Question about Dark Melee
I kind of think it is, its one of the reasons i like to pair it with /FA or /SD. But if you get mu i think that can really help make up for the lack of AoE (this is what i did on my DM/SR)
Plus, i find DM to be one of the most survivable melee sets out there...being unkillable is fun.
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal
It's a great set but you will find the lack of AoE damage to be annoying. At least I did.
My first 50 brute was dm/wp. He was really good. Until I played WM/SD and SS/FA. Now I almost never play him, primarily due to lack of AoE. He is more survivable than the other two, but I just hate that lack of AoE.
I find that single target is the strong suite for my DM/Invuln scrapper. However, with Soul Drain and Dark Consumption slotted for damage (needed extra E/N defense), Fire Ball and Judgement, I can clear mobs pretty quickly as well as take out the boss at the same time. I do use Dark Consumption as an attack however.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
If you don't mind lining up cones, consider DM/WP/Leviathan. There's three good sized cones in that set. I personally took Spirit Shark (ST ranged), Arctic Breath, and Bile Spray. I hop around a lot to line things up, but that just increases my survivability more; things that are in melee range will usually run up to you to punch you more, rather than pulling out a gun to shoot you from a distance, meaning that they spend less time attacking.
You'll certainly feel the lack of AoE, but honestly if you take Taunt and line up your cones DM is certainly in the less boring category with better balanced damage from multi-mobs to bosses (imo).
(Maul, Sands of Mu, epic cones)
I went DM/Elec so I could have a bit of AoE going on at least, and Mu's a good set to round it out aoe-wise if you have none at all like WP.
Roderick's idea for sharks is solid too if you're a fan of cone attacks. I know I am and boy can you dish out the pain if you line stuff up.
So long as you take Taunt, you'll protect your team and still do solid damage as DM/WP.
Check out the guide in my sig for DM info.
Some tips:
-Become a wizard with Shadow Maul. Line up correctly and you can pinwheel about 4 guys into the floor.
-Smite is your friend. Use it often, use it happily.
-Soul Mastery. Soul Mastery. Soul Mastery. Gloom. GLOOOOOOM.
-Soul Drain. Midnight Grasp > Smite > Siphon Life > Smite > Gloom > Smite > Repeat.
-Slot Touch of Fear with Accurate ToHit Debuff for some nice bonuses and a beefy tohit debuff that'll make even the wiliest of bosses whiff their big hits.
-Siphon Life is your friend. Siphon Life is your best pal. Siphon Life hits like a TRAIN. Six slot that bad boy; 5 Crushing Impact and 1 Heal IO (or an accurate heal if you want). Willpower with a Heal is fantastic.
-Don't kill minions first; use Soul Drain and feed the power you get to the bosses and lieutenants first.
Again, check my guide for some info and strategy.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

I'm thinking about making a DM/WP brute but have a concern. I am used to playing sets with good AoE, do you find the lack of one in DM to be a detriment in solo/team play? I know I can get one from PPP, but that's 40+ levels in.