Any Steampunk themed characters / roleplayers?
I've been wanting to make a steampunk character but I personally just haven't seen many around and feel as though it wouldnt quite mesh with other heroes as much as it would with fellow steampunk RPers. If there happens to be a secret horde of steampunk themed rp characters hiding somewhere i would love to might entice me to get off my lazy butt(figuratively) and finally make one.
I actually was planning on making one, but haven't really seen too many of them around, heroside at least.
There was/is a Steampunk rp group (The Anachronism Society) around awhile ago, but I don't know if they're still active.
I know One Hit Wonder of Cape Radio fame is involved with one.
The Cape Radio forum thread about it is here ->
Join the ranks of The Dawn Patrol!

I've got a steampunk/Victorian character floating around on Virtue as well if you'd like to meet up. You can message me at @sh0kker.
Though not specifically Steampunk, my main villain as of now is certainly of victorian inspiration. If it's Red-Side RP, I'd surely be interested in seeing what could develop.
Of course if you are Blue-Side, then this post is rather pointless. You can email me at @Intrinsic1
Sadly The Anachronism Society doesn't look to be active any longer, but I'll gladly get in touch with the folks posting here for RP contacts.
Also, this'll get me off my rear to roll redside as well, because I'm usually a villainy sort of RPer anyway!
True - the Anachronism Society isn't super active right now because I had to move across country, get a house and start a new job. BUT, once I can actually play from said new house reliably, I'll start kicking it back into activity once again.
Shouldn't be too much longer! Can try contacting me at @Goblin Queen in game.
My Corner of DeviantART
The Queen's Menagerie
i have a steampunk themed alt named the Retrofuturist, but i haven't been playing him much lately. i have a definite concept that will have to wait until issue 21.5 comes out that i will most likely play the heck out of when that happens.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Woo, awesome Goblin_Queen. I'll contact you soon!
So I recently found myself re-attaching the MMO IV drip with CoH going free to play... (Free, haha, tell my credit card that. >.> ) ... and wow if I have not been impressed with the sheer amount of roleplay in this game. I adore it.
While I have rolled up a great number of characters for a great number of playstyles and RP styles, my favorite character so far has been my Steampunk themed blaster, Iron Cornelia. I've seen a number of steampunk characters around, but haven't been fast enough to /info them or toss an RP line at them to see what happens. (And a few at Pocket D, but phew, it's hard to keep up with the RP streaming past there.)
So, anyone got any Steampunk characters, or know any? I'm looking to expand my RP contacts as a whole.