Looking Forward with certain sets
Trick Arrow needs some love, but FF and Sonic don't. I think Liquefy should be on a shorter timer and that's about it.
Too many people like the sets as they are - they get to use their secondary set more often or be able to grab pool powers that they might want more, and having skippable powers helps in that situation.
There are ALOT of skippable powers in FF, that is very true, and I agree it would be nice if it had additional effects that would make them worthwhile, but like I said there might be quite a few people that prefer FF so they can blast more often.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

So with the upcoming balance adjustments to various sets, I started thinking about what else might need some looking at. So putting on my armchair designer hat, I came up with a list of sets that are underperformers compared to others of the type. Narrowing the list down to a few, for discussion purposes, Ive got; Trick Arrow, Force Fields, Sonic Resonance.
In my opinion these sets suffer from similar issues. Sonic and Force Fields are designed to do two things well with some extra things that dont really expand their utility thrown in every so often. Force Fields buffs defense and provides knock-based control in high levels. The problem is, when these things arent needed, Force Field players provide nothing else. In a Melee heavy team, Knock based protection is a hindrance more than a help, and in large group, multi-team situations stacking defense only goes so far. In fact, a single FF defender can cap a teams defense severely hampering the stackablility of another FF on the same team. Also in situations where knock would be valuable mitigation due to the overwhelming power of an enemy (AV) it doesnt actually work reliably. Once you hit those breakpoints Force Fields players become a tagalongs and not teammates. The fix seems fairly simple in my opinion. Add something else for the Force Fields player to use that improves its ability to stack in team situations as well as its versatility of effect in situations where the two things it does arent viable or needed. The target is Repulsion Bomb. A modification to this power, adding a scale 1 defense and resistance debuff and a scale 2.5 regen debuff, would vastly improve the versatility of what the set is able to do when assisting teams and its ability to stack on teams. The name might need to be changed to fit thematically, something like Disruption Bomb but that's a minor thing. Sonic has a similar issue. It is meant to buff and debuff resistance to higher levels than other sets. However there are certain issues with that. First half of its power is only available on teams. Second they can only allow it to debuff resistance so much else it becomes just too strong. Despite that, the level of resistance debuff it gets isnt high enough to justify it only attacking one area of the enemys defenses, which really hurts it when much of that power isnt available solo. Additionally, due to the way resistance works, Sonic suffers from being less balanced when facing high resistance foes, causing it to lag behind. Sonic does -45% resist to a single enemy affected by both sonic siphon and Disruption field and -22.5% in an AoE around an ally only (So only -22.5% is available to a Sonic when theres no allies and that just happens to be its AoE debuff). Storm, Trick arrow, dark, and cold follow up with -30% in AoE form, that is not dependant on having a teammate and also debuffs defense. Radiation and thermal can both match Sonics -22.5% in an AoE form to boot while also debuffing regen and defense, and Traps debuff at -20% but is up for a minute and is AoE and debuffs defense. This wouldnt be so much a problem, so long as Sonics buff capacity were high enough, but its not. Thermal has two shields identical to Sonics and trades its AoE resistance buff for an AoE heal. Thermal also possesses mez protection, and still manages to debuff more areas than Sonic. When you look at all the powers, including T9, thermal debuffs resistance by -22.5, defense by -20, regen by -500%, Damage by 50%, and maintains comparable mitigation capability. Sonic debuffs resistance by -22.5% ST solo and -45% in a team with that team-only -22.5% being AoE, and -25% defense and tohit in AoE. What I think needs to be done for sonic, is to add -22.5% damage debuff and -200% regen debuff to the three debuff powers; Sonic Siphon, Disruption Field, and Liquefy. Also, half of the regen debuff in Sonic Siphon should stack, and maybe some of the damage debuff. This would allow sonic to compete against the versatility of the other sets, while sticking to its strengths. Against high resistance enemies, it would still struggle, but it would have regen to assist in taking those enemies down. Against everything else it would have a damage (that also follows the high resistance weakness), improving sonics ability to keep the team alive even further. It would still have the Solo/team dichotomy, but thats acceptable when the solo debuffs do more. As for Trick Arrow, the issues I see with it are, that it pays way too much endurance for what it does and does too little out of fear of stacking. Taking a look at disruption arrow vs, Tar Patch you see they both have the same 25 radius, but Tar patch slows as well as debuffing resistance twice as much, yet tar patch costs 7.8 end while disruption arrow costs 14.6. Also, they both have the same uptime, but Disruption arrow has lower recharge and duration making it cost even more end/sec. Suggestion (corruptor values): Reduce the endurance on Disruption arrow to 7.8, and up the resistance to -30% and add a -15% damage debuff. Increase the radius on acid arrow to 15, and reduce the endurance cost on OSA to 10.4. What do you think, does this sound about right with regard to what the issues are with these sets? Are these suggestions viable and acceptable fixes for the problems that face these sets? |
Force fields just needs something to increase damage some kind of way. As for sonic it needs a heal because thermals is currently superior to this set in terms of keeping a team alive.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Trick Arrow needs some love, but FF and Sonic don't. I think Liquefy should be on a shorter timer and that's about it.
