Getting tired of Incarnates




My issue with Preatoria and First Ward is - they are completely path locked.

You do this and get this contact - do that and get that contact and you don't get to choose what happens. It is exactly like a first person shooter where you must move in a certain path.

In Paragon City I have many contacts and can do many various things from TF's to normal arcs. In Praetoria I can do one thing - missions chosen for me.

The entire Zone is completely developed wrong. It should have been the Incarnate playground where you can enter and find that in this dimension the Powers of the Well are possible to acquire.

Then you run the Trials to unlock each aspect,.
Then you follow my earlier rules on how to progress with Incarnates.
Then if you return to Paragon you have no extra powers. This makes people WANT to head to Praetoria and start basically a new game.

It is not too late - it would be very easy to revamp Praetoria to become exactly this - look Galaxy City was destroyed and now you could say Cole's use of the Well's power has altered the balance of the Planes. Now you not only fight to save the planet but to save the very fabric of time.

Thiis would be fairly straight forward to convert and in a word - FUN.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
My issue with Preatoria and First Ward is - they are completely path locked.

You do this and get this contact - do that and get that contact and you don't get to choose what happens. It is exactly like a first person shooter where you must move in a certain path.

In Paragon City I have many contacts and can do many various things from TF's to normal arcs. In Praetoria I can do one thing - missions chosen for me.

The entire Zone is completely developed wrong. It should have been the Incarnate playground where you can enter and find that in this dimension the Powers of the Well are possible to acquire.

Then you run the Trials to unlock each aspect,.
Then you follow my earlier rules on how to progress with Incarnates.
Then if you return to Paragon you have no extra powers. This makes people WANT to head to Praetoria and start basically a new game.

It is not too late - it would be very easy to revamp Praetoria to become exactly this - look Galaxy City was destroyed and now you could say Cole's use of the Well's power has altered the balance of the Planes. Now you not only fight to save the planet but to save the very fabric of time.

Thiis would be fairly straight forward to convert and in a word - FUN.
That sounds great but do you realize the amount of ******** and moaning that would go on from many of the same people in this thread about an entire zone's worth of content that they can not access because they choose not to take part in the Incarnate Trials? It would be beyond epic. Then if you make it accessible to non-incarnates then what would be the point of the zone?

So pretty much, the developers have to make all content accessible to everyone.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
Thiis would be fairly straight forward to convert and in a word - FUN.
Well, I disagree. While we can quibble over whether they chose the right degree, I like the fact that there's overlap where my new powers work in both the new content and the old content. "Progress" has a very hollow feeling to me if it's attached to a place and not to my character. Separate from all the discussion about what happens when I run TFs or other content under the exemplar rules, when my level 50 IO'd character ventures from Peregrine Island to Atlas Park, they still have the powers of a level 50 with all their IOs. I would have much reduced sense of achievement if I only got to be a level 50 in PI. So too I would not like if I constantly lost my Incarnate powers when I left Praetorea. I think that would suck rocks.

We'll see what they do with future slots. I'm genuinely curious. I honestly do expect some sort of limits, but I'm not sure it makes sense for them to only work in iTrials or other Incarnate content. To part of the point in Sam's recent posts, that content is going to be very limited. I think the devs will shoot themselves in the foot if they give us powers that only work in very limited contexts. Even for most ladder-climbing power gamers, that's not very attractive.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
My issue with Preatoria and First Ward is - they are completely path locked.

You do this and get this contact - do that and get that contact and you don't get to choose what happens. It is exactly like a first person shooter where you must move in a certain path.

In Paragon City I have many contacts and can do many various things from TF's to normal arcs. In Praetoria I can do one thing - missions chosen for me.
Not sure that Praetoria is any different from the rest of the game except that Praetoria contact actually DOES let me choose the outcome is certain places.

If Praetoria seems at all "path locked" compared to Paragon City that's only because Paragon City has more content. I did not get any choices at all in Striga Island, Crotoa, Ouroboros or Cimeroa.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04