Ways to Keep Galaxy City Clean




With the newest community event on the horizon... here are some ways we can keep Galaxy City clean..

* Make sure not too many players go there... oh... wait...

* Duct tape Steelclaw's mouth before letting him off the train.

* Give Synapse an apron and a feather duster.

* All spandex costumes will now be switched out for costumes made entirely of Swiffer pads.

* All Technology based heroes now must pass minimum Emissions testing... think about it.

* Gravity Controllers and Dominators MUST pick up after themselves after using Propel.

* Radiation Emission characters must wear lead lined suits at all times.

* Use of the Steampunk Clunker aura will result in a minimum 50 influence per stain fine.

* Sister Psyche, Swan, Miss Liberty and Mirror Spirit to hold a "Wash Your Power Armor Inside and Out" charity event for technology heroes. (this sort of makes up for the Emissions Testing)

* Become a sponsor in our new Lysol Spray a Vahzilok drive!

* Zig prisoners will soon be involved in a community service program to keep Paragon's statues clean. The kick-off for this project will be the "Help Shave Galaxy Girl's Legs" event to remove bird droppings and other built up refuse.

* Psychic heroes are invited to "reprogram" a clockwork into picking up trash rather than scavenging metal.

* For two weeks after the start of the event, technology heroes failing their Emissions Testing will be given coupons to get 40% off fixing the problem by the inclusion/insertion of our Ultra-Green Emissions Mufflers.

* Original List Item Deleted: This event was removed from the list as it was realized that the Kraken resides primarily in Perez Park. Besides, many KGCC council members believed the "Give the Kraken a Sponge Bath" concept was flawed to begin with.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
* Original List Item Deleted: This event was removed from the list as it was realized that the Kraken resides primarily in Perez Park. Besides, many KGCC council members believed the "Give the Kraken a Sponge Bath" concept was flawed to begin with.
This committee obviously doesn't play on Virtue server.



* Please turn in all trash collected to Azuria for "storage" in the M.A.G.I. Vault, from which it can be promptly stolen by Villains.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
* Please turn in all trash collected to Azuria for "storage" in the M.A.G.I. Vault, from which it can be promptly stolen by Villains.
No wonder why stealing from it has so little impact on redside story.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
* Please turn in all trash collected to Azuria for "storage" in the M.A.G.I. Vault, from which it can be promptly stolen by Villains.
We prefer to call it "Recycling"...

I say we nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be clean.
No, no... we don't have an orbiting zone yet... all Nukes come from Warburg until further notice.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



During the clean up Galaxy city zone event all villains get a New Temp Power: The Warnukeuliser.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Geneticaly engineered wombles.



Galaxy City becoming a trash-strewn eyesore? Villains will take it as a new zone. We need more zones, anyways. It's even cleaner than Nerva!




Dang twitter feeds and Atlas Scouts need to leave GC alone. Sure, it might be scruffy, but it is home. Every universe from the old Prime to today's Freedom, my people(s) have started there, started careers there, and pay the rent there.

Dang pretty costume types are always sticking their overcolored, three hundred dollar haircut, over-cultured noses into a *real* descent cityscape that regular Joes and Janes work in every day.

It's a cultural war, I say, one of rich socialites taking upon themselves as a "rich man's burden" to try and be haughty over the real Paragons that make this city hum. Next thing you know, they'll be putting limits on how tall you can build skyscrapers in Steel Canyon, or speed limits in Skyway.

Just you wait; soon you'll see speed limit signs, where none have been before (in any zone).

Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



Originally Posted by Antares_NA View Post
Galaxy City becoming a trash-strewn eyesore? Villains will take it as a new zone. We need more zones, anyways. It's even cleaner than Nerva!
One of my suggestions ages ago for a Zone revamp made Galaxy City into a hero AND villain starting zone. (It'd be two separate instances, with villains encountering costumed NPC heroes, and heroes encountering costumed NPC villains rather than PvP).

The idea was that some of the Arachnos flyers from the tutorial crash land in Galaxy. Villain missions focus on avoiding capture, holding off the enemy, and profiting a bit from the all-around chaos. Hero missions involve containing the damage, arresting as many as possible, and pursuing escapees. Heroes, obviously, complete the zone by containing the damage, whereas villains eventually make their way to an underground submarine chamber to head off to Port Oakes.

Not saying they'd take that path, but I'd LOVE to see Galaxy city become a sort of hero-and-villain alternate starting zone.