Too many people like the sets as they are - they get to use their secondary set more often or be able to grab pool powers that they might want more, and having skippable powers helps in that situation. There are ALOT of skippable powers in FF, that is very true, and I agree it would be nice if it had additional effects that would make them worthwhile, but like I said there might be quite a few people that prefer FF so they can blast more often. |
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

I'd like Sonic to get something shiny. Possibly new. A buff to the set? Eh, it probably doesn't need it, to be honest.
I haven't seen many people run with Sonic, so I'd like to set to be more attractive, but not necessarily outright buffed or reworked or whatnot. I'd call it a tweak, but that's just me.
I'd like to see Super Reflexes have Quickness replaced with Energize, and have the +Recharge taunt aura that Energy Aura is getting applied to Evasion.
But that's just me. >_>
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
I think you've got a few blind spots. I won't argue with some tweaks, but just a few standouts here to consider:
Once you hit those breakpoints Force Fields players become a tagalongs and not teammates.
If so, they're still teammates. If not, they're leeches regardless.
Sonic has a similar issue. It is meant to buff and debuff resistance to higher levels than other sets. However there are certain issues with that. First half of its power is only available on teams. |
Thermal also possesses mez protection, |
and still manages to debuff more areas than Sonic. |
Sonic, I'm debuffing from level 1. Thermal, I have to hit 38 before I'm affecting resistance (letting me hit harder,) and 35 before I have any debuffs at all. My solo build for my Dark/Thermal? One power from Thermal for most of her "career."
Thermal gets a power that does -dmg, -end, -recovery -regen, then an AOE that does -def and -res. Sonic, meanwhile, gets powers that give you a +res (and more for teammates) - so, functionally, -dmg for the target. Nothing for end or recovery, but given you're hitting more with several -res effects, you *can* look at it as diminishing the value of their regen. And liquefy adds a -def to the mix. (Plus -tohit, knockdown and hold.) So, frankly, it doesn't really look like Thermal's doing all that much more debuffing. It debuffs one or two different areas, but not anywhere near as early or consistently as sonic does.
Honestly - and this is a general statement - it feels like so many people just want to homogenize everything with threads like this. Give us all sets that are 99% the same in values and effects, just with different effects. Blah. Boring.
Honestly - and this is a general statement - it feels like so many people just want to homogenize everything with threads like this. Give us all sets that are 99% the same in values and effects, just with different effects. Blah. Boring.
Also, i think they should buff EvilRyu. Its like, every post he completely misses. Buff his ToHit or something >_>

Honestly - and this is a general statement - it feels like so many people just want to homogenize everything with threads like this. Give us all sets that are 99% the same in values and effects, just with different effects. Blah. Boring.
Having actual different builds and different styles is one of the appealing things about CoX. It keeps you playing.
The sets mentioned in this thread probably do need some buffs, but I really fear what some of the suggestions would turn them into. An exaggeration but: TA becomes heal arrow, poison gas arrow (with extra effects), accelerate teammates arrow, disruption arrow (with extra effects), resurrecting arrow, glue arrow (with extra effects), quiver of choking dust, avenge teammate arrow, EMP arrow. There we go

"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator
Trick Arrow needs some love, but FF and Sonic don't. I think Liquefy should be on a shorter timer and that's about it.
