What is the formula for how rech reduction works?




I suck with mids, so does anyone know how to calculate the recharge time of a power based on ed cap, alpha slot, and IO bonuses?



Original recharge time / (1 + any bonuses)

where any bonuses can come from enhancements, set bonuses, etc (expressed as a decimal percentage)

ED cap for recharge is ~95%, for alpha slot when at the ED cap add the bonus of the slot times however much bypasses ED

Example: Foot Stomp's base recharge is 20 seconds. Slot it to ED cap, apply Spiritual Core Paragon (45% recharge, 2/3 of which bypasses ED)

20 / (1 + 0.95 + 45*(2/3)) = 8.88 seconds

Not sure how doing the math manually is easier than using Mids' but whatever floats yer boat.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Note that's "bonus expressed as a decimal." So 95% = 0.95, 30% = 0.3, etc.

10 second recharge w/ 95% bonus:
10 / (1.95) = 5.13

8 second recharge w/ 30% bonus:
8 / 1.3 = 6.15



E = Total Recharge enhancement except for Alpha
A = Alpha slot Recharge
p = Percentage of Alpha enhancement that is affected by ED
G = Global Recharge bonus total
T = Base Recharge time
T' = Final Recharge time

T' = T / (1 + G + E + A) .: (E + Ap) <= 0.7

T' = T / (1 + G + E + A - 0.1(E + Ap - 0.7)) .: 0.7 < (E + Ap) <= 0.9

T' = T / (1 + G + E + A - 0.02 - 0.3(E + Ap - 0.9)) .: 0.9 < (E + Ap) <= 1

T' = T / (1 + G + E + A - 0.05 - 0.85(E + Ap - 1)) .: (E + Ap) > 1

The clause after the three dots determines which equation is appropriate for the given segment of the ED curve.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



My advice is most definitely to learn to use Mids. It's far, far easier than calculating ED by hand.



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
The clause after the three dots determines which equation is appropriate for the given segment of the ED curve.
Yeah, ED will throw a monkey wrench in the works. Basically, you don't get all the recharge you slot, and more than about 3 recharge IOs (about 95% recharge) get nerfed hard. So realistically 95% recharge is about all you can slot into a power, no matter how hard you try.

However, global recharge is NOT affected by ED, so it just adds right in without any limits, and some % of Alpha slot recharge is not affected by ED also, so it also just adds right in.

"Learn to use Mids" is a valid answer, but some folks are good at visualizing numbers and forumlas, and having the actual equations at hand can be an aid to using an "automagic" program like Mids. It's down to personal preference I guess. I personally also like to understand the underlying equations, because that knowledge helps me tweak Mids to get it to do what I want.



I know mids is pretty good if I wasnt too lazy to figure it out. I just typically build my characters on the fly instead of planning out every detail. I just needed the recharge equation to decide if actually planning out my set bonuses would be worth the effort.

To get the recharge I need I would have to rethink my whole character, so Im not ready for mids yet :P



Well with Mids you can slot and see the results right on the fly.

For instance, if you slot a set into one power, Mids will AUTOMATICALLY apply any bonuses to any and all applicable powers and stats. So you slot one power with, say, a purple set. Look at another power: BAM, its recharge and accuracy have already been adjusted. There's realy nothing to "figure out".

Also with Mids, its only slightly more complicated than doing a character respec. If you can do that, you can use Mids.


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Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Also, some handy numbers to keep in mind:

  • ED capped recharge with no global bonus = recharges in about half the normal time.
  • Hasten plus modest global recharge (or high global recharge w/o Hasten) + ED capped recharge = recharges in about a third the normal time.
  • Perma-Hasten (around 130% global recharge) plus ED capped recharge = recharges in about a quarter the normal time.
  • Absurdly high recharge (perma-Hasten + perma-AM + Very Rare Spiritual + well over 100% global recharge) = recharges in around 22% normal time.
In general it's not too hard to get recharge down to around 40% normal, takes a decent investment and probably some build sacrifices top get to 25-30% normal, and takes a fortune and massive sacrifices to get much under 25%... which is why about about the only time people do it is to get perma-PA on Illusion Controllers or perma-AM. Any time you see a build requiring a power to be up in a quarter or so of its base recharge you can pretty much assume that build has a large price tag on it.

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