Previews of tonights YJ and Batman:TBATB
Looks like Conner is starting to show his feelings. Guessing KF wont be to happy about it.
Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?
Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?
Batman - Okay episode but does start off what will be a reoccurring arc against Equinox.
Young Justice - Excellent episode that shows where super criminals go who aren't insane. Plus the Riddler escapes, somehow. Good thing Connor and Megan aren't siblings in school considering how things are going to go. Nice Xanatos Gambit.
Generator Rex - Okay. Now he has the Shield powerset. Breach is still one of the creepiest bad girls ever on TV.
Ben 10 - Okay.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Of course it was. YJ is made by the guy that made Gargoyles. He invented the Xanatos Gambit!
Young Justice - Excellent episode that shows where super criminals go who aren't insane. Plus the Riddler escapes, somehow. Good thing Connor and Megan aren't siblings in school considering how things are going to go. Nice Xanatos Gambit.

That might have initially been the plan, but they just don't have the luxury of that many episodes to work it out. There are only 7* from after this one left in the series. I haven't seen any of the remainder, but I have doubts about them adequately cleaning that plotline up before the series ends.
Batman - Okay episode but does start off what will be a reoccurring arc against Equinox.
*There are actually 8 episodes that Cartoon Network hasn't aired, but one of them is from last season, and apparently features a BatB take on Birds of Prey. Seeing how dark and even graphic episodes like Inside the Outsiders, Chill of the Night and Emperor Joker were, I'd bet that what's holding that one up is some kind of hint of sexuality.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
They do a song and dance number.
Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"
In which they make veiled comments about the sexual shortcomings of various heroes: "Aquaman's always courageous / His little fish is less outrageous". Ouch.
99458: The Unbearable Being of Lightness
191775: How the Other Half Lives
My Webcomics
Looks like some good stuff tonight!