Mayan filmmaker offers photo as proof of aliens -




Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
so, years ago (these "monuments" have been known about for quite awhile), the theory was that the features on these monuments were Caucasoid, and that it pointed to western european explorers visiting south america much sooner then previously thought. or that the south americans had encountered western europeans "somewhere". we make pretty hefty assumptions on our historical accuracy even in times when records were not kept, and we do not easily let them go (faster then light particles??? no wayz!!!!). it's quite possible that the cultures that excelled at exploring were doing it much sooner then assumed..... but that would mean someone would have to change a text book or two, and that's just too much work!
This is similar to my line of thought. We really can't be too sure that another civilization in the past didn't come near our technology level. Very little of what we have built would last for tens of thousands of years. Any series of disasters could knock that civilization back to a dark age.

Just because there is technology, that doesn't mean that it has to be alien in origin. People today are not believed to be any more clever than people from way back when. All you really need is free time and a stable food supply to create a stable environment for innovation.



Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
I can totally see why aliens are more interested in our livestock than us. They aren't scientists coming to gather data, they're interstellar food critics.
Earth: Lovely meal, tons of potential but it is no Snarfloo.

by Quar'glargsnop

I recently made a trip to the outer edge of that quaint little galaxy: the Milky Way. And while many of us would consider the MW to be primitive, let me just say they may be on the forefront of the next great intergalactic culinary trend.

Let's start off with the basics. It's a mixed water and terrestrial planet of moderate climates with water in all three forms and carbon based life forms which means only one thing: SURF AND TURF!!! The seafood of it's saltwater oceans was a bit of a mixed bag. While I really enjoyed the vertebrate "fish" especially ones called tuna and snapper, I was a little taken aback by what the Earthlings call "shellfish" or as I like to say: Aunt Grubin'lik and Unkle Arfleloop. Nope, nuh huh. While I've eaten some strange things in my days, I was not about to revert to what seemed like canabalism at the "All you can eat shrimp" at Red Lobster. It's genocide!

Plant life on Earth was plentiful and wildly diverse, but due to my simple stomach I found the fibrous nature of their foods too hard to digest and later learned the term: the Green Apple Quickstep. It's not their fault, so it won't reflect poorly on my review. Glarnokstians, you've been warned. Don't eat the fruit!

But the beauty, the area where Earth absolutely shines is their terrestrial fair. What lovely diversity of walking and flying epicurian treats. I first tried an avian species known as the turkey, named after a country (I believe at least) that ironically doesn't seem to have any of the birds. While if cooked improperly can be dry as cotton; in the right hands can be a very nice vessel for bigger flavors and takes well to a sauce Earthlings call gravy and a form of vegetation known as the Stuffing. (How quaint) Next was a wonderful snout nosed monster known as the pig, or as I like to call: source of bacon. What a glorious beast! All the portions so full of lucious fat and sweet sweet muscle tissues. Grilled, fried, smoked, boiled even raw these things just taste good! If you are ever in the outer branches of the MW, you have to try one of these beasts! Intergalactic tip: find a place they call "The South" and ask for a race of beings they call Red Head/Torso Connectors and ask them for what they call Barbie Queue. Make sure and ask for all the "fixin's" which seems to be their version of Valu'sian Moplotka, without the bitter aftertaste of Yar'platan paprika which is so last millenium anyway. Lastly, I tried what many on the small blue planet consider it's delicacy. A large bovine creature they refer to as the Beef animal. Very tasty and very flavorful. We dissected and sampled these suckers for weeks all over the planet and loved what we found. We were a little disconcerted by the displeasure of a race of Earthlings they called Farmers, who seemed to have a penchant of discharging carbon based explosive weaponry at their diners. And while this may be exciting for the lower based life forms of Planet Earth, it wasn't exactly the type of excitement this Pleiadian was looking for on a night out with the Mrs.

Overall a tasty stop if you are ever in the area. I predict great things in the future for this little blue planet and it's yellow sun. Give the pig or beef a try if your invasions ever take you a few intergalactic units away from the quaint, but primitive destination.

Three stars.

(Oh and one more thing. The beings there don't seem nearly as accepting of probings. You've been warned.)

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



If you think about it, if there are 10,000 Earth-like planets in our local galactic neighborhood, there are probably 1000 or so with life, maybe 50 with intelligent life, and possible three or four with technology on par with ours and an off chance of one with more advanced than ours, and random odds of a percentage point of one with significantly more advanced technology than ours.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
Earth: Mostly harmless



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
Earth: Mostly insane
Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
And fix'd again.



Originally Posted by MentalMaden
Earth: Totally insane
Originally Posted by LordLundar View Post
And fix'd again.
Fix't for better accuracy.