New Comics 9/28/2011
Ultimate Comics (All-New) Spider-Man #2
We get our first issue of Miles really starting to discover his new powers. He seems to be a very different sort of character compared to Peter in his early issues, which is a good thing IMO. He lives in a world that's even more fearful and judgemental of mutants or anyone with powers (if that was possible), so he's far more terrified of being a "freak" than curious or excited the way Peter was. It's a different sort of dynamic that should be fun to explore. The only head-scratching part for me is trying to pass off his invisibility as "spider-camoflage" or something. That's a bit of a stretch.
The Flash #1
Good setup of the hero, his powers and the world he inhabits. No real mention of his origin, but we do get a nice, handy summary on the issue's title page. Mystery surrounding a previously unseen friend from Barry's college days and some super-scientific doodad.
Aquaman #1
Another good (re)intro issue. We get snippets of Arthur's backstory and history, as well as excellent examples of his character. And deal with some of the more common jokes and misconceptions about him as well. I like this depiction of Aquaman a lot.
Justice League Dark #1
Picked this up on a whim, but not sure if I'll be sticking with it. The premise is interesting, I suppose, but... I'll give it another issue to impress me. And a cameo by the regular League is somewhat jarring when they haven't really been established yet in their own book.
Fury of Firestorm #1
Another book that I thought was okay, but not sure if I'll be following beyond another issue or so. I get the whole "two very different people forced to confront and overcome their differences in order to work together" concept, but... well, read it yourselves and judge. Story and art are both good, I'm just not certain it's for me.
Green Lantern: New Guardians #1
I got into GL during Kyle's tenure as the only Lantern, so I was looking forward to this book. Got a very well-done retelling of him recieving the ring from Ganthet before we jump to the present, where one ring from each of the different Corps seems to have inexplicably abandoned its previous bearer and sought out Kyle for some reason. Like in Aquaman, there's also some good bits dealing with Kyle not being percieved as the "real" GL by the public, possibly taking a sly jab at the diehard Hal fans who snubbed Kyle back in the day.
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Thank you, thank you, thank you Sho!
I have soooo missed the weekly comic thread for the past....well almost a year now I think.
I'm about halfway through with DCnU this week...
Aquaman = A
The Flash = C+
Voodoo = A/A+
All-Star Western = B/A
I, Vampire = D/D-
The Savage Hawkman = C
Superman = F-----
If you want to know why... all my reviews are here
I don't have a pull list. I didn't even have one back when I still bought comics on a sort-of-regular basis. I think the last series I was collecting a couple of years back was JSA. There was a point when that began to disappoint and I have yet to be exposed to a series since that grabbed my interest enough to purchase it. And even if I found such a series I think I might wait until a collected version came out.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Gotta say All Star Western left me asking myself "why have I never bought a Jonah Hex comic before, because that was awesome."
and Aquaman was fantastic. I've liked the character for a while but this is probably the best I've seen him. Art was good, the subtle facial expression really carried a lot of the humor and it was both fun and funny.
Plus the Trench look just plain nasty. Less "We shall rule the surface world" and more "hey, that looks tasty."
Green Lantern: New Guardians #1
I got into GL during Kyle's tenure as the only Lantern, so I was looking forward to this book. Got a very well-done retelling of him recieving the ring from Ganthet before we jump to the present, where one ring from each of the different Corps seems to have inexplicably abandoned its previous bearer and sought out Kyle for some reason. Like in Aquaman, there's also some good bits dealing with Kyle not being percieved as the "real" GL by the public, possibly taking a sly jab at the diehard Hal fans who snubbed Kyle back in the day. |
Just got round to reading them.
Aquaman was brilliant, especially good at both setting up the character and addressing the whole "He talks to fish and is lame" thing in a genuinely funny way.
Voodoo was just tasteless. It spends most of the book in a strip club and I honestly couldn't have cared less about what was going on if it had tried to turn me off. The characters are flat and uninspiring, the story was slow to get going and the shameless fanservice was really, really shameless. Ugh.
Hawkman is and always will be terrible. Moving on.
I, Vampire wasn't terrible. It wasn't soppy romance and did show off some of the neater vampire powers as well as having a neat enough plot. But.... well it's Vampires. We're all a bit sick of vampires right? I honestly can't fault it as a story. If you like Vampires you'll probably like this. I don't, so I didn't.
Teen Titans looks like it might be good, but it's a bit of a slow start. Robin recruits Wonder Girl (Yay!) and really that's it. It sets up that the Teens are seen as a bit of a pest by the world and that there's yet another shadowy agency out to get people. Seriously there has to be a limit on the number of shadowy agencies are allowed.
I couldn't even finish Superman. I like Superman but this one was all text, text, text, text and I got sick of it. Sorry Supe's this one isn't for me. I liked your Action Comics though, so hey we're not breaking up entirely.
