How many having issues with new launcher?




I'm curious. I know I resent being forced to use this launcher; I don't like that it runs all the time in the background, I've had to reboot a lot, and my brother so far hasn't been able to get the thing to work at all, and he's a Windows engineer! (ok, ok, so he's not been working on it for long). I am hearing a lot of feedback that this is giving a lot of people problems. So, can we show the devs how many are having problems? I for one have been here since just after game debut, and am wondering if maybe the game's not worth the bother at this point. And I LOVE this game. But I'm not a computer person, and if it's going to cause all kinds of problems with my system, I just won't be able to keep the game.



Unfortunately, there's nothing the devs can do about this. This was an order handed down from their parent company, NCSoft--all NCSoft published games must use the same launcher.

Posting any issues you are having with it, including reproduceable steps and the Hijack This! and CoH Helper logs of your computer, will enable people to assist you in getting everything working together and happy.

As for this bit...

I don't like that it runs all the time in the background
... you can go into the File->Settings menu and tell it to automatically shut off after the game has launched. You can also right-click on the different game installations and create shortcuts to directly launch that game, meaning once you get set up you never really have to put your hands on the launcher at all if you so choose.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



You can fix that it runs in the background. See Hyperstrike's guide on configuring the launcher/updater.

They gave players plenty of time to adapt, five months and they even had a carrot to encourage players to switch.

One of the reasons they gave people five months was to find those who have problems getting the new updater installed and get the info on those systems to the NCSoft devs who developed it so they could figure out why and give them time to fix it, while still giving those who have problems with the new updater a way to still play this game until the fix was made.

In short you all could have helped yourself in the long run if you adopted early and worked with support to get it to work instead of ignoring the problem and hoped their pronouncement of ending support for the old updater wasn't already a done deal. But now it's to late. Instead of trying to help make a better more robust updater you all stuck your collective fingers in your ears and went LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!

Sorry that I'm a little harsh but it's like being told about an impending flood and are told to evacuate and then complain when water starts coming in under your door.

The old updater is dead and gone. It's not coming back. If that means you can't play this game anymore, so be it, sorry to see you go. But if you still want to play work with support to figure out why it doesn't work.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



I'm having issues with the new updater. Everytime I try to run city of heroes it get this error "Value was either too large or too small for an Int32." I've tried to reinstall the new updater and I tried the repair option. Nothing I do gets this piece of crap to work properly. Haven't been able to play the game since the old launcher was removed. Any idea on how to fix this so I can actually play the game once again?



Let's see. Your sig says you are running XP Home Edition with not much RAM.

What Service Pack is installed?

Have you installed the .Net Framework and MSXML that are required for the NCLauncher?

Have you followed the steps in the Knowledge Base article about resolving problems with the Launcher?

Have you filed a support ticket?

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I've only got one issue with the new launcher, and to be honest, I'm not sure if its a real issue or just my imagination.

With the old launcher, I could start to download a patch and if it was interrupted for any reason, the program would 'verify' what had already been downloaded the next time I started the game, and start the download from that point. Since I travel a bunch and play COH from my hotel room, it was nice to be able to start a download, halt it when I checked out, and pick up where it left off the next time I had connectivity.

The new launcher keeps wanting to start the download over from scratch each time its interrupted.

I took a several-years break in the game and was using the old launcher when I returned...had a LOT of updates to download. I upgraded to the new launcher shortly after and just noticed this 'do-over' approach recently. So could just be my faulty memory.

But its annoying it can't pick up where it left off. Almost all other programs can do that.



Being a dial-up user I routinely shut down and restart the launcher for an update (why or why did we get two 170+MB patches in a row?) and it has pick up where it left off. Been using it since we were asked to start in March.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
You can fix that it runs in the background. See Hyperstrike's guide on configuring the launcher/updater.

They gave players plenty of time to adapt, five months and they even had a carrot to encourage players to switch.

One of the reasons they gave people five months was to find those who have problems getting the new updater installed and get the info on those systems to the NCSoft devs who developed it so they could figure out why and give them time to fix it, while still giving those who have problems with the new updater a way to still play this game until the fix was made.

In short you all could have helped yourself in the long run if you adopted early and worked with support to get it to work instead of ignoring the problem and hoped their pronouncement of ending support for the old updater wasn't already a done deal. But now it's to late. Instead of trying to help make a better more robust updater you all stuck your collective fingers in your ears and went LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!

Sorry that I'm a little harsh but it's like being told about an impending flood and are told to evacuate and then complain when water starts coming in under your door.

The old updater is dead and gone. It's not coming back. If that means you can't play this game anymore, so be it, sorry to see you go. But if you still want to play work with support to figure out why it doesn't work.
Amen Father, I have no sympathy for those who choose to ignore either. I've read several easy to figure out guides myself, I may know quite a bit about computers, but I still learned something new from them.



I actually have 2 gigs of ram now. I've done everything I can that you suggested and what all the other threads said to do. No matter what I keep getting the same error over and over again. In my launcher I have Guild Wars with a green dot next to it, but CoH and CoH Test both have red dots. Not really sure what that means, but I know I can't use either of them for some reason. It's looking more and more like I'll never be able to play CoH ever again thanks to the new launcher. Not really sure what else I can do.



The red dot means that either your game is not up-to-date or that the Launcher could not determine what the latest version of the game is and cannot determine if your game is up-to-date.

Have you tried contacting Tech Support?

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