Too many people like the sets as they are - they get to use their secondary set more often or be able to grab pool powers that they might want more, and having skippable powers helps in that situation. There are ALOT of skippable powers in FF, that is very true, and I agree it would be nice if it had additional effects that would make them worthwhile, but like I said there might be quite a few people that prefer FF so they can blast more often. |
And while people can look past the issue and just have go with it, they shouldn't have to. Player's should have both their primary and secondary available to help the team. This isn't a player crafted senario where they skip all the powers in the set. When you put two FF users on a team, the second provides little to no benefit from it's FF powers. That's not how it should be. Enemies existing such as Quartz's being a weakness, that's ok. Being the second of two teamates with the same powerset being a weakness? Not ok.
Sorry but PoS arrow set is still PoS no matter how much gold you try to polish it with. Its going to suck until they combine alot of those arrows into a power and give it some kind of heal or an unresistable tohit debuff thats worth a damn. This set should have only gone to blasters because thats really how it plays it does not do enough for the team in the time it takes to fire all those arrows the stuff is either dead from other stuff or the team is dead.
Force fields just needs something to increase damage some kind of way. As for sonic it needs a heal because thermals is currently superior to this set in terms of keeping a team alive. |
Why add a heal to sonic? What good does it do to bring sonic closer to thermal's playstyle instead of making it more debuff focused with it's own style?
Looking at what you said for TA, why does everything need a heal? The various powers in TA are tools, why do you have to fire them all on one group? Make the individual arrows more useful, and they will always have something available for a mob. A boss heavy spawn? OSA and Acid, whereas a regular group might only need disruption and Acid arrows. Making the powers more potent also means, when it's needed and they do use all their powers on an enemy, they debuff more than other sets. With my suggestion, they's drop tohit by 5% (enhanceable and unresistable), damage by 35% resistance by 45% and defense by 20% in 4.62 seconds (not counting Flash arrow as that doesn't notify mobs). I have no idea how that could be considered anything but reasonable. Add in an OSA every so often for an additional 25% defense debuff and kd or damage patch.
Do they use their secondary (or, in the case of a controller, primary?)
If so, they're still teammates. If not, they're leeches regardless. |
Added to that, ATs are balanced with both sets in mind. I have no problem letting people tag along. I hate doing it myself it's not fun for me, but having someone on a team that's not doing as much as they could but still having fun, is golden. As long as their having fun, and not hurting other player's fun, because fun > everything. However despite that, FFs find themselves in situations, often beyond their control, where their secondary is no longer needed. My hope isn't to change them into something else, but to give them a moderate debuff, that can be a bread and butter type power as much as the defense buff powers. All to fufill the goal of increasing their ability to stack in high defense situations.
By the way, the level of debuff I was thinking was (Controller mods) -7.5% resist, -10% def, and -250% regen.
You're ignoring primary (or, again, controller=secondary) again. Especially post-32, where the controller can use their pet(s) as targets for a debuff, to shield them, etc. (Same with FF, though yes, there's less benefit.)

... but much later in the set.
Sonic, I'm debuffing from level 1. Thermal, I have to hit 38 before I'm affecting resistance (letting me hit harder,) and 35 before I have any debuffs at all. My solo build for my Dark/Thermal? One power from Thermal for most of her "career." Thermal gets a power that does -dmg, -end, -recovery -regen, then an AOE that does -def and -res. Sonic, meanwhile, gets powers that give you a +res (and more for teammates) - so, functionally, -dmg for the target. Nothing for end or recovery, but given you're hitting more with several -res effects, you *can* look at it as diminishing the value of their regen. And liquefy adds a -def to the mix. (Plus -tohit, knockdown and hold.) So, frankly, it doesn't really look like Thermal's doing all that much more debuffing. It debuffs one or two different areas, but not anywhere near as early or consistently as sonic does. |
I also don't think it's acceptable for one set to become so much better than another just because it happens at later levels. I understand there are late bloomers out there, but they usually bloom into their own playstyle and not into another set's, blowing them away.
