get to the Omega Sektor meet.
I usually give around 6 months notice for my UK player meet, and I want to start planning the next about a week after I get back from running one LOL. I know it's only small, but it's just around the corner from Omega Sektor in Birmingham, so Suzumebachi you're more than welcome to come to the one next year* . (I'm vaguely thinking first weekend in September 2012, but it's far too early to be organising anything).

*Depending on the state of my health, and whether or not Paragon would like to try and organise their own UK meet.

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