New Inherent for Def, Tan, PB & WS
The fact that Kheldians' inherents only help them on teams is entirely by design; they were introduced back in the days when the development team's attitude was overtly "lolsoloists". Revamping that would require a complete re-evaluation of the archetypes (which might be called for, actually), but is a little outside the scope of this thread.
That said, I quite like your idea for a new Tanker Inherent. I would think you'd want it to be a straight Damage Resistance buff, though; its accumulation would be based mostly on how much you're getting hit, so making it buff Defense would be counterproductive. Maybe mild boosts to regeneration and recovery, too. The more you get hit, the less it hurts, but if you rest, it goes away; and since Tankers put up such lukewarm damage, the tradeoff for that near-invincibility if you're alone or in a small group is that it's going to take you all week to finish everybody off.
As for Defenders, I'm not sure. Again, the whole AT is an artifact of the early dev team's "team up already, jeez" policy. (This can be seen somewhat in the villain ATs - Corruptors are basically just fixed-up Defenders.) A number of Defender primaries aren't even helpful to the Defenders themselves, which has always struck me as more than a little messed up. Maybe their Inherent should just be the ability to buff themselves.
Tankers and Defenders' inherents DO help them solo; Tankers' t1 attacks apply 20% non-stacking resistance debuffs, and Vigilance gives a 30% damage increase while solo.
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

Tankers and Defenders' inherents DO help them solo; Tankers' t1 attacks apply 20% non-stacking resistance debuffs, and Vigilance gives a 30% damage increase while solo.
They've been tweaked already.
As for PBs and WS, they've had powers tweaked this very issue (and a few issues ago, as well.) Build Up is now Inner Light, and lasts longer. Light Form is now perma-able and lets you switch forms. Both also got new powers. Mire was altered for Warshades not long ago to make it even more potent.
As others have said, all of these ATs have been given a recent buff, either to inherent or to their direct powers.
On the otherhand, if I were to make my own suggestions, I think it would go something like this:
Defenders: Boost their solo damage buff to forty and/or give them an inherent bonus to the range on their powers, allowing them to keep at a safe distance for longer. (combine that with the slows or KBs most defender primaries get and it might help them basically snipe off mobs)
Tanker: I'd propose a passive aura similar to Rise to the Challenge, Against All Odds, Invincibility, etc. Only this one does not aggro, and what it does do it provide a minor buff to a Tanker's ability to resist debuffs (regen, res, tohit, etc. Though if this feels broken, one person once proposed it just be cut down to things like Tohit, Damage, and Recharge), say maybe 5% per-enemy around them with a cap of 10 targets.
This wouldn't give the tanker direct survivability or increased damage, but it would let them slug it out against large groups for much longer.
HEATS: Two words: Favored Form. This inherent would actually be one you could respec out of or have a different one for each build. The basic idea being that as a Kheldian, out of all your shapes, certain ones fit you much better.
I have no idea how each inherent would buff each form, whether to fill in weaknesses or bring the strengths to much stronger light, either way, I feel it would add a bit of diversity to the Kheldians who seem rather plainly uniform for a race of aliens with members over 2000 years old and having been at war.
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I'd have to take issue with the idea that a tanker's inherents aren't designed to help him solo. More accurately, any of my tanks--who are primarily soloists--will argue that point with you with conviction.
Kheldians are the only ones in-game who have 'lolsolo' Inherents. And yes, they could really do with a look at.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Kheldians are the only ones in-game who have 'lolsolo' Inherents. And yes, they could really do with a look at.
That being said I solo with my Peacebringer quite offten. No big deal. *shrugs*
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
What I think they should do with Kheldians is add another function to their inherent that works similar to how vigilance does with defenders. Give them a buff equal to say, two teammates of each type when soloing. Then have that decrease for team size, same as vigilance does. It'd give them something to fill in that buff value they're balanced around which currently is a gaping hole while not on a team. But at the same time it wouldn't overpower them on teams.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Tankers have an extra inherent that isn't listed as a seperate power. All the first rank attacks (that the tank MUST take as their level 1 secondary) now have an effect called Bruise that applies a 20% resistance debuff to the target. Kheldians are the only ones that don't get anything at all when soloing.
