Fringe returns tonight, 09/23
I like how the series continues to evolve, which is easier when the universe keeps changing.
It's just like Walter to reanimate pigeons. Without Peter I think we are going to see a bit more mad science out of Walter than normal.
Also like the new Lincoln Lee, allowing him to be so different than the other side version.
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Tempus unum hominem manet
Thanks for posting this I totally forgot

I love the show. Thought this episode was ok. I found it a bit frustrating though, because we don't really know whats changed and what is the same. I also looks like they are going to drag this no Peter thing out for a while, which is kind of annoying for me. I liked his character.
The new dynamic between both worlds is interesting to me. I love the whole "I can't trust you, you can't trust me, but we gotta work together" deal. The bridge is also a fascinating concept. If it were real, you couldn't stop me from standing right in the middle, hopping from one side to another going "I'm in my universe, now I'm in yours.".
As for Peter being gone... I don't expect that to last long. Although I do find it interesting trying to notice all the subtle differences in this new timeline.
For example:
-Does Olivia still have her powers? Since Peter is considered dead, I would think that would have stopped Walter from doing all those experiments trying to find a way to the other side.
-Obviously Fauxlivia's kid won't exist.
-I wonder if Walter has his whole brain back. I can't remember the specifics...but I seem to remember Peter being involved in that somehow. Then again, if he did, he wouldn't be crazy-ish and wouldn't have spent all that time in the looney-bin, right?
My God there's so much to this show and it's only Season 4. This really will become my new Lost. lol.
Well Walter still must still have crossed over to cause the crisis over on the other side. Peter died as a boy but it's likely that Walter brought him back but he drowned when they fell through the ice and wasn't saved by the "friendly" Observer.
Walter and Bell's program that experimented on children was to create soldiers on this side for the upcoming war with the other side. That still happen.
Bell carved out some of Walter's brain to prevent him from going too far.
Olivia and Walter still crossed over and Fauxlivia still came back for a while.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
You know I'm wondering if Olivia's not remembering Peter before will have an effect even though she shouldn't remember him now.
Oh and whats up with the one Observer. He went to the effort to make the device to somehow remove the last traces of Peter then couldn't bring himself to use it. I suspect he has gained respect for our Walter and his sacrifice something Walternate never could do.
And anyone think maybe we now have Universe 3 crossing into things? with the new shapeshifters?
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Ah, I had forgotten how much I missed crazy Walter. Good to have him back.
�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne
�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin
I miss Peter already...
I do love this show though, glad it's back.
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The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
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Peter is trapped in the membrane between universes. You know how when you look into a mirror, it seems like there's a whole 'nother universe there? That's where he be.
Shame that Sheppard barely had any screen time. He coulda been a good addition.
I have a level of sympathy for Walter that I don't think I've had for any other character on a show. There's something about a broken mind that is just so...sad. It really bothers me, since I know that it could happen to anyone, including myself.
The premiere was interesting. It's a relaunch of Lincoln Lee, which they went to some pains to have the Watchers point out explicitly. I was sort of disappointed that Fauxlivia didn't at least smirk at meeting an alternate to her Lincoln, but then she treats Olivia as some sort of cosmic joke. It's always been interesting to me that the people on the Other Side have no empathy at all for their analogs. I suppose that's actually realistic, but it always strikes me as some sort of statement about the humanity of the Other Side.
Peter's "bleeding through" is a puzzle. In the previews for next week, we hear Peter saying "Walter, I'm here." It implies that Peter exists on some level and that it's more than just some kind of "bleeding through" of the previous timeline.
I'm still not sure what to make of the Watchers, their goals, or their actions.
Their interference led directly to the fracturing of the universes.
Let's recap:
The Watchers are at most or all of the major events related to the Pattern, which is the outward expression of both the activities of Walter Beta (aka Walternate) and his minions, and the gradual deterioration of the boundaries of the universe itself. Their agenda appears to be both to observe and record history, and to act as curators who "set right what once went wrong" in the timeline of one or both worlds.
Walter Alpha (aka Walter) discovers Beta and concocts devices to open a window and then a door into Beta.
Walter watches Peter Alpha die despite his efforts to find a cure.
Walter watches Walternate attempt the same search for a cure. The Watcher appears, desiring a closer look at a seminal moment in time and he inadvertently disrupts the moment he came to observe. Walter, however, is also observing and unable to stand watching Peter die a second time, he resolves to synthesize the cure himself and take it to Peter Beta (aka, Peter).
The Watchers upbraid their compatriot for disturbing the timeline, but the leader tells him that he will have a chance to set things right.
Walter accidentally loses the formula in the fall on the ice. Rather than turn back, he resolves to bring Peter back to Alpha where he has more of the formula. (The smart thing to do at this point would have been to write it down and hand it to Walternate,but I suppose that Walter can be forgiven for not thinking straight about it.)
The Watcher saves Walter and Peter from drowning in Alpha. This patently does not return things to the situation they would have been in had there been no interference by the Watchers, so "setting things right" appears to mean "insuring that Peter lives".
The Watchers test Walter and determine that he is willing to let Peter pursue his destiny rather than try to save him from it. What they would have done had that not been the case is left undefined.
It's demonstrated that the Watchers appear to be able to traverse time as well as traverse both universes. Why this ability does not let them just undo the original interference is unexplained.
The Watchers appear to care only that Peter enters the machine; not which universe he does it in. The final goal is apparently met when Peter bridges the two universes and consequently for unexplained reasons this re-writes the timeline of both universes and Peter is written out of existence.
It appears implied that the Watchers were responsible for Peter living past childhood in the first place and are satisfied to have him "gone" now that his usefulness is at an end. Re-writing time is a messy business, though, and the Universe apparently prefers a different energy state because it is attempting to reassert Peter into being.
The Watcher associated with Peter over the course of the series is shown to have apparently become attached to him similarly to the one Watcher who gave his life to insure the life of the girl that he had Watched for her entire life. When faced with the duty of erasing the echoes of Peter from the time stream, he chooses instead to do nothing.
None of this really explains anything about what the Watchers originally wanted. Suppose that Walternate had not been distracted - He would have cured Peter himself, and Walter would not have crossed over at that time. Perhaps, he would have crossed over at a later time or Bell would have, with some unknown consequences? We don't know. We only know that the Watchers wanted Peter alive to turn on the machine and use it and they didn't care about how that was accomplished.
Then there's the question of how the machine arrived in both universes, but I think we end up doing some hand-waving there: Essentially, in the past era where the machine came to rest, there was not yet two universes. That is, the idea of branching universes stems from the idea that a decision is made in one universe that goes differently in the other and the two fork away from each other at that decision point. By sending the machine into the far past, it was sent to the "root" of the tree that produced both universes, before they had forked apart.
As far as I can tell, this explains many things without ever actually explaining the central thing - What do the Watchers actually want?
Fringe is back on tonight. We learn something about what happened to Pacey...err...Peter.