Post youre desinges for titanic weopons.




I just though that it would be cool to see what the people think that titanic weapons should look like.

(Disclaimer: Please not that by posting here your relinquishing all rights and privileges to NCSOFT for the possibility of use in the City of Heros game. (Never happen but we can dream.))

Note: I'll have one of mine up later.

Edit: Corecred tital speling. :P

Edit: I said corrected spelling not grammar.

Edit: Sorry this took so long I got distracted by something shiny.



Deliberate misspelling of 3 out of 6 words in the title?



well, apparently in the pc gamer article a staff is mentioned. if we can get appropriate animations for a staff, they should be fudge-able for a scythe, if we get one of them an alt is born, and i doubt she will be alone. other than that, a giant two handed hammer like in fable would be agreeable maybe with cogs at the front and back of it and a steampunkish brass vibe. also, i'm REALLY hoping for a chainsaw. might not work out, but witha modified handle like a hedge trimmer to accomidate the grip, a chainsaw would be amazing for a brute, maybe do it like in madworld with the two blades side by side.



A slightly battered steel I-beam.

A huge hammer consisting of a tree trunk with a boulder lashed to the end.

A huge hammer consisting of a thick metal bar with a chunk of concrete chained to the end.

Something that looks like a ripped out hunk of machinery spitting sparks from short circuits.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Edit: Corecred tital speling. :P
*reads OP again*
*double facepalm*
Y'know, these posts make me think of this video.

Anyway, you're a bit late to the party. People have already posted their suggestions for designs in the original City Life - CoH & CoV General Discussions thread about the Titan Weapons.

Still, the more the merrier, eh?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Edit: Corecred tital speling. :P
No you didn't.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
*reads OP again*
*double facepalm*
Y'know, these posts make me think of this video.

Anyway, you're a bit late to the party. People have already posted their suggestions for designs in the original City Life - CoH & CoV General Discussions thread about the Titan Weapons.

Still, the more the merrier, eh?
Along with a lot of other tangents. I was hoping for a simple chain of postings depicting or describing our ideas with little or no deviations from topic... Silly me.
I wonder if there's a way to delete the errata.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
No you didn't.
Actually, it's this.