Best Examples of Heroism and Villainy.




I get the feeling that someone did this already. If not then I'm happy to be the person to ask. Which missions would you say make you feel most heroic or most villainous?

@Blaze Moon, Blaze Moon the 2nd

This is where something more interesting than my global and this sentence would be.



Originally Posted by Impervious Fist View Post
I get the feeling that someone did this already. If not then I'm happy to be the person to ask. Which missions would you say make you feel most heroic or most villainous?
heroicne good spider. going deep into enemy territory to save an enemy combatant who experienced a change of heart, and beating down much of recluses b team as well as his "untouchable" arbiters while turning a crowd of rogue islands residents to cheering your name. that was good

villianous. cant think of a specific current one, but pretty much all that weston phipps does.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
heroicne good spider. going deep into enemy territory to save an enemy combatant who experienced a change of heart, and beating down much of recluses b team as well as his "untouchable" arbiters while turning a crowd of rogue islands residents to cheering your name. that was good.
That mission was amazing. I agree with that. Especially considering I don't understand the other hero morality mission.

@Blaze Moon, Blaze Moon the 2nd

This is where something more interesting than my global and this sentence would be.



Vincent Ross' arc is pretty villainous. I specially love the last mission, I won't spoil it, but if you haven't already done so, go do it .



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
If Westin Phipps doesn't fill out the entire top 10 evil ones, then something is wrong
The problem with saying Westin Phipps is the end all to villainy is a rather tricky thing to say. If only because villainy is such a broad concept that can vary even based upon culture and time period.

Villainy can range from almost virtuous to the unspeakable.
And while Westin Phipps is evil without a doubt, it lacks the enterprising spirit of self profit, or just any genuine ambition beyond knocking over aw sand castle.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Sometimes some men just want to see the world burn.



Lol, here comes the spoilers.

I haven't played heroes in 2 years and I don't really give a **** about the "heroism" thing.

However, just off the top of my head, most villainous would probably be;

  • The Psimon Omega mission "Defeat Aurora Borealis and allies" where you assault a Rikti victim hospital and use a temporary power to transform the attack victims into Rikti and then use them as a cannon fodder against Aurora Borealis.
  • The Dimitri Krylov mission "Bring citizens to Vahzilok surgeons", basically you bring civilians to Vahzilok to get tore up, while heroes try to stop you.
  • Peter Themari arc "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge", the arc with Pyriss.
  • 90% of Westin Phipps missions.
  • Mayhem missions, especially when you set a house on fire while the PPD tries to stop you.
  • The alignment mission "Rich people are stupid", in the mission you destroy PPD supplies, kidnap some Japanese philanthropist, demand ransom and in the end you just blow up the building the hostage is standing on anyway.

Derpy Hooves.



Dean MacArthur & Leonard's arcs.

Why? Because they're virtually the only redside content in the game where it feels like *I* am in charge. They're my missions, to benefit me and my contacts are just that, contacts; they're not ordering me around to do their bidding for them and it's not all some grand scheme where I am just a pawn.

That's how you make people feel villainous, by making them feel like they're the ones with the evil plans rather than some mindless lackey who's just following orders.

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