Starting both thermal and sonic at 15% resistance for the team only. A side by side:
-PBAoE (includes self) heal 117.8 (enhanceable) every 8 seconds for 13end
-ST (Ally only) heal 230.9 (enhanceable) every 4 seconds for 13end
-Ally rez (Ally only) nuke level damage, boss level stun, High mag KB
-ST (Ally only) Mez protection with cold and slow resistance
-ST (Ally only) +20% tohit +40% damage, out of the box perma with the ability to use at least 3 more times on SOs before the first wears off
-ST -50% damage, -500% regen, -28.6% end, -200% recovery with a 64% uptime on SO's
-AoE -20% def, -22.5% res, with a 51% uptime on SOs
-ST -22.5 res available every 16s base or 9.6s SO capped
-ST intangable
-AoE (ally only) -22.5 res
-AoE (includes self) 11.3 resist (enhanceable) -6.92 held/stun/immob prot
-AoE (ally only) KB toggle with variable end cost
-ST (ally only) Mez protection with perception buff
-AoE -25 def, -25 tohit, -20% rech, mag2 hold 4.5s (enhanceable), 3% chance for KD on a .2s pulse, with a 19% uptime on SOs
Numbers from mids and redtomax. Now, I don't think it's acceptable to say a person should pick a different set if they don't want to be worse. But I also think changes shouldn't be made that change what a set is at it's root. That's why I suggested the changes I did. Add in a -200% regen debuff ST, and another -200 ally only, with a third -200 on a 19% uptime, and it looks closer. Added to that a -22.5 percent damage debuff at the same intervals, and it becomes (imho) a better debuff set, that didn't change it's gameplay at all. Thermal can be better at buffs with some debuffs. Different sets for different people. Without liquefy, all Sonic debuffs is resistance. In standard builds it's up less than half the uptime either of thermal's powers are, and in high end builds, both thermals powers can be pushed to 100% uptime with sonic getting 36% uptime in my perma-PA build (yes I know that's not the balance point, just showing that in both standard and high end gameplay thermal has the advantage)
Honestly - and this is a general statement - it feels like so many people just want to homogenize everything with threads like this. Give us all sets that are 99% the same in values and effects, just with different effects. Blah. Boring.

Non-targeted statement: That was my biggest goal. If I failed on that goal, could someone explain. What would be preferable changes, and how do my suggestions either homogenize the sets or not address the issue (or both)?
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
I think you've got a few blind spots. I won't argue with some tweaks, but just a few standouts here to consider:
Do they use their secondary (or, in the case of a controller, primary?) If so, they're still teammates. If not, they're leeches regardless. |
You're ignoring primary (or, again, controller=secondary) again. Especially post-32, where the controller can use their pet(s) as targets for a debuff, to shield them, etc. (Same with FF, though yes, there's less benefit.) |
Sonic, I'm debuffing from level 1. Thermal, I have to hit 38 before I'm affecting resistance (letting me hit harder,) and 35 before I have any debuffs at all. My solo build for my Dark/Thermal? One power from Thermal for most of her "career." |
Honestly - and this is a general statement - it feels like so many people just want to homogenize everything with threads like this. Give us all sets that are 99% the same in values and effects, just with different effects. Blah. Boring. |
Everybody has a primary and a secondary, having one doesn't automatically compensate for the other not pulling its weight.

It doesn't compensate, as you say - but it *can't be ignored,* and in quite a few of these arguments it certainly seems to be.
For instance, "Why bring another force fielder?" (or, to quote W_V's statement, ", a cold would put you over the soft cap and bring debuffs." - yeah, well, so does the defender's primary....)
Well, argument 1 is that they're protecting each other.
Two? They're putting you past the softcap, yes, but that means less degradation against tougher enemies and/or wiggle room vs debuffs.
And argument 3 is that they're doing different things with whatever paired set they have. FF/Sonic Defender and Earth/FF controller - Earth providing control and -def, Sonic providing -res and more damage than the controller.
You don't *just* bring a force fielder, you bring a complete character. (Which is part of what I find just... amazing as a disconnect on the boards - on the one hand, taking a powerset in isolation, on the other a solid stance that statements like "Stop blasting and just heal!" are so *wrong.*)
Now, this also isn't discounting that some combinations - well, stink on ice. And yes, having run it to 50, I put ill/sonic in there. I hated that character by the time I was done - only the epic pools made it worth playing, IMHO. (Of course, part of that is the dislike of Illusion, too. Only set I can grudgingly say I can deal with pairing it with is TA.)
You are pointing out the flaw in your own argument there was less benefit before, now compounding with the primary there is even less benefit. This is supposed to compensate ? |
Its about balance. If you are underperforming in one way it needs to be compensated for in another way. |
It's when the set underperforms in *all* situations that it has to be looked at on its own - thus giving us things like Electric Armor and Energy Aura getting heals added in. I don't think, for the sake of this discussion, that FF or Sonic are in anywhere near the same situation to be seen as "underperforming" or "problematic."
Kind of see where I'm coming from? (It's almost a relief talking about Peacebringers and Warshades - there's no "possible mix of powersets," only a choice of forms - or not - and powers.)
I should also add (@W_V) that I have no issue with the idea of tweaking numbers or adding debuffs to the sets, any more than I did with turning Conserve Power to Energize. As long as it's done thoughtfully (versus some of the "I don't use/like it, so obviously nobody does, so just outright replace X power with one that makes spaghetti!" or whatever.) Which at brief glance yours appear to be - but I don't chase numbers, typically. (saying that while looking at my avatar....)
Plus, to answer a question:
That's a fair enough point, but let me ask you this. If defender was not using it's secondary in favor of using only it's primary would you consider it a detriment to the team? Lets use an Emp "Healer" for example. If they decided to ignore their blasts and only buff would they be more a detriment to the team than one that used both it's primary and secondary. What I'm saying is that there's the potential situation outside player control that manufactures this problem for FF users. I'm not blaming them, but to me if I'm in a situation where the entirety of my character, primary and secondary, is not benefiting the team then I'm tagging along. I'll toss blasts like no other and listen to the Wooo whooo whooo woo of my buffs, but I'm not doing for the team the way I should. Addressing the issues that craft those senarios outside player control is my goal. And it may just be my viewpoint of the situation, but I definitely don't mean anything bad about players put in that situation. |
As far as the general case? I cannot give a definite answer to "If they ignored their blasts and only buffed." Are we looking at a team taking a great deal of damage with that emp? In that case, heal, fort up when available, watch for anyone needing CM, and I can understand not using their blasts. Are we talking about a team that's steamrolling yet that emp is just putting the tank on follow and "rockin' the aura?" Well... while possibly not a *detriment* to the team, they're not being a benefit, certainly. It *really* depends on the character and the situation - and sometimes that can be fixed with some gently worded slotting suggestions in a tell. (Rad defender not blasting because of END problems with their toggles, for instance.)
And as far as feeling like you're "not doing for the team the way you should," as long as you're reasonably active and trying... who cares? You, obviously, and I think it's a good attitude to have, to a point - but you also have to remember we're playing COH, here, not Left4Dead. There's not a screen at the end saying "Teammates healed - William_Valance, 3! Enemies killed... ooh, you're second last with 31 out of 5000!" There are *very* few times I've ever felt like I wasn't contributing to a team - and the case is usually something like "The lone brute on a team with five masterminds... in a set of council caves, because I can't get past the damn pets!"
Wheres the statement that they are going to be balancing sets? Anything in particular they are talking about?
Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?
Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?
i like trick arrow, it's fun, and different, but if someone wants to buff it, i won't complain
i solo way too much to get anything out of FF or Sonic, which sucks, because, thematically speaking, i love sonics as super powers. but i can't get a corr or a def going with SRes, too many team dependent powers. That being said, "oh well", that's what the sets were designed for, plenty of buff debuff sets in this game and others that are focused on teammates and not yourself. so i don't use them, why is this so hard for folks to grasp? at what point do we realize that we have become way too self centered a society, when we expect people to change everything to meat our whims? hey OP, maybe you should go spend some time with your mommy, just so you can get your "center of the universe" fix in, and stop trying to change everything else around you to suit your needs.
and, good rule of thumb; if you are on the other side of an argument from EvilRyu, you can pretty much assume you are on the side of sanity.
Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.
screw your joke, i want "FREEM"
I tend to be slow on the news...what adjustments? Can you share a link so I can understand/catch up?
Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers
Link to the news on energy aura revamps http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=265044
And /Poison is getting looked at too, but I think that was announced on a Ustream so I don't have a link to that one, but the proposed changes are in the MM forums.
EA is getting a taunt aura with a scaling recharge bonus, the heal in energy drain is being replaced with a defense buff, and conserve power is getting the energize treatment.
And as far as feeling like you're "not doing for the team the way you should," as long as you're reasonably active and trying... who cares? You, obviously, and I think it's a good attitude to have, to a point - but you also have to remember we're playing COH, here, not Left4Dead. There's not a screen at the end saying "Teammates healed - William_Valance, 3! Enemies killed... ooh, you're second last with 31 out of 5000!" There are *very* few times I've ever felt like I wasn't contributing to a team - and the case is usually something like "The lone brute on a team with five masterminds... in a set of council caves, because I can't get past the damn pets!"
When I run missions though, I want to destroy things. I team when I want a big light show, I don't when I wan't to try stupid stuff or achieve a specific goal. When I team, I expect nothing from the others on the team, except that they have fun. If they're not, there's a problem. We could be doing and ITF and they could be off with Sonic repulsion playing Cimerorian bowling for all I care, I'll solo the thing, have fun, and enjoy the fact that they're having fun. However, if a situation completely beyond my control made it so that one of the set's I chose at character creation was no longer helpful to the team, (Not counting stuff like quartz's because that's a gameplay weakness not a design limitation) I'd no longer be having fun and start getting frustrated. See my thoughts on masterminds and praet zone events.
And what I'm talking about isn't a weakness of the set, so much as a weakness in design. Like I've said a few times, I'm not considering stuff like quartz's. They are a weakness of the set. However, defense only stacks to a point before becoming unneeded. FFs brings defense and knock based control. Nothing else. In high defense situations all a FF user has is knock based control, and that can be...an issue. Adding an effect that better allows FF users to stack in high defense situations, so a FF user can always count on their primary and secondary unless they manufacture the situation, is the goal with the FF suggestion I made.
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
Everybody has a primary and a secondary, having one doesn't automatically compensate for the other not pulling its weight.
Having a part of your powers not working to full effect is not only common for other ATs and set combos, it's a staple of comic book plot. When foes have ridiculous ToHit buffs, those defense armors aren't going fare well..almost as if they have very little armor. Foes will have resistances to mezzes, making controls difficult or impossible to use. They will have resistances that negate debuffs...so on and so forth.
What the goal, IMO, when making a character should be is either focusing on a speciality or making a character that is a generalist, capable of two or more applicable abilities. A specialist will do one thing well at the expense of doing anything else badly. A generalist will just do several things at moderate ability (or great ability with significant disadvantages attached).
You can make your Sonic Resonance character and specialize your abilities, picking up other resist debuffs, damage and what not, or you can generalize your abilities, picking up ToHit debuffs, controls and means to slow the foes attacks.
If one of your power types is compromised, then it's up to you how to approach it, either leaning more heavily on that type of power to attempt to overcome the difficult situation, or change tactics and rely on something else.
Both situations have their advantages but both also run into the situation of failing because the tools they bring won't completely win the fight.
For me, it's probably the suggestions not being all that thematic for the set. I have no problem adding to a set, especially if it better conveys the theme of the set. Nothing in FF or Sonic screams -regen or -dmg to me. I wouldn't mind adding to the set, but not for the pure sake of "make it perform like these other sets in this situation". If you're going to add capabilities, let it do something thematic. I'd honestly rather keep TA the same as it is vs jamming a heal arrow into it, for example.

