Reasonable Requests




I've been pretty down on the game, its developers, and NCSoft marketing due to my frustrations with the incarnate system.

However, it's terribly unfair to characterize any of the above as anything less than excellent when it comes to creating a great game. More often than not, they listen to the players and demonstrate that they care about the playerbase's concerns.

With that in mind, I'd like to suggest some things that should not cause a lot of contention or, hopefully trolling:

- Tourist Alignment Supergroups

Currently, Supergroups must be either hero alignment, allowing Heroes and Vigilantes to join, or villain alignment, allowing Villains and Rogues to join. Each one can only have teleporters to the hero or villainous zones. I'd love to see supergroups that were on the vigilante alignment, allowing vigilantes and villains to join and rogue alignment, allowing Rogues and Heroes to join. Currently, the big balance between being on a 'Tourist' alignment and being a pure alignment is access to content versus alignment rewards. A few extra teleporters in 'tourist' bases, accessible only to people who can visit those zones anyway doesn't initially seem like a significant modification to that balance.

Another request in the same vein would be:

- Coalitions Between Adjacent-faction Supergroups

This would allow a hero supergroup to make a coalition with Rogue and Vigilante supergroups, but not with a Villainous supergroup. Again, any services in the base not available to a given player, such as teleporters to restricted zones, would still be unavailable.

- A F2P Server Channel for when 'Freedom' hits.

Currently, a lot of triallers end up using the /help channel to look for groups since it's the only semi-global channel they can access. My understanding (and I'm perfectly willing to be corrected on more current info) is that this is going to be the same when 'Freedom' drops. Instead, I'd like to suggest opening a 'F2P' channel so that /help can remain helpful and both F2P and VIP players can recruit for teams on a channel designed for it. Those who weren't interested could simply ignore it like they currently do the /help channel.

- Aliases for commands and chat channels

I'm not part of the 'Mouse is unnecessary' faction, but when chatting, I do tend to have more errors when I switch back and forth between the mouse and keyboard to change channels. Keybinding channel access causes me more mistells than using the mouse, however, so I stick to using it to switch channels. This is especially true when the keybinded command causes a channel name to scroll off the side of the display.

I'd love an intermediate step where you could alias your own slash commands. Something like the following would be very cool:

/alias bdg "send BadgeChannel"

This would allow you to type '/bdg' to chat in the channel of your choice the same way /g allows you to chat in teams and /lc allows you to chat in League Chat. The visual representation on the screen would still give you the confirmation to avoid mistells-- or at least it would for me.

Since commands are already limited by the functionality of the '$$' operator to avoid easy macroing or botting, this doesn't immediately seem like it would cause any harm in that direction.

- Place All Window Toggles in the Main Menu

I've complained before that the UI is growing very cluttered. There are a few suggestions for helping players to deal with this on their own, such as creating macro buttons for toggling certain windows or editing the Quick Chat menu to include macros for opening and closing those windows.

However, it seems like the ideal solution for this issue would be to list all the window toggles that are not already in the main menu there. If necessary, create a submenu like:

Menu -> Windows -> Incarnate Abilities
Menu -> Windows -> Salvage
Menu -> Windows -> Recipes

Thank you for your great work and effort on the game, Paragon and NCSoft. I hope you continue to create a great experience.



I have said before... and will continue saying... the way around the whole Super or Villain group problem is to have groups sponsored by Vanguard. Vanguard currently works with both heroes AND villains so there would be no reason not to provide small private bases to their operatives.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



As I understand it, the reason behind not allowing cross-side bases is mostly technical - the system makes an assumption that every character is a Hero or Villain, and this assumption is tightly woven into the base system.

IE, from the base system's perspective, there are no "rogues" or "vigilantes", just "villains" or "heroes" with an extra tag that means nothing. And that changing this requires throwing out the entire base system and starting again from scratch.

Not impossible, but not something that will happen except as part of a major upgrade to the system.



As much as I like the idea....before half way sgs, we need a way to send offline sg invites to specif toons, so people can invite their own alts to solo sgs. It is completely crazy that you can't do that yet. long would that take?



I don't like a sg that has mix of Villains and Heroes, I rather keep a sg Hero only thing and VG for Villain Only, keeps with the lore and the theme of the game. Like games like this and other MMo like with trolls, Humans and elves we have two side waging War one side either good or bad or both, what i am saying is if there two side waging war then mixing them together would be a bad Idea.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
As much as I like the idea....before half way sgs, we need a way to send offline sg invites to specif toons, so people can invite their own alts to solo sgs. It is completely crazy that you can't do that yet. long would that take?
I might actually make a personal SG and enjoy some base building if I could do that (with the number of alts that I have and all).

As for the OP, I only have one thing to mention. Well, two. First, your avatar bugs me the wrong way. It's just... nevermind.
Second, I agree. Err, support? Whatever.



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
I don't like a sg that has mix of Villains and Heroes, I rather keep a sg Hero only thing and VG for Villain Only, keeps with the lore and the theme of the game. Like games like this and other MMo like with trolls, Humans and elves we have two side waging War one side either good or bad or both, what i am saying is if there two side waging war then mixing them together would be a bad Idea.
If I am understanding this correctly... and it is hard to... you are against Hero/Villain SGs because trolls and elves are waging war on humans.

But seriously, I think Steelclaw has the answer. Simply retcon the existence of bases as an allottment of "space" by Vanguard to their various operatives. This would be a good time to simply remove the problem of only one contact on each side that is in charge of SGs and make the contact exist in the RWZ DPOs as well as one in the actual RWZ Vanguard base. And since Vanguard works with both sides, all SGs would be co-op. Win win, IMO.



I'd rather not see Heroes and Villain SGs.

However, I would be okay with the whole Heroes/Vigilante/Rogue and Villain/Rogue/Vigilante SGs.

Basically allow the Rogues/Vigilantes join any SG. Heroes trying to redeem a Rogue. Villains trying to corrupt a Vigilante.

Makes sense.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
If I am understanding this correctly... and it is hard to... you are against Hero/Villain SGs because trolls and elves are waging war on humans.
Nothing to add to this thread other than to say that this made me laugh so hard that I'd like to order it on a bumper sticker. That is all.

Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)



Originally Posted by Lily Inverse View Post
As I understand it, the reason behind not allowing cross-side bases is mostly technical - the system makes an assumption that every character is a Hero or Villain, and this assumption is tightly woven into the base system.

IE, from the base system's perspective, there are no "rogues" or "vigilantes", just "villains" or "heroes" with an extra tag that means nothing. And that changing this requires throwing out the entire base system and starting again from scratch.

Not impossible, but not something that will happen except as part of a major upgrade to the system.
I don't know if that's true, but i *do* know that there were coalitions made up of red and blue SGs when CoV launched, meaning that Vills could visit the Hero bases in their coalitions (permissions allowing, of course) with out being on a team.

They changed the code so that red/blue coalitions could no longer be made....but I dunno if that means that none still exist from back then.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
As much as I like the idea....before half way sgs, we need a way to send offline sg invites to specif toons, so people can invite their own alts to solo sgs. It is completely crazy that you can't do that yet. long would that take?
When I re-sub'd I was surprised that this had not been done BUT emailing enhancements had. I'd have lost the bet on that one

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04