Blackhawks was great! It's a military team but with the goofy, action hero style moves that comics can get away with. I love that kind of thing and so this really hit the spot for me.
That's all I got so far!
Rest of the titles -
Teen Titans = B+
Justice League Dark = D+
GL: New Guardians = C+
Firestorm = B+
Blackhawks = B+
BtDK = B-
Just got round to reading them.
Voodoo was just tasteless. It spends most of the book in a strip club and I honestly couldn't have cared less about what was going on if it had tried to turn me off. The characters are flat and uninspiring, the story was slow to get going and the shameless fanservice was really, really shameless. Ugh. |
As far as Superman... These people have to literally be the dumbest people ever. The one character they choose to pull a Nick Fury on (white guy going to black) is Satan. I mentally facepalmed at that so hard that I would have sent my self flying out of my house from the sheer force of stupidity these people show.
Voodoo was just tasteless. It spends most of the book in a strip club and I honestly couldn't have cared less about what was going on if it had tried to turn me off. The characters are flat and uninspiring, the story was slow to get going and the shameless fanservice was really, really shameless. Ugh. |
you do realize the Character's first origin story and current one is that she was a stripper before her "Call" happens right?
Ummm no. Read the actual dialogue and such. If the characters are flat, that is on you and you having some sort of puritanical sensability. You are projecting you feelings about strippers and the writer/artist who would put strippers on near every page and not paying attention to what is actually going on.
The main character barely says anything during the entire comic. When she does it's to say she doesn't like talking about herself. She is interested in things and wishes to learn but doesn't really go into this. Exciting. The only thing concrete we learn about her we don't learn to the very end and while it does kind of explain why she's not very talkative, we still know pretty much nothing about her motivations by the very end.
The Female agent is your typical tough woman. She's turned off by men acting like idiots and beats up a few when they indulge this hatred. She's a bit lonely. That's all we find out about her.
The Male Agent leers a bit then does something stupid. That's all really.
And... well that's nearly everyone seemingly important. Her friends in the dressing room seem like normal people, which is fine, just not all that interesting.
That's it.
So am I still reading it wrong?
you do realize the Character's first origin story and current one is that she was a stripper before her "Call" happens right?
They could have made it interesting, they just didn't. So all it has going for it is the Fanservice. Of which it has A LOT.
The main character barely says anything during the entire comic. When she does it's to say she doesn't like talking about herself. She is interested in things and wishes to learn but doesn't really go into this. Exciting. The only thing concrete we learn about her we don't learn to the very end and while it does kind of explain why she's not very talkative, we still know pretty much nothing about her motivations by the very end.
The first few pages are set up for the story...
The next few are set up for interaction between the two agents
The next few shows that the female agent can handle her own and NOT BE *****.
The backstage scene is tells us that voodoo has had something happen to her family or doesnt have any and also doesn't baby-sitting signifying that she's not out to kill or anything like that as it would be an easy target but also seems to care that the kid might be put in danger.
In the following scene we learn she wants money for some reason and we also get details that the agents think about her... and are shown that they are right to a degree
We also learn that the two agents are more than colleagues, whether thats friends or lovers is left up in the air.
There are a lot of subtle things in it that you are misinterpretting due to stereotypes or just being blinded by the whole sexualization thing which there is a lot... right down to the fact that the art indicates that the female agent smokes out of an oral fixation.
There are a lot of subtle things in it that you are misinterpretting due to stereotypes or just being blinded by the whole sexualization thing which there is a lot... right down to the fact that the art indicates that the female agent smokes out of an oral fixation.
It's possible you're simply reading too much into this comic. Yes there's a few other things I could mention it hinted at, but really there's just not much to these characters at all. Voodoo is an alien who wants to learn about our race. Fine. And she's also.... oh actually that's it, we learn nothing else about her except she panics and kills stupid Agents who try to blackmail her while she's on top of them giving them a lapdance. When he KNOWS she can read minds and is just an alien taking human form.
It was dumb beyond belief.
The Female Agent outright said they were dating. I didn't mention it because he was kind of dead at the time, so it didn't really seem to matter. Admittedly it's a shift for the male partner to die leaving the female to get revenge, but eh.. he was too stupid to live anyway.
It didn't help that Voodoo has only two expressions. Vacant and Vacant with a slight smile.
No, I'm turned off by the fact it's just a ton of Fanservice and no substance.
Lol, ok, continue with the thread.
Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?
Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?
Well I'd make a terrible comic.
I'm still scratching my head as to why they gave Grifter and Voodoo their own solo series instead of just relaunching WildCATs as a whole in the new DCU?
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
They needed 52 comics to remind people of 52, which was one of their best series to date. Some of the new 52 are clearly filling space and really don't need to be there at all.
Hawkman. Seriously. Who on earth reads Hawkman?
Here's whats hitting selves - courtesy of CBR
What's on YOUR pull list?