For me, it's probably the suggestions not being all that thematic for the set. I have no problem adding to a set, especially if it better conveys the theme of the set. Nothing in FF or Sonic screams -regen or -dmg to me. I wouldn't mind adding to the set, but not for the pure sake of "make it perform like these sets in this situation". If you're going to add capabilities, let it do something thematic. I'd honestly rather keep TA the same as it is vs jamming a heal arrow into it, for example. |
But for FF and sonic getting the debuffs I suggested, I could totally see a Meta, capable of manipulating sonic vibrations, using those vibrations to hamper an enemy's ability to recover from injury, and even further using the same vibrations that weaken enemies to damage to Disrupt their ability to cause damage.
And for FFs, that's why I said it might need it's name changed to Disruption bomb. A FF that attacks at the molecular level disrupting the enemy's ability to deflect and absorb damage as well as temporaraly hampering it's ability to recover from damage. Such an attack could leave an enemy disoriented, and enemies might find themselves knocked down from the force of the attack.
What do you think might fit the theme better?
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
You can explain away alot of stuff. But with the theme of the set currently? Not so much...but then I was always against giving Electric and Energy Armor heals because they really didn't quite convey that theme. But I can explain those away with the character specific themes:
Elec Armor: The guy is a meta-cat transformed into part human. His ability to control the powers imbued in him form from his simple-mindedness. He does what he's told and, even in fits of rage, he can simply 'forget' he's injured which puts more faith in the power bound to him. All he has to do is roar in anger and his body will be re-energized.
Energy Aura: Well, he's a werewolf/were-cerberus. He primarily feeds on, not blood, but bloodlust. The act of killing and bleeding his foes gives him power by taking away their energy and vitality.
Eh, both lean heavily on the fact that they are 'Brutes' and they 'keep going' for some reason (rage, bloodlust, determination, etc.).
For FF and Sonic...well, FF is about shields, barriers and deflecting things. So give it powers that do that. Sonic is about disturbing atomic structures to make them unstable (I guess...that's what actual sonic resonance does to shatter wine glasses and such) so something like that.
As for Trick Arrow...I have suggested, in the past, to let you do 'tricks' with your arrows. Just like you can combine Oil Slick Arrow with fire/energy to make that fiery patch. Would be cool if Ice Arrow was changed to Crystalline Arrow and if you shoot it with light (energy or psionics), it creates a blinding flash that could stun nearby foes of the frozen target...stuff like that.

Well, if we're talking rebalancing sets, someone definitely needs to have a look at Energy Melee.
Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?
Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?
Sonic Resonance is sub-par. It just has to be said. I would never stop a person from playing it for thematic reasons but the set is underwhelming on the 4 ATs that can access it, when they could pick Thermal instead. That PITA debuff ring power with the same -Resistance as every set doesn't help things, nor do the out of the control endurance costs or lack of -Regen or mile-wide vulnerability to Psi damage.
Sonic Resonance is sub-par. It just has to be said. I would never stop a person from playing it for thematic reasons but the set is underwhelming on the 4 ATs that can access it, when they could pick Thermal instead. That PITA debuff ring power with the same -Resistance as every set doesn't help things, nor do the out of the control endurance costs or lack of -Regen or mile-wide vulnerability to Psi damage.
I don't see an issue with a Psi Hole, or the fact some of it's debuff is ally only. Every set needs weaknesses, and it's not at all uncommon for a Buff/debuff set to have powers that require an ally.
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
I don't see any thematic issues against Sonic doing -dam. Vibrations capable of weakening armor can also weaken muscles and the like. Hell, it'd seem thematically questionable to me if those kinds of vibrations didn't do more than just -res. That always seemed like a rather specific debuff to have exclusively on Sonic (the blast set is fine because it does damage anyway).
-Regen, on the other hand, is definitely more questionable to me.
So with the upcoming balance adjustments to various sets, I started thinking about what else might need some looking at. So putting on my armchair designer hat, I came up with a list of sets that are underperformers compared to others of the type. Narrowing the list down to a few, for discussion purposes, Ive got; Trick Arrow, Force Fields, Sonic Resonance.
