Good Idea; Bad Idea




Bad Idea: Attempting to punch a Dev WITH a Hellion!

Good Idea: Striking Eochai with Ionic Judgement;

Confusion is Lord & Chaos is my Best Friend!! Shall I introduce you??
MArc# 5232 Bastet's Unleashing *a Solo-able arc*
Gae'Atha- lvl 50 Emp/Ele/Psi Def
Sekmet's Fel Blood- lvl 50 Rad/Ther/GW Corr



Bad idea: resting under Eochais foot.

Good Idea: Recalling a friend whose in danger of being defeated.

So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.




Bad Idea: Doing it while standing in the middle of a nasty spawn.

Good Idea: Using a couple of purple insps just before pulling.



Bad Idea: attempting to pull lvl53 while you are lvl15

Good Idea: Learning to play CoH with higher level Friends with your lvl2 scrapper

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Bad Idea: Learning to play CoH with higher level Friends with your lvl2 scrapper by letting them PL you to 50 in AE.

Good Idea: Hosting a player-run Costume Contest in Atlas Park.



Bad Idea: Hosting a player-run Costume Contest in Atlas Park after a Dev has spawned half the AVs in the database ... right under Atlas!

Good Idea: Giving all of your purple recipes to Amerikatt!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Bad Idea: Giving all your Purple recipes to Amerikatt.

Good Idea: Inviting friends to a picnic in a Park.



Bad Idea: Picking a park in Perez

Good Idea: Playing Hellion Golf in Atlas park

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Bad idea: Playing Hellion Golf in Atlas park hitting the wrong balls...and you are level 1.

Good Idea: Using Superior Invisibility and healing team mates out of melee range.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Bad Idea: Using Superior Invisibility, Healing Team mates while Running out of endurance in the mist of level53 Rikiti ambush....

Good Idea: Running around the corner to rest

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Bad Idea: Dualboxing an entirely different game while doing so.

Good Idea: Taking periodic breaks to stretch.



Bad Idea: Taking that break while you're the primary heale0 or Tanker in an active TF.

Good Idea: Being genuinely helpful in the help chat.



Bad Idea: helping someone figure out a way to Break the system

Good idea: Running to grab a drink in between spawns

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Bad idea: Running to grab a drink, in between spawns (depiction of superhero being graphically dismembered while attempting to retrieve a beverage from in between several foes far more powerful than said hero)

Good idea: Having a nice conversation with your friends.

Premium accounts can't edit signatures.



Bad Idea: Having a nice conversation with Reichman.

Good Idea: Asking for help in the help channel.

And am I the only one reading this in that announcer's voice?



Originally Posted by LordLundar View Post
And am I the only one reading this in that announcer's voice?

Bad Idea: Ranting in Help channel.

Good Idea: Using the forums.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Bad Idea: Finding out the person you are helping is a scam artist and a liar and is using you.

Good Idea: Secretly giving a lowbie a valuable enhancement or piece of salvage.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Bad idea: Wearing pandas (RAWR!)

Good idea: Buying new enhancements

Premium accounts can't edit signatures.



Bad Idea: Buying new enhancements without paying attention.

Good Idea: Put a bunch of insps in emails so you can access them during missions.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Bad Idea: Respec-ing when you're already Blue Steel.

Good Idea: Visiting a trainer after reaching a new level.

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan