How does Stalker handle large group of enemies?
Depending what kind of Stalker you play and their build. But generally, turning down the spawn size is the way to handle large groups of enemies if they're killing you, and cycling attacks till they're all dead is the way you handle them if you can survive their attacks. Common sense really.
But my DM/WP Stalker usually runs at +3 or +4 and x2 or x3. If he has to deal with 5 or more enemies it goes something like:
1. Drop whatever you know you can drop with BU+Assassin's Eclipse.
2. Placate a hard target (like a boss or another Lt).
3. One-shot another target with Midnight grasp.
4. Touch of Fear the one you didn't Placate.
5. Drop another target with a quick attack sequence.
That will leave you with 2 foes, both of which aren't bothering you. At this point, you can finish with your own style/choice. You can Touch of Fear them so they can't fight back, siphon some life from them before melt them, continue to attack as 2 foes aren't much of a threat, wait for Assassin's Eclipse to recharge and queue it just before Hide kicks in, or line them up for Shadow Maul or some AoE attack.
With less than 5 foes, it's child's play. With more, it's a tad tougher unless most of them are minions to which they are merely fodder for a well placed Shadow Maul.
It helps if you build a certain way and capitalize on it. I build my DM/WP for a bit of +def bonuses and lots of +dmg bonuses. It's easy for him to take down strong foes in but a few strokes. So I make the foes harder but fewer.

Without a doubt Stalker can kill a single target mob easily, but I have trouble facing a large group of enemies, especially during farming/tips. Large group as in a group of 5+ or random ambushes in addition to what's standing there.
My Stalker is Dark Melee but I'm talking about Stalker in general. Inability to hide after killing one enemy or during ambush is a pain ![]() |
You are dark melee so your aoe potential is limited. If you are patient, you can lure them to a corner or let them come to you so your Shadow Maul can hit 2-3 targets.
I find it best to kill minions first then lieut. Dark Melee has touch of fear. You can BU + AS a lieut to death and then quickly kill a minion with Grasp. Save placate when next Grasp is recharged on the last minion if you find yourself getting interrupted all the time. Midnight Grasp hits hard enough that you really don't need to wait for Placate + Assassin Strike.
Oh and take a patron aoe attack. A lot of people are using Fireball because it has 100 critical but this means you need to wait until lvl 47.

Other stalkers have more ways.
On my MA/Will, I usually only do +3 or +4 x 1. MA is much better against a small but harder group than a large group.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Without a doubt Stalker can kill a single target mob easily, but I have trouble facing a large group of enemies, especially during farming/tips. Large group as in a group of 5+ or random ambushes in addition to what's standing there.
My Stalker is Dark Melee but I'm talking about Stalker in general. Inability to hide after killing one enemy or during ambush is a pain ![]() |
If you're serious about running against higher numbers of enemies, you'll need to increase your defenses so you can scrap. You won't have the same hit points as a scrapper or a brute, but it's possible to softcap Melee and Ranged defense fairly easy with Ninjitsu (getting the AoE defense too is a little harder). I'm guessing it's also easy to do with Super Reflexes and probably Energy, but I have no experience with those on stalkers.
Dark/Ninjitsu is also nice because it has two heals in addition to the crowd control powers in the secondary. I've run mine (currently at level 43 or so) at +0/x5 with decent success, which usually spawns more than 5 enemies.
I just hit mission complete and wait three days to do it again.
Thx for the suggestions. I will give them a try tonight. My secondary is Electric.
I'm DM/DA. I just scrap it out with Oppressive Gloom running, and timely heals from Dark Consumption and Siphon Life. I run at +3x5, mostly. Before I was a level shifted incarnate, I ran at +1x3.
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My non-incarnate non-softcapped Energy/Energy Stalker can handle either large groups of lower level enemies (say, ten whites) or small groups of higher level enemies (four reds) when solo. I just try to take out toughest enemies first with AS, placate or mez others, and scrap the rest using self-buffs, heals, and inspirations to ease any damage I'm taking. If things start looking suddenly bleak (most when I decide to try ten reds, or a rather nasty enemy group), I hit my tier 9 (Overload), Demonic, or if neither are up, run off to heal up and mop up the rest afterwards.