In my opinion these sets suffer from similar issues. Sonic and Force Fields are designed to do two things well with some extra things that dont really expand their utility thrown in every so often. Force Fields buffs defense and provides knock-based control in high levels. The problem is, when these things arent needed, Force Field players provide nothing else.
In a Melee heavy team, Knock based protection is a hindrance more than a help, and in large group, multi-team situations stacking defense only goes so far. In fact, a single FF defender can cap a teams defense severely hampering the stackablility of another FF on the same team. Also in situations where knock would be valuable mitigation due to the overwhelming power of an enemy (AV) it doesnt actually work reliably. Once you hit those breakpoints Force Fields players become a tagalongs and not teammates.
The fix seems fairly simple in my opinion. Add something else for the Force Fields player to use that improves its ability to stack in team situations as well as its versatility of effect in situations where the two things it does arent viable or needed. The target is Repulsion Bomb. A modification to this power, adding a scale 1 defense and resistance debuff and a scale 2.5 regen debuff, would vastly improve the versatility of what the set is able to do when assisting teams and its ability to stack on teams. The name might need to be changed to fit thematically, something like Disruption Bomb but that's a minor thing.
Sonic has a similar issue. It is meant to buff and debuff resistance to higher levels than other sets. However there are certain issues with that. First half of its power is only available on teams. Second they can only allow it to debuff resistance so much else it becomes just too strong. Despite that, the level of resistance debuff it gets isnt high enough to justify it only attacking one area of the enemys defenses, which really hurts it when much of that power isnt available solo. Additionally, due to the way resistance works, Sonic suffers from being less balanced when facing high resistance foes, causing it to lag behind. Sonic does -45% resist to a single enemy affected by both sonic siphon and Disruption field and -22.5% in an AoE around an ally only (So only -22.5% is available to a Sonic when theres no allies and that just happens to be its AoE debuff). Storm, Trick arrow, dark, and cold follow up with -30% in AoE form, that is not dependant on having a teammate and also debuffs defense. Radiation and thermal can both match Sonics -22.5% in an AoE form to boot while also debuffing regen and defense, and Traps debuff at -20% but is up for a minute and is AoE and debuffs defense.
This wouldnt be so much a problem, so long as Sonics buff capacity were high enough, but its not. Thermal has two shields identical to Sonics and trades its AoE resistance buff for an AoE heal. Thermal also possesses mez protection, and still manages to debuff more areas than Sonic. When you look at all the powers, including T9, thermal debuffs resistance by -22.5, defense by -20, regen by -500%, Damage by 50%, and maintains comparable mitigation capability. Sonic debuffs resistance by -22.5% ST solo and -45% in a team with that team-only -22.5% being AoE, and -25% defense and tohit in AoE.
What I think needs to be done for sonic, is to add -22.5% damage debuff and -200% regen debuff to the three debuff powers; Sonic Siphon, Disruption Field, and Liquefy. Also, half of the regen debuff in Sonic Siphon should stack, and maybe some of the damage debuff. This would allow sonic to compete against the versatility of the other sets, while sticking to its strengths. Against high resistance enemies, it would still struggle, but it would have regen to assist in taking those enemies down. Against everything else it would have a damage (that also follows the high resistance weakness), improving sonics ability to keep the team alive even further. It would still have the Solo/team dichotomy, but thats acceptable when the solo debuffs do more.
As for Trick Arrow, the issues I see with it are, that it pays way too much endurance for what it does and does too little out of fear of stacking. Taking a look at disruption arrow vs, Tar Patch you see they both have the same 25 radius, but Tar patch slows as well as debuffing resistance twice as much, yet tar patch costs 7.8 end while disruption arrow costs 14.6. Also, they both have the same uptime, but Disruption arrow has lower recharge and duration making it cost even more end/sec.
Suggestion (corruptor values): Reduce the endurance on Disruption arrow to 7.8, and up the resistance to -30% and add a -15% damage debuff. Increase the radius on acid arrow to 15, and reduce the endurance cost on OSA to 10.4.
What do you think, does this sound about right with regard to what the issues are with these sets? Are these suggestions viable and acceptable fixes for the problems that face these sets?
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.