Quickest path to Kheldians?
Much appreciated, Neo.
If you can't get PL'ed by a fire farmer, roll a dark defender, run PuG missions, and bump up the difficulty a notch. Should get to 20 by the end of the weekend.
Would I have to start the character in Paragon or could I roll a Defender or Controller in Praetoria and just select Hero at the end?
Darn, I was afraid of that. Thanks for the reply though

I didn't know people WANTED to be in Praetoria :P. Just kidding, Praetoria has some great story, graphics, and is a refreshing change from the standard 1-20 content (especially villian side :/), I just know that I end up soloing a lot of my lower level toons, and I find the zones have some frustrating missions if you are not a brute/tank/scrapper... Perhaps that is just because I am used to those ATs more than others...
Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.
There are some missions on the AE where you could get to 20 in a matter of hours solo.
Oddly, my friend and I have found those areas quite frustrating on our Brute/Scrapper team. Granted, they're not nearly as frustrated as our Blaster/Corruptor team is...
Depending on the build.
There are some missions on the AE where you could get to 20 in a matter of hours solo.
I guess I misunderstood the wanting to stay in Praetoria as not wanting to farm AE, but the want to stay in Praetoria was not actually mentioned by the OP. Sorry to put my opinion in a spot that didn't make sense (in my defense it was 4am), and congratulations on getting your Kheld up and running! Have fun!

Well, if the OP is only trying to get the hero Epics unlocked, the fastest way is a claws/fire brute in AE fire farms. You get spin at lvl 6 and pretty much easy mode after that. Level 20 comes very quickly.
As corny as this quote is, its not about the destination, its the journey. If I could get to level 20 in a couple of hours solo, and have solid content, I would be all for it. I have NO desire to sit there and kill wave after wave of mindless, poorly crafted enemies. Show me an arc with a fun story, fun enemies, and an enjoyable set of maps that I can get to 20 in a couple of hours with, and you might have my attention. I am in no hurry to get to 50 (or any other level), I just want to enjoy my play time. The challenges of Praetoria are worth the little bit of extra time, since getting to 20 doesn't take that long, even without farming.
Well, if the OP is only trying to get the hero Epics unlocked, the fastest way is a claws/fire brute in AE fire farms. You get spin at lvl 6 and pretty much easy mode after that. Level 20 comes very quickly.
A Claws/Fire scrapper could do the same thing, but with the lower damage cap, would benefit less from eating a pile of inspirations before entering the mission.
Well, if the OP is only trying to get the hero Epics unlocked, the fastest way is a claws/fire brute in AE fire farms. You get spin at lvl 6 and pretty much easy mode after that. Level 20 comes very quickly.
Besides, maybe the OP wants to run the challenging awesome content on his PB or WS. |
This was indeed the case. And thanks to the helpful posts of those in this thread, I am now floating around Paragon as a tentacled squid - learning why not to engage people with Quantum Arrays (answer: oh god the pain).
Congrats on your Kheldian. If you chose a Warshade I strongly recommend you learn how to be MFing from level 1 all the way to 50.
This was indeed the case. And thanks to the helpful posts of those in this thread, I am now floating around Paragon as a tentacled squid - learning why not to engage people with Quantum Arrays (answer: oh god the pain).
I prefer a policy of "Hit them first and hard." (And remember, they were nerfed some time back.)
Absolute fastest way to get to 20: get PLed or run AE farms and you'll be there in a few hours.
Fastest fun way to get to 20: make a Fire/Mental Blaster (massive early level AoE power) and team a lot. Farms are boring... you can hit level 7 or so in no time on a good sewer team then either run Hollows missions (if you find a group doing them) or radio missions to 15. Then do a Positron TF and the Faultline stuff and maybe a few radios and you're there... should only take a few days and you won't be staring at the same stupid enemies on the same stupid map for hours.
EDIT: Never mind, I see you already got there. Have fun squidding around and be sure to get that Kheld to 50 before trying a VEAT and realizing how much better those are.
Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name
The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636
Congrats on your Kheldian. If you chose a Warshade I strongly recommend you learn how to be MFing from level 1 all the way to 50.
I picked warshade so I shouldn't be too bad compared to the VEATs! (though they look very interesting as well. There's been talk of my group making an all VEAT team at some point).
This is perhaps a taboo question, but...
I've recently come back to CoH after a long time of absence - new account and all - thanks to some particularly persuasive friends. This lead to lots of trying the new Praetorian content (new for me anyway!) – great stuff as far as I’m concerned. However, upon getting a couple of Praetorians up and out into Paragon, I realised they didn’t unlock the Kheldian archetypes…!
In the light of wanting to mess around with a Kheldian, what would be the fastest way to go from 1-20 as a hero character? I ask because I’m quite fond of my two mains at the moment and don’t particularly want to pick up and spend a lot of time with another hero (which would be made doubly painful without a regular group – as me and my friends would be more likely to play our current characters).
Does anyone have any advice or tricks?