I've never really seen my Kheldian's team-oriented inherent as a "bad" thing that needed to be fixed. Some of my characters solo better than others - some of them work better on teams than others. I'll pick the character I play with based on the situation. I don't need them (nor would they ever) work equally well in all cases.
That being said I solo with my Peacebringer quite offten. No big deal. *shrugs* |
Now that the Devs have finally and thankfully abandoned that, Defenders and Tankers got their solo-friendly changes.
So, Kheldian's are left out. They are still stuck with an Inherent that does NOTHING outside of teams. They are the only AT that suffers from this. Ergo, it needs fixing.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Yes, but in the past Tanks and Defenders Inherents were 'balanced' around 'People should be doing things in teams'.
Now that the Devs have finally and thankfully abandoned that, Defenders and Tankers got their solo-friendly changes. So, Kheldian's are left out. They are still stuck with an Inherent that does NOTHING outside of teams. They are the only AT that suffers from this. Ergo, it needs fixing. |
Perhaps if you or someone else suggested a very well thought out idea for what you'd change the Khleds' inherent to then the Devs might be more likely to "buy into" the idea that it's something that actually needs to be addressed.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
I understand your reasoning and I certainly would not be against such an improvement sometime in the future. I guess I just don't see it as something that must be fixed as ASAP or "just because" the others were changed. Having an AT that works differently than all the others is not necessarily a "bad" thing.
Perhaps if you or someone else suggested a very well thought out idea for what you'd change the Khleds' inherent to then the Devs might be more likely to "buy into" the idea that it's something that actually needs to be addressed. |
Personally, I'd rather have a constant higher Recovery rate on Kheldians (Not Superior Conditiong from VEATs, that thing is next to negligible...) to compensate for the high endurance cost for low damage return on things like solo PBs and...stuff. I'm no number cruncher; I don't know what would benefit the AT most. But SOMETHING is better than nothing when solo.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Kheldians as a whole have an entire forum with multiple threads detailing (by people better with ideas and numbers than I) many possible and indeed wanted changes to the HEATs.
Personally, I'd rather have a constant higher Recovery rate on Kheldians (Not Superior Conditiong from VEATs, that thing is next to negligible...) to compensate for the high endurance cost for low damage return on things like solo PBs and...stuff. I'm no number cruncher; I don't know what would benefit the AT most. But SOMETHING is better than nothing when solo. |
Like I said before I'm not against this idea (and never have been) but I'm certainly not going to be holding my breath for it either.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Yes, but in the past Tanks and Defenders Inherents were 'balanced' around 'People should be doing things in teams'.
Now that the Devs have finally and thankfully abandoned that, Defenders and Tankers got their solo-friendly changes. So, Kheldian's are left out. They are still stuck with an Inherent that does NOTHING outside of teams. They are the only AT that suffers from this. Ergo, it needs fixing. |
Just because every OTHER AT has a solo friendly Inherent, doesn't mean all ATs should have it. There is such a thing as being unique.

That said, I never thought of the Kheldians Inherent as their biggest problem.
However, I do like the idea of Favored Form.
My thoughts:
Human: Mag 6 Protection to Sleep, Hold, Disorient. They are less likely to have their shields detoggled.
Nova: +Resists. They're more durable in the squishiest of forms.
Drawf: +SPD/+RCH. They're so used to their hulking form they've overcome some of it's drawbacks.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I've been thinking that it might be time to change the Inherent powers of the Defender, Tanker, Peacebringer and Warshade... Why?
Because they're currently the only 4 archetypes in the game, wich have an Inherent power wich only works in teams.
So i think it would be time to change some of thoes Inherent powers, so they could acturly be helpful while running solo.
I'm not quite sure what they should be changed into but i have some suggestions:
Tanker: Impervious, works kinda like fury, but this just increases your Def and Res.
Defender: Same as always, but just instead of having the discount depend on your teammates, just make it a permanent discount.
PB and WS: No idea.
Hope you people will consider this
(O.o )
(> < )
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