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Stalkers handle large spawns most easily by letting their AOE-heavy teammates handle minion-sweeping duties. If solo, set difficulty for smaller spawns. If farming, build a proper farmer; there are ways that will take you less than a day to get to 50 and give better results.
with specific defense sets...i personaly just wade into groups and take them on when i need to....sometimes i end up using inspirations as 1 or 2 defense ones....
Only issues i have ever had is that it just takes my Stalkers longer to kill things then say if i play a blaster or scrapper or tanker or brute or controller or soldier......i think they are about as slow as defenders, corruptors, dominators, and kheldians.
Notice how i didnt list Master minds...becasue well...thats just sending minions in to do the work.
But its not too big of an issue thats just the way stalkers play...their powers are just not made to do huge area of effect explosions or some single mostrous attacks that can be chained over and over.....I mean i end up standing there doing chain after chain....not getting anywhere very fast which is fine.....if I am on a team eventualy someone comes and helps.
But thats about how its like versus big groups of enemies....just sit there...concentrate on one enemy at a time....and eventualy you will beat them all down....just takes time.
My best advice for stalkers versus big enemy groups is to make sure you have your cones and area of effect attacks ready...and step back or move a bit so the enemies you fight are all in one spot to make the atatcks more efficient....try not to waste the....that just makes the combat last alot longer.
I'm a little like Leo: I use a big bag of tricks to minimize the number actually attacking. And I usually don't do x8 style groups solo. If I ever have to, I use insps and temp powers as fast as I can click them.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
There's a lot of good advice in this thread.
Aggro management is a big key for successful Stalkers.
I usually run /Nin stalkers, so I have more tools in hand for groups
than some. Caltrops, far and away is the most useful tool for
dealing with large groups, and especially ambushes.
I'm also a big fan of Tp Foe for large groups or two small groups in close
proximity. You can often thin the herd that way, and even if you get them
all aggro'd, you're far enough away to sequence them or simply bail.
Blinding Powder can also be quite effective, and in my case, NB's Divine Avalanche
will let me scrap more than some stalkers too, so I can actually go toe-to-toe
with the riff-raff if need be.
Also, don't underestimate the value of Placate and/or Crits.
In a spawn of 5, at least 2 of them should be dead almost immediately
(the AS'd guy, and a minion with your next biggest normal hitter).
Timing a Placate right often lets you kill #4 and you can scrap #5 while #3 is
placated. That should leave you mano-a-mano with 1 guy in pretty short order.
Another tactic (if things go *really* South) is to take a tactic from the Blaster's
Bible - get on your horse and high-tail it out of there.
That does 3 things:
A> Buys time to heal and re-hide
B> Spreads out the remaining mobs
C> Let's you pick the next ambush spot.
If it's really bad, I'll frequently let them chase me to their tether, and then gank
the tail-end charlie on their way back...
In short, one of the things I like best about playing a Stalker is that YOU are
the one who's calling the shots - orchestrate the battle to suit your strengths.
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
There's a lot of good advice in this thread.
Aggro management is a big key for successful Stalkers. Also, don't underestimate the value of Placate and/or Crits. In a spawn of 5, at least 2 of them should be dead almost immediately (the AS'd guy, and a minion with your next biggest normal hitter). Timing a Placate right often lets you kill #4 and you can scrap #5 while #3 is placated. That should leave you mano-a-mano with 1 guy in pretty short order. Another tactic (if things go *really* South) is to take a tactic from the Blaster's Bible - get on your horse and high-tail it out of there. That does 3 things: A> Buys time to heal and re-hide B> Spreads out the remaining mobs C> Let's you pick the next ambush spot. If it's really bad, I'll frequently let them chase me to their tether, and then gank the tail-end charlie on their way back... ![]() |
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
One Thousand Cuts out of Hide....delicious....
AS out of hide, Cloak of Fear engages, Touch of Fear the LT, Placate another minion, Smite the one just Placated. Then beat the tar out of who's left. Rinse, repeat.
I love Cloak of Fear.
No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Without a doubt Stalker can kill a single target mob easily, but I have trouble facing a large group of enemies, especially during farming/tips. Large group as in a group of 5+ or random ambushes in addition to what's standing there.
My Stalker is Dark Melee but I'm talking about Stalker in general. Inability to hide after killing one enemy or during ambush is a pain